Rotations Made Easy! Shenhe Ayaka Permafreeze Guide | Genshin Impact

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[Music] is a very strong cryo support unit that will support your team by making your ayaka destroy your enemies faster this tutorial will show you how to efficiently use the freeze variant of the ayaka shengha team against mobs that can be frozen this team is extremely potent but against unfeasible bosses this is not as good when up against an unfeasible boss you might benefit from using a mono cryo team instead but this team feels very good to play regardless the shanghai ayaka freeze team will comprise ayaka and shen her where kazuha is much better in non-reaction teams so use him if you have him or venti but venti doesn't feel great if the enemies are vortex resistant such as the rooftowns [Music] and a hydro applicator either mona kokomi or xingchu i will go through the rotations with all of kazuhasukos and venti who play very similarly and all three hydro units in order starting with what i believe to be the strongest variant the mona kazuha variant we'll go more in depth after the demo but the key to maximizing this team's potential is that every 20 seconds you use both shanhu and ayaka's skill twice and use both of their bursts you use shanhua's e during ayaka's burst to add damage to the burst while it's hitting you shred cryo resistance with kazuha every 10 seconds and finally mona's omen and possibly thrilling tails is applied before ayaka's burst which also provides hydro for freeze now for the rotation we start with shenhae's skill followed by an immediate burst kazuha's tap skill and plunge we then use mona's burst for damage amplification followed by ayaka's skill and burst which will freeze the enemies when combined with the omen we go back to shanghai to use her skill then kazuka's tab skill and plunge followed by mona's phantom for hydro application then ayaka's skill followed by a charge attack and now sun her skill is off cooldown and the rotation repeats exactly as before when we zoom out the character swaps are straightforward it's two cycles all the way down to help you to memorize what to do during the rotation kazuha is always tapping and plunging for the other three the first time round is when you use your bursts and the second time round you use your skills but for shanghai and ayaka their cooldowns are 10 seconds so before the bursts also use their skills this may take some practice but after a few rotations you'll get it down no problem as the flow is very smooth now that was the rotation before i move on to the kokumi and sinchu variants i know that some of you won't watch past those parts so here are some important pointers to note first off these energy recharge recommendations are very necessary this is considered a high investment team without 150 energy recharge on ayaka and for cern her at least one energy recharge substance with the fav lens or 170 percent er without a fav lens on shun her you'll find that you might not be able to use both bursts every 20 seconds if you only have 100 er on ayaka you'll need at least 30 seconds to fill her burst with this team and that means almost a 50 dps loss in the background here i show that with an er sans and f2p build you can still complete 1231 in a respectable sub 1 minute 30. so if you can't meet this er requirement just use an er sans because the damage lost from not having a burst up is much worse than slightly lower numbers for shanghai's first part use the burst as soon as possible after her skill before the energy particles return to her or you will not have enough energy for the next rotation and for her second part remain on field until the particles return to her for similar reasons shenhua's burst also provides a field that shreds cryo and boosts cryo damage so try to keep enemies within it for ayaka this is similar use the burst asap after her skill to get the extra energy aika also has some passives you might not be aware of use her sprint to apply cryo and you get an extra 18 cryo bonus so try to do this before using your burst and skill if possible if you use the miss splitter perform a normal attack before using your burst for an extra stack next regarding kazuha kazuha always taps rather than holds e because it's faster i also don't use kazuha's burst because it takes too long and causes you not to be able to cast ayaka and shengha's e every 10 seconds which extends the rotation from 20 to at least 22 seconds which is already a 10 dps loss for mona she can wield the thrilling tales of the dragon's lair to provide ayaka with a 48 attack boost on top of the omen 60 damage amplification but if the lack of a healer is too much to handle you can use the prototype amber instead to make your mona a healer finally mona should be using the nobles obliged artifact set to further boost the team's damage now let's look at the kokomi variant now i'm going to demo with sucrose instead of kazuha because i actually don't have a kazuha but she fulfills the same role just in a 4 star capacity with less damage buff and weaker grouping the rotation is extremely similar we start with shanhua's skill and burst followed by sucrose's skill and you actually have enough time to use your burst because she doesn't have an animation use peppermint's jellyfish then ayaka's skill and burst we then use sun her skill followed by sucrose's skill then we use kokomi's burst to extend the jellyfish finally we go back to ayaka and use her skill and charge attack until shanghai is off cooldown ayaka shanha and kazuha or sucrose do the same things in the previous variation but this time kokomi uses her skill the first time round and the second time around she just extends her jellyfish with her burst [Music] now my preferred way of playing this for sucrose is to use the sacrificial fragments for the skill reset and kokomi should use the thrilling tales of the dragon slayer to buff ayaka on kokumi you can use the tenacity of the mililis set to provide an attack boost to both ayaka and shengha as well other than that the tips from the mona variations still apply now we've looked at the mona and kokomi variants as well as how to use both sucrose and kazuha but now i'll talk about venti it would look like venti can be played exactly the same way that sucrose can be played with a skill burst then skill in both mona and kokomi variants but what i found was that while kazuha felt better than sucrose venti actually feels worse than sucrose this is because venti's burst needs to be fired from a far distance after which you need to run back to the enemies before applying hydro if the enemies can be sucked this doesn't feel too bad but when enemies can't be sucked this is just burdensome otherwise you can play him just like a sucrose [Music] a way you can try to address this is with a flipped arrangement because after using your burst you can use schunhurst e to close the distance however this arrangement doesn't feel that great to use to me but it's an idea if you want to try to make it work on another note when using venti it feels good with the kokumi varian and the sing-chew variant which i will cover next but mona doesn't apply enough hydro to make it feel good if the enemies are resistant to vortex but if you really need to use venti i would recommend that you only use the vortex the second way down so you will play without the vortex on the first part and you will use it on the second finally venti should use the elegy for the end if you have it otherwise just build as much energy recharge as you can on him because this team is quite energy deficient finally let's look at the sing true variant sincho's skill cooldowns are the worst among the three hydro applicators with a 21 second cooldown on his skill there is no way to do a regular 20 second rotation with xingchu as a result and when factoring in the sacrificial sword you will end up doing a 24 second rotation instead for this variant you open with xing cho instead of shanghai start with xingchu's skill burst skill then you shun her skill and burst then we use sucrose to shred but weaving in some normal attacks for sing-choose hydroapplication then use ayaka skill and burst by continuing to weave in those normal attacks then use sunher's e squeezing normal attacks as possible then use sucrose to shred and finally ayaka's skill and then do some charge attacks now xingchu forces you to use a lot of normal attacks everywhere for continual hydro application and it's single target not aoe so it's not as nice as mona or kokomi and the rotation will be extended so try to use the other variants if you can [Music] xingchu must use a sacrificial sword or fevonius if you don't have it regarding whether to use sync choose e verse e or burst ee i don't think the extra damage from c4 is that significant compared to the time save from swapping off him asap so i would usually use the skill burst skill finally in this variant if you can use the thrilling tales of dragon's lair on sucrose do so but if you're using kazuha there'll be no thrilling tales for ayaka there's also no healer in this variant but it's not as bad as in mona's variant because sync choose rain swords provide damage reduction if really necessary you can still use the prototype amber on sucrose for healing but this isn't recommended finally mentioning venti he works fine here though if you don't have the elegy for the end you'll lose the tdds buff compared to sucrose now i'll demonstrate a very free-to-play viable abyss 1231 clear in this round my ayaka is not well scaled with an average of five good substance per artifact a black lift long sword and an energy recharge stance to show that it's possible my shanghai is using a fabonious lens i'll just let the run play out and the builds will be shown as oh uh yes [Music] do [Music] what [Music] and that's it for the shanghai ayaka freeze team rotation guide hopefully you learned something and if you enjoyed the video please smash the like button with that thanks for watching and see you in the next video is [Music]
Channel: Zenera (ZioulR)
Views: 57,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Genshin Impact, Genshin, Abyss, Ayaka, Kamisato Ayaka, Shen He, Shenhe, Permafreeze, Morgana, Rotation
Id: qIvckxg03Xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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