How To Naturally Cure Hair-loss , a Receding hairline , and Thinning in 30 days

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dami here we're back at it with another video today i'm going to be teaching you guys how i pretty much got my hair from thinning and having bald spots to you know my hairline getting back to this you know full and pretty much yeah i give myself a record like 30 minutes ago because i wanted to make this video so yeah uh pretty much just going to show you guys how i did it and i'm gonna put the picture right here of you know my hairline before everything and yeah and it didn't take too long to get back to this uh i noticed a big problem and what was causing my hairline to recede and thin was wearing a cap in a dorado too often i'm telling you right now if you wear a drag 24 7 your hairline is going to start to recede like it does help you get waves but trust me you want to sacrifice your hairline and you know start having bald spots so like if you don't want to have that word drag like you can stop waving and everything but don't wear drag as often as you do like me i stopped waving because of that and also try wash your hair with shampoo as like you know limited times you like don't you don't don't even use shampoo try not to dry trust me like shampoo kind of damages your hair like i noticed i used to have dandruffs and everything and as soon as i stopped using that my hair to get a lot darker and you know thicker and everything so like shampoo was definitely a problem with thinning and you know having bald spots and also try trying workshop cap at least three times a day i mean three times a week when taking a shower because when you take a shower and wash it out of thing you take out the natural holes in your hair and which causes it to call you cause it's to be dry like your hair and your scalp everything would be dry so it causes the growth process to be a lot slower so if you try to limit the amount of times you wash your hair and like you know still be clean maybe clean with your hair don't put like nasty stuff in your hair and palmies and everything but try the amount of times you wash your hair and trust me that your hairline should start growing back and you know getting thicker again also what else uh basically uh what else did i do i started using this coconut oil coconut oil i'm telling you right now is the best thing for you the best thing like i noticed when i started putting this on my face i started having facial hair like i never had to show it before but like in like two months it rapidly started coming at everything so like coconut oil is amazing also good for cooking all that but like this is n-u-t-i-v-a so you can buy this on amazon and it looks like this so you can search it up i might put a link down but yeah uh if you get this i'm telling you right now that it would really help your hair growth and i started putting this in like the parts of the thinning and balding and i noticed after a while it would start to fill back up like little by little so like and when i stopped it would like you know go back to the way it was so i started regularly putting this on my face and my hair and like look at this like compared to that look at this it's like yeah try some coconut oil is essentially when you're blind and you know if you want to stop receding so like if you want your hairline to grow back you need coconut oil trust and pretty much what else did i you know i pretty much just you know went out a lot more so like took more walks so like you know i'm pretty much receiving more sunlight and then my hair you know get more you know nutrients from the sun and all that because your hair is like a plant pretty much it's like plant needs sunlight to grow it's like your hair is your hair needs sunlight to grow so like it helps your scalp and everything so make sure you you receive them out like the normal amount of sunlight you know don't stay in the indoors like too often like i know right now everyone's pointy but like you can still go for walks and everything so yeah so try get more sunlight and like i said coconut well like i'm telling you that's like seventy percent if you get coconut oil and you know use shower caps more often promise you i promise you you should see results but yeah so this is my hairline now like come on like look at this tell me this is not like nice like coming from that and this i want to thank you guys for watching this video don't forget to like and subscribe for more and yeah thank you very much and if you follow all the tips i gave you i promise you your airline should start to come back and the ball spots should you know start tickling away and become sicker and everything but yeah easy guys
Channel: DocDami
Views: 384,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to cure and fix thinning, fix hairloss and a receding hairline
Id: HmpYD7TVjZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 16sec (316 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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