How to Ollie - A New 5 Step Method

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Wow, just watched the ollie one and found it super helpful. The level of detail, multiple camera angles and examples, and specific practice tips were great. Thank you for sharing!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/louellem 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Yeah all her videos are great. Super helpful and detailed.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Trustfundturd 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

👍 👍 👍

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/vfreewheeler 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

Love this! I have a 'beginner skating tips' playlist on my YouTube account and I just added this. Thanks for sharing.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/etsilleon 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
hi i'm sarah and today i'm going to talk about how to ollie in depth with a new five-step method that i created to help new skateboarders learn how to ollie faster and easier [Music] alleys are undoubtedly the foundational trick of modern street skateboarding and they're hard braille probably has the most famous skateboard ollie tutorial most youtubers actually who teach this trick tend to use the same method that braille teaches you've probably seen their ollie tutorial and it is great i love it but i do think that you can add some things to it that might make learning the ollie even easier so i came up with this method while trying to improve my olli and also while trying to learn how to not leave in fact i wanted to learn how to nollie so that i could somehow create a new method to learning to ollie after weeks of analyzing the ali i found four core foundational aspects and the method that i'm going to teach addresses each one of these separately so that you can gain confidence and strength in all these aspects that are crucial to learning how to ali it's not a sink or swim method each step exercises an important part of the ali so if you want to learn how to ali first make erin caro proud and make sure that you can comfortably ride around on your skateboard i also suggest that you learn how to hippie jump in caveman first these two tricks are absolutely crucial to this method and you'll find out why right now the first step of the method is the hippie jump if you cannot hippie jump you're probably not comfortable enough on your board yet and to an ollie being able to jump on your board comfortably is pretty much the most important part so stand comfortably on the balls of your feet with your weight centered in the middle of the bolts push straight down and jump and i mean you should be able to jump relatively high if you can do a knee tuck jump on your board you're more than ready to move on and it doesn't take a lot of strength either you can pretty much just pull your knees up as far as you can i do have another trick tip for the hippie jump in my first 5 skateboard tricks video if you want to see this trick explained in a little more detail now for the ollie foot positioning you're going to want the ball of your foot on the end of your tail how close to the tail will largely depend on your preference and i highly encourage experimenting with what feels comfortable some skaters like to hang a pinky toe off the end and some skaters don't like to hang any toes off the end and your preference might change the important part is that the ball of your foot should be in the middle right on this axis this will keep your pop straighter your front foot should be right between the middle of the board and the bolts about 1 4 down the board a lot of beginners struggle with the slide because their foot is too close to the middle keep your foot up just a little bit higher when learning it will help you get the basics down i feel like this is a nice little sweet spot for beginning not too high and not too low my foot always ends up just slightly angled it's really just a bad habit tilting your foot is not required and most skaters probably keep their foot straight that's because the famous slide is usually done with this part of the shoe when you slide your foot up this part of the shoe should make a straight line up to the nose the second step is sliding your foot up the board now before trying the slide make sure you can comfortably tap your towel on the ground and make erin cairo proud then you want to bend your ankle and slide your foot up the grip tape don't worry too much if your ankle doesn't seem to be bending as much as it should be at first um your ankle will become more flexible and this will become more comfortable over time now the part that i don't the part that i think is never emphasized enough is pushing the nose forward now everyone seems to emphasize sliding your front foot up the board from right below the bolts up to the nose but really what i found to be the key to a good ollie is pushing the nose forward let me demonstrate like this i can level out my board to a pretty high degree just by slapping the nose that's because skateboarding is all about pressure axises fulcrums and levers fun physics stuff your board is a lever and pushing the nose forward or even slightly down is what's actually going to bring the back wheels up you can see here in these examples as well if i just slide my foot up the board does not level out but if i add a push forward the board starts to level out you don't want to slide perfectly in the trajectory of the board you can see here that when i slide my foot up perfectly with the board there isn't much leveling out but when i push forward or even down the board starts to level it can even tweak or bone the board so that your back wheels end up higher than the front ones this is absolutely the key that brought my ollies from being rocketed to leveled but i digress one way to work on this push is to actually swing your leg back and forth and even though it feels a little silly or looks a little silly it's just good to feel the motion and remind yourself that this is the key component to the ollie another good method is to just push the tip of the nose forward after sliding your foot up see that little vibration the board makes that should be enough just you just need a little push that will get stronger as you get stronger now the third step is to work on popping and i was kind of surprised that i haven't been able to find any other videos that address this because you can definitely work on your pop without even standing on your skateboard and this was crucial for me to really start getting the feel of a nollie because the average beginner skateboarder's ankles aren't particularly that strong nor are they really used to popping their ankle and really doing that motion with their foot so this step is really important all you have to do is pop your tail off the ground but don't let your foot actually touch the ground if you pay close attention to someone with a good ollie you'll notice that their foot never actually touches the ground when it happens so working on just this pop is really helpful bend at the ankle and push your toes straight down to pop the board up and grab it you do not want it to vibrate or rattle on the ground and you don't want your foot to touch the ground or pin your board to the ground because as you can see here it kills your pop you want to get a nice solid pop catch it near the bolts and try again then you can start bringing your back foot up with the board this will help gain some muscle memory of bringing your back foot up when you jump and it will also just work and activate those muscles after you can do this you can move on to the fourth step a caveman while coming up with this method i realize that a caveman is surprisingly similar to an ollie and it's more great popping and jumping practice this single trick can help combine important parts of an ollie without the actual ollie you pop the board off the ground with a nice solid pop grab it and give it a nice little swing to your side you don't want to swing it in front of you for the jump jump off your back foot while bringing your front foot up and try to aim for the bolts if you want a more in-depth look at the caveman that is also in my first five trix tip video seriously you want to get this down pop the board catch it in caveman this is a vital step like all of them and it's kind of the last step because step number five is just to combine steps number two and four just practice the drag and push out and then pop in caveman really just practice these a few times and then try to ollie try to ollie a few times and then do the practice steps again a few times not just once do them a couple times remind your body what it feels like and then try to ollie again this fifth step is where you really want to start focusing on timing which is the last part of the ali if you watch the slow-mo here or in any other video you can see that the ali is one fluid motion but to me it has two distinct moments the first moment is popping the board all in that moment you have to jump pop the board and bend your ankle your front foot might slide a little but most of the slide really happens next the second moment is when you finish sliding your foot up the board and push forward it's these two moments that you want to work on in the final step so do the other practice steps first a few times then try to ollie and just keep the timing in mind you want to pop and bend that ankle then slide and push forward this method did wonders for me speeding up the process of learning how to not leave i thought it was going to take weeks to learn how to not only but i was able to get a nollie that i was halfway happy with in just a couple sessions five to be exact in five sessions i had a nollie not consistent yet because i still need to practice it but i had a nollie that i kind of looked at and smiled about i really think this method could help a lot of beginner skaters the same way it's helped me and it's helped me improve my ali i mean i definitely had an advantage because i know in my mind how to ollie but this method really brought what i knew in my head to my body so that my body could know what to do as well this can be frustrating at first but it really just takes time and practice if you're struggling to learn how to ollie or you're struggling with your ollie just go out and try this method just have a relaxed session do a couple other tricks in between your tries and just just have fun because you're going to learn how to ollie faster if you're enjoying the session and not getting frustrated i hope you liked this video but way more than that i hope that this video has helped you get way closer to a beautiful alley if you have any questions or comments please let me know i'm more than happy to hear from you and i hope to see you next week [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Sarah Park-Matott
Views: 74,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mybIqdMJTyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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