How to order a coffee in Canada

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hey there i'm dana from welcome back to my channel i am here to teach you english for canada and in today's video i'm going to teach you how to order a coffee at canada's favorite coffee shop tim hortons now you may be thinking i already know how to order a coffee at a coffee shop well ordering a coffee at Tim Hortons is a little bit different there is very specific Tim Hortons vocabulary that you should use when ordering your coffee so by the end of this video you will know exactly how to order a coffee and a two mornings in Canada so what do you say we get started before you begin don't forget to subscribe to my channel I make new English video lessons every week and they usually have a Canadian twist so if that's what you're into then click subscribe so you don't miss out I also have the lesson notes available for this lesson inside my virtual classroom all you need to do is click on the link in the description to create a free account so now we've got that out of the way we are ready for today's lesson so Canadians love coffee and donuts we actually eat more donuts than any other nation on the planet and were the third largest consumers of coffee I think this has something to do with our freezing cold winters but there's no dispute we love our coffee and when we want a cup of coffee we usually head to our local Timmy's now they're easy to find because there are over 4,600 Tim Hortons restaurants across Canada and they're in every single province and territory in Canada now when you walk into Tim Hortons the first thing that will happen is the server will ask you for your order welcome to Mars can you order please thanks dude so when your server asks you what can I get you most likely you're going to want a cup of coffee now the most popular type of coffee at Tim Hortons is actually filter coffee and this is coffee that is brewed with ground coffee beans now you can order five different sizes you can get a extra small a small a medium a large or an extra-large and there's three different types there's the original blend the dark roast or you can order decaf which stands for decaffeinated meaning there's no caffeine in this coffee now you can order this coffee with different things in it you can get milk cream or sugar or some type of combination if you don't like any of this in your coffee then you will order a black coffee this means there's no sugar no cream no milk I'll have a medium black coffee please now if you happen to like cream and sugar and milk in your coffee you might like the most popular type of coffee at Tim Hortons and this is the double-double this is a coffee with two milk and two cream and you'll see the double-double is actually trademarked by Tim Hortons and it's an actual word in the Canadian Oxford Dictionary it was added in 2004 here you would say I'll have a medium double-double please now if you like more cream and more sugar in your coffee you could get a triple triple which is three creams and three sugars or if you were crazy for cream and sugar you could get a 4x4 which is four creams and four sugars which is a little too much cream and share for my tastes you can also order a cappuccino attached importance or a latte this is something they've recently added to their menu as well if coffee is not your thing and you prefer tea there's two options for you you can get a steeped tea which is made of loose-leaf tea which is a little bit hard to say loose leaf tea that is pre brewed so here you would say have a small steeped tea please or you can get one of their specialty teas which is bagged tea which comes in a tea bag with a cup of hot water Tim Hortons also serves cold coffee which is quite popular in the summer and its most famous is the iced cap this stands for iced cappuccino and it's just coffee blended with ice and cream so you would say I'll take a medium-paced capped please they're also very famous for their doughnuts and there are several different kinds of doughnuts apple fritter chocolate dip honey dip vanilla dip maple zip chocolate glazed double chocolate old-fashioned plain old-fashioned glazed sour cream plain strawberry vanilla strawberry Boston cream Canadian meatball sour cream glazed honey cruller blueberry and many more you can also order mini round donuts doughnut holes called Tim myths and these are very famous on any type of Canadian road trip or even at Canadian staff meetings at work there's always a box of Timbits you can order a box which comes with 22 myths and you can have these assorted or you can pick the flavors that you like and they come in the same flavors as the donuts now Tim Hortons also has one final special phrase and that is roll up the rim and this is a very special time for Canadians it's a contest that's run every year by two Morton's and you literally roll up the rim of your coffee to see if you've won a prize now you can win a card you can win a cash prize you can win free coffee for a year you could win a bicycle there's lots of different prizes but generally most people just win a cup of coffee or a bagel or a doughnuts so now you know all the special phrases that are used at Tim Hortons and next time you can order your coffee with confidence as always if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe also don't forget about those lesson notes all you need to do is make a free account with Candler in English and the first link in the description will take you to do that as always thank you so much for watching until next time bye bye
Channel: Learn Canadian English with Dana
Views: 39,687
Rating: 4.9352307 out of 5
Keywords: learn english, english lesson, how to order coffee, how to order coffee at starbucks, coffee shop english, coffee vocabulary, learn english speaking, canadian accent, move to canada, english exam for canada, english speaking course
Id: _iQtDYoqqXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
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