Easy Women and Why Men Ghost Them

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hi guys hi I'm back so we're gonna be talking about easy women and why men ghost you why big ghosts easy women all these women are you know giving it up too soon and then oh he's acting different oh he's not calling anymore and hi everyone thanks for tuning I thought I put it on him good I thought I would get him hooked and addicted and things like that that was you hmm you can't do that and I'm gonna break it down why you can't do that okay I know we all know that if it's too easy to get if it's free it's not valuable okay so let's talk about value let's talk about your value the reason why you get ghosted and why they start acting different or not calling you back is because in a man's mind if it's so easy to obtain if it's so easy to get if it's if you don't have to spend a lot of money if you don't have to do much if you barely have to put in any type of effort to get the most sacred part of a woman then their opinion of that woman after they get what they want goes way down in the toilet and then they flush okay why it's because why do they even want it in the first place if it's so you know trashy and bad the same reason why you like gossip the same reason why you like ratchet videos the same reason why you like spicy food you're not going to eat that every day you're not going best not gonna be you know your go-to meal for every lunch breakfast and dinner that is something that you're going to do and then explore other options okay when something is so easy to obtain you don't even want it's just like when you see a penny on the ground or when someone you know offers you something in like a coupon for five percent off you're like I don't need that I need that you know or you know you're not really valuing something when someone gives you everything you don't appreciate it you don't have value for it because you don't know the value because you didn't have to work for it okay and another thing is they think every other man before them also got to experience you quickly and easily therefore they automatically assume that you have had a lot of sex with a lot of different men and after that they don't really care to be with you because you've been with so many other people you're not even special anymore okay you're you're not special all they wanted you for was to use you up real quick and discard you just like they think the other men did which is why they think you're single okay so that's the reason why you don't give it up quick no matter if you want it or not you know the whole point is to make them believe that you're not something that is disposable okay and a lot of the ladies mentality it's like oh I'm gonna put it on him oh he's pressuring me for sex what do I do you don't owe him nothing you owe him zero okay whoever told you that you owed any man any type of thing that's all in your mind okay you don't owe a man anything nothing okay so I have like all these women in my inbox like a lot he's pressuring for sex what do i do what do you think you do if you don't want to do it you say no I'm done move on to the next one come up with an excuse come up with a lie okay the same thing you tell people when they call and ask you to help them move in pack I'm busy I'm sorry I got a bad back I'm you know I'm this I'm that I I don't have any free time you know the same thing why are y'all asking me this and I'm only asking you guys because it seems like you want me to tell you some secret formula just don't do it you're supposed to have a couple of guys not just one okay um be smart use your brain no Modesto's I'm just gonna tell you use your brain don't panic use your brain what was she was seven dude there so hey so don't give it up unless you're in a committed relationship with this man and he spent money on you and you're living together and you're benefiting from him and he's paying every bill okay if you just like having casual sex and going and you know you're young or whatever and you're not you don't care fine but if you're trying to get money out of this man if you're trying to get married if you're trying to have a committed relationship you can't have sex on date three okay you can't have sex in one week all right I don't care how much he feels connected to you or we just get each other oh we're vibing it don't matter they're they're trying to they're gonna agree with everything you say until you get it until they get it so please you guys stop asking me what if what do I do what he wants sex figure it out you a grown woman okay figure it out say no come up with an excuse lie okay that's all I'm gonna tell you like I come up with a mixer why it's because you're old enough to figure that out by now hmm um let's see I had date on I had sex on date one I wasn't expecting him to be my husband I was just gonna hit and quit great but there's always exceptions to the rules like out of a thousand there might be a few cases where you had sex on date one ended up marrying the person right okay but most of the time and that was a while back probably in this day and age men don't think the same okay so in this day and age yeah ten years ago yeah that was possible but today if you go and have sex with someone on the first date you probably not gonna end up married okay the stuff that I did 20 years ago wouldn't fly today it's different now so make sure you're only doing what you want to do in a committed relationship before you give anything and guys will start acting different right after they get it and we know this but you still a lot of women still continue to do it but we know this oh I wonder if he's gonna start acting different yes he is um it's better to be ghosted without giving anything up and having money spent on you then to be ghosted after giving something up okay better to be ghosted for not giving it up then for giving it up think about it at least he'll know in the back of his mind if you're hard to get you are expensive you take a lot of effort to get into you know you were the one that he could not get you are the one that got away he's still thinking about you still you might call you up in two months and see if he can date you again but the guy who already got some oh he's done okay so don't give it up rather be go stood for not giving it up um so and another thing if you don't agree with this that's fine I know there's a lot of free spirits out there and when I say free I really mean free it's free to get it and you know a lot of people who are giving it away free most of those people are men men give away they still free if you are a woman giving your stuff away free you are working from a masculine ankle okay and you're working from a masculine angle thinking that sex is going to somehow magically make this person be the best man best husband best future husband best future father ever but it does it um all it does is he let him know that he's not the only one he's not the first one he won't be the last one he's probably the hundredth one and who wants that you know it's just like a car you want a brand you want a nice car you want of a new car okay but if you need a ride somewhere real quick you don't get hop up hop on and in anything to get your destination to get to your destination you're gonna hop in anything to get over to where you need to go but that's not the car you want to go purchase that's not the car you want to pay car notes on that's not the type of car you want to be seen in public with okay oh it's you know that's not the car you know you don't want to be riding a taxicab everywhere you know so if you're a taxicab that's what I'm call ad cabdriver Prince even said it lady cabdriver roll up your window fast doo doo doo - do y'all know what that is it's a prostitute or a [ __ ] or a free spirit and there's nothing wrong with being back but don't expect them to call you back don't be sad you know I hope you got something for it um so when you give men life even you give lots of me and rides you know after they pay you some people not even giving getting paid they're just driving around dusties for fun okay you're not even getting paid to give somebody a ride and you hurry and you doing it quick you know they can call you any time get it real quick with little effort and you're not even getting anything in return but I'm a free spirit I do what I want I do what I want like a man I hit it quick okay but secretly deep down inside you only do that because you already know they ain't calling you back anyway you already know they ain't gonna come back so you've already accepted that but then when you meet that that one guy you gotta meet that one guy you be like oh I really like him I want him to call me back you know I work with him we do this or you know I've known him for a while or you know I like the person you're gonna just make this exact mistake with that person you actually want to call you back and then guess what he's gonna put you in the category just like the other ones did so please understand that men judge you on how fast you give it up I don't care Mike yes there's always exceptions to the rule but for the most part men judge you on how fast you give it up so it is not normal like exactly it's not normal to act like a man in the relationship it's off balance because subconsciously deep down inside a man is masculine and a woman is feminine and there's just gonna be something about that person that just doesn't feel right I'm not comfortable in this there's something that I can't really put my finger on but I can't do this because deep down within and your subconscious mind you're not attracted to masculine traits if you're straight man okay so it might be arousing on the conscious level it might be a quick wham bam thank you ma'am and it was great and you'll have good memories about it but deep deep deep down inside in the back of your mind and the subconscious part of your mind you're not attractive to that because it is true masculine okay so think about that this is a psychological game this is not this is not a surface game this is chess this is strategic this is psychological okay you're not going to win unless he is looking for a masculine woman because he is literally deep down inside a feminine man okay and still one day when he gets enough money or enough whatever to feel masculine he's going to start to see your masculine and be repelled by it okay so that's why you don't become the man in the relationship not even as far as being a free spirit and hitting an equipment and pretending like oh I don't mind if he doesn't call me back because one day there'll be that person that you want to call you back and they won't you can't take on a masculine spirit if you want to attract a masculine man you will only repel him so remember that ladies a lot of women are masculine and they don't even realize it they have no idea that 90% of their personality traits are masculine and they wonder why they can't keep a man okay and you can have the longest lashes the longest we've the most makeup but if you are masculine in your personality you're still gonna drive them away so now that's why middle-aged men cheat the most they become masculine at that age and they want a feminine young woman exactly they're no longer struggling they've got their career in order they feel like the man they thought they got a nice car got a nice house now they're they're filling themselves they're filling their masculinity and they want to go get a feminine woman and so a lot of the Bob the Builder chicks get divorced at this time because the man is done using their masculine energy to make them more masculine okay a man is only attracted to a masculine woman because he needs her masculine energy to build him up to the man that he wants to be okay so ride-or-die chicks half fifty-fifty chicks bring stuff to the table chicks remember they're only using you for your masculine traits so that they can become more masculine it doesn't matter what argument that they have it doesn't matter the the the economy it doesn't matter about the statistics none of that matters eventually in the back of that man subconscious mind he doesn't want a masculine woman or he will discard the masculine woman when the economy gets better when he gets older when his paycheck gets better after he'd been working a while when he builds and when you help him finish building his life when he gets a house a nice car you know good salary when he's got all back now everything is good oh the economy has improved oh no he just got him about the Builder chip and you don't want to move into that masculine role and having sex too soon is masculine I'm just gonna say it straight up unless you are a sex worker and you're being paid and that's your job that's your living that's how you eat great but you don't have sex with men right away in fact they need to really earn that and work for it you know in America yeah you don't have to marry before you have sex but you have to be heavily invested and committed now if you're just young and trying to experiment and explore and have fun if you're under the age of twenty to twenty you know go do you think we're not talking about y'all okay unless you're trying to get money and trying to get calls back okay if you just try to do it to do it go do it okay by all means but if you're trying to have a relationship if you're trying to have you know meaningful long-lasting commitments don't give it now not talking about staying a virgin till you 40 and 30 okay I'm not talking about that okay I'm talking about making sure that man is totally into you committed to you invested in you and if you walk the way he's losing out big-time okay and what are the masculine traits you see in women working too much talking too loud okay I'll I'll list some of the masculine traits that I see and women all at her first of all one of the first ratchet I mean ratchet ratchetness of course okay one of the first masculine traits I see in a woman is talking loud yes that's number one screaming want to be heard seeing you know confronting others in public instead of in private putting people's business out in the street you know that's a masculine trait wanting to pay for and show that you have money wanting to pay for stuff all the time oh I got that I got that I make this bragging bragging about things like that it's masculine you know always trying to make someone laugh and being the class clown or you know impress people with anything else besides what you look like your career your job you know where you went to school that's all masculine it is it really is and you know certain styles of clothing you know can make you appear even more masculine so how you how your mannerisms are how you sit you know how you deal with problems you know how you react to things are you violent all these are masculine traits women who talk about sex yes oh I can't stand those either oh my goal like when you're a potty mouth and all you do is talk about sex and body parts and that's not cute that is very masculine and it also turns a lot of men off because they feel like you're just another man who happens to just be a woman okay so I have seen this on Facebook I'm like what that and ratchet what would in the ratchet world is this you know pick me super masculine chick I need some beep beep tonight whoo you know for real that's what they post on their facebook status I'm like well I hope you charging ok I hope you get I hope you're getting paid so if you ever did that eight don't do it again just don't repeat competing with a man competing with the man is very masculine you know even if you can beat them I still maxima um you can talk about sex just not around me exactly don't talk to don't talk about it around me some women daddy talk about it around other women you know because it's like oh my god you know cuz they can easily go and tell on me she's like she talks about sex all the time she's like you know so no I wouldn't talk to anyone about it unless they're a perfect stranger who don't know who I am and they will never get to meet anyone I know and they can't tell anything so women that offer drinks to a man how how are you competing with me career you know any type of competition wait you know anything one upping that person correcting them if they say something wrong or do something wrong you know correcting them trying to look smarter than them another thing correcting a man in public you know calling them out in public especially if you're in a relationship with one you know what I mean if someone is disrespected you fine whatever you know they need to learn a lesson but if you are with a man and you claiming him and you're talking trash to him in public any like you know arguing with him in public people about to call the police on y'all that's very masculine okay so who are ghost men okay ghost men are men who disappear after they sleep with you like a ghost they vanish it's a because I know a lot of people are watching from different parts of the world so they don't use the same type of slang so it simply means they disappear after they get what they want from you okay so yes you can't and also women who don't take care of themselves who just wake up wash their face and roll out the bed just like that those are very masculine women okay micki an hour I was at the mall the other day and we saw these you know cashiers that were working and straight-up masculine women just like straight up to just terrible all clothes were all dirty and messy hair with a mess you know they had that weave in but you could see the trash you know they weren't you trying they weren't even trying you know and they were growing women not children but grown women so dusty we yes very masculine I don't care where you go make make sure you look your best that's feminine walking out the house like you rolled off the bed is masculine okay because man can do that with no problem and still look good you can't you can't suggesting things seduction and manipulation is feminine demanding you know loud arguing forcing it's masculine so that's that's why you have to know the difference so women who give it up too quick and men who ghost them the man is correct in this situation okay have you been ghost if I man because you gave it up too soon he is just making a fair judgment call and it's not his fault he said this chick probably didn't had by sex with 20 people this month I just made 21 it was easy to attain now I can go back to you know seeking a serious partner or looking for a woman that is worthy of commitment because that she is not the one okay so make sure you're not trying to you know put it on him so he can get hooked after date three men don't get hook like that if it's that easy how you gonna get hooked on something that was free it's not like crack you can't give them the first rock free and then they're gonna come back it's not addictive like that because they could go out to the next pickme chick and get it free you know what I'm saying there's 30 crack dealers on the same street hit that crackhead don't ever have to buy crack he can go get the first rock free from 30 people then change his clothes put on a hat and some sunglasses and do it again because they don't even remember him okay so don't think you're trying to get somebody hooked on the third date you can't do that mm-hmm okay ooh talking with your mouth full I am guilty of that sometimes where I'm like in the middle of a conversation and I'm just so hungry that to stick it in my mouth but never on a date never around you know I mean whatever chew your food chew it up with your mouth closed follow it then talk okay using your fingers on a plate unless it's included just as bad manners mm-hmm I'm gonna say that's masculine ashes bad manners so remember think of giving it up too soon like as having bad manners that is the equivalent of that having sex too soon is the equivalent of having bad manners chewing with your mouth open passing gas in front of him that's the equivalent all you're gonna do is drop them away you know what I mean mhm and make yourself less valuable embarrass yourself make yourself a joke and a laughingstock and the story that he's telling his friends okay cuz do you know how the guys start their stories off man I was with this whole yeah it was a ratchet chick you know and I'll shoot I just had to take her to McDonald's if she opened it up you know she gave it to me that was so easy you gonna call her back man no man you know how many guys she probably slept with yeah you know that's not what I want what can I have phone number Dean man well I'll tell you why I met her you might be able to meet at this what'd she look like here go her picture you know oh you hit that okay I'm gonna see if I can go hit it you should be able to super easy just take it at McDonald's you know what I'm saying all right me thanks for the heads up no problem what else she do everything everything everything uh-huh I'm gonna go get back and then a week later you was right man she gave it up after day two on me oh I spit have skills I got it on day two she had she paid for my McDonald's Shh guess the six-pack is paying off Oh a man she blowing up my phone I knew I should have gave her that fake number that I have an app for I'm at the block Oh must have been too good block so this is how they're doing this how you doing you sitting there worried in my inbox talking about I had sex what do I do is it too late can I get a yes too late by throw the whole thing away start over but there's nothing I could eat no but no oh you should know move on they're done with you they got what they wanted and they're out okay okay two weeks later he still hasn't called I told you why I thought I told you to move on he's not gonna call he's over you he's done he's he's probably sleeping with the next chick who gives it up easy or pursuing someone and working hard for it because she's not giving it up so easy um and this can be with men who are broke or have money know what I'm saying this has nothing to do with money this is just gin I hate when women who try to prolong sex we are all adults with one life to live what's the big deal the big deal is you're gonna think she does that with every man and then you're not gonna want to wife her marry her date her seriously you just want to have sex because you're all adults you just want to have sex because you're all at all and at the end of the day adults should be able to take getting ghosted right the thing with women is that when they go into sex when they are trying to have sex they're trying to keep you not get rid of you that's the difference mm-hmm so yes we're all adults yes we can do it fine you know but at the end of the day adults have free will to call you back or not call you back either mm-hmm sure what if you have sex too soon but he sticks around and you want him to go away then goes to him mm-hmm talk about how to avoid sex just say no make excuses lie very easy very simple a child can do it they don't want you to dip out on it don't matter if they'd about like if you're dating someone and you have not slept with them it doesn't matter who they're sleeping with because they're not sitting with you yet they're not even committed to you yet as long as you're getting a benefit from it and you're not giving it up it's a bonus points for you he could go sleep with the chick down the street who he will never call back while he's waiting to get what you got in pain and doing all this stuff and taking you shopping and paying bills he can go have some on the side because you're not fully committed to him yet you have not slept with him yet and if he thinks that he needs sex on the side he's not gonna be you know waiting with you he's not gonna give up sex because you gave up sex let him do it don't even question him where he's been that's gonna make him even wanted more you know what I'm saying it's gonna be like hi how are you you know he's got he's even got his stuff out the way he's not trying to sexually pursue you as strong today because he got it with the ratchet [ __ ] down the street that he will never call back unless it's 11 o'clock at night and he needs some more unless he just wants to use her as a friends with the benefit you know and then when you finally give him some or when you finally want to take it to the next step he's just gonna ghost her and stop calling her or he will continue to keep her like on hold until you stop giving it up you know what do you think of getting married young don't get married before the age of 25 and don't marry a man under the age of 45 that's just my advice personal advice uh-huh telling jokes are being funny masculine if it's just like one little joke and you tell it like really feminine I think it's fine but if you're always trying to have a punchline it's you know if you're comedian that's your job as part of your entertainment or whatever that's fine but when you're on a date with a man you don't do that you don't be the funny one you don't you don't need the attention you have to let him shine your presence is shining for you you know so like for example you know when I do videos when I talk to you guys and I troll and stuff like that yeah yeah yeah but I'm not on a date I'm not trying to impress a man I'm trying I'm not trying to get money from a man I'm not trying to you know compete with this man like tit for tat so that's why it's a little masculine um do I know you who are you what do you know what are my finances please get off my nuts what oh you're talking to somebody else how can I tolerate my man cheating are you all having sex yet have you had sex with your man if he if yes if he's not paying for everything if you don't have to work I would say he's tolerating you okay if you paying anything in that house if you take money out your wallet for anything then you don't tolerate him cheating okay that's just my advice what these women think gonna get a man is really what turns them off completely yeah exactly um so you think that if a guy is a full supporter he should have the freedom to cheat I don't think he should have the freedom to cheat but you should have the brains to get money you have the freedom to cheat as well okay just think about it just use your brain and get out of your emotion and really just think about it you're not losing anything in fact that just gave you the green light to cheat as well okay and get his money and a possible gift to forgive him so you just tripled your income um remember have a goal not an emotional attachment ago so but some women can get ghosted after they've made a man wait with someone to get relationships after having I would rather get ghosted after he spent about five to ten thousand dollars on me taking me to do stuff dating you know I would rather have been wined dined taken out giving money taking shopping if I have to give it up one time for that that's to me that's worth it now he all he knows is it's gonna take the next man the same exact formula to get it which means I'm gonna be wine and dine treated special giving shopping money all my bills are gonna be paid before I give it up again so I still win still win okay at the end of the day I got more out of it and that's the point mm-hmm and he probably will feel dumb after he leaves after he realized this day I did all that work because he might just ghost you out of habit some guys ghost out of habit because after they get it they just like uh you know it's not to say anymore I already got it then they start to think down this is when they call back and I spent all this money unless he's you know just got it to throw away like that Danny I spent a lot of time with her you know everything he sees is gonna remind you of him because y'all spent like a month and a half or two months or three months or however long it took him to spend all that money together you know and he's gonna start thinking about you dang I wonder what she's doing there I wonder who she's dating now well he could give you three or four weeks and he knows that you probably haven't even had sex with anyone new yet so he still has time to redeem himself and turn around and try to get you back and offer you more if you slept with him on one date one date - he can't come back in one week or two weeks because he felt like you already time slept with three people right in okay that's why it's important it is the after game is the aftermath and it is just in case you don't do that cause like you know you can come back in three weeks and know you haven't moved on sexually because you made him wait level now you ain't gonna go and give it up to the next man that easily you might be dating but that means nothing to him because he knows that that man is gonna have to work three more months to get whatever he worked he just finished working for so you got all this time and you can date two people that's how people juggle dating because one the one that you did before you didn't give it up he knows that man ain't got none of you so he will date you and wait for you to leave that other dude because he's not threatened that you're sleeping with him that's why some women can play checkers and some women only can get chest y'all gonna only play chess because y'all give it up too quick and y'all aren't playing with strategy um why are you here Oh what are you of the States of America with what are you of the States of America I don't know what that means what I don't know reword that she what do you think of men that are day traders I'm dating one for a little over month he doesn't push for sex ask about where I want to live in the future in travels a lot okay that means he's got other lots of other women and he's not he don't need to rush you because he's got so many options you don't need to rush you he's long wait to you ready you know there is no rush he's got lots of other women so he's probably already sleeping with one probably got a friends-with-benefits probably pursuing a couple of them at the same time but travels a lot that means no commitment that means I can't come home to you every night I'm a day trader which means I make a lot I make some money or a decent amount of money so I'll wait I don't care because I got plenty of it on call on standby that's all that means mm-hmm so you really need to make him wait mm-hmm he's gonna have to do something special to get it out of you you know anything so these men on here on a woman's channel at 3:00 in the afternoon huh well what can I say they lovely if you have your man spend money on you he's less likely to cheat because he's got to spend money on other women that's true um if your man's busy spending money not spending money on you unless he's just a mega rich and just got it like that and you're demanding nothing but scraps of course he'll have money to take other women out and give to other women but if you are you had good taste and you only want the best and you're asking your man to supply it oh he's not gonna be able to force somebody else um how do wealthy me review women who are nurses um I I think it all depends you know what I mean most really wealthy men who want to take care of a woman they don't really want her to work you know what I mean they don't want you to work unless you're willing to quit or be a part-time or whatever when they want to go on vacation when they want to do stuff they don't want you to be tired they don't want you to say well that'll work if they're really wealthy and can take care of you you don't need to work they don't care as long as you are what they want you to be you know you could be a receptionist and get the same type of man I'm not saying quit nursing school or anything I'm just saying if you really want to be in that field and do that as a career and not want and don't want to stay home but if you're always complaining about it how you don't like it I'll just quit mm-hmm so why some women hate got gays and chat I don't know I didn't see that comment how to get a sugar daddy to marry you what to do after years of being together given the ultimatum move on you know you got to risk it you got to risk it all to get it off that is the place got to risk it all to get it all and you got to know you're worth it mm-hmm you wind it James buy your first car actually he's two weeks after I met him he started paying on my car note of the car I already had he paid that off and then he put a down payment for another car paid those notes so I guess he bought that car and then we married oh well then he bought me a Benz right after we got married and my 20 Cena 27 so I am a beautician I can't work with me and it's impossible I love pursuing hobbies rather than working exactly okay as long as you're happy and not bugging them all the time they don't care what you're doing you know what I'm saying I would give the ultimatum and stick to it yes so the moral of the video if you want a man to call you back make him work for everything and I always suggest this is me you don't take my advice but I always suggest being in a committed relationship before you have sex with a man unless you're just experimenting and having fun as a young young adult you know what I'm saying like get it on out the way when you're at college when you're a teenager whenever you start having sex the first couple of years you won't want to put it on everything you know what I'm saying but after that after you realize its value after you see how guys start acting stupid about it you you realize what you have then you be smart about it you know after you've gotten some experience and you know what they lack in you know all you got your craft a college your craft you got your craft together you know what you're doing then you pull it back and dangle it on a string and make them chase it like a carrot okay that's all you got to do now you know go have your fun whatever play don't stay there too long don't wait okay and another thing about virgins okay if you if you're gonna hold that virginity until you're 30 it's not gonna be worth hardly a thing unless you look 20 okay sell it while you're young men don't wanna buy old virginity's hurry up like 25 you pushing it get rid of it before you're 25 hurry up what do you have to say about men that can't handle their sexuality that can't handle their sexuality I don't understand that question this chatroom proves how devious women are okay well women have to be devious in a devious world you know there is no reason that be defensive it's there's nothing coming against you there's no opposition you know everyone will be really nice trusting they would have they would they wouldn't even have you know the word sex they would call it make love because you'd be in love before you became that close with another person but since we are here we have to really deal with the present moment and that's all it is it's being smart we're adapting right we're adapting just like y'all are adapting but at the end of the day a man's sex drive is way stronger than a woman so by nature it's still gonna be hard for you literally gonna be harder for you yeah after 30 a virgin scream spinster she's been married for to about 20 years yeah I'm I've been there the other but women want our money by Nature exactly mm-hmm that's that's how I setup where we are the natural receivers do I need to go into it anatomically do you would you like to receive you want to catch or you want a pitch high lol yeah oh the little girl from yesterday I looked up in the news and it says she had non life threatening injuries but you never know you never know hopefully she you know I think I was driving by there today and I huh where they spray-painted around where the incident happened the bullet stained and also but I'm sure I'll hear something more than that but they said they weren't life threatening but they could they could just hurt she was responsive so hopefully she made it um this little girl guy was on her bike yesterday and got clipped by like a big truck and he drugged her bike right in front of our neighborhood so I think she's gonna be okay probably had to have surgery or something but they life flighted her but I think she's okay because I looked it up and there were non-life threatening injuries all men can provide we don't trust with me okay women don't trust me any of them that's why we have to play this game that's why you have to play games because no one trusts anyone anymore advice to women over 30 um hurry up if you want a man hurry up and get in there it's not wasting time don't don't take your values down go for an old man if you're 30 you can get married quick if you deal with old dudes like seriously very new tonight and I'm not talking about five years old I'm talking about older okay there is a there is no games most people are stuck in their lower self and can't see the bigger picture of love and its power you know there is a thing called love and you fall in love and then the woman starts getting wrinkly and older than the man still looks a little bit better and then you start seeing something young and fresh and that whole love thing goes out the window so yes there's the bigger picture but there's also reality and you know a pattern so most people go by a patterns and how they predict the weather and how they predict their man is gonna act at a certain age there's a wasp in here it gotta you want to open the door so I want to open the door and just let it out but more might fly in if a sugar daddy has average pay plet very generous and paid our bills and allowance your thoughts let's say they have more than one because as soon as that money it starts to run out or he gets tired of you it could just turn off just don't become dependent on it just always have a backup you know or savings or good savings I was a mortician and I'm scared of a wasp yes dead bodies don't sting I don't cut him it's on the window I think it's gonna stay there how do men know you're dusty even when you're well groomed probably the way you talk act and walk and your mannerisms always give away your vocabulary gives it away so I feel like the window anymore she or should a woman be very clear about wanting to marry for wealth and not love nope you need to be a really good actress deep down inside the men know why you're there especially if they're old and you're young they already know the damn they do don't there's some things you don't have to explain if that man is old and this young you don't have to even say the word they already understand okay you'll have to talk about it it's just implied because you could like when whenever I like James start you know acting acting out I'm like if I wanted to if I wanted to deal with certain things I would have dated a man my own age okay then he get right back a lot sometimes you got to remind him of their age so he already knew I already know you you you have one job security mm-hmm that's job you old you can't get a young woman that's going have 50 50 of you old can't do it so she dirty she'll just with my hand do you really want to go through this again you know like to see a wasp attack I got some perfume on bridge save this in my home it's called la vie lam worked life and death the life of death smells like rotting flowers I get a funeral after a cemetery and all the flowers start dying on the way reminds me of my old job these wasps come back it's gonna get sprayed this is Tokyo milk dark and it is called lobby lobby lamort a denotes all-white - rose cardamon hibiscus leaf and jasmine and smells really good okay don't spray that sweet perfume I'm almost gonna track it even worse [Music] [Music] how do older women get married to wealthy men if young women are easy um you gotta find an older man that wants a woman close to his age or on a super old man who you who you are considered young to who you are considered young to and let them sleep with the young chicks so just you collect the money shoot good well let's work for you what does a woman over 50 need to do to get a sugar day go to the nursing home volunteer read to these old people oh I'll go get you a vivacious 70 year old I know a 70 year old who will only date 20 and 30 something year olds I ain't even playing my mom's friend he's a millionaire 70 years old still trying to fly chicks out to Vegas and be a sugar daddy to these youngsters younger than me okay this smells really good I got some more stuff that they were having a sale um but like if you want to buy time and make the relationship more meaningful without having sex do I hope that was do things that bring you closer together like a project like do a project together like oh we should you know do this together you know hold hands ever you go to create intimacy you know be very affectionate towards one another but don't do the sex you know things like that you can hold them off and they'll value they'll start to value you more than just you know quick sex you're gonna start to develop real feelings for you you know they might be frustrated sexually but they'll miss you when you leave and go home and you're not spending the night and getting on their nerves after two weeks they'll miss you when you can you leave you know oh I'm so sorry I can't spend the night I gotta go I have to go after wake up early tomorrow but I'm gonna miss you you know they look forward to seeing you again tomorrow they look forward to you because they haven't had all of you they don't know everything about you they've gotten close to you they're holding your hand they know what you smell like they know your scent you know what I'm saying this pillow smells like her you've been around in their house in their car and there's evidence of you being in their life you know what I'm saying you're their couch pillow smells like you their t-shirt smells like you because you've been like hugging on them and or at laying or sitting next to them you know you share it little details here and there they know what you like they know your favorite color you know your favorite flower so they can surprise you with it they when they see the certain flower it reminds them of you you know you go and spray your perfume on some of their pillows and stuff and when they get a whiff of it they think of you you become you know you become to occupy their mind and then they start to fall for you they have invested in you emotionally you know so they didn't time you know to get you out of their mind like a hitting quit chick you're still there and they still haven't gotten the prize yet you know and they feel like it's a you're the prize now oh I'm so lucky I have this wonderful woman in my life and they already feel like they have half the prize so the other half is just the added bonus and once they get that if they have truly fallen for you and they are used to having you around and holding your hand and hearing about what you know talking to you and stuff like that and spending quality time with you they're not gonna go shoot there they might take it to the next level or you should take to the next level before you even give it to them you know we've been spending a lot of time together and I really want you to meet my parents I really want you to you know know that I don't want to go to the next level unless we are both ready to be in a committed relationship as soon as he hears the words committed relationship he has a choice to end it all there to lie to you or to agree to it no matter what choice he makes you win okay and he'll be the one that loses because you will no longer be there you will no longer care about what he's doing she knows that you're on to the next and someone else is wining and dining you and holding your hand it's not just sex anywhere it's more meaningful you know here knows that some other man is seeing the value that he saw in you if you never showed him your value how can he value losing you how can he regret losing you he can't regret losing someone that hit it and quit it he can only regret losing someone who meant something to him who was special who understood him who gave him quality time you know who was a feminine woman and a good catch and a wifey material he did not have time to miss it and quit it Jake you know so the value of having companionship with another human being that you see more than sexually that's the value yeah how do you win if he lies to you you win because you've got you know who knows how many dates who knows how many gifts who knows how many nice you know evenings of whatever you've got to know him and if he disposes of you and he lies and that's all he wanted for three months worth of work or two months worth more than $5,000 worth of dates and gifts and spending you want and chances are he'll realize how dumb of a mistake he made dumb of a mistake that he made and he'll be trying to get you back in a week because now he knows how hard it is to find someone who values himself and he might go out and hit a few people and not falling back and ghost him thing he's gonna be sitting at home one night missing you smelling your perfume on his pillow you know seeing something that reminds you of him finding an old ticket stuff from the movies y'all went to or you know whatever he's gonna see all that stuff cause you spent time he's gonna miss the companionship then he's gonna call you back oh I want you back come back y'all know is true I had a good girl man but I let her go oh yeah you had had as the keyword known she probably dates and and when a woman moves on from something like that she always always it does better and upgrades it improves because now she's got more game she knows what men like she knows what gets them she knows how to make him wait she knows how to make them invest so hurricane gets better way better so and another thing ladies you have to keep your emotions out of it it gotta keep the emotions out of it until he emotionally invests fully into you otherwise it's premature I'm not emotional I can control mine because I have the game now other women yes they are over emotional that's why they can't focus and play to win they get mad at the stupid stuff you don't get mad at you collect information and use it against them later you don't explode you don't react you take notes now when when it can learn to do this they'll be winning okay as I was comparing the Housewives of Atlanta to the Housewives of Beverly Hills the Housewives of Atlanta yes they're very emotional they don't come from you know Beverly Hills you know that in the doclet they react to the men the women of Beverly Hills they just take a valium and like I'll deal with him later through my Botox you know they're strategic and then when they say they're gonna deal with him later after their Botox they're mean they're getting ready to go shopping get some nice clothes some nice shoes with his money they're getting ready to go have some private tennis lessons from a male tennis instructor off the record they're gonna go on vacation these women are strategic they don't react they gather information and deal with it privately that's how you're supposed to do it you know um yes they might get their little feelings hurt but they're not overreacting they will get you they will get even that's for sure um so the next time you are over emotional don't even go there don't throw it away start over like okay I'm not gonna react I'm not gonna react I'm not gonna react what am I gonna do okay now what could I do to make this turn around in my favor that's what you need to ask whenever a man does something that makes you emotional stop yourself from reacting and say how can I turn this around to work in my favor and then you proceed with that plan okay that's what I did a woman who control her emotion is very powerful indeed if you a man already predicts men already predict you're going to be over emotional they know you don't have time to sit there and think about stuff and get them you know where he's least expecting it all a man has to do to pull you back in is to make you start arguing and now you're emotionally um pulled back in then you start discussing why you couldn't be this way and why you couldn't be that way if a man gets you to start arguing like on to complain he's pulled you back and now you're back in that emotional spot now you're vulnerable don't even argue it man mr. gokane you know I'm just you know I'm gonna deal with this at my own time and there's nothing I can say to you you know walk off leave them wondering when you're gonna react how you're gonna react what you gonna do leave them scared you don't react that's scarier when you react they expect that they were already prepared mentally they've already prepared for you to cuss him out kick him they haven't already caught him I'm gonna be coming over tonight they didn't already set up a date with sharkeisha because they know you're gonna kick him out I'm a beauty about ten o'clock clothes don't react okay baby you know I understand you know I need to really sit and think about this well you're not gonna kick me out no you're not mad I meant uh-oh I'm upset but I just need to think about some things okay you want to be alone no you could say well I'm gonna go out tonight do whatever you like you know go out have fun now he afraid to leave because he things you gonna cut up all his clothes oh no I'm seeing mm-hmm so don't react it's scarier when you don't react because they don't know what you're gonna do when you're gonna do it and how you're gonna do it and they are scared scared scared to even mess up again shark he should text and and she nobody's the phone is off you didn't block sharkeisha number cuz he's scared he doesn't know what skin Riddick oh he don't know if you are getting right if you're mayor you don't know if you didn't really divorce him if you're not married and got kids he don't know you are a black child support he doesn't know what you can wear he should like you say he should see kill he shook he's gonna go get some drinks and calm his nerves so the arguing cut it out the reaction and the emotion cut it out get quiet don't get upset a person's own mind can drive them crazy and a person's own guilt can get them to confess without you doing anything but when you react that's when they put up that guard that's when they put up the wall that's when you don't get the answers you got to learn how to play the game correctly mm-hmm so please young chui's you let the man talk more in general yep let him talk get all the ammunition for later on get all those interesting interesting facts because you'll be able to use those later on mm-hmm how long should eight someone asked me where they can send my gifts right down there where it says the money symbol you can donate down there mm-hmm my ex used to tell me I love when we argue stupid because he feels like you still care and love him if you're gonna take the time and energy and emotion to tell him what upsets you what makes you feel this way what makes you feel that way you're passionate when you're arguing that's passion that's why they like it it's passion it's the same almost is this almost the same energy as having a passionate interaction that's why I like it that's why the men come here when they troll they love to troll it back because it's almost on a sexual mentally the same type of stimulation so what you want is to not give that to them let them beat without now they gotta chase you to figure out what's wrong why are you not mad then they're gonna start spilling secrets well they don't know what you know especially if you don't say anything they don't start confessing stuff cuz they think you know something you might not have known that just let them talk oh I know why you mad you must have seen that text message that's just from a friend at work okay there's text messages but you know don't even talk don't even say that just like let him keep going let him spill everything oh you must have seen that phone in my pocket oh you must have saw my email that was my ex from a long time ago she still trying to get me you know oh that was my oh you must have seen that picture from somebody I was drunk she gave me she put on there my phone she took it you just gathering you just gathering your gift in your mind is getting larger and larger and larger okay I wanted that now I want this and a keychain mm-hmm-hmm keep going don't let him bury himself so what is it wouldn't wouldn't why you so mad why are you so much oh why am i so mad because you didn't text me good morning what you just gave me all the information I need it thank you so much [Laughter] [Music] sorry I always get takes any pumps do on my computer I got it I don't know what is continuation which one I should say to text me via Facebook first okay someone sent me a message about the little girl that got hit she looks she gonna be okay okay that's good news I think I saw that little girl riding around too couple times and that's my biggest problem I tell too much about my past life when I haven't when I have a conversation but it just feels like I shouldn't lie but why they're lying to you like what is it that makes you feel like this is not a game what is it that makes you feel like you have to be a hundred percent honest what is that like let me ask you that question and y'all need to all think about this what is it that makes you want to give all that information away be honest in front about everything and tell the absolute 100% truth when they are lying to you from the get-go I'm just asking name me one time a man has told you 100 percent of the truth when you guys first started dating it's childhood brainwashing cuz we are brainwashed as children to always tell the tried on't tell my kids that I do not brainwash my kids to tell the truth you know what I say you know I tell my kids you tell me the truth so I can help you get out of the mess you in anybody else you tell them whatever they need to hear at the time I said but you need to tell Bob because mama can help you okay and I don't I wouldn't judge you because I'm probably sure I've done it and usually they will tell me when they have lied to me mom remember when I told you when I first got home I did this well I didn't do it so I'm gonna go do it now I was like okay but I tell them to lie when it benefits them I said everyone doesn't I'm not finna sit here and tell you not to lie and be the tattletale and tell the truth all the time and follow the rules because that doesn't get you anywhere and life but at the bottom I even told Leila I say okay if you don't get your way in class plate every car do you have playtime cuz I'm a girl so your race car play all the cards until you go handle cards if somebody is mean to you and they're bothering you raise your hand tell the teacher they said a bad word okay lah-lah when it benefits you I bet you they won't mess with you anymore bad mom good mom shoot you naked trolling me oh thank you appreciate that in the buff um no I tell my kids like if it's gonna help them I sure do they're not gonna sit up here until the truth to get punished and have other people get away with stuff because they don't get caught or they don't get targeted I'm gonna tell them straight up lie tell them what I'll see you tell them it's telling that you know and if you get in trouble you know you ain't getting in trouble I'm your mama well we can't lay the line well I told her to lie but why would you tell her to lie I said if it's for her protection or if she feels threatened in any way or she's being bullied and that is her only defense would you like me to ask her she'll result to violence No so she's gonna lie okay problem solved if somebody's bothering you oh he's kicking my chair he's kicking my foot he tripped me okay are you gonna teach them to beat that person back yeah but they'll get in more trouble so how about lying on him how about loud how about what what he said that he was going to go stuff a bunch of toilet paper down the toilet and trying to sink on in a bathroom and make it overflow I heard him and I just want to shot her no aunty comedy in word you bet you'll never mess with her again ever why it's better than fighting I'm sorry it's calming it called game and you gotta learn how to play it early I didn't say that of course you're gonna deny it of course of course you're gonna deny it you not you got you're not going to admit to that but I didn't say yes he said it I heard it he said it twice honesty sandwich hmm then start fake crying who you gonna believe yes I do teach my kids to live because that's exactly what they gonna have to do when they get out into the real world when school is over okay once childhood and it they have to get on to this world they're not trying to go out there playing by the rules telling the whole truth telling their life story and getting ran through and ghost they not gonna do all that everything alive from the get-go therefore not have what they need in life and they're gonna benefit from everything that they do because that's how the world is okay the schools teach you walk in line follow the rules be honest they teach you the crap you can't use in the world okay you can't use that I don't know who taught them that but you can't use that the teachers go home and understand that they can't even use that in their real life as an adult it's not about morals but about getting caught and having things crumble exactly that's why I say call your momma because she's very strategic I will teach you how to think and they're gonna learn eat they're gonna learn as well look reasonable down create reasonable doubt use it you can't prove it you can't prove it they said no one's being recorded reasonable doubt do they have a motive yes I should have been a lawyer so that's what I'm saying got to teach the kids early don't teach your daughter's to always be honest because all she gonna do is go be honest to the man who's scheming on her mm-hmm and you know like when you when you're in when you're in school the girls and the boys are very different the girls are good well-behaved nice the boys are REM bumptious little rowdy they don't play by the rules that's the masculine side okay so in this world when you get out into the real world lael always yes true especially if your black child the teacher will always think you did wrong that's why you gotta pull the race card you gotta live you got to get ahead before you even behind how you doing okay he called me the n-word no I didn't yes you did that means that look right there don't mess with me I got you I'm going home tell my momma oh no don't do that because they know the black mom are gonna come up to the school so I'm gonna happen and I will bring my mama to me well that's what they think I'm so honest I'm school I'm suing I'm going strategically when I'm school I'm suing this I'm suing the district I'm gonna get paid Thank You Leila sauce would be better at this because she's a really good actress we're gonna get paid I'm dead so they're gonna get in trouble anyway they might as well do what they gotta do you know you might as well save you it broke Leila's heart one time because this key it was picking on her throwing stuff at her and she finally got up you know to do something about it and the teacher saw her throw a you know a chip at him but she didn't see or recognize that he was throwing stuff at her for five minutes but when the little black child gets up and throws one thing oh you're in trouble you're in trouble Leila was so hurt by that she came home and wrote a letter and put handed it to the teacher and told her the entire situation and what happened you know and you know the kids sitting in trouble but she just felt like it was unfair she's like it's not fair my like the world is not fair so you don't play fair elbow every I'll be all they offer you don't play fair you know if you're playing fair you're gonna lose I said play every card you have and play every card you ask and you know I'm I will back you up so you have to worry about that so that's that's how it has to be I'm sorry I you know I'm when you know things are you know certain things and you know they're a certain way you have to act accordingly just have to you don't play by rules not if you want to win mm-hmm I play to win I don't play for fun and I already totally lost a little this is how it is live with it deal with play all the cars you have do what you got to do lie scheme scam they told me Shira is older than 30 but she looks much better than you were chasing me not to talk how well-behaved oh yeah I'm Way out in 30 Joe Obama a little bit over I'm almost 40 I think behind the Mother's Day gift and tell you to get something pretty for you I got my Oh Shira has hit the wall yeah but I hit the wall in a nice house okay at least I got a wall to hit that's my own wall ain't written as wall anyway I already made a video with that same title I hit the wall why because they said any woman over 30 has hit the wall like so Beyonce Rihanna hit the wall who else JLo's hit the wall all these chicks then hit the wall so she is trending up any of the wall to you he's trending le meriden hit the wall hitting the wall is trending Sophia Vargas hit the wall will Rihanna is over 30 yeah Karrueche has hit the wall well all the people y'all visualize when y'all are with the lotion and tissue has it the law so whatever Nicki Minaj's hit the wall how was cardi B know how she wound Omar's is hit the wall oh wait it's only women I forgot it doesn't count for me Naomi Campbell has hit the wall cardi 25 okay she's five years from hitting a wall okay mm-hmm Kim Kardashian has hit the wall oh my gosh all these all these women who have hit the wall she they're on all the magazine covers they're in all the magazines on TV hitting the wall must be a good thing oh my gosh I'm so glad I'm part of the wall club so thanks for that compliment appreciate it when you see yourself when you use yourself up abused your body drinking smoking horn and hit the wall early what but see hitting the wall didn't even matter to most men cuz they'll hit hit you after you didn't hit the wall and hit you again felt like I I like her she's over 30 she's hit the wall but I still I'll still have sex with her so what does it matter if we hit the wall y'all still want it anyway that's my thing like why you wasting your breath you still take it you'll still beg for it you'll still spend money for it we won't wife you though uh we don't we would wife you either we don't need a wife I hope y'all call back we don't need a wife we only deal with me in okay you ain't been a wife nobody cuz you ain't got no money to wife anybody I'm ugly and hurt that I hit the wall oh man you right that's what it is I'm ugly and I'm hurt that I hit the wall and a dusty will not marry me I'm just so upset about that darn it I missed the dusty wedding mr. dusty wedding in the wedding reception in the back of the church in the Hoosick miss miss that mr. dollar tree flower arrangements started missed the chip diamond ring darn it from Walmart darn it I just missed it miss two birthday cakes sat on top of each other darn it from a wedding cake got direct well maybe next lifetime I'll be good enough to marry a dusty like mm-hmm [Music] alright y'all I really got to go over your game is for dime but it works for anybody because you can throw in a wig and a ton of makeup some heels and be coming down into second throwing some contact some lashes you a dime man don't know the difference especially when they out drinking if any money they don't care especially they think they don't get some damn here Kathleen don't even care if you a man in a dress believe you know why because they all come here looking up looking for trance on this channel like are you trance are you trans are you try no why are you looking for that let me send you somewhere where let me see you to a different channel you know I they're really trying to be trolling on a low level but I still troll them right on back I'm sorry let me sing you to another channels that's what you're really into okay I gotta go and I like y'all acting like a lot of y'all are acting like we want to marry all y'all aren't the problem y'all wanna target for a husband know who lied to you y'all and that husband material I don't want any man who sits up in somebody's YouTube all day commenting for four hours that's not getting paid I don't that's not husband material eight clothes material is that working and getting paid earning some real money and has a career he's not sitting up on a YouTube channel all day that is madness by material so you say we were wife you I'm so glad thank you thank you for saving us the thought of even thinking that you would so ladies y'all just barely grazed by marrying somebody who trolls YouTube channels all day while you at work now catching how deceitful you are yes got to be deceitful in the world of deceit saucy
Channel: SheraSeven
Views: 65,630
Rating: 4.8829694 out of 5
Id: GzNFgEJ4fxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 36sec (6216 seconds)
Published: Thu May 10 2018
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