Beginners Guide: How To Get Vortex Mod Manager To Work With Cyberpunk 2077 Easily Install Nexus Mods

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hi everybody here we are back floating above the sky in cyberpunk 2077 and in this video i wanted to talk about the very easy way to install mods on cyberpunk 2077 nexus mods that is and that is using the vortex app um if you've done any modding on games like daisy you know it can be can be a little bit tricky to say the least but vortex oh my gosh makes things so much easier so let's quit out of here and i can show you what i am talking about so first things first as with um most things to do with modding on cyberpunk 2077 you want to go over to nexus mods i'll put links in the description below the video um and you'll want to create an account and then within your account obviously you want to add cyberpunk as the game and then what you'll want to do is you'll want to go to the install vortex link and you'll want to download vortex which is the separate app and then you want to fire up and then when you're in vortex when you first get up it will give you some tasks to do and the first thing you really want to do is link um sign in to um nexus mods from vortex so it links your two accounts that way when you're in um uh when you're in nexus mods and you choose a uh and you choose a uh mod to download so let's have a look so i wanted to have a go with say immersive first person so if i click on that you'll see it says download vortex and if i click on that and then we click on slow download if i go to vortex and i go to my mod section you'll see hopefully immersive first person has appeared so it's recognized the fact that i've clicked on the website and it downloads it however to get things working what you want to do first is you want to add cyberpunk as a game so it's a games game that you manage um if you've already manually downloaded some um games some mods sorry and installed them using the method where you know you download them to your computer you go down to go into your cyberpunk file whether that be the steam location on the the gog file and then you go into the bin folder x64 plugins cyber engine tweaks mods and then you've got mods if you've done it manually like that don't worry you can still get them into [Music] vortex just go back to where they are on the website and just um download them again with the vortex link and it will download them however sometimes you you'll get a bit stuck probably at the beginning and the mods that you download won't be working with cyberpunk because there's a couple of problems you'll have and you may well see some little um tool tips some little things that come up that say that your mods aren't um being deployed and fixed um you can click the fix buttons but what you're looking for is in your mods you see a disabled one there if you go into settings and then you go to the mod section what you want is you want your mods to be the staging folder to be on the same drive that your cyberpunk game is so for example when i first started using vortex my staging folder was on my c drive now cyberpunk is actually on my d drive so it wouldn't particularly work so you can say fix and it will it will fix it for you or you can go in and you can click on the folder browser and just make up a name of a folder on the same drive that your cyberpunk installation is on and stick it in there so it puts your mods in there and then the next thing is it must be a hard linked uh deployment so that's the type of um type of method that the game should use and then what you should see is in your mods you'll get a thing to deploy your mods and that will then deploy them and then what in effect what happens then is vortex copies the mods into the correct folders within your um version of cyberpunk 2077 it's very clever um and the beauty of doing this is that you can update your mods easily um if a mod is crashing you know and isn't working properly you can easily disable it as well because you know what what happens is when the developers say cd projekt red comes out with a new um a new version of the game say 1.5 if the um the mods will then need to be updated often um so you can disable them until it's bit until the mods been updated this will update them automatically and then you can re re-enable them so they'll work that way very very powerful and simply once you've once you've downloaded them you just fire up the game and they're there ready to be used obviously what you'll need to do is within each particular mod you need to know the instructions on you know how to use the mod what buttons you have to press to get it to work all that sort of stuff but it's absolutely fantastic and makes modding so much easier right hopefully that was useful if that has been like you want someone simply subscribe and i will of course see you again soon
Channel: Scalespeeder Gaming
Views: 155,382
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Id: sicDW7IfGSU
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Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2022
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