How To Melt Ganyu! Anemo Shredded Rotations Guide! | Genshin Impact

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melt ganyu has been known as one of kenshin's highest dps teams for a long time with caveats of course and simply performing a melted charge shot that does as much damage as the typical character's burst will let you see why first off introducing the team the composition is rather inflexible you have gany chongli as a shielder or dionna yanchezini and otoma otherwise none of which offer the same uptime as zhongli but can work as scorpium options and a pyro duo consisting of bennett for his unrivaled attack buff and self pyro application and a pyro spreader which will be either xiangling kazuha or jean people might recommend shanghai instead of zhong li but if you've tried using shanghai in floor 12 you know that you can only get half the charge shots off unless you have extremely good rng from resetting so even if you see bigger numbers you lose dps so i don't recommend it unless you're tackling easier content or you're okay with resetting the abyss for hours to get the perfect run which i can perfectly empathize with in this video i'll go through rotations with all three pyro spreaders starting with the most straightforward one the non-c4 yangling variant then i'll quickly talk about how c4 changling changes things then i'll talk about the two animal versions which are played with exactly the same skill order but with caveats i'll cover individually for the animal variants i'll show two skill rotations they can be played in a straightforward non-shredded way as well as a complicated cryo shredded way which can be further executed in a timing dependent way as well as a skill shot dependent way the animal variants have a lot more depth to discuss because you'll actually need to pay attention to elemental auras to execute them properly i'll then end the video with an abyss floor demonstration with a c0r1 prototype crescent ganyu and the gene variant if you already know how to do the regular xiang ling rotation feel free to skip directly to the shredded animal variant at this time stamp because you're probably already familiar with the first two rotations we start with the non-c4 version where pyronado lasts for only 10 seconds start with jungle shield then use bennett's skill then burst use jungling skill and burst then perform a skill then charge shots with gandhi at shotgun range making sure that the enemy has pyro applied before every shot once bennett's circle disappears you can fire your fourth and last shot then switch to bennett use your skill and absorb the energy and swap this yang ling use global and normal attacks to proc the fab weapon collect the energy then swap the jungle to restart the rotation exactly 22 seconds in so the full rotation looks like this there are two phases to this rotation the first is the attack phase where you must strictly follow this order as well as an energy recharge phase which you can partially skip if the enemies gave you enough energy note that you will only use guava on xiangning's first way down on the first rotation after that you can start without it as he's not off cooldown don't use zhongdi's burst because it's a dps loss unless you really need the crowd control and don't use gan use burst because the cryo application might eat your pyro auras preventing you from melting your charged shots the reason why we use gun use skill is to make the team slightly less energy deficient and to proc the shimanawa's four piece set effect if you're using it but it's not a necessary step otherwise and you can save time by not using it zhongdi's shield is used to both protect ganju while she's trying to charge shot and provide a bit of resistance shred but do still dodge as much as you can to prevent it from breaking early also try to position the pillar near your enemy so that you can proc the tenacity of the military's attack buff now if you have c4 cyan ling you can play a slightly lower tempo 26 second rotation instead because pyronado is extended by 4 seconds giving you the ability to perform an extra 2 charge shots the first steps are the same as before but instead of 4 shots you get 6 shots now from my practical experience of hours playing this team there is no noticeable difference in these two rotations dps the variance between my runs seems less than that caused by enemy rng so just pick whichever is more comfy to you i think i should also mention what charge shot cancel i'm doing is not a complicated animation cancel the way i play ganyu is to just dash after every chartshot and aim again i do this because i'm on a controller and i can't find an easy way to do the standard aim cancel you don't have to do this but sometimes it will prevent you from having your last shot unmelted in the jean and kazuha variations now i'll talk about the build and investment floor recommendations for this team this team comp is not beginner friendly because you're going to need more than one rotation to clear the hardest content unless you have whale level artifact characters and weapons and that's where the energy recharge investment floor of this team begins to show itself if you're fighting floor 9 to 11 this team does not have too high of an investment floor because you can easily get hp particles but against floor 12 for this to become more worth running than a national team a taser team or a typical hyper carry team you'll probably want a bennett with at least 250 energy recharged using the no bless oblige or instructor set and your xiang ling will also require 220 to 250 percent er and preferably a fevonius weapon with at least 50 crit rate using the emblem of severed fate set for each rotation you only have four full powered charge shots and if you don't have the energy recharge to have your bennett and your pyro spreaders burst up after just two bennett skills and two skills from the spreader and the 5 particles you will spend more than 2 3 of your rotation batterying your pyro duo rather than doing gun use charge shots and at that point running a lower investment requirement meta team would be more worth it for zhong li build as much hp as you can use the black tassel or homa and try to use the tenacity of the militia set if you can also the investment floor on gany is pretty high the recommended build is four wanderers or four shimanawas but you can get away with a two piece variant of blizzard strayer wondrous troop gladiators or shimanawas if you can't get an artifact set with at least 50 to 70 crit rate and decent crit damage and elemental mastery i recommend coming back to this team when you eventually get a good set i think it's worth introducing this copium move you can use when your pironado requires too much energy for you guaba is an excellent pyro applicator and you can perform a mini three melt shot combo when you don't have energy for pyronato with just guava you could do this to buy time if your bennett and xiangling just couldn't get enough energy the xiangling variant is by far the most comfortable melt gun you variant but if you have to use your xiang ling for sukukumon or something on the other half or you don't have her built or you have a really strong kataha or jean then you can use the kazuha or sunfire gene variants for the kazuha variants the pyro application comes from using kazuha's burst while standing on bennett's circle which infuses it with self-applied pyro even if no enemies have pyro applied for the sunfire gene variants by standing on top of bennett's circle you self-apply pyro but standing on gene circle will swirl that pyro off of you every tick so by standing on both circles at the same time you will constantly spread pyro to surrounding enemies when using gene make sure you always stand in the intersection of the two circles but for the kazuha varian you can technically stand outside the bubble and pyro will continue to apply but you still want to stand on the bandit circle for the attack buff note that to keep this video brief whenever i explain how to play a rotation with jean you can use the exact same skill order on kazuha and vice versa and they will still work so for all three of the next rotations just use whichever character you please and i will cover the gameplay caveats for both once again i will first talk about the shredless variant followed by the timing dependent shredded variant and finally the skillshot dependent shredded variant we'll start with the basic variant which i'll refer to as the shredless variant where shred refers to resistance shred provided by the viridescent veneer artifact set this first rotation will not use it if you aren't very well versed in genshin yet or you don't want to have to think about too many things i would recommend you use this because it's the most straightforward way you play this almost exactly the same way you would have played the xiangling non-c4 variant but i'll demonstrate it once for good measure start with zhongli's shield then use bennett's skill then burst then use kazuha's tap skill and burst making sure that you are standing on top of bennett's circle then perform charged shots with gany within the kaju slash making sure that the enemy has pyro before every shot if they don't wait for the kazuha slash to proc pyro before shooting once kazuha's burst disappears then switch to bennett use your skill and collect the energy swap the kazuha and use your skill and normal attacks to proc the 5 weapon collect the energy then swap back to jongri to restart the rotation 22 seconds in this rotation is exactly the same as the non-c4 changling variant but i will mention things to take note of when using the animal units when using kazuha you must not use ganyu's skill because kazuha's burst applies very weak pyro and this skill will eat one melt shot so if you're using the kazoo hungarian i actually don't recommend using the four piece shimanawa set because it relies on your skill usage and might mess up your melts the second is that jeongli's pillar can actually eat your pyro aura so that you can't melt with ganyu it doesn't happen every time but it happens enough that i wouldn't position my pillar close to enemies for the tenacity buff just in case as for the gene variant this is not a concern because her swirl application of pyro is strong so you can leave your pillar nearby for the tenacity buff and using ghani's skill for the shimanawa set is ok now i'll talk about the shredded variants of the animal rotations this brings a dps increase because of the resistance shred from the vv set and in kazuha's case he provides a further damage buff as i mentioned there are two ways to play this a timing dependent one as well as a skill shot dependent one both of which will follow the same skill order but are played slightly differently note that this rotation is really a bit more convoluted first i'll show the timing dependent version where there's timing precision involved we start with john lee's shield then we use ghani's skill followed by a charge shot otherwise enemies will not have a lingering cryo oreo because of the previous rotation use bennett's burst then use kazuha's skill and burst which swirls cryo and infuses pyro then use four charge shots with ganyu swap to bennett to use his skill absorb the particles then use kazuha's skill and catch the particles then bennett skill one more time and catch the particles then the cycle repeats usually with a lingering pyro aura now when we zoom out we can see that things are getting kind of complicated because it's easy to do a single rotation with thread but when you do multiple rotations there's two considerations the first is energy requirements your bennett must pull off two skills every rotation and your kazuha must as well to supply energy for their bursts the second consideration is lingering auras in this specific rotation you must make sure there is a cryo aura before bennett's burst so that he doesn't apply pyro and an additional instance of cryo is applied by gany's flower popping so that kazuha's burst can swirl cryo and significantly boost ganyu's damage you cannot skip this first charge shot organized flower pop timing will be messed up and you must complete all of these steps and kazuha's plunge before gany's flower pops you also need to press your skill immediately after swapping to kazuha or self pyro will be applied and your plunge will apply pyro removing the cryo aura without swirling it by having this lingering cryo oil kazuha's burst can swirl cryo and infuse pyro so make sure you do not delay landing this plunge or you will find that you will not swell cryo and your charge shots will do less damage if you're using jean instead her skill is much faster than kazuha's skill so you might need to wait for a moment so that your burst only props after the flower pops if you use your burst before the flower pops you will usually not swirl the cryo to get around this you can deal daily for a moment before using his burst sometimes the enemies will catch cryo and no amount of swirling can give them pyro and at that point you kind of have to reset to avoid this make sure the enemy has caught pyro before applying any of granu's cryo note that this version is also a bit enemy rng dependent because if enemies run away from your flower there's nothing you can do to get the cryo swirl off of course you don't really need the swirl but you'll lose around 25 percent of your ghani's charge shot damage now this is really quite tricky to get so if the timing does not seem to work for you then you should try out the skill shot dependent version which i'll show next this plays out very similarly we start with jungle shield then we use gun new skill and you only need to charge shot if the enemy doesn't have a lingering cryo aura run backwards and make sure bennett's burst doesn't eat the cryo aura follow this by running forward to use gene's skill and burst which swirls cryo then by standing in the intersection of gene and bennett's circles pyro will continuously be swirled onto enemies near your character perform four charge shots with ganyu swap to bennett to use his skill absorb the particles then use gene's skill and normal attacks to proc the fab weapon and catch the particles then use bennett skill one more time and catch the particles then the cycle repeats usually with a lingering pyro aura in this version you don't have to time the popping of the flower and you can cut out one usually unmelted charged shot but the cost is that you need to perfectly place bennett's burst remember that to infuse kazuha's burst with pyro and still swirl the cryo you need to cast it on top of bennett's circle and you need the enemy to be close enough to be within the burst and for the gene variant you also need to make sure that the circle intersection is close enough to your enemies so this requires a lot of practice of course again failing to swirl the cryo aura isn't the end of the world it's just a 25 percentage dps loss and you can get by without it these are just things to keep in mind to maximize the rotation another thing to remember is that if you happen to have enough energy skip these battery steps and you'll do a lot higher dps but in the raw stages of the abyss you usually don't have that luxury now this is really quite a hard rotation and has a high failure rate so just remember that in the heat of the moment the shredless version is also available for build recommendations if using kazuha his pyro application is weak so it's not recommended for ganyu to use the shimanawa four piece set because her skill will eat the melt shots but for jean it's fine for john lee the tenacity is still recommended but for kazuha you probably can't use it to its fullest because the pillar will eat kazuha's applied pyro but for gene this isn't a concern for kazuha you must use the vv set and i recommend around 200 er if you can with a fevonia sword and at least 50 crit rate and the rest of the stats should prioritize elemental mastery for a stronger elemental damage buff to garnier if you can get away with less you can trade some of that er for em to get a stronger buff for gene just use the vv set with at least 220 to 250 er and a fair weapon with at least 50 percent crit rate if possible and her other stats don't matter finally here's a full demonstration of twelve two one with the sunfire gene skillshot dependent variant with that i'll just let the run play out look [Music] huh [Music] [Music] so [Music] what did [Music] foreign [Music] and that's it for this meltdown guide this team comp is often mentioned but i've never seen a full rotation explanation out there for the animal variants so i spent hours in the abyss playing these comps to figure out a way to play them smoothly but if i've missed out anything please share improvements in the comments below so i hope you've learned something from this guide and if you enjoyed it please smash the like button and if you'd like to see more of such rotation guides for specific team comps in the future please consider subscribing with that thanks for watching and see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Zenera (ZioulR)
Views: 49,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Melt Ganyu, Xiang Ling, Gan Yu, Kazuha, Jean, GenshinImpact, Viridescent Venerer, Pyronado, Kazuha Slash, Sunfire Jean, Sunfire
Id: P4Oxocn4sSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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