How to Mod Cyberpunk v.2.01

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right what is up everybody and welcome back to another modding video on the channel today we are going to be touching cyberpunk 2077 and if I'm being honest I was debating on whether or not I was going to do another modding tutorial because the last one we did was on The Witcher 3 and until this day I am still getting comments on you know how to do this how to do that I was pretty certain that I was very you know thorough I did every step in detail but people still don't know how to figure it out you know I'm not saying anything to you you know no no judgment but you know it kind of made me want to stray away from tutorials because some people still don't get it no matter how much I dumb it down but luckily enough cyberp Punk is very simple um I know I kind of said the same thing about Red Dead 2 but at least with this one you don't have to worry about load order you don't have to worry about modding any type of text nothing of that so if you're coming from those videos and you're worried about it being complicated it's pretty simp simple and it's pretty straightforward so here we are we're going to you know dive deep on how to get these mods installed now I have this installed on Steam however I know this is also available on GG it should be a somewhat similar process um as long as you know how to locate your files because that's really the only thing we're going to be using steam for is just how to locate where the game is installed which is going to be the first step that you need to do in order to find out where your mods are going to go so if you don't know how to do that you you can simply go over here right click the game go to manage and then you're going to do browse local files and what this will do it will bring up a folder and it will show you where exactly cyber Punk is installed on your computer now before we move any further let's go ahead and get rid of me because we're not here to focus on me we're here to focus on the game so this is how your folder is going to look at the start um actually no I'm I'm lying you're not going to see this red for EXT folder and and you might not see this mod folder now the reason you won't see this one is because we're going to add this with a mod later on and a lot of mods are going to use this file to essentially have the mods work into the game you might have this mods folder here if you have installed uh red mod through either you know steam or Gog which is like the actual modding tool that CD project red has released themselves uh if you go into it I only have one mod here because most of my mods are actually you know manually installed through either the archive bin or R six folder but we'll kind of get into that later but if you want to know where you're going to be you know dragging and dropping most of your mods it will most likely be here and nowhere else so don't worry about scrunching your entire Windows folder for it now in order to get the mods we're going to go to a lovely website called if you never heard of this website it is pretty much you're all in one shop in terms of all of the major AAA games every now and then you might have a smaller title that might go to game but if you're ever looking for mods for a game nine times out of 10 you want to check I've come here for The Witcher Red Dead Fallout all types of stuff so yeah if he needs to figure out where to go most likely here is your bet now before we get into anything before we get into all the mods that add cool stuff like being able to slow down time permanently being able to drive better and do all that type of stuff we're going to need our core mods what core mods are they are essentially the first step in order to get all of the other mods working because without these mods you know the game is going to look at all the other files and be like what the hell is this we don't know how to read this we or it might not even read it at all it might just boot the game Up Normally and the mods won't behave because you don't have any type of you know script reader or archive reader or anything that can actually detect the mods and you know input them into the game so in order to have that done we're going to need to download a kind of big handful of core mods some games have like a smaller selection of core mods I think like The Witcher only had like one or two even Red Dead only had like you know Lenny's mod loader and Asi loader nothing too crazy but cyber Punk has quite a bit we have red for EXT we have red script we have tweak XL archive XL native settings UI input loader and then lastly we have code Weare now you might run into a couple of mods that will say you need cyber CMD I've seen a couple out there that say that this is recommended but from my experience every time I try to use these um I got a error when I tried to launch the game and the reason for that is because it kind of conflicts with another mod that is a core mod that I forgot to tab which is uh cyber engine tweaks because this is the main mod we are going to be using that not only helps you know a lot of the other mods work it's going to bring up a actual like window within the game to where you can kind of customize things while you're actually inside the game so this is going to be one of your main mods that like 80% of the ones you download uh for cyberpunk are going to you know use this or require this in some way so this should be the first mod you should get off the rib and then once you get this down you should go through and start downloading all these I mean if you don't want to download them off the start you can hold off on it but nine times out of 10 if you go and try to download some other mod you will kind of get a warning or if you just go to requirements it'll tell you like hey in order to download this mod you will need this so you can go ahead and get all of those out the way I can find my folder which I already have them all in to kind of make this easier so you guys can see once you get all of your downloads this is what they'll look like now they will normally come in a zip folder you can right click and just click you know extract and it will extract to a folder you will have archive code wear input loader mod settings all this yada yada yada and when you click on it very easy enough um it will show you exactly where they go so if we go back to our cyberpunk folder let's bring these side by side so you can kind of see them um as you can see when we open up the archive XL folder it already gives us a r six folder and a red 4 EXT folder now if we did not already have this red 4ex folder this is where we would essentially create one so all you would do is just highlight these drag them over to where the game is installed let it go now for me it promps me if I over if I want to override it because I already have these installed for you you won't get this window so you would just you know drag it over and that's it now I can hit X because I don't want to replace it since it's already there but you're essentially going to do the these for all the mods so you're just going to go over here drag it bring it over drop it you [Music] know and just go through each one one by one and what you want to do after you test all of these core mods before you download any other mods that affect game play just simply boot up the game and see if it launches if it launches you'll know that none of these broke the game they shouldn't break the game because they are essentially there to make sure things don't break but sometimes you might might have a situation to where the game updated but these mods haven't been updated so if you try downloading these mods and it crashes then that lets you know hey maybe I have to wait until the mod author you know drops an update and then I can kind of you know download it and see how it goes from there but that is essentially how you're going to install all the core mods you just you know open them all up see what are the what are the guts inside and then drag them over here and then drop them there and then there you have it now if we're going to go go ahead and get to actual gameplay changing mods I just had a folder open and I already lost it don't know where it went on mod video here we go so we're going to touch a few uh mods that I get asked a lot of questions and people always ask well what mod is that how'd you get that so first we have raka cyber arms which is going to add you know a cool cosmetic to some of our arms we have qu Uh custom quick slots which is going to give us a lot more options in terms of how keys so we don't have to you know hit alt and swap between a whole bunch of things we have subord ex which is going to give us the option to equip things like quick hacks and sand devastans and berserk at the same time have multiple leg inputs and multiple arm inputs so forth load be gone is going to be great if you're constantly modding the game and you're like having to exit out the game reboot it exit out reboot it cuz this is going to get rid of the whole intro cut scene and a lot of other loading mechanics that will save you a whole lot of time and then to go with cyberware ex we also have Ripper deck which is going to give us the ability to remove cyberware in the main menu so without further Ado we're going to extract cyberware arms or rosaka cyber arms just to see how this process is going to go because this in my opinion is kind of one of the more complex installs but I will walk you guys through it cuz when you open this you notice you don't get your simple R six or you know archive folders says a whole lot of other BS now if you want you can click the read me and see you know how to properly install these by reading all the instructions but I'm going to save you the hassle and just kind of brush that to the side and show you how to do it myself the first step if you want to get a skin well first off they have images if you want to see how some of these skins look you can go to skins click here you know it'll bring this up you can sit there and you know scroll through each one and see which one you like me personally I like body bag body bag is my favorite one so we're going to be using this one and go from there so going out of that we're first going to need our required files now you notice the first thing it says is raka arms. archive now it doesn't give us the folder but the fact that it says archive lets us know that that's where that goes so we're going to go to our archive folder double click that double click PC and obviously click mod since we're going to be downloading a mod and as you can see I already have a whole bunch here but for you this will probably be empty so what you're going to do I'm going to drag this over here for me it has to override it since I already have it there but for you you would just drop it and then you can go back to uh the skin library because now we're going to do a skin so if you're female of course pick female if you're male do mail we're on the mail so we're going to pick that and we're going to apply which one we want so for now let's do default and we said we were going to do body bag right so got a body bag we're going to take these two drag them over drop them and then let them go so that's uh that's a skin already done if you want to add more like for example if you have you know gorilla arms or launcher you can do that as well so for me I have the launcher so we'll do body bag and then we'll drag that as well and then that covers the skin so what we're also need to do I personally do remove Nails cuz I did have a couple of problems with the nails clipping so we would also do that as well drag that over and then lastly we would do the actual arasaka cyber arms themselves so we're going to go here once again click mail go to default and it gives you a choice if you just want to do like the regular arms you could do thin arms if you have the mod gy which makes V like you know more buff you can do that or if you want to do like a weird kind of uh variant you can do that as well we're just going to do um the default go here drag that over bam as you can see and that is pretty much how you would install that mod and then hopefully once you boot it up everything would load correctly if you did do it in that order so moving on from there let's try out something like custom quick slots we can extract that now as you can see when we open this one we just simply get the r six in the B folder so if we go back to our cyberpunk main folder we can just click these drag these over drop them it gives me the override prompts since I already have them I'mma just skip but that's how you do that and like I said once you do one mod go ahead and try to launch the game see if it works I know for a fact that it works since I already have it installed so I'm not going to bother with it but if you are installing mods please make sure to only do them one at a time open the game see if you get a prompt saying that it worked and then then go from there but now that we have that we can delete that let's do cybor ex let's extract that get rid of that drag that over just do these you know one by one and just keep doing it until you have them all installed you know don't be like me and try to download 25 mods at once and then drag them all over well that one actually didn't overwrite I wonder why that's weird I think that might be a older version Let me see load be gone where is it where is it where is it where is it come on oh yeah this one has a space and that one doesn't that's weird so which one is this one this doesn't have a space so I'm assuming this one is a older version so delete that one yeah it's a little funky but all right so let's go back and lastly we'll do Ripper deck extract that open that R six drag that over drop it B the Bing there we go so once you have a couple of mods installed Here Comes The Next Step which is simply going over to steam and launching the game now I launch my game through the exe folder I just click you know the little icon on my uh stream deck I don't even bother opening it uh opening the game through Steam but if you want to have mods that launch through red mod you might want to do it this way that way you can get this little prompt and click enable mods they'll give you this little warning at the bottom saying that you know up you know mods might cause the game to crash since the update however um if the mod has been updated that's no longer the case they just kind of give you that warning to you know help you out but we're going to hit play go ahead and click yes let the game boot up now when you're installing cyber engine tweaks for the first time you're going to get a prompt when a game opens and it's going to say to assign a hot key key to open the console command now for me I set it to insert so whenever I hit insert on my keyboard you're going to get a overlay that will pop up once we get into the menu now you notice my game kind of didn't load at all okay so now that we're in the main menu I can hit insert which is the key I binded for my cyber engine tweaks and you're not going to see all this crap most likely all you are going to see is just this thing up here and if you want to test out if things are working you can hit console and uh see if it loaded any mods if you have any mods installed now for me it says all of these mods have been loaded so that's good news I don't have any red texts always be on the lookout for red text because that will let you know if something went wrong or if something didn't load or you know if there's any issues um if you want to change any mods I have custom some key bindings that's where you go to bindings so for example we can look at custom quick slots because the way this mod is going to work we have to assign key bindings in order to equip certain things so I have you know the ti key is number one five six and 7even now another way to configure this mod is by using native settings UI so if if we were to actually go to mods which is something new over here we can also go to Quick slots and customize even further so we can change you know how many slots we have I have four we Chang the the key so we would do TIY for that one five six and seven you can change if you want it to be a frag grenade you know projectile launch system Optical camo whatever it is you want we also have other mods here that we didn't go over like you know sit anywhere um the Metro system and whatnot so just to kind of go over a quick idea how some of these mods will be incorporated into the actual interface themselves this is kind of how it looks you'll either have native settings UI that you can go and click on the menu or if you don't have that you can hit insert or whatever it is you bind it to your keyboard go here and tweak it from there so this is kind of how to set everything up now as far as actually using the mods you know well let's load into the game and kind of see how that goes let's find a random save like this one here so as you can see by looking at the arms the arasaka Cyber arms mod did indeed work sometimes you might have some weird Behavior like you know one arm will look good but then one arm looks weird or you might have a situation where you try launching it and you find out that you didn't install the launcher correctly so this is how everything should look once you have it installed correctly if I bring up my HUD you can see that in the bottom left the quick slots did work if I hit TIY we cloak if I hit five six or seven we switch grenades so everything is up and running if we go to cyberware we are able to unequip and re-equip anything thanks to Ripper deck and also thanks to cyber War ex we are allowed to have you know sand Devan quick hacks berserk more hands a whole bunch of overpowered stuff so that lets you know that everything is up and running as I said you know it's a pretty straightforward process everything should be simple you shouldn't run into any headaches the only thing that you might run into was crashing so if your game is like you know quitting to desktop and it's saying cyber Punk is flatlined that's usually a case of just a mod not being updated and you just got to wait for it to be updated or it could be a case of a mod not being compatible with something else so if you have one mod that kind of changes the HUD and you can download another mod that changes the the HUD and in the in the uh description they don't State whether the mods are compatible that could be a issue what's causing the game to crash but nine times out of 10 you shouldn't really run into too many problems compared to dealing with something like The Witcher or even red dead or Fallout games that require a very you know specific load order so there it is folks you know very short sweet video not you know too long or an in-depth like The Witcher um I'm not going to really edit this too much cuz I don't really think it needs that much editing I mean I might have messed up a few points here and there or just cut out a few dead moments but there you have it folks if you want to learn how to mod cyber Punk it's very simple if the game gets updated or things change over time and the whole modding process isn't the same I will try my best to update this video and kind of give you guys more you know details on what to do but until then folks y'all know what to do hit the like hit the Subscribe until the next time we are outro you feel me
Channel: Jordan Avery
Views: 30,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cyberpunk, 2077, mods, CDPR, cdprojektred, edgerunners, Cyberpunk2077, Gaming, jordan, avery, mod, tutorial, how, to
Id: nd0723PY3vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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