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So if you want to move all your PC  games to a brand new hard drive,   but you are dreading having to spend hours  downloading your games all over again,   well I'm here to tell you that you don't have to! Because in this series of videos I'm  going to go through the step-by-step   guide that you need to follow so  that you can get all your games   onto your new hard drive without  having to download them all again! So a few minutes of your time spent here  is going to save you hours afterwards. Now each video in this series is going  to be focusing on a different game store,   and this week it's the turn of Epic Games.  Plus I'm going to show you how to set up   a new hard drive so that it's ready  for you to install those games too. Welcome to My Tech Gear, let's get into it! So before you can start downloading and  saving anything to a new hard drive,   the first thing that you need to do is set it up. Now for ease of use I would recommend an  external hard drive for this as you only   need to plug it into a USB port instead of  opening up your PC case. However, whether you   use an external or an internal drive, the steps  for formatting and setting it up are the same. First things first. Let's open  up the Disk Management tool. Now in order to do that… Press the Windows key to bring  up the windows home menu. Type in ‘disk’ and then there is a ‘create  and format hard disk partition’ option. Click on that. When you open up that Disk Management  tool you are going to see your default   drive in this list. Now for most people  it's going to be ‘D’ or an ‘E’. For me   it's the one touch drive that I've just  attached to my PC. So it's ‘E’ for me. Now you just need to format your hard  drive. So in the Disk Management tool,   click on your hard drive. Right click and then  select ‘format’. By default you're pretty much   going to leave it as ‘NTFS’. You can change  if you want to but for most people, ‘NTFS’.   Then just click on ‘OK‘ and it will do  a quick format of that drive. I'm not   going to do that because I've already done  it, but that's how you set up a new drive. It's now all ready once that format's  finished for you to install new games too! So moving games in the Epic Games launcher,   whilst not straightforward, is  possible with a few simple steps. Basically you need to locate your game folder. You need to copy it to the new drive. And then you need to “trick” the Epic Games  launcher into finding that new location. So first up we're going to  open up the Epic Games app. First we need to locate the folder where the  games are currently installed on your PC. It is   whatever it was when you installed the launcher.  Typically it's ‘C:\program files\Epic Games’.   So I'm just going to open up Windows Explorer.  So ‘Windows + E’, and I'm going to go to where   my games are at the moment. Again, I've got  them on the media directory. You'll probably   have them in a ‘c:\program files\Epic games’  and then we're going to use Epic Games here.   Now I've got one game here, which is Fortnite,  and that's the game that we're going to move. So now we need to copy that to the new drive.  So I'm going to open up another file explorer.   So ‘Windows + E’ keys. Have those side by side and  then I'm going to go to the folder of where I want   to copy the game to. So ‘games\Epic Games’ and  it's an empty folder at the moment. Simply just   click, hold your mouse button down and drag over  the folder and that's going to copy over all the   all games, Well, just the one game here but it'll  copy over all your games into that new location. Right, so now that that's copied across  we now need to rename both the original   and the new folder to something  different. Now I just tend to   stick underscores in front of it so I'm  going to click on the original folder,   stick an underscore in front of that. Go to  the new folder which I just copied across   and put an underscore under there. So now  if we go back to the EA app, Fortnite says   ‘install’ because it doesn't know where the  Fortnite folder is because we renamed it. So now we're going to go and install it. We're not actually going to install  it. It's this ‘trick’ bit. So we're   now going to go and select the folder  that's on the new drive, so for us,   or for me, in this case it's ‘E:\games\Epic  Games’ and I click on ‘select folder’. So now that's installing what you  want to do is wait until it's a few   percent complete and then we're going to pause it.   Right, and now pause that. So now if you go  into the new folder, in the new drive you will   see the Fortnite folder has just been started  to be downloaded by the Epic Games launcher. So we want to delete that. It won't let you  do it though because the Epic Games launcher   is trying to save to it so we need to kill the  Epic Games launcher. So just click on the top   right of the Epic Games launcher. You do want to  make sure that it's not running in the background   as well. So open up a task manager. That was  just a ‘windows’ and ‘X’ key to bring up that   menu that you just saw. Then you should see  the ‘Epic Games launcher’ if you scroll down   the processes list. Just right click on that.  Click on ‘end task’ and that shuts that down. So now that that's shut down we can now  go and delete that Fortnite directory   and we can go and rename the underscore  one that we copied over previously   to the real name, which is  the ‘Fortnite’ folder here. If we now go and start the Epic Games launch  app again now and go across to the library   so now here it still says install. So  now because we've installed it to the   same folder of where it thinks it's trying  to install it, rather than installing it   again it's verifying the files that are there.  Now that the Epic Games launcher has finished   verifying the files that was on your new  drive it's actually all ready to play now. You will need to do that for each game that you  have installed on your PC. So depending on how   many games you already have installed that could  take a while but it is the fastest way to do it   and it stops you having to download the games  all over again which will take even longer. Once you are happy with it  though, and it's all working,   just remember to go back to the  original Epic Games folder that   was on your C drive and delete those old  folders as you don't need them anymore. That's Epic Games all done! If you want to find out how to move games  in more game stores or find out which hard   drive is best for gaming for you then  be sure to check out the links up here.   I will put links actually to some hard drive  options in the description down below for you. Thanks for watching, if you have enjoyed the  video please don't forget to like and share it. Consider subscribing if you're not. And as always… I'll see you in the next one!
Channel: MTG Gaming
Views: 26,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epic games, how to move epic games game to another drive, move epic games to another drive, move pc games to another drive, move pc games to a new drive, copy epic games to another drive, move fortnite to another drive, how to move fortnite to a new drive, how to move fortnite to another drive
Id: gE1naVw9qww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 6sec (366 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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