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good morning it's february 20th 2016. i just got back from a run we did about 150 miles so i got my grizzly all set up with roto packs extra four gallons on the front gives me about 160 mile range with that and i got the can-am with an extra four gallons on the front don't get quite as much range out of this bike because it's a thousand cc's and i don't normally carry these uh this is for a buddy's quad these two one gallons and i got my water for my camping trips and i got my first aid kit and i got my atv jumper cables and everything in that first aid kit which is really nice to have because i saved me before wow i'm telling you you leave that light bar on trying to work on stuff uh for five minutes and then your bat your bike will not start it really draws the power quickly so those jumper cables have saved my ass but let's see unfortunately this roto pack i bought brand new last week it is leaking out the bottom i called roto packs and they uh said destroy it and send me a picture and i'll get you one out right away so that's what i'm gonna do right now on the bandsaw we're gonna cut this in half ready all right i think that's gonna work now you can see how it's molded and everything inside all one piece i don't know how i got a leaky one but they're really easy to work with down there i said just destroy it send me a picture that's what i did all right roto packs here it goes
Channel: Greg Hayes
Views: 9,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4jKHqjO71Xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 1sec (121 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2016
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