HOW TO MANUAL A BIKE OVER 40. The video I wish a saw BEFORE I started!

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[Music] wow nice today's video is about manuals and it's not for the 17 year olds this is for the over 30 over 40 over 50. this video is the video i wish i would have seen i watched dozens of videos and in the first few weeks they came along pretty good but then i ate it and i landed on my tailbone and then i landed on my tailbone two days later and the ability to pull back and get it high enough was gone for six months manuals are a journey they're not a destination you're never done i've had a few breakthroughs and i've had lots of things go wrong so we're going to just make the video that if you're over 30 over 40 over 50 over 60 over 70 and you're learning manual and you should because it's good for the noggin it's good for the body it's good for the soul definitely then this is that video so we'll get started [Music] mostly i ride mountain bikes sean mostly rides mountain bikes but the reason we're on bmx bikes is because this is the great teacher your bunny hops your 180s your manuals all this stuff translates directly to the dirt jumper and to the mountain bikes so that's why we're on bmx bikes today [Music] step one you're going to want to get a pillow or a cushion it's pretty common to land on this area i'm kidding i literally had a friend who tried to do this and gave up i have other friends who looped out manuals and it hurts a lot and they gave up so the first step is learning the loop out when you start the manual inevitably you'll pull too far back and you want to get off before you hit your tailbone i think the easiest thing to do is try and over lean back and just get off the back of the bike so as you lean back when you come back too far just be ready to get off i'll do one we'll just throw the bike in general better better that than land on your butt so you want to make sure that you're kicking the bike away as you feel it going past 12 o'clock you kick it away and you land on both feet you're just going walking speed and you just get back and you get too far back kick the bike away land on both feet if you don't practice this you're gonna try to you're gonna try to save yourself with one foot and things it doesn't work i wish i saw a video that said do that 100 times 200 times that can save you in all sorts of situations from the mountain bike to the dirt jumper starting to get lower with it so that you can kick it away when you're in that really low manual position i'll do one more and try to be kind of low with it and show what that looks like so you're manually so you can be really low and still save it [Music] i don't do manuals with brakes sean does manuals with brakes when you're learning and you're learning to loop out and you're learning on a bmx i would suggest no brakes when you're up like this and you grab the brake and you're looping it locks your feet to the pedals you can't jump off because the bike's stopping and you will land on your butt so i kind of think when you're getting going forget the brake get really good at looping out instead [Music] so i would say step two would be decide on a good speed that you feel comfortable with a little bit of forward momentum is really going to help faster you go the easier your manual is so what i do to judge is i try and find a speed that is you know quite a bit slower than i can run but at the same time faster than i can walk a bit faster than a walk but not quite a run somewhere in here and even at this speed it's actually slightly harder to to balance but it's a good place to start sean suggests doing them slower i'm going to suggest you can go faster i'm going to loop one out at a little more speed just to show what running one out looks like because it's not bad it's all part of the same motion there's so much easier to do if you're going faster you will get the same learning from slow ones and fast ones but you might find more encouragement when you're going a little bit faster because they're going to be longer [Music] step three would be you're going to initiate the pull for your manual it's tempting to want to pull the bike into you with your arms but actually what you want to do is get your uh center of gravity back behind the bike and specifically kind of your butt so rather than pull up like this on the bike i i try and lean like my butt over the back tire and there's a little bit of a snap to get it started but it's really mostly the weight in the back seat you want your butt to go back or a little bit down you definitely don't want your butt to go up [Music] you're you're bending down and you're pushing your arms back right the path of your hips some people say it wants to go like this down and then back i've also seen people say take it down at a diagonal i think both work what doesn't work is if your path of your bottom is sort of up that puts you in the wrong position film yourself because you're going to think your butt's going straight back or down and it's going like this i don't have the butt awareness of some people i guess i had no idea what the path of my behind actually was the next step is to hold the manual once you get up and you're in the right position and your butt's back the next step is you're going to slowly start to lean too far backwards and then you'll raise up a little bit and then you'll go too far forward and then you go back so it's this kind of like back and forth motion on the bike to keep the manual going so once you're in this position you've got to maintain it and if you watch somebody like brad sims you'll see a ton of hip movement what he's doing is as the front end starts to fall he's going to throw his hips back as the front end starts to come up too high he brings his hips forward the more you move the more range of of manual you have the more ability you have to save one that gets too low you get way back here you can get way up here but lock out your arms because you want to exclude your upper body also some of the worst crashes early on and worse loops are when you throw your hips forward and that's not enough and then you bring your arms in like this and you're really vertical and you're really high so when you loop those out those hurt so you want to avoid those if you pick some goals to start out it'll make you try and hold that manual a little bit longer it's definitely true if you look at parking spots or cracks you can extend your manuals it's also true and worth mentioning sometimes when you focus on a crack as you get there your head dips a little bit as your chin dips it brings the bike down demarcus paul is probably one of the best there is at manuals and i was watching a video with him and he talked about how he never thinks about the distance he just starts him and he just tries to get him to go as long as they can and he keeps his head up it's definitely worked better for me when i picked out a point that's about four feet off the ground and and look at that everybody's different everybody learns differently and this video is about what i wish someone had told me and i think that that's something i wish someone told me [Music] i wish someone would have told me that the videos where people learn in 10 days or they learn in a month good for them i hope it happens but it's probably not what's gonna happen you're gonna have good days and you're gonna have bad days don't give up been working on this for three years that's embarrassing in some ways but the truth is it's been awesome what is better than a lot of practice is a little bit of practice consistently better to do 20 minutes a day or 20 minutes three times a week than to go out and say i'm gonna do six hours of manuals because after a half hour you're going to be tired and there's diminishing returns so regularity beats just big big sessions if you like this video hit the like button and if you'd like to see more hit the subscribe button and we'll see you next time on joya bike
Channel: Joy of Bike
Views: 606,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to manual a bike over 40, Learn to manual a bike over 40, How to manual over 40, How to manual a bmx bike over 40, How to manual a mountain bike over 40, Learn to manual over 40, how to manual an MTB over 40, how to manual a mountain bike, how to manual an mtb, learn to manual mountain bike, learn to manual mtb, how to manual a bmx bike, learn to manual bmx, how to manual a bmx, How to manual, learn to manual, mountain bike manual, how to manual mtb, learn how to manual
Id: hbFXcD9AlTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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