How to MINISTER to the Lord?

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Welcome to Raised to deliver podcast with Vladimir Savchuk and I'm really excited for this weeks episode as I'm going to share with you about serving separation and being sent there's a story in book of Acts chapter 13 where verse 2 and 3 and 4 says the following as they ministered to the Lord and fasted the Holy Spirit said now separate to me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them then having fasted and prayed they laid hands on them and sent them away so being sent out by the Holy Spirit you know I believe that the Lord wants to do with us what he did with apostle Paul up to Acts chapter 13 apostle Paul he was an apostle but he also lived a very average life ministering praying preaching being persecuted learning and growing and the call that he had to stand in front of the kings the call that he had to stand in front of emperors the call that he had to plant churches the call that he had to write New Testament and so many things that the Lord called him for it almost felt like it was just lying there dormant and something happened that created a shift and I believe that it was also God's timing but when God's timing meets a preparation you know something begins to take place and I want you to notice just a few little things that started to take place that the bible says as they ministered to the Lord as they ministered to the Lord you know it's one thing when we minister to people it's one thing when we minister to the poor minister to the sick minister to the hurting we minister to people who are lost but it's another thing when we begin to minister to the Lord and the bible says that apostle Paul and Barnabas in that church they began to minister to the Lord and I really think that we as Christians have to learn especially ministers of the Lord to learn to minister to the Lord because ministers of the Lord many times minister from the Lord to people they minister encouragement they minister healing they minister preaching they minister whether it's in the kids ministry whether it's an usher parking lot attendant whether it's a small group leader we are ministers of the Lord but ministers of the Lord must learn to minister to the Lord to serve the Lord you know like the waiter in a restaurant they serve the table they wait upon the table you know somebody said how do you wait upon the Lord? the same way that the waitress does on the table in the restaurant they serve the tables needs and desires and make sure the people at the table are being fed and well taken care of and that's really what ministering to the Lord is it's bringing God joy it's bringing God pleasure it's satisfying his heart and his desire you know I'm reminded of Queen Esther and Vashti when Vashti was invited to be presented in front of other royal guests by the king and she declined that offer and there's different reasons and some people says it was because he was drunk and he wanted to expose her naked some people say something else and everything I don't really know exactly what the reason was that Vashti did not come to the king's request but we do know that she was hosting a banquet for women she was hosting a dinner party for all the women I jokingly say that Vashti had the first women's ministry it didn't necessarily go super well for her and she lost her crown she didn't stop being his wife she just became a concubine and she stopped being his queen she stopped wearing a crown because she didn't serve the king she didn't do anything evil unnecessarily like she didn't commit adultery and she didn't hurt him or anything she just simply did not honor his request to be present when he wanted her to be present now contrast Vashti with Esther when Esther became a queen for 30 days she wasn't invited to the king's palace and Esther begins to fast so Vashti leads women to feast Esther leads women and men to fast what a contrast Esther then steps into the presence of the king uninvited so Vashti does not go when she's commanded Esther goes when she's not invited in fact Esther risks her life going into the presence of the king and when she gets there she has a very big need in her life you know her people are about to be destroyed the nation of Israel as we know is about to be wiped out those captives who were in Babylon her family is about to be completely annihilated and instead of presenting a request to her husband king she says great king can I offer you a banquet so Vashti presents a banquet for the women Esther presents a banquet for the king and the king comes to her banquet and he eats and gets really satisfied he says Esther please ask me you know what do you want? do you want new shoes do you want a new purse do you want a new vacation do you want a new car what do you want Esther up to half of my kingdom and do you know what Esther's request was? this was a good moment to say please king kill Haman and save the Jewish people and Esther's request was king could you please come again for another banquet tomorrow you know she was buttering him up she was serving him and when he came the second time she revealed to him her request and the king promoted her saved the nation destroyed Haman and his evil demonic plan and that really what it looks like to serve and minister to the Lord it's what Mary did when she sat at his feet it's what Jesus says one thing is needed it's what the Lord tells us in Revelation to pursue the first love you know ministers of the Lord must learn to minister to the Lord and sometimes it's hard because it's easier to write emails answer calls do hospital visits host meetings plan conferences create content it's easier to make sermons it's easier to write songs it seems like it's easier some of us are workaholics we're addicted to our work work is good but worship is more important you are a worshiper and as a worshiper as a minister of God learn to minister to God when does that happen? when you begin to minister to the Lord it leads you to the second truth you will begin to be separated the scripture says that the Lord said to the Holy Spirit said now separate to me set it apart set Paul apart to me God says I want to have them for my will I want to have them for my purpose now when you begin to serve the Lord when you begin to minister to the Lord you will be separated God will begin to sanctify you God will begin to cleanse you God will begin to purify you God will begin to prepare you for every good work God will begin to get control of certain appetites of certain even lusts certain struggles that you struggle with there is going to be a separation taking place there will be a pruning taking place there will be a consecration taking place in your life when you begin to serve the Lord the scripture says walk in the Holy Spirit and you will not fuflll the lusts of the flesh it's not the other way around it's not fight the lusts of the flesh so you can walk in the Holy Spirit no first and foremost minister to the Lord and then begin to separate yourself after that it will begin to happen I believe by the grace and the help of the Holy Spirit as separation from the fleshly things worldly habits carnal behaviors will be separated unto the Lord and what does that all lead to? with Esther she became not only a queen she became a savior with we see with apostle Paul he wasn't only minister to the Lord and then separated but he also became sent by the Holy Spirit into his assignment in fact this is what the Holy Spirit said separate them for the work which I have called them to do so there is a work that Paul was currently doing but turns out there was a work that Paul was called to do perhaps the same thing is in your life there's a work that you are currently doing and there's a work that the Holy Spirit had called you to do and those two works may be very different maybe you're doing something right now and you're not against it you like it but it's not what God called you to do you're like man how do I get to that place where the Lord called me to be it's called serving the Lord it's called being separated to the Lord so that you can be sent by the Lord so you don't have to manipulate so that you don't have to lie so you don't have to open doors for yourself God can open doors for you you know how it happened in my life I spent large portion of my teenage years struggling with insecurity this insecurity lead me to knowing God intimately this insecurity led me to encountering God powerfully and out of that I started to be separated through fasting and through prayer to God himself not to ministry but to God himself and then slowly and surely the Lord started revealing opening doors through my pastor through other ministers small little opportunities started to present themselves for me to begin to minister to people I didn't look for it to this day there's not one church that I asked to preach in there's only two places I asked and applied to preach in the first one was in jail I had to apply and go through an interview and the second one was homeless shelter that's the only two places that I asked and I begged to go and preach but the churches that I get invited to I never once asked or had a friend of mine call the church and say hey could you ask them to invite me even sometimes I'm in town of a pastor and a friend of mine and I know they wanted me to preach in their church I still wouldn't text them and tell them I'm in town because I don't want to invite myself I believe God sends us I believe God does not need my help to open the door for me if he meant it it will happen and so I really want to encourage you to be sent by the Holy Spirit you have to be separated to the Holy Spirit and to be separated to the Holy Spirit you have to be serving the Holy Spirit thank you for listening and watching this episode I know that you're getting blessed by these short little devotionals if I could say and I call it a fuel for your fire and so if you're getting blessed by this I know that you'll also be blessed by the rest of the material of the books online sermons and study guides reading plans all of them are available on my website as well as my online courses you can take and all of that is for free if this ministry was a blessing to you pray about becoming a partner of Vladimir Savchuk ministries and I believe that you will help us take this message further and faster and reach more people literally millions of people around the globe through digital content evangelism and as always remember you were Raised to Deliver!
Channel: Vlad Savchuk
Views: 3,369
Rating: 4.9717317 out of 5
Keywords: holy spirit, holy spirit sermons, sermons on the holy spirit, holy spirit sermons tozer, teachings on the holy spirit, baptized in holy spirit, baptism of the holy spirit, presence of the holy spirit, holy spirit explained, tozer on the holy spirit, bible sermons on the holy spirit, a w tozer holy spirit, aw tozer holy spirit, holy spirit (deity), power of holy spirit, power of the holy spirit, gifts of the holy spirit, signs of the holy spirit, how to receive the holy spirit
Id: 1wlCQbBGxRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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