CANADIAN ENGLISH | Phrasal Verbs for Socializing

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Hi everyone and welcome back to learn English with Dana and in today's episode we are talking about socializing and more specifically which phrasal verbs you use when planning a party or a gathering or an event with your friends. But before we start let's talk about the word Socializing. Okay, there are two different ways you can spell this in English if you are from the US or from America you spell socializing with a Z, or a zee in America if you're British then you spell socializing with an S Now if you're a Canadian like me you generally grow up coming confused about if you're to use Zs or Ss. And to be perfectly honest I don't really know exactly which we're supposed to use. I'm sure there's a rule somewhere But I always kind of didn't know if it was an S Or a Zed usually the Zed is a little more common But I will check this for you and get back to you with the right answer. Okay back to our phrasal verbs So the first one we are going to talk about is to ask over I'll give you an example I haven't seen Carol in a while. I'm going to ask her over for lunch So here to ask over means to invite so I'm going to invite Carol over to my house for lunch Now you can't use ask over to a restaurant you can't say I'm going to ask over Carol to the pizzeria This does not work. In this case we would just say to invite I'm going to invite Carol out to the pizzeria When you're using the phrasal verb ask over. It's to ask over to invite to your house Okay, the next phrasal verb is to drop in Now this signifies a short visit during an unplanned time so someone might say to you Sure, you can drop in any time Or you might hear people say stop in or pop in or stop by Okay, so these are all they all mean a short visit at a non scheduled time So I'm going to stop by the supermarket on my way home. Is there anything we need? Or I'm going to pop in at Peter's house on my way home Okay, so what does it mean to catch up? well give you an example I Haven't seen Sarah in so long. It was great to catch up So this is to have a conversation with someone you know who you probably haven't seen in a while and they tell you all The information about what's going on in their life, and then you have all this information so you have caught up Or it was great to catch up. Okay, so let's put this into a context, my friend Sarah I haven't seen her in two months, and she invites me over to her house And she's done some renovations, and she's got a new promotion in her job, and I could say to her Sarah it was great to catch up. Let's do this again soon. To dress up. So this is to put on more formal or fancy Attire than you would usually wear usually you dress up for a wedding or a party or even a date So I could say I love to get dressed up I'm really looking forward to putting on my new dress for the wedding. Get together. Now what does it mean to get together? this is a Pre-planned meeting with friends so it could be one friend you could get together with a friend for coffee Or it could be a big group of people so you could say I'm having a get-together at my house on Saturday Would you like to join meet up to meet up is to meet someone at a pre-planned time and place, okay, so someone might say to you Let's meet up after work this week, or you could say to your friend Let's meet up at the mall at 10:00 on Saturday Okay, okay to run into someone or to bump into someone This is a very common phrasal verb you'll hear people using this all the time But it sounds kind of strange doesn't it to run into someone or to bump into someone? Because this doesn't literally mean that you are running into them or bumping into them this means that you that you encountered someone you know Unintentionally, so I could say I bumped into John at the gym last night or yesterday I ran into Sarah now. Let's talk about dating because there are quite a few phrasal verbs that are specific to Dating okay, so the first one is to ask someone out This is to ask someone on a date So you could say I think John is going to ask out Sarah to check out now This is to take notice of someone usually someone you think is attractive. Okay, so I might say to my friend hey look at that hot guy over there and men can use it to they could say hey check out that beautiful woman or if You notice someone noticing your friend I could say Sarah that guy is checking you out to go out with This is to go on a date, so I could say I am going to go out with Paul on Saturday Or it also signifies kind of casually dating someone John it's going out with Sarah so maybe John and Sarah have gone on a few dates, so they're sort of dating maybe Kind of in a relationship, so you could say they are Going out to set up to set up is to play matchmaker Okay, so if you have two friends And you think they would be perfect for each other you could set them up So I am going to set Peter up with Claire. I think they'd make a great couple to break up now This one's kind of sad. This is when their relationship Ends so Sarah broke up with Peter to settle down now. This is to abandon a wild and crazy lifestyle for something a little more calm and relaxed, okay, so Mike used to go out and party all of the time then he met Alice they got married and He's settled down and finally I have a bonus idiom so this is to take a raincheck Have you ever heard anybody say I would like to but I'm going to have to take a raincheck So this is when you cannot make an event but you would like to So you would like to be invited for the next time so sorry. I can't come rock climbing this weekend Can I take a rain check and this comes from golf actually so if you are golfing and it starts to? Thunderstorm, and you have to quit your golf game You can go back to the clubhouse and get a rain check so then you can return on a day when it's nice and sunny And play your golf game, and you don't need to pay again Okay, guys, and that's it for our phrasal verbs for socializing if you like this video. Please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel I'm going to be making lots of videos for you guys So if you are subscribed then you will get a notification as soon as I post a new one until next time bye. Bye
Channel: Learn Canadian English with Dana
Views: 34,691
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Keywords: learn english, english lesson, canadian english, phrasal verbs in English, phrasal verbs, speaking english, english
Id: Ntc0OUUeee4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2017
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