How to not get emotionally attached

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hello hello how are you I'm back okay so I've been getting this question on y'all I know my hair is a mess but I've been getting this question so many so many times from so many women how do I not get emotionally attached how like I'm I'm all about feelings and emotions and I dive deep and like when I'm dating someone I just give them my all and I just want to love them and show them that I'm a good woman and bla bla okay that's why you get emotionally attached how y'all doin okay thank you um it's almost they love my channel Thank You Lexi okay Lexi sexy so how do you not get emotionally attached okay how do men not get emotionally attached this is how you have to think why don't these guys get emotionally attached like women what do they do like what is it that they're doing that we're not doing okay so let me tell you because I've been studying guys forever why don't me and get emotionally attached because when they approach you from the start they have goals and plans for you not future but short-term goals for you okay when a guy approaches you it's because they want to sleep with you okay in the back of their mind they want to sleep with you but they want back after they get that then the goal changes okay I wonder how much I could get her to want me or to be with me you know it's it's a game to them you know they never think oh I wonder if this is gonna be my future wife and we're gonna have four kids together by a nice three-bedroom house and settle down with and buy a minivan they don't think like that oh I wonder what my boys are gonna think about her let me take her out you know they're gonna you know they have these short-term shallow goals for you great so when you meet a guy you have to have the same type of goals okay and you have to approach him like instead of well you wanting sex I wonder how much I can get him to spit on me okay you gotta have a goal or I wonder how much I can get him to fall in love with me or do whatever I tell I me to do if you're not a gold digger you know I wonder how much I can control him you know go in with a goal instead of an expectation because most of the women that I know they will go into a relationship with an expectation when you really should be going in with a goal and a purpose if you're going in with expectations you're going to be let down 90% of the time because first of all they don't know your expectations would you go in only you do this is fantasy of your mind so when you go into a relationship where you start dating people have short term goals okay after you complete one goal move on to the next goal into the next goal this will keep you from falling in love too fast if you fall in love it all it will keep you focused on your goal instead of wandering off in la-la marriage land or you gonna be together forever land because the guys weren't okay especially if they're in their 20s no man is thinking about marriage so a lot of you women are like but I want to get married and y'all are like 22 23 and y'all are trying to marry 25 year olds and what 25 year-old man do you know that rushes to the altar nun they're still trying to have fun and they don't get emotionally attached they think of us Oh one of my girlfriends oh you're gonna be a girlfriend you're gonna be my girlfriend then I'm gonna break up and go explore some new options and have some more girlfriends okay they're not looking for wife at 25 okay they can't afford a wife at 25 so Lauren why are you why do women want to pressure these young guys to get married at such a young age and then get mad when they cheat on you they're now ready okay so you need to go in with a goal in a purpose so that when you leave out or when the relationship comes to an end because they were 25 or because they're not into you anymore or because they want to move on and explore other options you got your goals checked off you got everything on your list and you leave with something okay if you have a back-up plan or a plan B you just go straight to plan B after plant a leaves okay so you always have that back pocket person that back pocket relationship that guy you put on friendzone list you know somebody that you know is waiting in line for you and that way that will help you if you do have a little bit of an emotional attachment it will help you transition and not feel like you know you've been dumped or abandoned or you won't make you feel sad for long because you just jump right into this one you know and that man will be so happy because he been on the friendzone forever and now he gets to buy you stuff too you go into that one with goals go into that one with goals get you another plan a back-up plan with you know you might not need it right away but be working on it okay you have somebody else in your back pocket because when these guys leave you or dump you they're moving on they're not looking back they're not crying they're not on the phone talking about what went wrong they're out having a blast meeting new people traveling and exploring options in life which is what you should be doing as well women get emotionally attached because they have too many expectations for relationships if you stop having those expectations and start having goals you will accomplish those goals instead of being upset that your expectations aren't met so for example you want to go all the way to marriage you can't become emotionally attached if you want if marriage is your goal think us first of all if you're emotionally attached you're gonna be weak okay gonna be weak and you're going to let a lot of things go and fear of losing someone but think about this when you have a back-up plan just think about the stock market rich people who have a lot of money you could just throw away what will put a lot of money in certain stocks right they're not afraid to lose it but a lot of the time they get paid they get a return on that okay because they're not afraid to lose it okay so they're not financially you know putting all of their money in one place they're spreading it out one of them is gonna make it you know what I'm saying so that's something never give your all to one person you know have the plan B you know never give you all to that one person because if that does not work out you're you're it's over you know you got stock over here and Plan B and it you know you can still make that work you're not totally broke so what I'm saying is never put your all into a relationship until never like you never do even after you're married you never give you all because you're not supposed to give your all to anybody who ever lied to y'all told y'all that are probably single or worn out or tired right about now so you don't give your all to anybody like I don't even give my all to anybody you know you don't give your all tonight that's silly look why would you give your all you need some stuff for yourself your kids your mommy your daddy sister brother cousin you know give a little bit because when you give too much people don't appreciate you you're the prize so if you're with a man and you want him to marry you act like you don't even care about marriage you act like you marriage the last thing on your mind you act like you're not trying to cook it to him anytime soon cuz you you know I don't know if I'm gonna marry you you know or when you talk to him and you talk about marriage don't talk about you and him being married just say when I get married like take him out of it because if he feels like he's not in it he's not marriage material oh he's challenged she's now he's gonna make himself mirrors and material in your eyes so well you know when I get married I'm gonna have about two kids and I'm gonna live in a house and such and such and such when I get married it's gonna be so cool what are you gonna do you know like yo you ain't even thinking about marrying this fool that's how you get a man to marry because I know what I'm not good enough to marry why don't you think we're gonna get married are you flipping the script and making them have expectations of you so you don't become emotionally attached she becomes to you you don't become emotionally attached you become strategic and your moves okay women are too emotional and that's why they end up sad and losing and a lot of these relationships and leaving empty-handed and feeling betrayed because they gave it all they gave their all of course you're gonna feel betrayed if you gave your all to somebody who was 25 years old you know then they didn't give their all to you so why would you give them your all to them you know I can understand if you know this person gave you a kidney or something like that but no they didn't so why are you doing it why are women doing this like you don't give your all to somebody you're the product if they want you they don't have to con chase you get on their knee and ask you to marry them and then is your decision if you want to marry them or not you know you don't become emotionally attached this is what man will chase a woman who's emotionally detached they're not gonna want you if you're all over them all the time oh and if you send in a thousand texts today they're always chasing that woman they don't want them they don't won't even text them back that won't even answer the calls that's who they chase they're not chasing you because you're too easy you know and you're too emotional and you take everything personally and you know if they want to do this this and that it's a big deal because you're so in love and it's gonna hurt your feelings so every decision they make they have to think about your feelings and then that gets old and boring and I just want to be free you know I just want to be free I want to make a decision when I have it to come home or to talk on the phone for hours about why I didn't call or text you know I just I'm 25 years old just creepy right you know so no it's not becoming emotionally attached when you're young when you get old and it's time to have kids and get married and have a baby you know all that stuff go find someone who likes you a lot you know and who's gonna do all that stuff for you you don't have to chase but until then y'all stop getting emotionally attached to these guys cuz they're not emotionally attached to y'all when they come up to y'all they want one thing and if they don't have a place to live they want two things a place to live and sex okay or to show you off if you look you know they want you as an arm candy so think about all the reasons that they want you okay think about all the reasons the best way to get a man to fall in love is to become emotionally detached get them alone get them to spend a lot of time with you and make them fall for you okay but you never fall for them never you pretend like you want but you never fall for them because if you do then they can kind of rule and manipulate over you because you're emotionally weak if you get them secluded get them hooked you know away from some of their friends you don't spend the time with you a lot and you know but it's and then you let them back free like oh you know I don't you know they're gonna be like well why what are you doing how come you're not so attached and they didn't wonder why you're not attached to them you know I mean like wow you know we spent two weeks together and you know you're not even like in love with me yet then they're gonna keep trying harder and harder and harder and they think they're like well I don't know you know I really love they're gonna be like all in love with you because you're not in love with them okay now I didn't mean don't act like you are into them I mean make it hard like oh you know I don't and don't use the excuse oh I was hurt in the past cuz that's weak it's like you know what I really like you you're a good man you're you know give them all these compliments and then just like I just you know I'm just I'm trying to see where this was going you know I'm just really trying to see where this is going I'm not sure yet you know if you're the one that they have to impress and make fall in love then they become emotionally attached to you needy women will always be needy okay and well I can't stop thinking about him if I'm away from him if I don't text him and text him back I feel I feel like I have to well that's what your plan B and your friends don't do this for you go call him and you text him you talk to him let him boost your ego up you know just like they do you you know how you have that guy friend who's with the girl and they only call you when they mad at her well you need a guy like that so go get you a call buddy plan B do friendzone dude let him talk you up become emotionally attached to your friends tell them what you need to tell them tell them what you want to tell the other person because they don't listen to you anyway because they want to sleep with you so use that here I use that ear to get out your frustrations and if you have any emotional issues get them out with a friend all right and then when you go back to the one that you're trying to you know whatever then you're strong with that person that's what men do to women all the time they go get that girl who will listen to him well I don't know she just you know talk about their wife a baby mama or girlfriend to her and the girl will listen because she think one day he's gonna leave her for her so he gets all his emotional baggage out on her meanwhile the one that he's with and he's probably not gonna leave anytime soon it's getting all the benefits you know so just like men do women can do as well you just are not instructed on how to do it you know and the funny thing is when they do it you know we see all these issues oh well why does he have a why does he always got to do this in this way because he don't want to become emotionally attached to you you know because he doesn't plan to stay with you there long oh you're not wife to him you don't you don't add it you know he's not ready to settle down so he's gonna lie to you tell you what you want to hear not become emotionally attached let you become emotionally attached so you can do whatever he needs you to do and when he's done with you he seems like well I'm not emotionally attached I feel bad by you know and then you're left sad alone heartbroken you gave your all you sacrifice you pay for this you pay for that you went 5050 and now you're back at you know at the beginning maybe in debt now and he's better and moved on to some someone or something else you know because he didn't become emotionally attached to you but he still say he loved me that called an open door policy okay have you ever heard of open door policy when you leave the door open to come back in when you feel like it another way that's another way that they get you you know well I'll always love you and you know I just I just need time and I'm not ready for this that means look leave the door open for me I'll come back when I'm bored okay and mess with your mind again so in a breakup it's very important to close the door and when you close the door on it that's when they get upset and then when you move on when they see you move on quickly oh they get real upset and they want you back and this is when you can flip the script when you can flip it and let them become emotionally attached to you oh you know when they said well how did you get over me so fast you were you dating before why are you with this new person and how come I can't come over and how come we can't be friends well you just tell them look when we were together you are all about not being you know together and it's you know you you are not trying to come in it you're trying to do that then and when I started seeing those signs I was like hey you know I'm not gonna be a little by myself so you know I met a friend and he was there for me when I needed him and you know we never did anything but you know now that you're out of the picture I can go explore this guy and he's a good guy you know Brad long and well well I think I want you back you know or we need to try this again cuz I I don't know you know and like no it's too late you know I'm done with you then that's how you grab him back in it I'm done with you you know I have another person you know I can't just dump him now or he's gonna be upset you know I don't want to break his heart because I just got my heart broken so I don't want to break his heart well I'm sorry I'll make it up to you ba-ba-ba-ba you know he's gonna be begging you back and you're gonna be like well I'll think about it but right now don't call my phone anymore because it's disrespectful close the door when the door is closed and they can't get back in and you replace them with what seems like someone better that's when they go crazy and become emotionally attached and obsessed with you okay and if you want to give him a second chance you make him yo side dude and Plan B plan a V okay so your plan a left so you went with your plan B your plan a wants back in so make your plan a plan B and make him a okay so your ex is now your plan B okay make your ex your plan B said it make sure that they understand that you know okay well I still love you leave that open door policy you switch it you got to switch it okay have an open-door policy what's your plan B X that used to be a but you know I still I still love you and then maybe there's a chance for us in the future will you wait on me you know I need to see what this is about just guys make you wait on there would you wait I'm gonna read I'm gonna leave them you know I just need time to you know let him go easily but you know meanwhile and then you can get him to buy you stuff to try to win you back on the side that's Plan B so you got you got to be smart and strategic you can't be emotional because when you're emotional you can't think you can't think straight you can't think strategically you can't win at chess if you're playing emotionally okay this is chess so make sure you're always thinking ahead you're prepared and you don't have expectations that is the number one problem most wonder wanted to they got too many expectations no your only mission is to have a goal and to complete those goals I'm gonna get him to pay this phone bill okay now that he's pay my phone bill I'm going to get him to do this for me you know after all that okay so when all of this you're not becoming emotionally attached because you're you're just focused on meeting goals okay and once like if you get close to him he's friendly and y'all you know connect and all that kind of that stuff your next goal should be okay I am NOT going to forget about my plan B because when I need that Plan B it needs to be in place so you got to continuously call and text the kind of borderline flirt with the plan B okay and have lunch with plan B every once in a while okay just to keep your mind right it's like Plan B is waiting on you he's waiting eventually you're gonna have to go to him when plan a fails okay because plan a will fail eventually if you're not becoming emotionally attached and he's not becoming emotionally attached or in love with you so if he's not falling in love with you and it's not getting stronger than you know it's not he didn't plan on it okay so make sure your plan B is set up you see them every so often keep it open door policy with Plan B and Plan A will not be missed if he decides to you know go on because you'll have plan B and like I said if he wants back in make em Plan B again um and if you don't want your exit all then move on and get a new plan B okay so that's how it goes and if you if you have trouble with this because your morals and your religious and your background upbringing and stuff like that think about for a second why those were put in place why it was put in place think about it okay in a patriarchal society women are made to feel like they're supposed to be this person this type of person give their all sacrifice everything and when that when they do that it backfires and it doesn't ever work out so take your power back and use what they do to you back on them it's like a mirror okay so you just hold up the mirror to them and just do exactly what they have been doing you know if they if it's okay for them to do it's okay for you to do okay if it's okay for them to do this is called you know this is the true equality it's not about who pays on a date it's about who it's becoming emotionally attached or not they already expect you to want all these things and become emotionally attached to them and needy and always calling and texting they already expect that because that's typical behavior okay but when you don't meet that typical behavior and them texting you all the time because you're not getting attached to them and you're not giving them there your all and stuff like that then that's like hey you know what's going on and why isn't she getting attached to me you know why is she trying to call me all the time and you know how come after I had sex of her really did she not impressed you know she's got all over me why is she must be cheating all right you know then they're gonna start like I said becoming upset with you and that's how you drag them in emotionally and you know how to get them even further and emotionally you argue with them you say okay you know I'm not seeing anybody else or you know I'm just you know I like you a lot and you know it's just I don't know I can't really you know I don't really want to come in I don't really want to be in a relationship right now I just one date you know well why are you well you know why are you doing all this and spending all this time with me if you're not trying to vent now you're flipping the script and it's like well I'll think about it only I'll think about it okay I'm really gonna think about it because I don't know you know what I really want yet and I don't know you know if it's gonna be with you then they're gonna get offended and they'd be like trying to win you even more you know well you know now they become emotionally attached and gone into you and that's how you have to keep it you don't do what they expect you do the opposite you do what they're doing to you and some guys they're not gonna fall for it they're gonna be like okay because they weren't into you anyway and they were like okay well that's one half sec you know I was gonna dump you after two weeks anyway you know but peace out there's some guys out there that's gonna be like that and you'll be very happy but you didn't get emotionally attached because it's rude usually those cases and when the women come crying to me although we spent two weeks together and we was in love no use in love and they was planning their escape so like I said never become emotionally attached until they're emotionally attached to you okay then you can kind of get in a little bit and oh he chased me in the beginning of horse he chased you he's man I'm talking about emotionally attached I love you call where you at when you're coming home I miss you you know can you come over you know I don't want to hang out with my friends and I want to hang he what are you doing you know that when they become that to you then you can emotionally let your guard down and invest because they you got them okay but until they do that to you first you can't let your guard down if you do you're doomed okay get him emotionally attached bike get him emotionally attached by getting him alone for a long period of time and just seducing him okay with no was like you can't fall in love first you it's a game I'm gonna get him hooked okay this is this is the goal get him hooked get him hooked every day you know get him hooked like take a weekend vacation get him away from all his friends and stuff like for about two or three days you know do everything that you can think of do all his fantasies and everything like he ain't ever gonna find another girl like this okay lingerie fetishes just bring it all out okay and if you don't have sex before marriage that's not for you okay maybe you can entice his mind with what you want to do when you have sex one day in marriage I don't know but for those who are sexually active before marriage do all the stuff to him blow his mind go make him go crazy like Erica bye dude okay and then you pull back and you busy all the time oh I don't know what i'ma see you you know ain't nobody ever did this to him now you know he feels vulnerable because he probably went to some new level of freakishness with you and he liked it so now he's hooked okay that's how you get a man huh because men don't fall in love they fall in lust first they fall in lust and then after they get all of that lustfulness they fall in love because oh my god she's you know you know she's just so it's sexy and seductive and sexual and she's you know she's not all over me all the time to actually chase her still and I've never had it done to me like that for what was that you know you know if I let her go she won't be doing that with other people and I don't want her to you know get all the stuff going up to their mind and that's the kind of life I want cuz every night I go you know what I come home for work that's what I want you know I don't want to have missionary position every day I don't I don't want no boring life I like whips and chains and stuff okay okay so get them like that get them through sex lust and you know isolation but once you do that they become emotionally attached to you it's hard to get them in emotionally attached to you unless you are promising him a bunch of sex and he's still a virgin or you don't get nice okay if you are if everybody's an adult in practicing safe sex and having sex or whatever before marriage that's how you do them it's the sex okay that's how you have to get them because they're not gonna become emotionally attached to you if they're in charge of the sex you know you got to be like the best they ever had mentally and physically you know I'm saying which means you got to go educate yourself okay you can't be in there just sitting there like okay are you done you know you got it you got to go study some techniques and stuff because after you do all that stuff to them they will never leave you alone they will never leave you alone and and that's how you get a minute i motion attach to you okay yeah read the artist's abduction someone says read the artist addition if you don't do that you're always gonna have this competition you know they're always gonna have competition if he if he has been with many women and none of them have done what you done chances are he's gonna think no one else will be able to do what you do or he'll be afraid to ask him ask those women to do those freaky things that you do you know and then I'm like you know I don't want to do that you know so big you're gonna be his only option sexually because now you didn't turned him out okay so turn them out that's what you do basically and it's easy to turn someone out if you know that they have not experienced a lot or have been with like boring girls or you know blah blah blah you know it's easy after that it's like remember this is a job and a goal it's not about feelings it's not about making up it's not about that it's about getting him hooked and emotionally attached and that's how you have to do it you don't have to feel you'll have to feel anything you don't have to be in love to do all of that stuff it's a job that needs to get done to get him emotionally attached so that you can do whatever you want and get him to do whatever you want after that that's it it's kind of like training an animal I don't know that's kind of mean to say it's okay think of it at this term if you met someone and they gave you everything you wanted and they bought you a car took you shopping you know got everything you ever wanted say look go go do whatever you want you know I held your hand to out to dinner kissed you you know all those things that seduce a woman wouldn't you become emotionally attached if he did everything that you wish a man would didn't yes yes you would like oh my god he just everything for me he pays my bills he that is there to die he takes me shopping you know he is very romantic and blah blah blah you're gonna get emotionally attached because that's what you've always wanted you know that's your fantasy so like man our man seduced women to all the time that's what they do especially the ones that can afford to that's how they get you yeah so make sure you get them back to like if you are fortunate enough today that man with money and they are doing all these things for you and you want to keep them you got to do what I just told you and get them to be hooked on you that way you don't have the astronaut and it's just giving like oh I need a couple thousand dollars in a new purse oh here you go baby you know so put it on them like they never had it put on them before that's old y'all like Erykah Badu get them going crazy and they're yours to do with as you please and less you know you don't you don't treat them right if you start treating them bad you know trying to control everything they do you know don't let them be who they really are you know you can take it to a certain degree but you can't overdo it you got to be controlling in a seductive way now that not a controlling way cuz that that's that's the mistake most women make you can't control your man you can only control him through lust okay like for example you don't have some guys on oh I'm going out with the boys tonight they're not you can't get max I don't want you to go out with the boys I don't know all you gotta do is walk around half naked and he ain't going nowhere okay wait he's like almost dressed and bout to go out the door and you just you start getting dressed putting on your makeup and your lingerie has to walk around oh I can't you know and then you don't he might not go anywhere like well call me I'm gonna call them up this I'm not coming yeah or you to threaten to take it away you threatened to take noises yo you know I was planning such a you know I was planning to put it on you tonight but I don't know how to feel if you come back smell like alcohol I was planning this all week I got some new ideas and you're gonna be like econ canceled but you don't want to do that to him all the time let them have a feeling - you know but just so you know you can do it every now and then but don't get upset just like oh really I'm so disappointed cuz I had some new lingerie and you know this I had it planned for the evening but oh well go ahead don't worry about it anyways so not becoming emotionally attached it's gonna be your best way to keep them in and I'm not lying you don't get upset with you don't get upset with them when they don't meet your expectations you figure out what you need to do to make them want to meet your expectations or want to do what you need them to do okay it's it's almost like an exchange it's like okay I'm not gonna tell you what to do because that's gonna take away your masculinity but if I do it through seduction you feel even more masculine but I have all the power you know it's a win-win for you mmm-hmm sometimes moving too slow in a relationship with a man who expect sex quick okay it will rule out guys who just want that two-week relationship you know what I mean it will rule out those dudes but the promise this is what most men live on a promise of sex okay so you just can keep talking to them about it what you want to do this isn't that you'll keep them longer you know rubbing on them you know rubbing your boobs you can't stand this I can't wait till you finally get to this you know place where I can just rip off your clothes but give them a fantasy in their mind if you can't give it to him physically you know try them on like that men are visual creatures so put up a mental picture has mine you know so that's how you do it and the girls that keep getting emotionally attached and crying because they get broken up with after this long in this long those guys have their plan and their strategy but you didn't you lost the game okay that's what happened to you and you didn't play you you were and and they weren't attached to you emotionally they were just like okay on to the next okay I'm done with you and that's how you have to be and until they are crazy for you see men have different motives and then don't want to keep you as too long because they want to see what else is out there but if you get them emotionally attached oh they want to keep you a long time or forever so remember that men and women think totally different that's why you have to beat them at their own game they expect you to become all emotionally emotionally attached to them that way they can control the situation I caught another woman texting my man and calling him baby text before that little time what now go get you a babe okay I told you I'll have a plan B what partner Plan B don't y'all understand not Plan B like the peel but plan B another man okay go get you a plan B which means a friend zone dude that you can text and call BAE - okay who can take you to lunch and all that kind of stuff do that you can't make a man stop cheating they're only cheating on you and texting other women because they tire you okay and then somebody that might be your upgrade so what you got to do is you become their upgrade okay you start dressing sexy or change your look being extra seductive you know and having less and less time for that person you know make them wonder what you're doing you're texting okay that's how it goes when you find your man taxi you don't go crazy you know crazy you go and do better you go and get you a friend BAE who makes more money you text him you go get you on the look you go look sexy and don't let him have none you know it's like no no I'm I'm calling up my girls tonight or I'm going to visit my mom tonight I'm sorry I can't do anything with you you know he's gonna notice the change and he's gonna like what is she up to then he's gonna forget about phone bang and start worrying about you because he got you already and if he loses you he'll have to work you know hard to get you back and all the stuff that he invested in you and if he thinks you're cheating on him that's an insult and a challenge so now all his thoughts are right back on you and what you're doing if you explode all over the place oh why you texting this girl this girl that's gonna push him away like well I'm just gonna go be with this girl because it's easier they take the easy route out they're not like women they're not gonna fight for the relationship unless they need a place to live if it's easier just to leave and go explore the new option that's what they're gonna do okay so if you make it easy for them to leave that's what they're gonna do you go and do what you need to do and make them wonder about you men are gonna do what their whatever they gonna do they're gonna cheat they're gonna text on you seduction and lust is what keeps them in line that's why he's calling her baby and texting her because he wants to sleep with her or she you know he's lusting after her it's no other reason he don't love her he just want to sleep better okay okay anyways don't listen to men don't listen to the men's advice they don't know any better and like I said they don't see like we see they see for the moment they see how they feel at the moment they don't see how they feel they don't have biological clock ticking okay right now they might not think that this is why they get with a chick but subliminally subconsciously in the back of their mind driven their animalistic drive is to sleep with you first and get you emotionally attached to them so that they can control you okay so you do the same thing okay do the same thing now if you're trying if you're in a good relationship and and everything is working fine and stuff like that and you guys are getting bored and you think you're he's you're losing him and he's slipping away and everything ah that's when you have to reinvent yourself okay you got to reinvent yourself like who does he like like what is his fantasy explore those type of options okay don't just let him go out and find someone new because you're too boring in the same yeah should you measure something petty that they do to you um it depends on what it is like for example if your okay first of all if you're in a relationship and you like the man more than they like you in the beginning they're not gonna care okay because you're replaceable but it's like ice if you did when I told you to get him and they start slipping then you then you start pulling it back less and less like you know like you don't care about them you become you start becoming emotionally detached again you know and not caring and you start spending your time elsewhere so that they think you'll get ready to leave them you know what I'm saying you don't do you don't do that because they think they know exactly what you're doing they know oh she's just doing it because I did it know you pull back on everything you cut them off cut them off sexually what I'm trying to tell you see even Daniel gray says smart men live free only fools get attached to women that's the same way you guys should be thinking you don't get attached to a man okay unless they want to give you the world let them give it to you first and then you become attached okay that's what I'm trying to tell y'all y'all become attached before they do anything for you ain't got to do nothin for you no more you know this it's so many pygmy chicks out here they've become attached to men they haven't even took them out on a date yet you know haven't even kissed them yet but you already attached you know changing our relationship status on facebook your stuff no when they invest in you when they have given you what you wanted off your checklist of goals they have and then they secure you can be emotionally attached until then you don't become emotionally attached no because if you do you're gonna you're setting yourself up you're setting yourself up for disappointment he posted videos of him having fun with girls so I was going to do the same okay if you post the video with guys it's different like women can't okay when you mirror you can't do it with girls okay you can't do it with that so post up a picture of you somewhere that looks like you're on a date like a really fancy restaurant and you dressed up just take a picture of yourself and put this place has great and then name some type of food that they serve he's you know you ain't go there by yourself he know you want a fancy date that's different than hanging out with a bunch of girls who are having fun that's different you know somebody took you to a nice place probably pay $200 or more for your dinner you got to wear a nice dress and dress up and chances are this man is rich that's gonna make him even more jealous then you taking pictures with some random guys in a club okay do what I tell you you'll see men are not threatened by other men in clubs they're threatened by a rich man who can take you and upgrade you okay and know your I know your value and then they'll see you in a whole different way so you put on your classiest sexiest outfit ghosts take a picture in a fancy ass restaurant that he could never never afford I'd say oh the such-and-such here is so great the lobster the steak or whatever you ate is so great you even have to eat there just go and go in there dress up take a picture and leave you know what I'm saying unless you can find a man take that's how you do that okay you're gonna make a man jealous make them jealous in every way how can I please a lady with money without dealing with relationship crap and lies how can you please a lady with money okay there's a lady have money or you have money if you want to give money to a lady without dealing with relationship crap in life I don't know what you're saying coz that that sentence can go either way do you want to give them money or you want a lady with money oh you want to give her money okay well you just got to tell her what it is from the beginning look I don't want a relationship I don't want to get married I don't want to have kids but I do want to have you and I'm willing to compensate you for your time you know you can start a business you could invest you ain't got to work you know you just be my sugar baby I'll be your sugar daddy you know that's what you tell you straight up look take it or leave it I got other people waiting how to attend and stay a virgin that's cool that's gonna be hard okay because okay a lot of women that's a lot of women I do consultations with they're in different cultures which wait for marriage and a lot of these guys that they're marrying they have already gone out and have sex with other women you know and lied to them and whatever they've already gone in have sex of their own when they get to you um you know they they're out having sex with other women or they have or whatever they save you for the marriage right and this is what happens they get married to you they have sex with you and Newton it's not as soon as them experienced women and they're like I'm going this ain't it you know you don't even do this this event so a lot of times these ladies get left by their husbands because about what they thought it was gonna be you know so I say this if you're not doing anything before marriage to how to keep him out to get him emotionally attached if he's not having sex with other women he's not he is it's easy you just tell him what you want to do to him okay you tell him what you're gonna do go watch porno I don't know go figure out what you're gonna do after you get married you need to learn how to do stuff all right because these women who are doing stuff before or after in-between and during marriage you know they'll do it they'll still have sex with him even if he's married you know a lot of people don't care so make sure that you know what you're doing first of all and that he hasn't had any better like I said you got to throw it on him after you marry him and you gotta tell him how you gonna do things to him after you get married you got it put that mental picture in his mind you know and then you got to follow through on it because men are very sexual lustful creatures and if you're not if you're not they're gonna go for some woman who's very seductive and will appeal to their lust so you got to paint the picture in their mind go watch the pornographic videos and just tell them what they're doing is telling us what you don't do it in okay because if you can't hold their mind they're gonna that's gonna wander somewhere else my decision that the wrong with watching porn to get those tubes no why because I would rather invest money in her career in her gaining wealth and how are we lying always running hands on well see that's good say hey you know what I'm gonna buy you a business and we'll give I put your put money into this it's not for you you know I also give her some spending money to some quaint gonna leave doing all that for nothing she got a she has to have something stuff I made a guy who has three different kids kids by two different woman he hasn't done anything for me and he's on facebook discussing me calling me a broke [ __ ] but that's your fault for messing with him why are you messing with a broke man we're all the kids they can't do nothing for you you know I'm just saying you know I don't mess with nothing that can't do nothing for me you know from day one I might look what can you do nothing bye-bye okay I don't go for looks I don't go for talk I go for action if you put something in my hand yes or no if no adios that's how you have to be with these men just like they are with you look are you gonna sleep with me yes or no is there a possibility that you're gonna sleep with me yes or no okay you're not gonna sleep with me by you know that's how you gotta be they're not afraid to ask for sex but you're afraid to ask for money but you give them sex and they don't give you anything you're the one at fault that's what's called a pick me chick okay you can't be a picnic chick and get mad at the man okay you just can't do it because he got all these kids but all these different by two different women and you expect him to treat you any friend you're the special one now no look at the era in future he had all him baby mama she thought she was special too but she wasn't so he talked about her crazy on the internet to stop dealing with these type of men get up and walk away when they can't offer you anything ask them the first time you meet them look what can you do stop trying to fall in love and have a goal in a plan that's how you not get stuck with that type of man okay I've never been stuck with that type of man because I have goals have goals stop settling okay no man is gonna get past five minutes with me if he got all them issues when I was single like nope that's all bye don't care don't care bye like how do you not care if he cheats cheat - if you gotta cheat a man you better be achievable why because he's gonna cheat anyway you might as well cheat - and I'm just saying this to keep your sanity you need to keep your sanity by saying okay well if he's cheating I might as well cheat because you know why he's cheating on me so eventually somebody's gonna find out and it's gonna end anyway I might as well feel justified and what I'm doing and why I'm still with him so when I come home or when he comes home and I look at him and he's been cheating I know I've been cheating so I can't really kick back and you know I'm gonna control my emotions so I hope you had a fun day you don't have to sleep with him and he ain't gotta sleep with you and when you finally figure out what you guys want to do break up stay together and make it work whatever whatever you don't feel like bringing everything up from the past because you know you did it too and so if you're gonna try to save the relationship you're not gonna be bringing stuff up from the past because you did it - you're like okay well I did it - so well but you don't have to tell him that you cheated you know on the back of your mind that you cheated but don't ever tell him let him think that he has all the guilt and you can shoot holes out doing the same thing you know I had a lot of fun and you know he was better than you I don't even know if I can you know go cheat - there's nothing wrong with that if they did it to you you do it to them just don't tell them that way you still hold the power they come back make them pay and then you still get your revenge and your satisfaction and it's easier for you to let go because you did it - okay that's what you gotta do if you choose to stay with him you just let it go because you did it too I'm glad he cheat because I would have never got to do this this and that you know what this guy yeah I've been tied down for all these years and finally I got he was better and better look at it he my plan B now you know sometimes you got to do what you gotta do that's what men do don't catch feelings like something don't catch me I don't even care if you're married if you don't trust the person that you're with a hundred percent don't give the hunt don't give a hundred percent you know I don't trust anybody a hundred percent I mean I would never get 100% to anybody so you know always remember you're playing chess you know there's some really good relationships um blah blah blah you know in this world and great but there's some messed-up ones and a lot of you guys are attracting people to you who are messed up you know emotional in and you're just taking anything off the street and trying to deal with it and fix it when and then get mad when they do you wrong don't take garbage off the street leave it there bypass and go find what you really want okay and if you can't find what you really want look in the mirror and ask yourself while you can't get what you really want and then go fix that yeah and what makes me upset is that there are some women who settled and just take anything because they're so lazy they're so lazy that they won't go and improve themselves so they can get a better man they just take whatever crumbs fall off the table you know I don't feel like learn how do make up I don't feel like learn how to shave my mustache I pluck my eyebrows I only get my nails done and we're clear lip gloss okay I don't feel like doing all of that t-shirts and leggings is doing this for me that's the best outfit ever know if you look at my fat I wonder why you can't do no better that's why okay okay if t-shirts and leggings or tank top and leggings and clear lip gloss is your daily outfit that's why you are where you are why because look at that's not that's not cute desk all ratchet you are ratchet and I and I said it you know so if you can't do any better look in the mirror and look at the type of women lives that you like and see what they're doing and you mirror that study people that you want to be like and improve yourself until you are like them or better you know I'm saying so for example if you have pick a celebrity that you like to look on her work until you can get close to that look you know you'll start attracting better quality of people take care of yourself start investing more into yourself you know instead of just thinking leggings and a tank top and some clear lip gloss and your wee ponytail is good enough no okay or thinking that you know jeans and a t-shirt tennis shoes in a ponytail it's good enough no you got to be better you got to be a seductress in this world if you want to get the type of lifestyle you want that's just it because men respond to that don't don't mess with you don't mess with this person the basic person the pigmy basic person until they get what they want two weeks later they're moving on to the next one mm-hmm I wonder how when it get meant to pay for these surgeries they get an old man okay get to an old man they will pay for any surgery okay don't tell me what surgery it is I just need surgery lie lie lie you know how most people get breast implants well my mom had cancer when she was young and I just want to have them removed and I just want to put implants in so I don't run the risk of cancer this is more for my health than anything if you want some boobs that works every time you want if you want your butt done you just said oh you know I had some surgery before and it didn't work and you know I have a modeling job that you know and they keep telling me that I can't get a job because my butt's not big enough and it just really makes me depressed and I'm so and I feel so unattractive and you know make it make it a mental problem make if I don't get this plastic surgery I'm mental okay I can't be happy I don't feel sexy I can't sleep with you because I don't feel good about myself and if I just had it but I could get more modeling jobs or I would feel more confident in myself and and you know make me feel more sexy out with look at this lingerie that I come by and wear for you afterwards you know you gotta lay it on thick get them excited ooh and start letting him look at butts and stuff with you oh my god you're gonna look like that when you're done and that's for me make them visualize you got to get in their head you cry cry cry cry mm-hmm and then you said my dad was gonna give me like lie you got to speak gotta live la la la my dad was gonna give me the money or my my grandpa was gonna give me some money before he passed away but I'm greedy such a sister stole it or took it and you know I was gonna use the money for that surgery and now he's gone and just makes me so sad he don't want you to be happy so he's gonna give you the money first okay you don't want you to shut up so he's gonna give you the money for the surgery he's gonna want you to put on put on that lingerie and you know be some hot model chick so he didn't brag a toe his friends he dated some type of model involve a little blah so he's gonna give you the money and they set up payment plans too so he could set it up on a payment plan you know I'll pay this much a month for your booty okay that's how you do it [Music] but I don't like I've never gotten plastic surgery though because I mean everybody could improve on themselves but I feel like you know I'm it's I'm all what I married I got kids whatever you know I don't need it anymore back when I was young back in those days the only thing only type of plastic surgery people were getting were like lip lips boobs and maybe they didn't have Botox back then they had like facelifts how they got Bo top well women give money to a man with a good job already no you gotta be you got to pretend to be broke maybe if you're an executive say you're a receptionist don't ever tell them how much money you make what type of man age why should a woman in her late thirties go for 60 something Oh JA go-go at least 20 years older so and then a lot of women have problems dating older men because they feel like you know if if you're okay I hate to say it and I don't want to be ageist but if you look over 40 if you look over for you and you trying to date somebody for you with money think about this why why would they choose you over a 25 year old okay so but if you date a 60 something your own you're young to them yeah and they will feel foolish you know they would feel foolish trying to go a lot younger if they can feel comfortable with you you know what I'm saying what if you look late 20 as well you might need to get a real still it doesn't matter if they know your age they're gonna use it against you cuz they can just it's not about how you look it's about your mentality they can trick younger women younger women are more submissive or easily manipulated you know so they like to and plus they the younger women will look up to them more because they're more accomplished you know so that's why a lot of older men go for younger women you know they can impress them so if you're 40-something or thirty something and you're trying to date a 40-something you know y'all might as well be the same age because he can't impress you unless he's a millionaire and if he's a millionaire he's probably gonna go want to get something like 25 you know unless he's trying to like get married and going to politics and he needs the wifey type you know so think about it you got to really think about a lot of women just like oh I can't go out with an older guy just and they don't have any luck and then they see then they go and see like all these old men out with these young women who are driving nice the women are driving nice cars have nice clothes purses jewelry and they sitting there with somebody five years older than them thinking they doing something no I told you men are about looks and sex and lust if they can't impress you and you know do all these things and they don't find you as a fantasy then it's gonna be harder for you to get stuff out of them what do I think about Kylie Jenner perfect for that it is typical like we know someone's going crazy having a huh um what I think about that is she could have done a lot better like what could she get a big name like why couldn't she wait until she was you know more famous to marry somebody with more money I don't know it's just she picked up you know she picked someone that looked like to me that he's not attractive okay it's like she's a rebellious one that you know she did like the opposite of what blac Chyna did like I think she's married I'm not married but she got pregnant with somebody I can't give her nothing like as much as she already has that's stupid like and you know she has to you know be attached to that person for 18 years and y'all know those rappers careers don't last that long so he's gonna be a has-been about five years and she don't look stupid that's why mm-hmm I'm reading somebody comment it's only asked am i able to have sex with my husband even now it has much older okay you have to get drunk first when you get married you don't have to have sex hardly anymore what if you are a virgin girl and have an experience we better watch some porno and learn how to do it because if your man has been out there and doing it with lots of women and they come to you and you're boring and dry I'm like don't know how to do nothing they're gonna go right back to those other women something you better figure it out in this day and age you gotta figure it out you know your job is to hook him afterwards you know what yeah just James out but like it's porn different thing it's good enough if you haven't done nothing you know it's better than nothing let's just say that mm-hmm so yeah that's my that's my video on that and I feel like a lot of women are trained to fall in love and trained to put give their all and train to become emotionally attached and trained to think everything emotional instead illogical and that's why they're losing when it comes to certain like when it comes to relationships because you're playing and you're playing it wrong you're not able to you know navigate through it because you're emotionally blind and you're emotionally you know blinded so Jenna you gotta you got to go into it with goals and not expectations how do I have sex if not attractive just like you go to work and you hit your job just like that it's like oh I gotta go to work I hate this job oh well get it over with and go home and go shopping and go get my money and don't I you know just treat it like a job but for example people do stuff all the time that they don't like you know you eat food you don't like when you gotta go on a diet you got to work you have to work with people you don't like you do a lot of stuff you don't like what makes this any different yeah they like it they can give you what you want are you gonna be happy right after okay that's what I'm saying you know a man will have sex with the ugliest woman because they detach okay you ever seen a man who cheated on somebody with somebody look like you know who did it and why they don't look at their face they're focused on one thing they have one goal why can't y'all do the same you know don't focus on that focus on what you're getting what you're getting to you know what what you're doing why you're doing it okay you you know you ever seen somebody with the little Ichi and he just have sex but I don't let it come out in public what do you think man do the same thing I can't have sex with her I'm not right there does she have a vajayjay yes okay that's all I need okay oh sure I put a bag over your head that's what they do they don't care they are emotionally detached that's why they can have sex with somebody that's disgustingly ugly they don't care that's why the first baby mama look busted because he messed around he got her pregnant by accident okay so stop it's not with you know if you have to have sex with somebody who's unattractive but will buy you whatever you want pay your bills that are you know then so be it and then do it all the time and he wanted down payment to a car you don't have to gonna do something with some girl who he knows has some savings even though she looked crazy and ugly he would never take her out in public he gonna woo her in her apartment or her house he's gonna bring over some drinks and snacks for Netflix and chill he gonna half date set up in the house until he gets that money to put a down payment on his car he gonna he's gonna do it to it real good get her hooked so he can she gives him whatever he wants but he won't take her in public why because men don't care what you look like as long as they can get what they want out of you and get you hooked and do whatever you need to do that's their goal that's always not to marry you or to figure out you know how to make the world accept your version of beauty no they're not taking you out into the world yeah so stop thinking stop sticking like that y'all are too like Oh what if I'm not trying to mint half the men that sleep with you most of the minutes sleep with women are not really looking at their looks they don't they don't care about this because if you wouldn't say yes this other person over here looking like a gremlin would have and they would have had sex with sex is sex you know if they can have sex with a beautiful woman yeah they'll pay extra they'll give you more they'll pay more attention to you I spend more time with you but like I said they can go over here to the gremlin and get it for free so make sure you understand that so anyway for me you know I'm blind anyway if I don't have my glasses on everybody's a blur to me okay yeah I look the same anyway I turn off the lights turn off the lights turn them off pretend there's somebody else Act that's what I would do like like you know picture your favorite musician favorite actor or whatever turn off the lights anyway y'all make me laugh these comments get Wolverine her partner in our house yet yeah so I said I'm not dating him I'm dating his money exactly see you got it just like the man say I'm not dating her I'm dating her apartment money and free sex you have so many women come to me I was taking advantage of like I let this guy borrow thousands of dollars and I want him to pay me back he went and bought a car you know where he went and bought you know a ticket and went on vacation you know I'm like well you done forgiving you don't give me any money okay that's your fault you know you don't give men money you can't give me money but he said he loved me a wall oh well I can say that to tell me time so stop y'all stop being pygmies stop thinking like that attach your relationship to goals instead of emotion and you will win I promise you and if you don't you still you won't leave empty-handed and you won't feel used because you already got what you need it I'm a black woman with a very successful career in the legal field I still don't want any broken any significant level you see the problem with a lot of women who make a lot of money they have to lie about their career in order to get him and that makes equal or more money because a man that makes equal more money he says like he can't impress you unless he's a billionaire you know what I'm saying and they usually go for you know the young you know dumb tiny that you know looks good on their arm so you gotta you gotta understand you know you gotta play dumb - you got to have two personalities the work personality and the type of woman that men are attracted to because they can impress them type of woman that's what you got me you have you got to be two different women the days well maybe more see men they think sex rules women the only reason why man can have sex that make a woman crazy it's because she is emotional she was she thinks she didn't have a goal okay if she's not trying to put it on him then he's trying to put on her and she lets him you never let them put it on you you always in control of that you look you know and plus you don't mentally you have to allow yourself to let someone put it on it if you go on with goals like I'm not gonna let him put nothing on me oh no you know it's not you know well it won't happen but these women who are like so obsessed with sex movies good and bad and don't do that they don't win either okay you have to be you have to give it and then take it away and make them chase in the day for it more you know you can't be the one that they're trying press you got it you got to take them to a whole other level that they ain't ever been to so anything they try to do some you know it's not gonna be as good as what you can do to them okay yeah but you know if you're young and you're just starting on yeah go fall in love I always say that go fall in love go get your heart broken or three times and then when you read it these videos will still be here I'm not saying go out and do this like if if this is not an issue for you I say go out and do this after you tired of dealing with you know these guys who keep lying to you and using you and dumping you after two weeks or after you get bored and you can tie to you when you're tired of that lifestyle you try to be in a pick me then you come get these videos because there's only one way like you know you know how they ever say you know there was only one way to beat your enemy and it's to become them I must say I'm not saying in on your enemy I'm saying become like them become like that which is detached emotionally save your emotions for your kids and your family members someone says for the version virgins sell that sell it on even yeah if you're a virgin you can be a millionaire tomorrow there are so many women selling their virginity from million-plus okay that's what I would do she never got to worry about you invest that money start your own business you rich if I was if I knew that back there back do that like oh yes two million dollars because I'm cocky so someone's keeps asking about the Facebook group I might let some more people in I don't know depends alright that group is straight up no morals we're gonna do what we gotta do get money get paid old young married whatever you don't think that's that's cool you know this is for women who have not been through it and ready to move forward financially mentally and emotionally unattached I do have a pygmy group now and you want to get my pygmy group it's a satire group it's called pick me I go 5050 alright a 50-50 or something like that it's not Facebook anybody can get into that one and it's it's satire it's like people post stuff that pygmy chicks with post or they pretend to be pick me chicks and like they make funny posts and stuff it's hilarious so if you all enjoying that one that one is free and then you know if I if I see you posting stuff and it's it's fine I get that you understand that this is wrong and that you shouldn't think like this then you know a lot of people in those group that group will get into the other group you know if I you know some of them don't get it they're like what's wrong with it I'm like cuz they just saw it and they join and a little people fifty-fifty like like literally they were pygmies and they the sign attracted them for something okay nothing is wrong with it no that's what I'm saying you know I'll pretend I pretending to be a picnic chick on there it's hilarious it's funny it's like I had a picture of these soaps from the cheap hotel I got him off of Google I said look what my man bought me for my birthday he bought me a bath set isn't this beautiful I wonder where he got it from he won't tell me it's very sad it's that time y'all so y'all check it out anyway I gotta go but it's been fun and I don't see y'all on the next one I know that man and we just started dating but he is saying you have a lot of friends and also asking what did i do yesterday and today every time you talk what is the best way to actually thank you kind of seduce them every time you deflect oh yeah those are just friends but I really like you rub on the shoulder and I wasn't doing anything yesterday but taking a bubble bath take his mind back to the list I was just taking a bubble bath and shaving and getting ready to see you getting ready to see it on our date you know but I need a new dress and you know those guy friends oh I just went to high school with them and I grew up with them or they work with me those are nobody they can't you know they can't do anything for me I have a very expensive tastes and they can't afford that assure him switch it up like you got to switch it every time get him to buy you something feel stupid for asking tell them and telling those men can't afford you you getting ready for him you rubbing oils and taking bubble baths thinking about him hang on know what to do that's what you do you gotta seduce men in every given chance and that's how you get stuck get get your money like if people if you got the nerve to ask you that have the nerve to ask him to buy you a dress for this date you prepared for I need some money in my PayPal so I can go shopping and buy this sexy dress that I saw that you will love on my goal get it get everything you get how many STDs y'all got y'all got oh my god I know that's a girl guys I don't have any how to stop presenting someone you aren't emotionally attached to but is rich we're getting someone why would you resent them like are they route to you or they mean to you you don't care what they think if they talk back to you and say some crazy stuff and you'd be like oh really I play dumb like oh really you feel that way Wow like plate play dumb and then they'll feel bad for you I'm sorry I didn't mean to do like that's it oh I didn't know you felt that you know I'm sorry play stupid get more out of them they'll feel guilty and give you more okay why are you counting your money that's okay I need to work on that yes you know sometimes want to control women because nobody will listen to them and so they figure since they're paying you they can't get respect or they're so used to talking trash to people it's like it's not a big deal just get their money and have a plan B like that got you a plan B that for plan egg gets boring and start going crazy switch to plan B let plan a cool off teach plan a lesson Kim Plan B put them on hold and rotate rotation vacation just like guys dude I'm a lesson security officer who went to college for a degree in Homeland Security okay thanks for the info I know that suppose me maybe you're talking to someone in the comments yep I always get you some more options and don't be ashamed of because they not they never ashamed today yeah go get my shoes on how can I get enjoy Facebook that's my dog's name Rico he's a chihuahua I'm trying to put on my boots the more emotionally attached you become the greater you can focus on your goal detached yeah yeah for example like gosh when you're focused on a goal you don't focus on nothing until you complete it you know you're not even trying to worry about you it's it's good if you have something to report back to that's why our group is so important because like a lot of one and they'll have a goal to get a certain amount of money get a certain gift and when they do they post it up and say I got it you know so very important to have goals because they were just going out with these guys randomly and you know not having a goal to attach it to they might get caught up you know so that's all we post a lot of stuff that they get our guys purse is money cash down payments to cars vacations stuff like that and don't look you don't feel ashamed in it because they're not ashamed to take something from you you know when when you don't get the man's profession because you know it don't make a lot of money remember and how can you start dating somebody else because there's all up there that will just drop thousands of dollars right on it on an average chick okay and that's just the honest to god truth we're gonna feel young again and we'll take our average makino chip you know that'll be decent a little okay you know it's in a number call [ __ ] call center chip and you man don't be man just wait till you get 50 60 you go get you
Channel: SheraSeven
Views: 409,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 89min 23sec (5363 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2017
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