How To Motion Track and Trace a Drone Footage using After Effects

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have you ever wanted to know how to make a video that has drone footage with those line layout and have some information on there well if you've wanted to learn how to do that then this video is for you so in this tutorial you're gonna learn how to take drone footage and use motion tracking to create lines so I'm gonna show you how I make it in Adobe After Effects this is the 2020 version so it is a little bit different than maybe some other versions you've seen but it's actually really easy to do and smooth so I'm gonna show you how to do it first thing you're gonna do is you're going to open up your After Effects and you're gonna load into your timeline or your sequence here you're gonna load your video footage that you want to track so I put this this clip in I'm gonna go ahead and hit the spacebar and you can see that it's just a drone shot of my footage so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna duplicate the clip so I'm gonna hold down command and press D and that will duplicate the clip so now that I've got the clip duplicated I'm going to highlight this clip and I'm gonna go to animation and I'm gonna go to track in borĂ¥s FX mocha so this actually comes pre-installed now it used to be a plug-in but it comes pre-installed now with After Effects so I'm gonna go ahead and hit that button and it's going to load another window in this window it does really really cool for motion tracking so now you can see over here I have mocha AE I'm gonna click on this button and what it does is it'll open up a new window and now I'm in mocha and this is the essential if you've used it before you're gonna see like the classic version for what I'm doing honestly all you need is the essentials and it's pretty simple you want to click on track motion options you want to click these you can do all of them perspective you don't really have to worry about so much but I just if if you feel like there's perspective in your shot that's moving up and you can go ahead and highlight it it's just more data to track but I don't I don't typically do it and then I'm going to go up to the two here the pointer tool or this pen tool and I'm gonna start to click so I'm gonna click once and all I'm gonna do is then just move this to the next point of where I want and this is roughly kind of the parcel layout and then I'm just clicking and roughly I'm just clicking and this isn't exact now look I can't see down here so you want to hold down X and that will give you the little hand so then you can move then let go of X and you can continue to push it over so I'm gonna do it right about it's not exactly like true perspective this is just for the tutorial but if I were really worried about it I'd put it over here more to line up with the road I'll go ahead and do that and then we'll do one more right here okay now that I'm done I'm gonna go back to the very first point and put my crosshairs on it and click and it will finish up now there's a couple of ways that you can adjust these they're rounded and I want them squared like property lines would be so what I'm going to do is I'm going to hold over this little blue area right here in this little blue square and I'm gonna click and drag and that pulls that tight now if you want if you know all of the corners are gonna be square just hold down command a and that will highlight all of them and then you can just click and pull in it it will collect it will select all of them so now that I've got that go back in and maybe I want to adjust these one by one now I'm just using the little red anchor points to adjust where I want these and that looks pretty good now my playhead is right here you can pretty much track anywhere but make sure wherever you're tracking that you don't accidentally scroll with your mouse and then it tracks a couple things forward and then your tracking is off so this looks pretty good I'm going to put this a little bit longer along the line the road there so that looks good I'm happy with that I'm gonna go ahead over here and I'm gonna track forward I'm just gonna click once and it's gonna start tracking once it's tracked which it's just about done it'll be done here in the next couple seconds once it's done that I'm gonna go ahead and bring it back into after-effects okay so now it's done I've noticed over here there's a it's kind of moved quite a bit from here to there so I'm gonna just adjust these that looks okay this one went up a little bit this is to play through it or you can just swipe left with your mouse and if you're okay with that that looks all right it moves quite a bit from there to there but for this is something that you can play with but for the tutorials sake we'll move on so now that let's say that I have a perfect track I'm happy with my with my tracking and sometimes starting at the beginning of the play clip is not the best way to track sometimes it's better to start right here and then track backwards and track forward and then that way everything will look good but let's say I'm happy with it so then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna hit this button right here this saves the file and then once it's saved I'm gonna go ahead and click the red button to close it out so now I've saved my tracking data right there so I'm gonna go and twirl down tracking data and twirl down Matt and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to create an AE mask so I'm just gonna click that button one time and now what I'm gonna do is if I hide now I'm make sure you're on the layer that you want to create the mass so I'm gonna hide this right here and you can see my mask is now right there and if I hit the spacebar you can see that it's moving so that's how my mask is and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go to effects generate stroke and from there I'm gonna add a stroke now you can work everything from here but I've been used to doing it all from here so I'm going to twirl this down or all this down roll this down and now I can see my I can see my stroke effect so I'm gonna go ahead and click on the color and I'm gonna change the color to like red and now that my color is red I'm gonna make it a little thicker so brush size let's make the brush size a little bigger and now that my brush size is big it looks pretty good and there it is now if you want to add a cool animation so that it outlines the property then what you're gonna do is you're going to do you're gonna set an endpoint so let's say I don't know two seconds in I want it to yeah I want it to end about two seconds in so I'm gonna click on this little stopwatch for end and that is going to set a keyframe for that end spot then I'm gonna drag that the cursor backwards and I'm gonna go ahead and drag this 100% to zero so and it when I do that it's automatically gonna create another keyframe so now if I hit my spacebar it totally lines up and makes my stroke show up and then if I want to adjust the speed let's say it's it took it was too fast or too short or if I want to push it out a little bit just click the play just click the keyframe and you can play with it so there's one it starts later so you see the footage it's rotating and then it comes in and maybe it took too long I want it to go a little faster just drag that keyframe a little closer hit spacebar and boom goes way faster so there we go and then I'm happy with that for now and then I'm gonna go ahead and turn on the other layer so I can see the other layer and now when you play it you can see now it has two layers and that's how I do motion tracking using mocha thanks guys for watching the video remember if you liked it please give it a thumbs up and consider subscribing I'd love to do more videos
Channel: VideoFX
Views: 42,661
Rating: 4.9497647 out of 5
Keywords: after effects tutorial, motion tracking after effects, motion tracking drone footage
Id: BlIYr_zraM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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