How to Master Detachment - The Secret to Emotional Control

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for the longest time I thought that having control over your emotions meant that you would bottle them up and pretend that everything is fine even when you feel like the world is crumbling around you and in reality it's exactly the opposite it is understanding your emotions embracing them and mastering the power of Detachment the power of Detachment is what I'm going to share with you today hello my darlings my name is Maggie and I'm excited to have you here so let's jump right into it because we have a lot to talk about [Music] so what is Detachment anyway well it's not about disconnecting from our emotions we're not robots we can't just pull the plug on them the attachment is about observing your emotions from a place of neutrality think of it as being a captain of a ship the ship might fall into turbulent Waters and into storms but the captain is responsible for maintaining calm and taking the rational decisions to keep the ship afloat and not sink it sometimes our daily lives can feel like a roller coaster we might feel excited we might feel angry we might feel scared but we must understand that we are not slaves of these emotions Detachment allows you to step back and choose your response because it gives you the ability to look at the situation from afar imagine a friend or a family member comes to you and they're like listen I had this situation this person came to me and said this I'm so angry I'm so frustrated I don't know what to do because you're not emotionally involved or attached to that situation you're going to be able to look at it from a much more rational point of view this is the power of Detachment it is the ability to be able to see the bigger picture without being emotionally involved the benefits of having emotional control can affect so many areas of our lives and a really important one is relationships we are so quick to attach ourselves emotionally to other people that we even choose to ignore their red flags a lot of us are so guilty of this we want a person to look at us a certain way and to feel about us a certain way and when they don't we just crumble we feel disappointed in our self-confidence goes out the window completely detaching is realizing that if a person wants to be with you they will come through they will show up for you understanding that our value doesn't come from how other people perceive us our value you comes from within and that is our biggest superpower and yet we choose to give it to other people for free another big area is our workplace and I am so guilty of this I tend to be very hard on myself and I want everything to be perfect and this really stressed me out and burned me out to the point that one day I was just like you know what I don't care anymore it's none of my business what other people do and how other people perform what my responsibilities my actions my personal success and my personal development is my responsibility we cannot be responsible or stress over what someone else is doing we cannot control anything except ourselves we cannot control people their actions their words their decisions but we can't control our own the only person you can hold accountable for showing up for you and for doing what's best for you is you indeed your happiness your health your decision your words everything is your responsibility it is not easy but trust me if it were it wouldn't be interesting if you've enjoyed this video like subscribe share with your friends and don't forget to leave a comment down below thank you for spending this moment with me take care of yourself and I'll see you in the next one bye bye
Channel: Magic Maggie
Views: 33,524
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Id: CDgJ5jzLFfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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