How to not lose highlighted text in pdf preview on mac (3 minutes)

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hello everyone in this short video i explain what you need to do if you also have the issue that the ios pdf preview sometimes just randomly deletes highlighted text which is super annoying recently i spent several hours on different research papers and i highlighted and took notes directly in the default mac pdf preview and when i opened the pdf document again i realized that the document randomly dropped some of my notes since i'm always using preview from ios using another program for example adobe acrobat reader is not an option if this is also the case for you the following simple trick might also help you solve the issue if you downloaded a pdf file it mostly got the default ending dot pdf if you open that document and just randomly highlight some text for example here i just highlight the authors and mean variance efficient if you now close your pdf file and now if you want to open your pdf file again then it is possible that you lost some changes randomly as you can see here in this example so we also highlighted here the authors so to get rid of that just go to file export as pdf and here at the end you can just add for example new then you just save this pdf document again and now as you can see here i created the new pdf document with the ending new without the dot pdf at the end with this new version you should be able to keep your notes without losing parts of it therefore you can now delete the old version and you can now work on your new one and with this new document the problem should be solved if this video also solved your problem please leave a comment like and subscribe for more practical problem solving videos thank you very much and have a great day
Channel: ExplainHowToSimply
Views: 7,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keep highlighted text in pdf preview, lost highlights in pdf, pdf preview problem on Mac, preview annotations/edits deleted, changes in pdf, changes in pdf are not correctly saved, iOS version problem, iOS pdf problem, Mac pdf preview problem, pdf preview issue, automatically highlighted text in pdf deleted, random deleting of highlighted text, MacOS pdf highlight problem, highlighting problem, highlight problem with pdf, fix issue with highlight in pdf preview, random deleting
Id: TTNR5gmWRig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 26sec (146 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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