How to Overcome the Devil (With Greg Laurie)

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hey everybody i have a message for you with the title how to overcome the devil so i'd like you to grab your bible because we're going to have a bible study in the book of revelation turn to revelation chapter 11. again my title is how to overcome the devil well spring is here and that means summer is right around the corner some of you may be planning summer hopefully it'll be a better summer than last summer and we'll be able to do some of the things we are wanting to do before but wouldn't it be nice if the devil took a vacation you know maybe take summer off go someplace really hot like hell well the devil never takes a day off by the way i heard a story about a man living in chicago it was very cold and he decided to go on vacation with his wife down to florida so he went ahead and she was going to join him the next day after his plane landed he got to his hotel room and he sent a text to his wife here's the problem she had just changed her phone number so he got one number wrong in his text the text did not go to his wife it went instead to an elderly pastor's wife whose husband had just died she read the text on her phone let out a huge shriek and feign it her family came running in to see what was wrong and they looked at her phone and here was the text she received dearest wife just arrived looking forward to your arrival tomorrow p.s it sure is hot down here well i wish the devil took some time out but he never does he doesn't take a month off he doesn't take a week off he doesn't take a day off he doesn't even take an hour off the bible says he's restless roaming about like a lion looking some for someone to devour so here's my question for you have you ever been overcome by the devil in other words do you find yourself being held captive to a sin and it gets you again and again and again and you wonder can i ever get free from this do i have to always be under the thumb of satan the answer is no and i want to talk to you about that in this message how to overcome the devil because we are in a war but it's an invisible war it's a spiritual battle and ephesians chapter 6 says that we're not wrestling against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and the rulers of the darkness of this age a spiritual host of wickedness in heavenly places it's a very real battle so we'll talk about that in a few moments but in our series on the book of revelation we are now officially at the halfway point here in chapter 11. and by the way there is a shift in the narrative that takes place in the book now let's compare it to a movie it's sort of like john has been watching a movie if you will he is there on the island of patmos where he's banished for his faithful proclamation of the gospel the lord comes to him and gives him the revelation the unveiling of the future the unveiling of heaven and the supernatural world so he's sort of catapulted into the future and up to this point john's been an observer he just tells us what he sees what he observes but all of a sudden he goes from an observer to a participant so coming back to the movie analogy maybe you have a favorite film and you've wished you could be that person uh the main character that you connect to and and you ask yourself what would i do if i was facing the circumstances that they're facing so here's john watching the scene unfold before him and all of a sudden he's in the story he's right there as a participant in it as we come to revelation chapter 10 a powerful angel appears to john and gives him a little scroll we could call it a little book and the angel says i want you to eat the book eat the scrolls interesting request and so he eats the little book or the scroll and it's sweet going down and then it's bitter it gives them a stomachache uh it's sort of like when you go to krispy kreme donuts they're great going down you know i think my record is six of them by the way they're a little smaller so don't judge me and i've eaten six washed them down with some cold milk and they're great going down but a little bit later oh what was i thinking so here's john he eats a scroll or little book so to speak it's sweet at first and then it's bitter and this scroll most likely was the message that was to be delivered and it was a message of judgment to the people so let's pick the story up now in revelation chapter 11 verse 1. john writes then i was given a reed like a measuring rod this is john saying it was given to me and the angel that stood there said rise and measure the temple of god the altar and those who worship there but leave out the court which is outside the temple don't measure it for that's been given to the gentiles and they'll tread the holy city under foot for 42 months and i will give power to my two witnesses and they'll prophesy 1260 days clothes and sackcloth by the way that's three and a half years they are the two olive trees and the two lamb stands that stand before the god of the earth and if anyone wants to harm them fire proceeds from their mouth and devours their enemy and if anyone wants to harm them they must be killed in this manner they have power to shut heaven so no rain falls and they have power over waters to turn them to blood and they strike the earth with all plagues as often as they desire interesting chapter 11 of the book of revelation opens with the mention of the city of jerusalem think about this this was written some 2 000 years ago and john is telling us that the end times events are going to revolve around the city of jerusalem so here we are now in 2021 and as usual the middle east israel and specifically jerusalem is in the news jerusalem ironically means the city of peace yet more wars have been fought at her doorstep in any other city in the entire world i was on a phone call recently with the consul general for the nation of israel his office is based in los angeles and i was talking with him with a couple of other pastors and he was giving giving us an update on what is going on there in israel and in jerusalem in particular he pointed out to us something we already knew of course which is that the number one sponsor of terrorism in the world today is iran and uh in pre previously iran would work through proxy organizations like hezbollah and hamas in other words they would fund these terrorist groups to do their dirty work but the consul general told us something i was not aware of he says for the first time israeli forces are engaging with iranian forces in syria now you say so why why does that matter to me well the bible tells us in the last days a large force from the north of israel will attack her identified as magog we'll talk about this in a future message and one of the allies marching with magog will be none other than iran so the bible has told us that iran would ultimately attack israel so when we learn about the hostilities between iran and israel the bible student should be careful attention uh benjamin netanyahu the prime minister of israel made the statement and i quote there is no moderation in iran it is unrepentant unreformed and it calls for israel's eradication it promotes international terrorism end quote and so this is a nation that has set itself to the destruction of israel i saw a little video about how i ran this now set up something they call missile city and they have all of these missiles in a high-tech underground base and they threaten to use them against israel and this is why any attempts to build some kind of bridge to iran or have some kind of an agreement with iran is something that should be entered with great caution because they've shown themselves to be a very hostile power and they will in fact play a role in the end times events but jerusalem jerusalem would be at the center of the end times events in zechariah 12 3. it says on that day when all the nations of the earth are gathered together against her i will make jerusalem an movable rock for all the nations and all who try to move it will injure themselves but for this prophecy that we're reading about now to be fulfilled some things have to take place one has taken place the others haven't number one jerusalem has to be in jewish hands and it is but that didn't happen until quite recently in fact it was a six-day war in june of 1967 that jerusalem came once again under the control of the jewish people living in their homeland of israel secondly the third temple must be rebuilt because john is describing a temple there is no jewish temple in jerusalem today the first and second temples are gone they have not rebuilt the third one and so here this is something that still has to happen in the future but what does the bible tell us it tells us that this coming world leader known as the antichrist will help the jews rebuild their temple and then he will desecrate it and this is called the abomination of desolation which hap which happens at the halfway point of the seven year tribulation remember the great tribulation period starts peacefully as antichrist or the beast emerges on the scene with uh overtures of uh of uh peace and and treaties that are signed and actually are followed for a certain period of time a new economic system no man can buy or sell without his mark i'll get into that when we come to revelation chapter 13. so he rebuilds the temple but here's what jesus said about it in matthew 24 15. when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by daniel the prophet standing in the holy place let them that are in judea flee to the mountains pray that your flight would not be on sabbath day for then great tribulation will come upon the world that has not seen it since the beginning of time nor ever shall be so what is the abomination of desolation here's what it is antichrist rebuilds the temple but then he erects an image of himself and commands people to worship it so he desecrates the temple showing his true colors commenting on this in 2 thessalonians 2 4 we read these words antichrist opposes and exalts himself above all that is called god or his worship so he is as god sitting in the temple of god whose coming is after the working of satan with all power and pretended miracles all of them are lying wonders so any movement toward rebuilding the third temple should be observed and noted by the bible student and it would seem to me that this event of the rebuilding of the temple would happen in the early part of the tribulation period and before that can happen the church must be caught up to meet the lord yes it's through peace then antichrist is going to deceive people there's a great cry in our world today peace at any cost people don't want any more wars we want globalism no walls no borders uh this is a cry of so many even if tyranny reigns or people are oppressed or freedom is taken away we want to have peace people say well antichrist will give them what they want in first thessalonians 5 3 it says when they shall say peace and safety sudden destruction shall come upon them as a woman ready to give birth okay so these are dark times coming in the tribulation period but in the midst of this darkness god is gonna raise up two bright lights we call them the two witnesses two men that will be raised up by the lord to minister truth to people for three and a half years now who are they they're not identified by name but i think we might be able to figure out who they might be look at verse 6 here of revelation it says they have power to shut heaven so no rain falls on the day of their prophecy so they can shut heaven up so it won't rain they have power over waters to turn them to blood and they can strike the earth with all plagues as often as they desire by the way that would be kind of a cool superpower to strike with plagues when you desire you know someone cut you off in the freeway it's like okay i'm sending you a plague your car will be filled with frogs that would be a bad thing to do they won't do anything like that of course but they can stop rain turn water in the blood strike the earth with plagues and bring fire from heaven well two guys come to my attention and that would be moses and elijah of course moses was the one that touched his staff to the now river and it turned to blood moses was the one that brought plagues upon egypt through the power of god elijah was the one that said it would not reign but according to his word elijah was the one who called fire down on mount carmel in his contest with the prophets of baal so needless to say you wouldn't want to mess with these people there's a story in ii kings about elijah there was a new king who took the place of king ahab and and he fell out of his bed effectively was injured and so he sent his servants to go to the prophet of the false gods to get some direction and they encountered the prophet elijah and he said what are you guys doing why are you going to some false temple is there not a god in israel that can speak to you so they go back to the king they said king we were running your aaron we ran into this guy that said this and the king said what did he say he said wasn't there not a god in israel that you can call on the king said what did he look like they said well king he was sort of hairy ah the king says it's elijah and so he says go get elijah so a captain with 50 soldiers goes and finds elijah sitting up on on a little hill and he says the king says come down immediately o man of god elijah says if i'm a man of god let fire come down from heaven and consume you and your 50. guess what elijah was a man of god wow they're torched now a second captain of 50 comes and says oh man of god the king wants you to come down right now elijah says if i'm a man of god let fire come down from heaven and consume you and your 50 soldiers and again the fire fell third guy comes along also with 50 soldiers says o man of god uh i'm a family man here's some pictures of my family pretty please come down the lord says go down with him but my point is you didn't want to mess with a prophet like this so the lord has brought elijah back by the way elijah never died elijah was caught into a chariot of fire as you will recall some think one of the witnesses might be enoch who also did not die we don't know with certainty but my opinion is it's probably moses and elijah one other detail on that remember when jesus was transfigured two prophets appeared with him who were they moses and elijah moses representing the law and elijah representing the prophets well we read that in verse six they have the day of their prophecy now prophecy in the new testament does not always refer exclusively to predicting the future its primary meaning is to speak forth or to proclaim or to preach so effectively these two witnesses are going to preach the gospel and bring god's truth to people for three and a half years and they're under divine protection no one can stop them enter the antichrist look at revelation 11 verse 7 when they finish their testimony you might underline that phrase when they finish their testimony the beast by the way this is the first time he's referred to as the beast the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them overcome them and kill them and their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called sodom and egypt where our lord was crucified well we know the city is jerusalem that's where jesus was crucified the beast or the antichrist strikes out at these two prophets and he succeeds but notice it's not until they have finished their testimony it looks like these two witnesses have been in god's witness protection program up to this point and by the way you are too you will not die a day before the appointed day that god has selected and we're indestructible as i've said to you before until we're finished with what god has called us to do so antichrist kills the two witnesses and lays their bodies in the streets of jerusalem for the whole world to see look at verse 9 revelation 11. those from the tribes and peoples and tongues see the dead bodies for three and a half days and uh and he will not allow their bodies to be put into graves so antichrist is so angry at these two prophets who have spoken up fearlessly for the truth he lays their bodies out on display effectively desecrating them and the whole world is watching i read a book a commentary from a hundred years ago and the commentator was wondering how this could ever happen he said how could all of the world see something at the same time well we know the answer today because we have something called a cell phone and we carry them around in our pockets 80 excuse me 96 of americans have cell phones and i read that 17 billion mobile devices will be in use by 2024 so you can pretty safely say most people either have a cell phone or they have access to a cell phone so it seems to me like these prophets are laying there in the streets and everyone can watch them they can observe them uh maybe everybody will have free internet at that time maybe the antichrist will bring free wi-fi for everyone who knows but listen this gets even stranger verse 10 the people take the tragic death of these two men of god and turn it into this twisted celebration look at what it says those that dwell in the earth will rejoice over them and make merry and send gifts to one another because the two prophets that tormented them uh who dwelt on the earth tormented them how did the two prophets torment them they just told them the truth well the truth is tormenting to people who don't want to hear it just try speaking up for what is right try quoting the bible to a group of people that don't believe it they'll say stop we don't even want to hear it who are you to say this to us why are you judging us and they don't want to hear it at all going back to that little scroll or book that john was told to eat it was sweet and then it turned bitter you know the word of god is sweet to the christian but it's bitter to the non-christian but it's interesting that the people accuse the prophets of tormenting them that is what king ahab said to elijah when he approached him he says oh here's the one who troubles israel elijah didn't trouble israel the king did and they reap the consequences of their sins the ironic thing is people will break god's commandments face the consequences that come with breaking those commandments and they get angry at god about it and so this gets even stranger they're giving gifts to one another it's like an upside down christmas it's sort of an anti-christmas you know your christmas and this anti-christmas salting we wish you an anti-christmas we wish you an anti-christmas or maybe they say happy dead prophet's day i got you this gift and they're celebrating it it's like a party everyone's just having a great time you know partying away all the prophets are dead we don't have to listen to them anymore then god interrupts their party look at verse 11. after the three and a half days the breath of life from god enters them and they stand on their feet so everyone's watching it's on screens it's in the bars it's in the homes everyone's laughing having a great time look at him laying there dead and all of a sudden they stand up again and everybody freaks out in fact we read that the people were afraid they were afraid great fear fell upon them and then there's a loud voice from heaven saying come up here and they ascend to heaven and a cloud and their enemies saw them in the same hour there was a great earthquake and a tenth of the city fell in the earthquake seven thousand people were afraid and the rest were afraid and gave glory to the god of heaven this reminds me a lot of the story of belshazzar in the old testament book of daniel belshazzar was a young man who ascended to the throne he had no interest in following the god that had humbled his grandfather nebuchadnezzar and in fact nebuchadnezzar came to faith and believed in god and proclaimed it to his whole kingdom but belshazzar the boy king he just wanted to party so one day he had the bright idea of taking those special uh instruments and cups and plates and such that were used by the jews and their worship of god he said hey let's fill him with wine and let's worship our false god so we had all these people gathered together they're having a big party mocking god they were going out of their way to my god listen to me the bible says don't be deceived god is not mocked whatsoever a man sows that will he also reap are you mocking god that is a really bad idea because as belshazzar is mocking the lord and having a great old time all of a sudden the bible says suddenly a hand appeared writing on the plaster of the wall and it wrote these words many many tackle you farsan which means you've been weighed in the balances and you've been found lacking and i love the verse that describes the king's reaction daniel 5 6 says when he saw that his face turned pale with fright and his knees knocked together in fear and his legs gave way beneath him so imagine he was just terrified see so the party was over and one day the party's going to be over for a lot of people who have rejected jesus christ so rejoicing breaks out in heaven in the aftermath of this but now there's a war in the heavens look at revelation chapter 12 verse 7. and war broke out in heaven michael who you remember as the archangel and his angels fought with the dragon and the dragon and his angels fought and they did not prevail nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer and that great dragon was cast out that serpent of old called the devil and satan who deceives the whole world he was cast to the earth and his angels were cast with him then i heard a loud voice saying in heaven now salvation and strength and the kingdom of our god and the power of his christ have come for the accuser of the brethren who accused them before our god day and night has been cast down and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb by the word of their testimony and they did not love their lives to the death therefore rejoice o heavens and you that dwell in them woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea for the devil has come down to you having great anger because he knows he has but a short time now in these powerful verses from the book of revelation we learn a lot about our adversary the devil and those fallen angels that we now call demons today in fact i would add i think this is a chapter of the bible the devil does not want you to read here are some points if you're taking notes point number one the devil knows his days are numbered let me say that again the devil knows his days are numbered he's working through his network of demon powers and here we find this battle in heaven now remember the angels are referred to as stars right and satan himself is a fallen star so this is the first instance of star wars in history no luke skywalker no han solo or princess leia this is a heavenly battle between the angels of god under the direction of michael the archangel and lucifer the son of the morning the powerful fallen angel and his demon forces and they did not prevail verse 8 says so satan used to have this all-access pass to heaven sort of uh i'm okay i'm with the band pass but now he doesn't have that access into god's presence any longer and now basically satan is dumped in revelation chapter 12. you know the grammatical construction of the phrase in the greek indicates satan started this it could better be translated michael and his angels had to fight the dragon this is crazy because michael's powerful it's not satan and god there's no match there god doesn't need to fight with satan god is all powerful satan is limited in his power so this is a more even match of michael and lucifer but michael is more powerful than lucifer so he's losing this battle yet he effectively chooses off michael if you will come on let's go michael's like you want some of this you sure and boom lucifer is losing and uh he is being dealt with uh quickly and in a powerful way so the devil and his angels cannot defeat these powerful angels from god so i mentioned in the beginning that the title of my message was how to overcome the devil so let me return to that and answer the question number two the devil does not want you to know that his primary attack comes through accusation the devil does not want you to know that he primarily attacks you through accusation uh paul wrote we're not ignorant of his devices in second corinthians 2 11. victor hugo the author of les miserables made this statement and i quote a good general must penetrate the brain of his enemy end quote so our enemy is the devil let's try to penetrate his brain for a moment verse 10 the accuser of the brethren who accused them before our god day and night has been cast down one of the primary ways that satan attacks us is through accusation this is the way it works he tempts you and by the way it's not a sin to be tempted because temptation comes at the worst time like maybe you're listening to a message like right now and all of a sudden an evil thought comes into your mind and then the devil condemns you for having an evil thought it's not a sin to be tempted it's only a sin if you give in to the temptation it's not debate that constitutes sin it's the bite and so maybe the devil comes and says why don't you think about this or why don't you go look at that or why don't you do this other thing and and then he'll say no one will ever know no one will ever be aware of what you've done go for it you'll have fun and so you go for it and then the devil comes back to you and says you miserable hypocrite you call yourself a christian you say you're a child of god no believer in jesus christ would do what you've done don't even pray don't even read your bible that would be the ultimate act of hypocrisy don't you dare show your ugly face in church you see how this works first he tempts you and then he condemns you for giving in to the temptation we need to learn to know the difference between satan's accusations and the holy spirit's conviction see when a christian sins and yes we will sin the holy spirit will convict or convince you of your sin why to drive you into shame no to bring you back to jesus jesus said of the holy spirit in john 16 8 when he comes he'll convince the world of its sin and of god's righteousness and of the coming judgment so if you've sinned and you feel guilt and then you turn to the lord and you ask him to forgive you that's a good thing right sort of like that smoke alarm that goes off it's made you aware of a bigger problem so you respond to the alarm you respond to the conviction but if you feel guilt and shame and you walk away from god you're listening to the wrong voice satan will accuse you and use your own sins in a hateful way to destroy you so how do we overcome the devil the answer is found right here in revelation 12 11. they overcame him by the blood of the lamb by the word of their testimony and they did not love their lives to the death so first they overcame him by the blood of the lamb so let's say you sinned the devil says you're a hypocrite you're a failure you don't deserve to approach god and my response is that's true i don't deserve to approach god i am not worthy and i never will be worthy you see sometimes as christians we get into this weird little works righteousness thing where we think if i do x amount of good things god will be happy with me and he'll hear my prayers i read 10 chapters out of the bible and and i actually talked to somebody about jesus well look god doesn't hear your prayers based on what you've done he hears your prayers based on what he's done and sending his son jesus christ to die on the cross in your place so there's nothing i need to do to earn the favor of god you see sometimes people think god is mad at them when in reality god is mad about them know this you're loved by god you're cherished by god and your prayers are welcomed by god you say but greg i'm not worthy you'll never be worthy forget about being worthy i approach god to the shed blood of jesus christ hebrews 10 19 says dear friends we can boldly enter heaven's most holy place because of the blood of jesus this is the new life-giving way christ has opened up for us it's the blood of jesus at the cross of calvary jesus dealt a decisive blow against satan and his minions colossians 2 14 says christ obliterated the handwritten document of ordinances against us and nailed it to the cross having stripped off and away from himself the principalities and authorities he boldly made an example of them so here's the point it's through the blood of the lamb it's through the blood of jesus i can approach god ephesians 2 13 says you who are sometimes far off have been made near by the blood of jesus john says if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of jesus christ cleanses us from all sin years ago i was uh having a meal with billy graham in this home and i was a young man at that point in my late 30s and so i asked billy billy if an older billy could speak to a younger billy what would you say to yourself what would you say to a younger billy that he should be preaching on more than he is now and without missing a beat bill he said i would preach more on the cross and the blood of christ because that's where the power is and i never forgot that there's power in the blood as the old song says but you need to apply the blood you say i have no idea what you're talking about okay remember in the old testament book of exodus we have the israelites that were to slay the lamb and put the blood uh over their doorpost in other words at the top of their door and on the right and left and when god's judgment came upon them on the egyptians it would pass over the house where the blood had been applied so you've got to apply the blood you say what does that mean it means that you come to god and say i'm sorry for my sin thank you for sending jesus to shed his blood for my sin and i apply the blood to this situation and i believe that i am forgiven i take you lord at your word you promised that you would forgive me of all of my sin these folks overcame the devil by the power of the blood by the blood of the lamb and also by the word of their testimony it says by the word of their testimony you know when a believer is walking closely with god and fellowship and friendship they want to tell others sort of like when we make a recommendation right go to yelp people give their opinions on everything who are these people we don't know but they give their recommendation or their endorsement and maybe before we walk into that restaurant we check it out we go oh wow they didn't get a good yelp review but if you really like something you're going to tell others say i just found the best burger on earth in this place or this is the greatest movie i've ever seen or hey man you got to listen to this song or read this book we give our endorsement if we're really walking with jesus should we not do the same for him what are we just going to talk about burgers and movies and books talk about jesus give your testimony tell people what christ has done for you listen to this every christian has a testimony now some are more dramatic than others and some came from a life of crime or addiction or had all kinds of issues and others never got into those things but here's what we can all say when we tell our story of how we came to jesus like that blind man who was healed by the lord we can say once i was blind but now i see listen i know your testimony here's what it was you were a sinner separated from god you heard the gospel you put your faith in jesus and christ came inside of your life and he's changed you is that pretty accurate they overcame him these people by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and finally they loved not their lives to the death what does that mean it means that these believers recognize that their lives belong to god i've got to tell you something when you became a christian you became god's possession he owns you and that's a good thing i mean i want to be owned by god right the bible says you're not your own you've been bought with a price therefore glorify god with your body because i belong to the lord i have his id tag on me he's my child and i'm also called in the bible the bride of christ so i'm owned by him i'm his bride then i'm also called a friend of god so there's many pictures the bible gives of this new relationship but these folks recognize their lives belong to god and listen god has given you your life as a gift he's given you the beat of your heart as a gift he's given you the breath in your lungs that's all a gift from him so these folks recognize god is in control of our lives we belong to the lord and he loves each and every one of us isn't that a great thing to know so let me close by asking you this question are you overcoming the devil or are you being overcome by the devil maybe you're under the power of some addiction maybe it's alcohol maybe it's drugs maybe it's pornography maybe it's something else it just has a grip on you and you can't break free from it and it seems like when you pray god isn't listening and satan whispers in your ear and he says god will not hear your prayers why don't you just end it all and why don't you just take your own life don't listen to satan he's a liar and the father of lies listen god hears your prayers god loves you and if you've sinned against him he will forgive you no matter what you have done satan does not want you to know that there is forgiveness through jesus christ but here's what god says if you will confess your sin he's faithful and just to forgive you your sin and cleanse you from all unrighteousness what does it mean to confess it means to agree with god so you say lord i see things the way you see them i'm tired of making excuses for my sin i'm tired of rationalizing it justifying it i admit lord i've sinned and i'm sorry for that sin and i ask you to forgive me maybe you're watching me right now and you've never known this relationship with god i've been talking about this is not a religion thing this is a relationship with god jesus died on the cross two thousand years ago for your sin and mine and then he rose from the dead three days later and now he stands at the door of your life and he knocks and he says if you'll hear his voice and open the door he will come in would you like your sin forgiven would you like to know with certainty that when you die you will go to heaven i'm telling you right now if you will pray with me and ask jesus to come into your life everything can change for you you can change your eternal address from hell to heaven and the course of your life can be changed from death to life from a hopeless life to a hopeful life he's just a prayer away in a moment i'm going to pray a prayer and i'm going to ask you to pray this prayer with me if you would like jesus to come into your life and in this prayer i'm also going to ask some of you who maybe have sinned against god and have not asked for his forgiveness to return to the lord like a prodigal son or a prodigal daughter it can happen for you right now so if you want your sin forgiven if you want to know that you'll go to heaven when you die if you want your guilt taken away or you want to come back to jesus christ again and make a real commitment pray this prayer with me right now pray these words lord jesus i know that i am a sinner but i know that you're the savior who died on the cross of my place i'm sorry for my sin i confess my sin i turn from my sin and i choose to follow you now from this moment forward thank you for hearing this prayer and answering this prayer in jesus name i pray amen did you just pray that prayer i want you to know in the authority of god's word your prayer has been heard in heaven and your prayer has been answered christ has come to live inside of you now you're going to start a whole new adventure called the christian life and you need a road map don't you well i have one for you it's called the bible and we have a special edition of the new testament that we call the new believer's bible uh it's a very friendly translation the new living translation it's filled with hundreds and hundreds of notes that i wrote personally to encourage you in this commitment or recommitment you just made to christ i want to send you your own copy of the new believer's bible so you can start growing spiritually look at your screen right now you'll see a phone number if you'd like to receive this bible would you call that number on your screen also you'll see a box on the screen and if you're watching me on a cell phone or a tablet or a computer you can click the box if you click the box and give us some information about yourself we'll send you your own copy of the new believer's bible and by the way this is between you and me we're not giving this information out to anybody else we just want you to get a copy of this bible and we want to start helping you grow spiritually so click that box call that number and let us know you've prayed to accept christ because we want to join you in rejoicing
Channel: Pastor Greg Laurie
Views: 24,260
Rating: 4.9491739 out of 5
Keywords: harvest, Harvest Christian Fellowship, Greg Laurie Sermons, bible study for me, bible study, youtube sermons, Greg Laurie, Greg Laurie Live, how to overcome the devil, revelation 11 explained, revelation 11 explained verse by verse, how to beat the devil at his own game, how to overcome the devil and live, how to defeat the devil
Id: _pPFAuRBqv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 28sec (2668 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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