How to Model a Complex Shapes in Maya 2017 | Part 10

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hi Prabhu here today we will see about how to model a complex shape in Maya 2017 Parton Stadium before that if you won't subscribe to this YouTube channel click on this red color subscribe button to subscribe this youtube channel we post VT 3 videos about Moya from b-17 or not modeling texturing and lighting so if you won't subscribe click this red color subscribe button and subscribe to this YouTube channel ok in this part we made for our subscriber request he sent me this reference image to model this complex details on water bottle so open maya who came before the drop and complex shape in polygons we need some reference object using CV code to go to front view and go to breathe panel go to some juicy become tool option box he and I need to choose 3 POV and close the settings first of all you need to draw an rough model of power bottle you if you want to draw and straight shape you shift and click to draw and straight line and press ENTER to end the shape if you have any trouble right Li can choose control vertex select the controller election I just to give that perfect shape no rightly can choose object move go to positive in the object selected go to surface and choose frugal option box I will go to any research settings and choose revolving one and also you subdivision segments to pay and give nose and click reward now you've got the basic shape of our model so see here our object is in black color so I want to reverse the lighting so go to lighting and turn off this to side lighting option it will be normally turned on so that means you cannot able to see our lighting is reverse or not go to lighting and turn off this true side lighting so that means you will able to see our object is robust so select this object go to some place and choose reverse direction so now our lighting is perfect go to front view so select this object move little bitty one so see here our Cove is three present so select this object go to Eddy Delhi waiting and choose string so registry will become go to window and choose outliner select the code and press Delete in cable so that means our Cove will become now I need to add this object in separate layer so select this object and click on this create new layer so that means our object will be add to the slab now press for in Kibo so that means you able to see our wireframe mode now go to create final polygon primitives disable the interactive creation that means when we click on polish cylinder it will automatically created in centre of the plus or and scale be senthil you reach this age corner and press W I want to move in why press all the scaling way so like this now go to post but you know this is our reference object now I want to hike this line so click on this visibility button to turn off our layer press fiving keyboard so now go to poly cylinder 1 and use subdivision access to 52 so the solution access to 50 do for this object to make this complex shape over here so I will do solution access to 52 rightly can choose vertex so select this vertex and shift select the bottom vertex press ctrl f11 in keyboard so that means our vertex will be converted as a face now press Delhi in Kibo now go to front view press for in Kibo you need to draw the shape using multi cartoon in the object selector shift right click and choose multi car - you need to draw exactly from centre to draw the shape like this so if you want to go to post you you were able to see clearly use backspace to undo plus five in Hebrew to see our shade and moon so prefer our reference image to draw the shape rightly to induct the shape so press W and right click and choose for that so if you have any troubles use vertex and Manchester shape right-click and choose object move so no I want to mirror on opposite side go to front view right click and choose Facebook so select the space trust anything he would rarely can choose object now when the object selected go to mesh and choose mirror so in this case I want to mirror a X and change the direction to plus so X direction and direction to plus right click and choose vertex mode so I will select the center vertex and Trust W I want to move in one so I want to select the entire vertex over here I want to move in Y to even up the shield gap between top and bottom reaching don't rightly can choose object mode okay I want to purchase little bit on what I'm saying using vertex mode now select the space you go to hospitals select the space and shift double click on the space so that means it will select that entire look so and also the space shift right click and choose extrude face click on the scale icon when scaling down and shift right click and choose extrude face I want to move inside and click on the scale icon scale in me to like this now here we have triangle so that means you need to add one more each loop for here so that means you got 1 2 3 4 H so our triangles will become + + W then the edge is selected I want to move in Z now right-click and choose object move you need to add to or a loop over here before that I want to mirror on opposite side because that shape also in backside so go to top view right click and choose Facebook so select the space over here and press delete right he can choose object move when the object selected press ctrl D to duplicate and you rotate Y to 180 like this so select the smooth object and shift right click and choose company right he can choose vertex whole select this vertex and choose merge vertex so do same thing over here now go to goes you drank liquor choose object move so see here here we have in guns 1 2 3 4 5 h you need to clear up manually insert edgeloop you need to add h2 for here rightly can choose object mode allows use 1d cartoon to join the ship and rightly so do same thing on back side and insert edgeloop and also multi cartoon and right-click now unique ad + two edge loops on top and bottom go to insert edgeloop add edge loop over here also here so if you want to adjust this vertex to me it's smooth so just this both vertex right click and choose object move now trust me in cable to smooth our object no because this complex details as we see in our reference image now we need to make an full shape so turn on this light one visibility so that means you've got the reference image go to front view and press for in cable double click on this edge I want to move a little bit in coin press one in cable is the be our normal mode shift right click and choose action you need to trace the object so Xcode and movie y plus R and scale down shift right click and choose extrude + W I will be moving why the press over and scale down we just trace of that front object simply click extrude I want to move away and press on scale like this should rightly be chose action and personal you ski like this should greatly conscience extrude and first ee I want to move in way and us are you okay so now I got shaped like this you also do same thing on bottom saying double-click on this edge shift right click and choose X 2 then press W and move in Y from press R and scale in me should rightly can choose a soon move in Y shift right click and choose X 2 and press W 1 plus R and scaling me should I click and choose extra mesh the first doubling why the press conference game like this do same thing Plus overall scale down go to post pop - so right click and choose object mode I will pacify me cable no I hide the reference object click the switch visibility to turn off now double click on this bottom edge shift right click and choose extrude HL + or scale down shift right click and choose a storage press / scale them in the edges selected press ctrl F lemon in key boo that means sorry control f9 key boo that means that edge will be converted as of a text shift right click and choose merge but extensions module Tatsu Center greatly can choose object mode so now we got the entire she can select the subject and plus three in evil so no perfect sheet with contract topology as we seen in this reference image so this is the way to model this complex shape so we will use nodes and polygons to achieve the entire border if you liked this video give thumbs up button on YouTube below this video if you have any suggestion about this video please comment below the comment box so I hope you liked it I see you on next project click subscribe button to subscribe our YouTube channel we always need your support to create high quality content further so please subscribe click here to also watch the tutorial of how to model a complex shape in where 2017 or 9
Channel: Prabhu Creative Works
Views: 3,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Model a Complex Shapes in Maya 2017, Maya 2017 Modelling Tricks, Maya 2017 Modelling Tutorial, Maya 2017 Modelling, Maya 2017 Tips in Modelling, Maya 2017, Maya 2017 New Features, Maya 2017 Top 10 New Features, Maya 2017 Basics, Maya 2017 Features, Maya 2017 Modelling for Begginers, Maya 2017 Beginners Tutorial, PCW, Prabhu Creative works, Maya Basic Modelling, Complex shapes in Maya, Complex shapes in Maya 2017, Mike Hermes tutorial, Complex Water Bottle in Maya 2017
Id: gHMHkUflgSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 15 2016
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