As Darkness Covers The Land (With Greg Laurie)

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hey everybody thanks for watching our youtube channel we're constantly updating it with new content and never seen before content so if you want to get the latest from harvest hit the subscribe button let's grab our bibles now i'm going to do a special message in light of the death of our lord and his resurrection and this being palm sunday and tyler my message is the seven last words i'm going to have you turn to two passages john chapter 19 and luke chapter 23. so turn to both those if you can again the gospel of john chapter 19 the gospel of luke chapter 23 and we'll end up looking at both of those together today hurry hint matthew mark luke john they're all there together john 19 luke 23 let's pray now father as we revisit this story the greatest of all stories the story of the life death and resurrection of jesus we ask you to speak to us help us to see what jesus went through on the cross with new eyes today help us have a greater appreciation for it we commit this time of bible study to you now in jesus name we pray amen you know for every person there's going to be a last meal a last breath and a lost statement they may know it's their last statement and then again maybe they won't but really what we say in the end will give real insight into who we were what we were and what really mattered to us there's a film out right now called the greatest showman which is about the life of pt barnum and the last words of p.t barnum on his deathbed were quote what were today's receipts end quote so that shows you what was most important to p.t barnum on march 14th 1883 karl marx died karl marx is one of the founders of communism his housekeeper came to him and said tell me your last words and i'll write them down marx replied get out last words are for fools who haven't said enough end quote well he said plenty none of it was good by the way last words everyone's going to give their final words and we're going to focus in this message on the last words of jesus while he was still on this earth statements he made from the cross seven in total every one of them significant even the order of them is significant but today is palm sunday and this is the day when we remember that our lord rode into jerusalem on the back of the donkey and they laid the palm branches down before him and they cried out hosanna it was a festive day it was a happy day a joyful day because in the minds of the people they thought excuse me that jesus was going to establish his kingdom then and there it was their hope that jesus would drive out the occupying force the romans and and that they would rule and reign and israel would be free again hosanna which means save now and what does jesus do the bible says jesus wept why did jesus swept during such a happy day because jesus being god could see the future and he knew what was going to come on these people he knew that 40 years from this moment titus and the roman legions would come and effectively destroy the city of jerusalem killing thousands and thousands of people and he also knew excuse me that these people were going to turn against him in fact in luke 19 verse 41 it says of jesus on palm sunday as he junior he saw this city and he wept over it saying if you had known even you especially this your day the things that make for your peace but now they are hidden from your eyes after this jesus goes to the upper room with his disciples and there he has what we know as the last supper he breaks the bread they drink of the cup after this christ goes to the garden of gethsemane and and is in anguish over the impending crucifixion there he is arrested and he is taken away i love it when i have to do that it's just the joy of my life um nothing like clearing your throat in front of thousands of people so he's arrested in the garden of gethsemane and he is taken away uh in chains and then he is sent to caiaphas and ultimately to annis and there he is tried on false charges and now the real horrific part of the crucifixion begins he is sent to the roman governor pontius pilate pontius pilate sees a lot of men who've been accused of crimes he can see immediately that this jesus of nazareth is no threat to rome and he is not guilty of the charges and he knows it but he's walking on eggshells with the religious authorities because of a number of events that we don't have time to go into right now but a number of things that happened that put him in a very tense situation jesus was in a way sort of a political hot potato christ did our pilate did not want to execute him but he knew if he released him he was going to have a lot of trouble so he came up with a compromise he thought i will scourge him and after jesus is scourged then this bloodthirsty crowd will be satisfied by the way he's scourging has been described as that halfway death because of how awful it was the romans would use many devices of torture and one of these was the cat of nine tails it had a short handle multiple strands of leather and then embedded in these leather strands were bits of bone and metal in glass so every time this whip would come down on the back of a person it would shred into them first taking off the skin then cutting into the skeletal tissue even exposing vital organs many so many uh prisoners did not survive the scourging jesus is whipped 39 times then the roman soldier stripped jesus and pressed a crown of thorns on his head and they beat him and give him a monk scepter a scepter and pilate brings out christ beaten bloodied and bruised and says eke homo which means behold the man are you satisfied people is this enough for you well it wasn't enough for them at all let's read now john chapter 19 starting in verse 14. now it was the preparation day of the passover and about the sixth hour that would be 12 o'clock by the way he said to the jews behold your king and they cried out away with him away with him crucify him pilate said shall i crucify your king that she precensored we have no king but caesar then he delivered him to be crucified and they took jesus and led him away and he burying his cross went out to a place called the place of the skull which is in hebrew golgotha there they crucified him and two others with him one on either side and jesus in the center now pilate wrote a title and put it on the cross and the writing was jesus of nazareth king of the jews then many of the jews read this title for uh the place where jesus was crucified was near the city it was written in hebrew greek and latin and the chief priests and jews said to pilate don't write king of the jews but rather write he said i'm the king of the jews pilate answered what i have written i have written we'll stop there now it's interesting that the gospels tell us very little about the crucifixion itself why because the people in areas occupied by rome knew a lot about crucifixion we have a cross here on the platform that is pretty true to scale and you can see what romans would see what jewish people would see crosses were common and men hanging on crosses was not an unusual thing it wasn't unusual to see a man dragging his cross you knew he would die in it back in those days the cross was not a symbol of christianity as it is today the cross was a cinder a symbol of torture and humiliation and pain it would be like the gallows or a guillotine not something you would want to think of fondly we sing of the cross we talk about the cross and rightly so but it had a different symbolism in that day everybody knew what it was like for a man to be crucified many of them had seen it they had watched the process it was designed to humiliate and cause the most pain imaginable so jesus is taken and he's crucified now jesus of nazareth was a strong man by trade he was a carpenter he'd chop down trees he'd frame houses build tables he would work with stone he knew how to put his back to a task it's amazing he was able to carry this heavy cross probably over 300 pounds through the states of jerusalem after he had been whipped and vital organs were possibly even exposed and now he is taken to that cross and he's nailed to it understand to die on a cross was not death by crucifixion it's more death by suffocation a person could hang on the cross and live for two three days sometimes even more they would have a severe fever that would produce a burning thirst there would be the increasing inflammation of the wounds on the back and the hands and the feet and the congestion of the blood in the head and the lungs and the heart basically it was a swelling of virtually every vein of the body combined together making crucifixion the cruelest of deaths and at the foot of the cross there was a base that we have here and really the way you died in a cross was an inability to breathe so you would push yourself up off of this base to get air in your lungs so you can imagine how painful that was for jesus because his back had already been shredded open so here he hangs now on the cross in excruciating pain sadly no longer would these hands of our lord be extended to those who needed a touch or a warm embrace because nails were driven through them no longer would these feet of jesus take him to people in need because now they too had nails in them and as he hangs there on the cross of calvary as i said he gives seven statements here's the first one look at luke 23 verse 34. then jesus said father forgive them for they do not know what they do and they divided his garments and cast lots and the people stood looking on but even the rulers with them snared saying he saved others let him save himself if he is the christ the chosen of god the soldiers also mocked him coming and offering them sour wine saying if you're the king of the jews save yourself and an inscription was written over him in letters of greek latin and hebrew this is the king of the jews then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed him saying if you're the christ save yourself and us but the other answering rebuked him saying do you not even fear god saying you're under the same condemnation we indeed justly we receive the due reward for our deeds but this man has done nothing wrong and then he said to jesus lord remember me when you come into your kingdom and jesus said assuredly i say to you today you will be with me in paradise we'll stop there seven statements from the cross given in this order statement number one father forgive them for they know not what they do statement number two in response to the thief's request jesus says today you will be with me in paradise looking down at the base of the cross there is mother there is mary the mother of our lord and jesus says woman behold your son and then he says probably looking to john the apostle son behold your mother this is probably the moment when all the sin of the world was poured upon jesus we don't know exactly what it was but i think this was the moment reason being his next statement was eli eli lama sabachthani which means my god my god why have you forsaken me statement number five i thirst statement number six it is finished statement number seven to his father into your hands i commit my spirit first words of christ from the cross father forgive them for they know not what they do these words don't surprise us jesus told us to love our enemies he told us to forgive those that hurt us and used us so what he said on a sunny day in the mount of beatitudes he demonstrated on this dark day when he died on the cross but it's amazing here that he's saying father forgive them you would have thought that he would have prayed first for maybe his family or maybe for his friends but his first prayer is for his actual enemies lord forgive them for they know not what they do and we see from this example that no one is beyond the reach of prayer these were hard people hardened roman soldiers hardened religious leaders indifferent folks that didn't care about what they had done jesus is saying they don't even realize how radical this is father forgive them this is so dark of his sin they don't even comprehend it because surely they knew he was innocent pilate knew he was innocent i think the religious leaders clearly knew they were taking him up on false charges but yet they did it but jesus is saying this is such an enormous crime such an enormous sin they don't even have a clue as to how bad it is father forgive them for they know not what they do can you think of someone right now that is very hard to the gospel maybe it's someone you know very well maybe it's a family member a mother a father grandparents maybe a son or a daughter maybe even a husband or a wife or someone that you work with or live near and and the last time you talked to them about jesus and i hope you talk to your friends and family about jesus the last time you did it they were just very abrupt they terminated the conversation they might have even insulted you and you thought i am never bringing that subject up with them again no way you keep praying for them in fact get your christian friends to pray for them by name and go re-engage them again because no one is beyond the reach of god no one no one's heart is so hard it can't be reached by jesus christ i think of my own mother who i ministered to shared the gospel with so many times and she'd always terminate the conversation i don't want to talk about it but i never gave up on my mom i never stopped praying for my mother and she finally made that re-commitment to the lord one month before she died don't give up on your family don't give up on your friends don't give up on people that don't know the lord in fact here's my challenge for you this week extend an invitation for them to join you at church this easter join or join you at church that's right right join you yes is that grammatically correct yes come with you to church that's there it is it just sounded weird to me you ever say something that sounds weird and maybe it isn't weird or maybe it is i'm not sure anyway so invite them to come you have they've already said no you have a thou is then this is now pray jesus prayed in fact jesus was fulfilling a a prophecy of messiah isaiah 53 it said he poured his life unto death he was numbered with the transgressors he bore the sin of many and he made intercession for the transgressors that's what he was doing see on each side of the cross was another cross and on each one of these crosses a man was crucified we called them the thieves on the cross but in reality they were probably guilty of a far greater sin the romans did not generally crucify thieves if you were crucified by rome you were guilty of a serious offense a capital offense uh these are probably insurrectionists meaning a men dedicated to the violent overthrow of rome from rome's perspective we might even call them terrorists today so hardened criminals on each side of jesus yet jesus prays for them he prays for the people that crucified him he said well did it do any good as a matter of fact it did because on the day of pentecost a short time after this peter got up in front of a crowd and in that crowd were people that actually played a role in the crucifixion of jesus peter probably recognized him there's a guy that pounded the spikes to his hand that's the guy who whipped them there's one of those religious authorities that sent him to the cross i know this one over here too and peter actually said to those people as he preached in acts 2 36 therefore let the house of israel know that god is made this jesus whom you crucified lord in christ he probably pointed you you're the one i remember you too i also remember you don't feel bad if i'm pointing at you but i have to point at someone right you're the one i am the one and the bible says they were cut to the heart have you ever been cut to the heart i don't mean literally hopefully but you know where something just stabs you someone says something to you you're like you're right yes they were cut to the heart saying what should we do peter says repent of your sins and believe in the lord jesus christ and times of refreshment will come from the presence of the lord and many of them believe 3000 of them believe so the prayer of jesus was answered on the day at pentecost don't give up praying for people you know so here are these criminals they were there for their crimes jesus was there for the crimes and sins of others they were held to their crosses by nails he effectively was held to his cross by love with just one word he could have been delivered from this dilemma one word to heaven the angels would have come and rescued him and something amazing happens one of those men believes right there on the spot and he says lord remember me when you come into your kingdom now we say wait a second that doesn't make sense because one gospel says both thieves on each side of the cross joined in saying he saved others let him save himself if he is the chosen of god and then one of the thieves says lord remember me when you come into your kingdom what's going on jesus made a statement he said father forgive them for they know not what they do when that hardened thief heard jesus make that statement his heart melted and he believed right on the spot you know how long conversion takes it doesn't take years it doesn't take months it doesn't take days it doesn't even take hours it can happen just like that just like that that man believe lord remember me when you come into your kingdom jesus said today you will be with me in paradise talk about getting in under the wire what talking about being in the right place at the right time next to god in human form very nice and he took full advantage of it and then rebuked the other thief for even continuing on with that dialogue then there was pilate who effectively wrote a gospel tract he wrote in three languages on the top of the cross this statement jesus of nazareth king of the jews the religious leaders said change that edit it have it say he said i was the king of the jews pilate said what i have written i've written better translation is what i've written will always be written pilate knew exactly what he was doing it was pilates gospel track on the cross anyone who wanted to read it could an amazing series of events as this one thief now believes right there standing at the foot of the cross is mary the mother of jesus mary is misunderstood by a lot of people for some they would say we should pray to the son through mary they believed she was sinless at birth they even believed that mary had her own ascension none of this is taught in the bible they also believed that mary had no other children only jesus that is contradicted by scripture that tells us that jesus had siblings or what we might call half-brothers and sisters the children of mary and joseph jesus of course was the son of the father in heaven carried in the womb of the virgin so maybe people want to pray through mary or exalt mary that's a mistake but we don't want to miss the significance of mary she was a very special young lady probably a very young teenager as a matter of fact and god hand picked her from heaven to have the privilege of carrying the messiah in her womb girls can you imagine that they have god in human form in your womb and so when jesus was born like any mother she loved her boy but you just need to know jesus was the best son ever the best son he never did anything wrong never talked back to mom or dad never made trouble did his chores was cheerful loved to read scripture loved to go and worship just the perfect son in every way she probably bragged on him to the other kids kids why can't you be more like your brother jesus look at how hard he works look how obedient he is look at what a wonderful son he is you need to be more like jesus mom he's like perfect well your joseph made a little bracelet for you all to wear in his shop it says wwjd i want you to wear this ask yourself what would jesus do you say greg where is this in the bible it's not in the bible i'm just messing around but he was perfect she loved him and to see him crucified to for any parent to lose a child is beyond comprehension there's no words for it if you lose a wife you're a widower if you lose a husband you're a widow if you lose your parents you're an orphan if you lose a child they don't even have a word maybe because it's so bad so she lost her son but not only did her son die but he was murdered in cold blood before her very eyes isaiah tells us the body of jesus hanging on the cross was so traumatized you could not even tell he was a man i don't know if you've ever seen anyone that's experienced trauma from an accident where there's swelling and other things happen and that's what jesus looked like but she knew who he was and she loved him with all of her heart and she bravely stood at the foot of that cross while all the courageous men were gone with the exception of john mary stood there mayor magdalene was there too and she stood there and she was brave and she loved that boy and he looks down from the cross and says woman behold your son and then probably gesturing toward johnny says son behold your mother in effect jesus is saying john take care of mary now jesus being the firstborn cared for her and it appears maybe from the story that joseph was gone at this point he may have died so jesus may have been in a very important position there and he's saying john carry this on behold your mother mason now for the moment that has been described by some as the crucifixion in the crucifixion or as i like to put it god's most painful moment we're going to go to one more passage matthew 27 turn there with me if you would a lot of bible turning today it's fun isn't it matthew 27 matthew mark luke and john so go backwards i love the sound of bible pages turning don't you some of you are swiping there's no swiping sound on a tablet just but it counts because it's still the word of god so turn or swipe just don't swipe your friend's bible matthew 27 verse 45 from the sixth hour until the ninth hour that would be 12-3 there was darkness over all the land in about the ninth hour jesus christ up with a loud voice saying eli ililama sabachthani which means my god my god why have you forsaken me some of them stood there when they heard that said this man's calling for elijah and immediately one of them ran and took a sponge and filled it with sour wine and put it on a reed and offered it to him to drink and then the rest said let him alone see if elijah will come to save him and jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit so without explanation the sky suddenly turns dark by the way the the weather conditions in israel are very similar to southern california so on an average day at noon time it's sunny overall in california and that's probably the way it was on this day sun's out and then suddenly it's pitch dark and i think this is sort of a metaphor of the darkness coming upon the land because you see the devil was at work revelation 12 12 says the devil has come down to you and he's full of fury because he knows he has but a short time here at the cross the devil is full of fury he's throwing everything he has at jesus to stop him and if that wasn't enough in effect the father is putting all the sin of the world upon his son and jesus is dying in our place he's dying as our substitute and that's why jesus says i believe my god my god why have you forsaken me listen if the bible were a work of fiction which it is not but if it were we would never have our hero say words like this but jesus says them but what do they mean when he says my god my god why have you forsaken me i don't think that they're the words of a man in in doubt where he's doubting his faith to the point they're my god my god sometimes people get angry with god saying i'm never going to talk to god again i'm never going to go to church again i'm never going to read the bible again jesus says my god my god yes they're words of why why is this happening but the words to the father always take your pain and turn it into a prayer even if you don't understand you go to god and say lord i'm in pain i'm praying about it read the psalms david and others did that many many times they cried out to the lord when my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock that's higher than i my god my god why have you forsaken me sometimes people ask me is it wrong to ask god why and some would say yes never ask god why it's a lack of faith really jesus asked god why so go ahead and ask away and that is our tendency when something bad happens he said god why did you let this happen to me why why why ask away ask why all that you want don't expect an answer but ask why no seriously you can ask why but even if god were to tell you why i don't think you would be happy with the result because i think what would happen is is if he were to explain it to you it would not satisfy you know habakkuk talks about how he didn't understand why something was happening and he said to god i don't know why this is happening god says i'll tell you yeah tell me and the lord tells him and abbott says i don't understand that makes no sense to me so if i were to sort of summarize god's response if you'll allow me when we cry out why here's god's basic answer i'll tell you later when you're ready for it it's like explaining something to a child you know i can try to explain it to them now but i'm going to have to wait till they're a little bit older and they're going to understand it and i god could explain it to you now okay i'm going to tell you why x y and z happen and here it is and as you're listening well that i don't like that at all i disagree yeah that's right let's wait till we get to heaven and then i'll tell you and then you'll get it so until that day just trust me my god my god why have you forsaken me he was dying as a substitute for us to him was imputed the guilt of our sins and he was suffering the punishment for those sins on our behalf and the very essence of that punishment was the outpouring of god's wrath against sinners did you read this article in the paper i just read it yesterday about a french police officer who gave his life saving others so amazing his name was arnold beltram i hope i'm pronouncing it right maybe not so a terrorist who identified with isis hijacked a car killed a passenger wounded another got into a firefight with police and the terrorist ends up in a market storms a market he'd take hostages officer beltrain was first to respond as police were negotiating with the terrorists to release the hostages officer beltram offered himself in the place of a hostage and the terrorist agreed and the officer went in there and the terrorists killed him he gave his life for others he he saved a life by giving his life why did jesus have to die we were the hostages of the devil and jesus took our place on the cross in some mysterious way that we can never fully understand during those awful hours on the cross the father was pulling out the full measure of his wrath against sin and the recipient of that wrath was jesus listen god was punishing jesus as though he had personally committed every wicked deed committed by every wicked sinner and in doing so he could treat and forgive those redeemed ones is if they could live christ's perfect life of righteousness it's amazing he did all of this for us on the cross and by the way for jesus to bear the sins of the world was a fate worse than death i think it was worse than the crucifixion itself worse than the scourging worse than the mockery worse than the blows to his face because he who had never had even a single thought out of harmony with the father is now having to have all this horrific sin placed upon him as he dies for each of us it was god's most painful moment and he did that in your place my god my god why have you forsaken me after he bore the sin of the world he cried out the words i thirst by the way this is not just any thirst this is a thirst of a man who is completely dehydrated and now has come to this horrific ordeal i thirst and then his next words were it is finished by the way that was one word he uttered from calvary it is finished the word is tetelestai tetelestai it was a commonly used word in that day you'd use it after you do a job like if you framed a house and you finished your job you'd say tetelestai it's finished or you're making omelette i doubt they made it omelettes back then but uh you make an omelet to tell us die come and get it to telesty it's completed it's accomplished it's done jesus says to telesty i've done it i've paid the price i i fulfilled the obligation it's completed it's accomplished and finally to his father into your hands i commit my spirit listen to this one day what happened to jesus will happen to us you see i'm going to be crucified no i doubt that but one day you will die as i said in the beginning and you will give your last statement and you will breathe your last breath you will face death but look here's the thing that we need to understand what happened to jesus when he died will happen to us when we die and what jesus said when he died can be said by us when we die if we believe we can say father into your hands i commit my spirit you don't have to be afraid to die as a christian if you're not a christian you should be scared to death of death it should terrify you it should mortify you it should freak you out if you're a christian you don't have to be afraid you say but why i still love did i yes but death is different for a christian oh by the way a spoiler alert jesus rose from the dead after he died on the cross and death died when christ rose so he has opened the way to heaven for us when a christian dies they don't cease to exist they just move from one place to another and by the way they move to a much better place than they're in now so you're not enough to be afraid you can just say on that day lord into your hands i commit my spirit this is what stephen said remember him the book of acts young man preached the gospel of the religious leaders and they decided to execute him and as it was being stoned which by the way is a violent way to die he prays this first lord says i see i see jesus standing on the right hand of god the father wow what an awesome vision god gave him a glimpse of the other side i see i see jesus standing and the bible says he had a face like an angel he just glowed and then he prays to the father lord jesus receive my spirit and then he said do not hold the sin against them wow he sounds just like jesus father into your hands and commit my spirit stephen prays lord jesus receive my spirit jesus prays father forgive them for they know not what they do stephen prays lord don't hold this sin against them amazing and you know what the bible says it says he fell asleep that's not an interesting phrase sometimes people think when you die you just go into like a long really long nap but that's the the word sleep in the bible is a metaphor only used for a christian the bible never uses sleep to describe the death of a non-believer it only uses the word to describe the death of a believer and it's a word that is used to let you know it's okay don't be afraid you know are you is it scary when someone says go to sleep now if you're a kid maybe it is kids don't like to go to sleep go take a nap no time for bed no now you go to an adult especially an older one and say go take a nap and they're like yes why well naps are refreshing close your eyes get recharged a little bit greg it sounds like you're speaking from experience yes i am i don't take a lot of naps and i don't take long naps but sometime in the day if i take like a five minute nap it gets all the still inspiring again for me and so the bible uses this as a picture of death for the christian stephen fell asleep yeah one day you'll fall asleep you say well what happens after that you go to heaven yeah yeah but what happens after i fall asleep and then go to heaven i don't know bible doesn't tell us oh we hear all these stories about a great light and hovering and all this stuff we don't know that okay but all i know this is i die and i go right into the presence of god so don't be afraid of death if you're a christian don't be afraid why because jesus died on the cross for me that's why and because jesus rose again from the dead for me that's why he did all of this for us and i want to say in closing that some of you are here maybe and you're not sure if you'll go to heaven when you die you'd like to think you would so i'm a pretty good person i think you know i've lived a pretty good life and i expect to get to heaven you're going to basically put your entire eternal destiny on that how about being sure i know i will go to heaven when i die so it's boasting no well give me this i'm boasting i'm boasting on god he gave me this gift but he can give you this gift as well i don't want any of you that are hearing this message or watching it wherever you are to end this day without knowing that you're right with god and knowing that you'll go to heaven when you die now it's up to you i'm going to put this ball in your court god wants to forgive you he wants to give you the assurance and certainly you'll go to heaven when you die but you must believe in jesus the jesus who died on the cross you believe he died of that cross for me he shed his blood for me he rose again from the dead for me and now i believe in him paul said he loved me and gave himself for me why did he do it because he loves you god loves you yeah well i've done some horrible things yeah god knows all about that he knows every detail of everything you've ever done nothing's a surprise to him but the blood of jesus shed on the cross will cover it all that's the only way you can get rid of your sin and i wonder if some of you would like to get rid of your sin and know that you can go into god's presence one day if so i want to give you an opportunity to pray and ask jesus christ to forgive you so you can have this great hope let's all bow our heads father thank you for your word to us thank you lord for sending jesus to die on the cross lord jesus thank you for coming and making such a sacrifice for such undeserving people and lord we don't want to miss this gift this gift of eternal life i pray for any that are here any that are watching wherever they might be that they'll see their need for you and that they will come to you and believe in you now all our heads are bowed and our eyes are closed and we're praying together how many of you would say today greg i want to know jesus in a personal way i want him to forgive me of my sin i want to know that i will go to heaven when i die pray for me if that's your desire wherever you're sitting if you want christ to come into your life if you want him to forgive you of your sin if you want to be sure that you will go to him and when you die would you raise your hand up right now wherever you are and i'll pray for you just raise your hand up higher i can see it saying i want jesus christ god bless you and you and you and you anybody else raise your hand up high god bless you god bless you as well wherever you are raise your hand up up in the balcony raise your hand up you want christ today you guys watching the screen i can't see you but you're watching the screen here in the amphitheater in riverside or at harvest orange county or harvest dos lagos harvest woodcrest harvest eastvale wherever you are would you raise your hand up just say i need jesus i'm ready to believe in him anybody else if you ever raise your hand yet lift it now let me pray for you raise your hand up now you that have raised your hand i want you to pray this prayer out loud right where you are again as i pray pray this prayer after me out loud okay let's pray pray this now lord jesus i know i'm a sinner but i know you're the savior who died on the cross for my sin and you rose from the dead jesus i turned from that sin and i choose to follow you from this moment forward as savior and lord as god and friend in jesus name i pray amen god bless each one of you
Channel: Pastor Greg Laurie
Views: 38,596
Rating: 4.9071159 out of 5
Keywords: harvest, Harvest Christian Fellowship, Greg Laurie Sermons, bible study for me, bible study, youtube sermons, Greg Laurie, Greg Laurie Live, palm sunday sermon, palm sunday service, palm sunday message, palm sunday messege, palm sunday message from bible, evangelical palm sunday service
Id: eqrmkCR90JY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 34sec (2674 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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