How to Master the Art of Communication - Jim Rohn

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let me give you four key words to be aware of that will help you in putting together a conscious awareness program of developing a source of communication making these deposits see when you talk you want a verbal check that'll cache when you speak you want to speak from something that's there an awareness that's there a feeling that's there and to create this foundation or this reservoir or this deposit or this account from which you can talk let me give you four words that will help you to do that here's the first one develop an interest the first word is interest develop an interest in two primary things life and people if you're interested in life see right away daily weekly monthly you're going to be gathering up information and impressions and awareness more so than someone who is not that interested most people want to make it but they don't have that interest that keen interest in what's going on around them so the two things to be interested in is life and people make a study of those make sure you're entering something in your journal constantly about life and about people business life and social life what's happening around you it's called gathering so that you can use it for future conversations now you do this deliberately by using these four words and thinking about them what i like to always do is develop a mental tick list things to remember as you proceed through the day now at first when you develop a little mental kick list of things to remember sometimes it's a little awkward it's like learning to play the piano my teacher said here's the right hand scale so i got those no problem then my teacher says now we're going to run the left-hand scales i got those no problem then i remember the day when she said we're going to play both hands together i thought now that'll be tricky right how could you do them both together and i remember looking at one looking at the other but finally right i got to where i could play both hands together then i remember the day she said now we're gonna read the music play both hands i thought wow how would you do that right and i'm looking at the music looking at my hands right but finally i got that going then i remember the day she said now we're going to watch the audience play the music play both uh read the music play both hands i thought now how could you possibly do that right but sure enough i finally got to where i could watch the audience read the music and play both hands right after a while at first it was a little awkward but after a while i finally got those right four things in line so here's what i want to give you is a little mental kick list to remember at first it may seem a little awkward to try to remember these four things in gathering information for future conversations communication but uh just try and then finally it'll come naturally so the first word is interest be interested enough to find ideas to put in your journal be interested enough to look around keep your eyes open what's going on be alert don't miss anything okay here's the second word for good communication developing this reservoir and that is fascination fascination goes a little bit beyond interest fascination means you'd take a second look fascination means you're just not interested in in just surface information you want to know what's behind it what does it really mean so if you really want to develop this reservoir of information for future conversations you've got to be fascinated with life fascinated with stories fascinated with human behavior why do people act like they act why do they do what they do now also be interested and fascinated with your own life how come i act like i act why do i always do this how why do i feel this way see that kind of fascination will start helping you to gather up the information for good communication fascinated here's the third word and this is a good one sensitivity develop a sensitivity to life and people let's let what's happening during the day touch you let it affect you develop a sensitivity to both tragedy and success both the highs and the lows of life a sensitivity to people's feelings a sensitivity to the complexity of life as well as the simplicity of life how people are different and yet so much the same sensitivity to people's beliefs the way they look at things here's a good phrase let life touch you don't let it kill you but let it touch you be sensitive when judy and i were married i'll never forget we got back from europe one time we were staying at the waldorf astoria new york it was about christmas time i don't know the 20th of december something like that and we decided to rent a car and drive out to long island judy never been to long island judy was raised in the midwest farm country too and uh on the way to out to long island uh judy had never been to harlem so um we left the hotel and not very far away from the waldorf astoria is harlem i will never forget the look on judy's face as we drove through harlem incredible it was the 20th of december but in harlem there was not one sign of christmas there was not one light christmas light there was not one christmas tree there was not one wreath on any door there was not one strand of tinsel and yet a few blocks away on fifth avenue and park avenue in new york and rockefeller center there's the big blazing christmas tree and the ice skaters are skating and the chestnuts are roasting and uh right the the shops are full of clothes and the shoppers are shopping and there's this feeling of wealth and affluence and a few blocks away is harley incredible judy talked about that experience for a long time after that the impact it made on harlem and the incredible contrast in people's lives from the wealthy to the poor from the advantage to the disadvantaged it really affected her but so you want to be affected by life let it touch you let it reach you when i lived in northern california two three times a year i would go to san francisco the tenderloin district down into what's known as the bottom of the world just go spend a day and see what it's like on the other side of life walk the streets where the lonely walk and talk to them find out their stories go eat where they eat visit with them for a while it's an incredible experience because i was raised fairly well i've never had any tragedy in my life so i really don't know what it's like but it's good to have a view and a look you don't have to go live in poverty but you got to be aware of it you got to know about it you got to be sensitive to it man i got to know there frank frank runs a bar in the tenderloin in san francisco what an incredible place you wouldn't believe it frank sees more tragedy in a week than most people see in a lifetime i'm visiting with him there one day he said jim see that lady sitting over there on the at the bar i said yes he said that's cookie he said how old do you think she is i said i don't know if she looks about 45. he said she's 25 i said well uh cookie used to be a go-go dancer and um she developed some kind of a bone disease and uh had all these operations now she's got the bolts and the pins and so on trying to hold her together and she can hardly walk and he said cookie comes in here three or four times a week sits right there and she's also got a little boy five years old he's dying of leukemia and said cookie comes here and drinks till she can't drink anymore and usually i have to call a cab have somebody come take her home cookie the story really got to me i used to go by after that every once in a while and put an envelope put some money in the envelope and her name on it and leave it for her to come by and get the story got me but that's frank cookie the tenderloin the other side of life where the difficulties are we've all got to be sensitive to that we've got to let it affect us as you let all of life affect you so it affects your conversation so it affects your communication so people have this incredible sense that there's a great deal about you and your sensitivity and your interest in your fascination with life it makes life uniquely worthwhile for you and i'll tell you what it'll show up in your conversation it'll show up in your feelings it'll show up in your ability to reach people sensitivity don't be afraid of it use it develop it now here's the fourth word knowledge develop a working knowledge i've added one more word there working knowledge of life and people a working knowledge knowledge means a systematic way of gathering up all the information that comes your way and try to put it into some workable form that's why we suggest a journal you just got to have a daily journal to record the ideas and the impressions and the feelings and the things that come your way so that you'll have this working knowledge this depth of awareness now if you'll work on those four words and be consciously aware that you're working on knowledge sensitivity fascination and interest about life and people in a deliberate way a daily way a consistent way so that when you get ready to talk there'll be all this substance there waiting to back up whatever you have to say here's a good phrase let what you say be the tip of the iceberg of all you know and all that you feel and all that you're aware of let what you say only be a small portion of all you know and feel i'm sure we've all had experiences talking with some people and sure enough they said far more than they knew very quickly
Channel: Motivational Stories
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Keywords: Jim Rohn, Personal Development, Jim Rohn personal development, Jim Rohn seminar, Jim rohn lecture, Jim Rohn quotes, Jim rohn speech, Jim rohn audiobook, jim rohn motivational speech, jim rohn motivation, motivational speech, best motivational speech, master the art of communication, how to communicate better, better communication, communication tips, communication tips jim rohn, communication skills, improve speaking skills, how to communicate effectively
Id: hVV5o-NcO0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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