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So if you want to move all your PC  games to a brand new hard drive,   but you are dreading having to spend hours  downloading your games all over again,   well I'm here to tell you that you don't have to! Because in this series of videos I'm  going to go through the step-by-step   guide that you need to follow so  that you can get all your games   onto your new hard drive without  having to download them all again! So a few minutes of your time spent here  is going to save you hours afterwards. Now each week a different video is going to  focus on a different game store and this week   it's a turn of Blizzard's, and  I'm going to be showing you the easy to   follow steps to get a new drive set up so  it's ready for you to install games to it. Welcome to My Tech Gear, let's get into it! So before you can start downloading and  saving anything to a new hard drive,   the first thing that you need to do is set it up. Now for ease of use I would recommend an  external hard drive for this as you only   need to plug it into a USB port instead of  opening up your PC case. However, whether you   use an external or an internal drive, the steps  for formatting and setting it up are the same. First things first. Let's open  up the Disk Management tool. Now in order to do that… Press the Windows key to bring  up the windows home menu. Type in ‘disk’ and then there is a ‘create  and format hard disk partition’ option. Click on that. When you open up that Disk Management  tool you are going to see your default   drive in this list. Now for most people  it's going to be ‘D’ or an ‘E’. For me   it's the one touch drive that I've just  attached to my PC. So it's ‘E’ for me. Now you just need to format your hard drive. So in the Disk Management  tool, click on your hard drive. Right click and then select ‘format’. By default you're pretty much going to leave it as   ‘NTFS’. You can change if you want  to but for most people it's ‘NTFS’. Then just click on ‘OK‘ and it will do  a quick format of that drive. I'm not   going to do that because I've already done  it, but that's how you set up a new drive. It's now all ready once that format's  finished for you to install new games too! To set up Blizzard's app to use your  new hard drive you need to do three things. You need to change the default  installation folder to use your new drive. You need to copy the currently  installed games over to that new drive. And then you need to tell the Blizzard app to use  the new drive for the games that you just moved. So to change the default installation  folder in the Blizzard app… Click on the drop down logo in the top left and  select ‘settings’. Now select ‘downloads’ from   the list on the left hand side. Now you will see  the default installation directory. Now for most   people it's going to say ‘C:/program files’  or something similar. For me it's currently   ‘D:/games/Blizzard’ which is another hard drive  I've got in my PC. Now we're going to change this   but remember this folder location before you  change it as you are going to need it later   to go to that directory to copy the games over. So click on ‘change’ and then select a folder  on your new drive. So ‘one touch’ is the new   drive. I've got a games folder, and I like  to set up a folder for each game store that   I have so I know that all the games from that  game store are in that folder. So there's a   Blizzard folder there. It's currently empty but  it won't be by the time we finish the video. click on ‘done’ and all your future games  will now be installed to that directory. Now we need to copy your installed  games over to that new drive. So   first up we're going to open  up a file explorer. You can   use the ‘windows’ plus the ‘E’ key as a  quick keyboard shortcut for doing that. We're going to go to that  original folder that we had. So for me that was ‘D:/games/blizzard’. You see I've got OverWatch installed in the  Blizzards app. If you've got more   than one game installed then you'll see a whole  list of all your installed games in this folder. Now open up a new Explorer window  and go to the folder location of   the new hard drive of where you  want those games installed to. So that was the ‘E:/games/Blizzard’ folder. Now click and drag all your games folders  from the current folder to the new one. This will copy everything over to  your new drive. Now there is a big   advantage of doing this, because it's  copying it rather than cut and pasting,   if something goes wrong with the transfer  then you still have your files in their   original location and you haven't lost  any data so you can go and try it again. Once that's finished we now need to  tell the Blizzard app to use this new   location for all the games currently installed. Now before we go any further do make  sure that you go into the original   folder where you just copied it over  and delete that folder. So now the   only place where OverWatch is in is  the new location on your new drive. Now in the Blizzard app click on ‘games’. Click on   installed and you have all your games  that you've currently got installed. If you click on ‘OverWatch’   it has the ‘install’ option here. But right  underneath there's a ‘already installed locate   the game’ option. So we're going to click on  ‘locate the game’. Now go to your ‘E’ folder,   or whatever your new drive is, and then click on  the ‘OverWatch’ folder that you just copied it   across. Select folder and now it's now going to  start using the new location on your new drive. It does have to go through a little  initialization program but that only   takes a couple of seconds and it's all done.  So the next time we now click on ‘play’ so now   you've got OverWatch playing on your PC  from the new location on your new Drive. Pretty cool! Now you are going to have to do that little locate  game hack for every single game when you go and   play it but it only takes a couple of seconds and  it saves you hours of time compared to downloading   the games yourself. Once you've done that for each  game you're all ready to go and you're all done. If you want to find out how to move games  in more game stores or find out which hard   drive is best for gaming for you then be sure  to check out the links up here. I will put   links actually to some hard drive options  in the description down below for you. Thanks for watching, if you have enjoyed the  video please don't forget to like and share it. Consider subscribing if you're not. And as always… I'll see you in the next one!
Channel: MTG Gaming
Views: 8,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to move games to another hard drive, how to move blizzard games to another drive, how to move games to another drive, how to move games to a different hard drive, how to move games to a different drive, move blizzard games, move games, pc tech tips, pc tips, pc gaming tips, pc gaming
Id: uqC10r4h5Uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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