How to Open Source Tune Your Subaru (Tactrix/ECU Flash/Romraider)

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this is the tutorial video on how to flash your Subaru of the open source using at a tricks cable so this is specific to using the Patrick software which is ECU flash this is the Tatra cable we'll be using its a 2.0 this works for either a 1.3 the older 1.30 a 2.0 so you can purchase these on our website or on Patrick's comm make sure it's a genuine one there's a lot of counterfeits floating around on on the Internet so the first thing that you want to do is download the software and you can do that via tatra comm and you want to download ECU flash make sure you select the one that's for your particular operating system we're using Windows 10 here so we've already downloaded and installed that make sure you allow the permissions during the install process to allow the communication to happen for the vehicle pass-through device in the vise manager the second thing that you're going to be doing is downloading a second piece of software from ROM Rader so you can go to ROM Rader comm slash ramen or slash download and you can download ROM Rader the latest version here which is as of May 28th we're using a previous version on our computer here but they all work very similar to one another so you can download this install it and then you're pretty much ready to start reflashing your car so first thing that you want to do is just open up ECU flash ok it's going to bring up the software you see the watermark there so we'll go ahead and plug in the todrick's cable into our will be a 2 port so we're working with a 2010 Subaru STi hatch you can see the gauge cluster overlaid via webcam just in real time on this part of the screen here so it should recognize what particular vehicle it's connected to but you can select that here so if you select this icon it allows you to configure the vehicle type so for the earlier bug-eyes Subarus you're gonna need to select one of these two depending on your year so these are for the 16-bit ECU's and see the 160k size memory size here you might need a test mode connector here and you can purchase these online you can use just a paperclip or some other means to jump the two wires to put the car in diagnostic mode but these hook up underneath the dash and they work for those particular years and it's necessary to put the car in diagnostic mode which allows you to read the files from the ECU if you have a newer 32-bit ECU which is a drive by wire Subaru either an STI a forester XT Legacy GT or a Baja you'd be selecting one of these two here the 512 or the 1,024 K depending on the year range and these still communicate on the K line protocol all the newer vehicles newer than 2007 or kin based communications so this is the one we're gonna be selecting here because we're dealing with a 2010 STI hatch and you don't need any anything special to put it in diagnostic mode for the 2004 to 2006 range vehicles there is a green connector that that actually comes in the instrument panel harness of the vehicle that you just need to connect the two halves of the green connector underneath the dash near kind of a clutch pedal and now we'll put the car in diagnostic mode the timing of when you do that to the when you turn the key on so you can see when you cycle the key here nothing's going to happen because the car doesn't know it's in diagnostic mode it's only once we start communicating with it the ECU flash that it will so we'll click select now that we have the 2007 plus can protocol selected we just want to double check that it's recognizing our tax rates cable so if you bring up the vise manager just by Device Manager in the search bar we can bring it up here and we can see that it is in fact shown as a vehicle pass through device so this might show up as a comport on older operating systems you can see here it says tat Rex open for 2.0 so that needs to need to make sure that that that is showing up when we it's connected USB cable the sound coming from your desktop you'll see that that obviously has gone away it's no longer there the vehicle passed your device will refresh and it should them that's kind of step one when you're not connecting properly is to disconnect and reconnect at attrex cable and ensure that you're getting it recognizing device manager so now we want to go through the process of actually reading from the ECU so this is a good first step to back up the stock rom before you do any modifications so we want to read from the east use flash memory so you can see we still have the key on that's gonna prompt us to turn the key off escape will pop up in front of us here and it's going to say if your ignition is already on from a previous operation press ok button to continue we want to actually turn the ignition off and we want to turn it on right before we click ok so you'll see here in a second I'm going to click I'm gonna turn the key on and within a second or so I'm gonna click OK and it's gonna go through the reading process of reading in the the bin file from the ECU and you're gonna see the progress bar on the bottom of the screen here kind of highlighted so good common practice just put the cursor over the ok button and get ready to click the mouse and then you're gonna turn the key on and quickly ok here we had an air so we will try again this is good for the tutorial video here that were able to see this so we'll click OK and then quickly turn the key on and you can see now it's reading so the important thing is you want to click OK and turn Keon in very close proximity click ok first and then quickly turn the key on and that's gonna allow you to know that you had it in a diagnostic mode because it's querying now the issue and reading all the Colonel kernels from each of the individual memory addresses so it's going to step through this progress bar here once it's done you're going to see the map metadata come come up over here let's drag this down a little bit so we can see a little bit better font reading it's gonna say interfaces closed it's stopped the communication between the two so now we're not really communicating with the car we can turn it off if we'd like so now you can see everything's showing up on the left so if you get any error messages here they're somewhat cryptic at some times but generally it gives you if you have the definitions correctly installed and they should install automatically and be in the right directory when you install with default settings you see you flash but you can see here in the ROM the first tab is just the ROM info and it's gonna show you the the ECU ID is important the internal ID is kind of how everything's designated if you're looking through online tutorials of how to or I guess online databases of stock roms but this kind of tells you that it's a Subaru STi manual transmission 2010 model year it's gonna tell you the method in which you were communicating and then this number a Zed 1g 7:02 I that's that's an important internal ID to remember now we can just click on any of the maps here you can see some of them are grayed out because I don't have the user level set to a point that it's allowing us to look at them so target boost is one that probably everyone would most likely change and this is showing in the unit system that we've had it installed in and this is showing in psi here so we'll close that we're gonna let's say we want to look at a different thing target boost compensation it doesn't allow us to click on that when we click on it so what we want to do is change the user level so if we click the settings gear icon here you can change the user level by going to metadata than user level we want to make sure we are in advanced or developer let's say sometimes the settings don't stick developers will allow you to do everything so just wreak lik the setting and then you can scroll through all of the different tables and metadata inside the the bin file from the ECU so this is a subset of everything it's not everything that's there it's whatever is defined in the definitions file but this gives you control over everything that you probably would want to change okay so a good practice is to save this so just file save as save it somewhere with a meaningful name so srf file format is okay you can save it as a bin as well they're both read natively in ECU flash so we'll save it to the desktop here and we'll say we'll call it stock rom and then we might even put a Zed one g70 2i let's save okay now we want to perform changes you might email this file to your tuner and they might do you tuning which is a service we offer and you make modifications to that file you can actually open it up in ROM rater now so if we open up a rom rater we can see it only allows bin hex format so we want to save in one of those through not srf and we'll go back file save ROM as I'm gonna save it in bin format now like save save the file we'll go back to ROM Raider open it up and we can see here that it shows up a stock rom we'll open it up it might not have the ECU definition so this is where you can rely on your tuner or an internet database to make sure you have the right definitions but that is beyond what we're trying to discuss here so we'll just click OK what we really want to do in ROM Raider is log ok so after we make changes we'll save the map we'll go through the flashing process right now to just show you how you write again to the ECU so we read now that we have a file open it ungraded all of these other buttons here so this one is reflash ECU using bootloader mode this one is just right currently wrote loaded roms so whatever is displayed on the screen whatever we have open here is what it's gonna write and we can also test right and that's just going to 10k see have some corrupt memory or you're worried that that something might happen and it's not the compatible file to the hardware that's in the car ie you don't have the you're using a 16 bit WRX bin file on a 32-bit car obviously that's not gonna work so you want to make sure the files are compatible so test writing is a good procedure we'll just go ahead and file back to the ECU so we're going to turn the key off again we'll click OK and turn the key on quickly after so one two three I mean there wasn't hunter try that again moving right flip the key on and click OK and it's going to go through I'm sorry writing and the operation was completed successfully so it might be prudent just to start the car quickly here so you can see that the car started sometimes it's a little bit rough right prior to after the the flashing process has happened depending on if it's a 32 bit or story's 16 or 32 bit car you can see here obviously the car runs responds normally when we touch the gas okay so now that we've read the file save the file flash the file we might want to go and do a data log on a dyno or on the road a closed closed Road to read the file so we'll go to ROM Raider logger and this is where we can click logger and it'll say car definitions file not found would you like to go online to download the latest definition file you can click yes generally the definitions are available upon download here so you can go when you click here and it'll ask you for where the latest definitions file is right here on the link you're gonna save that to a directory and you're going to ensure that in the logger it's available in the right directory so I've already had this configured so you can see that I'm seeing live data here on the screen so when I step on the gas and see the accelerator pedal position here we can look at this in different ways we can graph certain things instead of looking at a dashboard so let's say we wanted to graph air fuel sensor in terms of AFR so we can see here as I touch the gas how its kind of oscillating around stoichiometric so once we want to do a data log we might select all the parameters that we want so we'll go back to dashboard here and these are kind of a common set of parameters that you need to data log so air/fuel correction AF learning so this is short term correction this is basically closed-loop AF learning is the long term adaptive right now there's zero we have negative three negative four percent of real-time closed-loop an air-fuel correction this is the air fuel sensor reading so this is not the target this is the actual air fuel ratio in red by the wideband the downstream wideband this is the accelerator pedal position and battery voltage this is for secondary air cars this is the amount of cold start injector air pump not really relevant for power tuning run coolant temperature is useful in degrees Fahrenheit is what's shown here engine load and grabs rev the four byte engine load is important data log engine speed obviously is probably the most important parameter the estimated a domitor miles for this particular car that's a good thing two corroborating has a stored mileage based on a whole bunch of different parameters that is recording to kind of display and the total vehicle health on the amount of accumulated miles if it's a dual a VCS car you want to log both the exhaust and intake a VCS degrees so this is for left and right banks so that would be for if it's a dual a VCS so that's quad cams you want to log so you can see if I touch the gas here these values should change so if they're not changing they might not be exactly the same depending on the oil pressure and the obviously what engine load and rpm you're at but that's important feedback not correction vitally important when doing power runs fine learning knock this is basically the the reactive knock control based on the knock sensor fine learning knock correction is basically the preemptive knock control based on previous learn parameters gear calculated based on rpm and speed the ignition advance multiplier because we just flashed the car this is not had a chance to increase yet so generally by default most maps will have 0.5 and then as you go through some different loading the ignition advance multiplier will determine the fuel octane rating and understand the knock sensitivity threshold of the fuel that's in the car and this will slowly start to increment so this might not be one right away depending on if it's a 16-bit or 32-bit ECU that number can range between 0 and 16 16 being fully advanced timing in terms of knock control on that ignition advanced multiplier for a 16-bit ECU and for a 32-bit ECU it's just a scaler between 0 & 1 ignition timing vitally important injector duty cycle vitally important intake air temperature we have both intake cam angles manifold relative pressure which is showing vacuum now of negative nine point four three psi that's basically your boost pressure and absolute sense mass airflow showing the the mass transfer function taking the voltage from the MAF sensor and then transmitting it into a airflow value in grams per second waste gate duty cycle for power runs is important to understand the wastegate actuator for dry by wire tuning requested torque is really important so you can see here as I apply throttle it's requesting a different amount of torque from the engine roughness monitor on four cylinders is effectively it's a misfire monitor so you can see we haven't had any misfires yet SI drive mode that we're in is intelligent which is three if we go to Sport sharp that's two and sport mode is one so you can see that they're all throttle opening angle you can see just because there's no idle air control valve it's using the throttle to actually manipulate the idle so as I slowly tip into the throttle you should see that move and then TGV positions on both banks the motor wasn't in a cold start when this happened so they both haven't moved so that's the basic set of parameters that you want to log you're gonna click start file log to start the log in you can also use the defrag switch it's going to show logging to file here and this button is going to have a red border and it's gonna actually start writing to a CSV file so we'll stop that and we'll see where that went you can change that in the Preferences here but generally it goes to your desktop so refresh that so we'll double check out where that went logger output location control Oh so that actually went to see users user so we will open up that file directory probably just want to change that the desktop so let's say desktop open will log another file and this is where it's logging user desktops or whatever your user name and this is what the the timestamp is gonna be dot CSV ROM reiter timestamp dot CSV let's stop I'll make sure that you adjust the logging location and then now you can see here it's gonna show up on your desktop so when we go to your desktop it's gonna show up right here and we can look through the data you can email this back to your tuner and they can make changes the the open source software and send you a revision file so that is kind of an exhaustive I'll shut the engine off here that's an exhaustive description of about a flasher car first of all how to read the raw how to save the ROM how to flash and the wrong the making changes part we offer that as a fee for service type thing where we do base maps custom tuning dyno tuning things like that on our website but yeah that gives you kind of an overview of the parameters you should be logging some of these will not apply depending on the vehicle that you're actually looking at a lot of the newer or older vehicles only have single a VCS or no a VCS at all some of them try by wire parameters are different the newer cars of Si Drive and secondary air palms and tgp some of that might not apply to your particular combination of modifications but that gives you a general idea of how to do it if you have any questions feel free to reach out with an email we'd be happy to help you
Channel: speedmastermarine
Views: 13,675
Rating: 4.8490567 out of 5
Keywords: AiM, AiM Sportline, AiM Datalogger, Mercury Racing, 2 Stroke, V6, Formula One, Formula 1, 10000rpm, Telemetry, Powerboat Racing, Tunnelboat Racing, Outboard Engine, 2.5 EFI, 2.5 Drag, 2.5 Champ, 2.5 F1, Mercury 2.5, 2.5 280hp, 2.5 260hp
Id: VKImqq-u820
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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