How To Manifest Abundance by Bob Proctor | WD2018

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how are there and welcome about Proctor and it's a real pleasure for me to be here with you at this event all over the world I want to begin by congratulating Wolfgang Sonnenberg do you know I believe everyone every day everywhere has an idea of something great they could do but like that the idea dies almost as fast as it came to our mind and of course the idea is then stillborn nothing happens that didn't happen was Wolfgang Wolfgang got the idea and he thought you know everybody should win every day and they should and they certainly could but it isn't going to happen by accident and there when spiration was born something that he could see that would live long past him and be all over the place and he found one day in the year that hadn't been allocated to anything else May the 7th now I've had the good fortune of speaking to her three times from Wolfgang in different places one of the early meetings I was fortunate enough to speak to the audience in Berlin and it was a great meeting first of all I loved Berlin I love Germany I think Germany and Canada are very much alike I think climates the people everything the languages aren't even that far apart I don't believe but at any rate and it was a great meeting and the thing that impressed me more than anything was the fact that there was a focus on children and the children were getting help and children need help because our educational system is just not up to what we want it to be now 57 years ago I was fortunate enough to have a man give me this book and the book changed the course of my life and one day I woke up and I wanted to know exactly what happened to me I'm gonna share a little bit of that with you and when I figure out what happened all I wanted to do was teach it to other people so hopefully the idea I'm going to share with you is going to help you turn wind spiration day into a big win you see there's two things that you must know if you want to create wealth and if you don't create wealth you're going to be dependent on somebody else's money money is not a bad thing money is a very good thing money enables you to do good far beyond your own physical presence I don't know what Wolfgang spent on when spiration but I know he's invest a lot of money in this now it's not a business to him is something it's a it's a it's a labor of love but it takes money nothing happens for nothing it costs money and all the money in the world is available to us but we have to learn how to earn it now there's two things you must know first of all you have to know where you are and second you have to know where you're going and then you've got to get moving you've got to go there now why doesn't everybody do that well you know why are so many people stuck you know you could say well it's because they don't have goals but I don't really believe that's the problem I believe the problem lies right here in where we are I don't think people know where they are and their paradigm is stopping them now the average individual does individual has no understanding of what a paradigm is I'm going to show you here today I want you to pay very close attention and I want you to relate all this good information you get in your brain to inspiration because that's where you're getting it now you've got to make a decision you've got to make a decision about exactly how you want to live and what you want to do and most people never learn how to make a decision a man told me that one day and he wrote an are on a sheet of paper then he put three letters down beside it two h's and the W he said Bob that represent happiness health and wealth and he said do you know you can have anything you want and he said do you think I'm a happy person and I had to say yes I think you are he said if you ever seen me sick I had to admit ahead he said have you ever seen me when I was broke I gained I had them men ahead they said Bob you got to be one of the most miserable people I've ever met he said you're always second you're always broke now he was actually being kind I was 26 years old I was earning $4,000 a year and I owned $6,000 and he said do you ever read anything and I said no I can't read now that wasn't true it could I just didn't he introduced me to this book and this is it right here this is the book pages are following out of this I've been reading this since October the 21st 1961 and I read it every day I have it right here beside me in my studio I said Bobby if you will do exactly what I tell you you can have anything you want that was a long time ago I'm gonna tell you if you'll do exactly what I tell you you can have an you want do you know that in a matter of year my income went from 4000 6000 in hole closed earning 175,000 now I want you to stop for a minute and do the math on that because it's pretty interesting yet in one year I had multiplied my income by forty three point seven five times yeah let me qualify that I had too much high school I had no business experience I had a bad attitude and I had a bad work record but I got this book and then I did what someone told me for the first time in my life I never had really followed direction I was 26 and the man said do exactly what I tell you you're given you want so I decided I would and I've been doing that ever since I learned a great lesson I learned if you want to do something go to someone who has already done it and then do exactly what they tell you ask them if they would help you get the results they're getting and they will say yes and then you got to do exactly what they tell you now I've had seven mentors but the first one got me on the right track I've always done exactly what each one of them told me now I'm gonna suggest that if I can do that you can certainly do this I want to suggest that you turn your annual income into a monthly income now that's only multiplying by 12 I multiplied it by forty three point seven five and I had no idea what I was doing I didn't have to help you you're getting right now you can do it and then I took it over a million that was the big magic number wondering a million well I've earned many millions you know something if I can you can either you see that's what makes me so adamant about this I know if I did it anybody can do it so let's go ahead here when I learned well let's take a look at the mind and that paradigms we talked about paradigms let's take a look at them now pay attention to this because it's very important this is one of the key things I learned in 1934 dr. through inflate down in San Antonio Texas he was very involved in the healing arts and he said we have a problem in the world we are treating symptoms we're not treating the cause of the problem now there's always a cause and effect relationship when you have a disease in the body that's an effect what is the cause of it and he said to cause always starts in the non-physical so it had to start in the mind and he said the problem is nobody's ever seen the mind nobody has ever seen it so how do we work on it and he said I'm gonna draw a picture of the mind and that's what he drew it right there and he said let the mind fall into two parts the large circle represents the mind will say the conscious and the bottom circles of the subconscious but the physical instrument that carries out the operations of the mind is the body yeah I pointed out here this is the most valuable idea I've ever learned and I'm gonna tell you I'm surrounded by books I have a magnificent library that I have built over the past 50 some years this is the best idea I've ever got so I'm gonna show you something about it there's the mind the conscious mind subconscious in the body now the conscious mind is your thinking mind you can think do you know not many people do you say or everybody thinks start listening to the conversations that are going on around you it's going to become very evident that the people are not thinking they wouldn't say what their thing is saying watch what they're doing they'd never do what they're doing is they were thinking conscious minds are thinking mind this is the educated mind this is where we pile the books up and I'm going to show you something about that this is where our intellect is resonant okay this is the intellectual magno the subconscious operates quite different that's your emotional mind okay now because you can think and you have an intellect you have the ability to choose you can choose what you're going to do with your life Wolfgang chose that he would take a portion of his time portion of his money and he would develop something called win spiration and worldwide people would be celebrating winning and helping people win on the 7th of May now you've got the ability to accept or reject information and you if you reject information you've got the ability to originate subconscious mind doesn't have that ability that's all in the conscious mind the subconscious mind must accept whatever you give to it see the subconscious mind is unmoral it's like the earth it doesn't care what you plant but it'll return what you plant I love the way all Nightingale put it he said you can plant corn a sweet food and not 1/16 or inch inch away plant nightshade a deadly poison one will grow up with just as great an abundance as the other you can plant the positive the negative they'll both grow because the subconscious must accept it and that's where it grows subconscious can't reject now get this this is beautiful when you understand it the subconscious mind cannot differentiate between what's real and what's imagined it is not able to tell the difference okay now that is facts about this let's look at where it all starts okay here you are now remember what I've just showed you the information is flowing into your conscious mind from the radio from other people from TV newspapers and a lot of it is absolute nonsense they're telling you stuff that isn't even true but they keep telling you we keep listening and then we let them influence us the economy is going down do you know in the worst economy there's people winning in the best economy there's people losing you create your own economy we've got the ability to reject all this negative information but you know something we don't do that general why we can because we can think we can reason and with reason we think reasons our mental faculties so we could say to that information get out of here just go away but we don't do that what do we do well we do some much worse we leave our mind wide open and what we say about the subconscious it has no ability to reject all that informations go right into the subconscious mind and affecting the instrument you're living in called a body why do we do that well we do it because we're programmed to do it that's what a paradigm is how did that paradigm form well just close the window on this for a moment and move over here on the other side and let's take a look over here the first one was today this represents you as an infant this is how you arrived at home when you were born your subconscious mind is right open if you were taken out of a english-speaking home and put in a home that spoke Spanish you grow up fluent in Spanish if you were taken out of a Spanish home and put in a Chinese family and suburbs of Shanghai you would speak Chinese if you were born in a home where there's three or four languages you'd learn although I worked with an associate in kuala lumpar for a long time and they had a little boy four years old could speak four languages little boy didn't know the difference he didn't have the ability to reject the idea so he just learned all the languages and so everything is going on around us just keeps going into our subconscious mind and this is how the image that we hold of herself was formed that's right we've got an image in our mind of ourselves and it was formed when we were infants but that wasn't the only idea we had a multitude of ideas in absence of clearly defined goals we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it Robert Heinlein was a science fiction writer he wrote strangers in a strange land one time in the book and that's what he said in absence of clearly defined goals well we probably grew up in an environment where there was no clearly defined goals and we became enslaved to daily trivia and that's where most people live just listen to them okay now let's keep thinking when this information that's going on around us keeps coming in we form a paradigm a paradigm is a program in their subconscious mind now that's in our little life that here we are 20 30 40 years later paradigms still in control people don't change much over a lifetime oddly enough they move ahead incrementally small jump how did I go ahead by 40 3.75 bang like that in one year the right information rejecting the bad information and studying the good information you see that's what wins race is all about now let's stop and think here we are school gave us valuable knowledge however school never taught us anything about paradigms so we frequently don't do what we already know how to do superior knowledge inferior results causes confusion and frustration let's take a look at our drawing there's a little stick person again and there's all the books to see what they do they get you to read the book and then you come and ask your questions and if you can remember they say you've got it well isn't it strange that people got it they got all these books degrees coming off the end of their business card but the results wouldn't indicate they know anything why because it's not the knowledge they've gotten their conscious mind that's producing the results it's the paradigm in the subconscious mind is producing the result and if a person's going to change the results they're gonna have to change the paradigm and if they don't change the paradigm nothing changes hopefully you're gonna see how you can start changing your paradigm because that is what Wolfgang wanted me to do he said Bob share some of the information sure let it go all over the world just give it a let him see it so here we are good stuff now I'm going to show you how school works there is person those are sensory factors those little antennae that just come up that's you can see hear smell taste touch so we go to school and we hear what the teacher says and because we hear we gather the information what does that mean well I just showed you the model gathering information is a bunch of ideas of books just piling up in the conscious mind and then they check you they asked you questions if you passed them they'll say you know just because you can answer a question about what this man wrote that doesn't mean you know it at all that's not knowing that's remembering that's gathering information now you hear with your ears better you tell you some you listen with your emotions if you want to learn what I'm talking about you don't listen to it and the eyes are pretty good if you and you'll are you listen you will learn now learning is when we consciously entertain an idea we get emotionally involved in the idea we step on an act on that idea and we change the end result you see the key here if I back it up a moment the key is indeed doing you've got to do it don't just repeat it you got to do it the truth is everybody knows how to do better than they're doing problem is they're not doing it okay the feedback from what you do they change the result that's the learning experience everything else is gathering information now paradigms let's think paradigm is a mental program that has almost exclusive control over our habitual behavior and almost all of our behaviors of vitual you could set a clock by most people they get up in the morning they move into a routine that's what happens it's sad but they do it when paradigms stay in control nothing changes that's right now let's take a look at this let's look at the areas of your life that paradigm has enormous influence it influences your perception your perception is how you see things that's really what it is your paradigm it controls your use of time have you ever noticed some people they get virtually nothing done in a day in a week in a month some people accumulate or accomplish more in a day than other people do in a year get this everybody gets the same amount of time we get all there is so it's what we do with our time that's what makes the difference I watched Wolfgang Sonnenberg in a company one time with the same amount of time that everybody in the company had and there were thousands of people selling in that company where he got a million dollar bonus from what he did the others didn't do it but they had the same amount of time if he did it you could do it see I always say if I can do it you can do it if he doesn't you can do it now look here's the time your paradigm controls your creativity most people think they're not creative writers are creative musicians everybody's creative you're God's highest form of creation your creativity controls your effectiveness and your effectiveness controls your productivity now I'm going to tell you the ceiling is logic we love logic stop us we go to dream logic stops us wonder what the Wright brothers were doing here's two young bicycle mechanics around 1903 they live in Dayton Ohio they're gonna fly an airplane they're gonna introduces to flight nobody had ever done it in thousands and thousands years they were gonna do it the neighbors must have thought they were out of their mind but they did it didn't they and today we just shoot all over the world we're not a long ways away from anywhere now not only does it in control all those areas your paradigm controls your ability turned money now look it there's a box around us in these areas and every time we go to improve them we bumps into the wall we just can't seem to get out of it we're boxed in that's the paradigm now when you make up your mind you're going to change the paradigm the walls come down nothing changes that at least the walls come down now you can go you're not going to hit the wall and stop and I'm going to tell you something else just imagine how your entire life would change as you begin improving any or all of these areas of your life that change is huge and here's the most beautiful truth the hill every year it's permanent you don't go back here I was earning four new at six today are in millions and I don't know anything what's changed Bob if Bob can you can it's a beautiful idea now think of this if all you changed was your perception just change the way you look at things change the way you look at yourself hold on what I'm doing here should be changing perceptions you do that your income will change make no mistake about it now most people are extras in their own movie they say oh look at Bob earlier Wolfgang look at here you're looking better you're like a Kim or looking whatever uh-huh and they make somebody else the star you want to be the star your own movie what do you want that's what you want to decide well I'm on the screen I want you to decide what do you really want because I'm going to tell you something you can have it now I know one thing you want time and money freedom that's edge straight into the soul of every individual time and money freedom you want the time to do what you want and you want the money so that you can afford it but to get it to be able to shape your future you have to be willing and able to change your paradigm no Jo Barker wrote down the book in 1990 he was right okay you got to give it out of the box my friend creativity is the opposite of routine you must become very creative and you can I'm gonna take and show you in times of rapid change Eric Hoffer said the learners will inherit the earth well they learn that find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with the world that no longer exists see when people leave school they think they're learning there's no such thing as a learning person there's no such thing as an educated person that's a myth you're right they're learning or you're not education isn't something you fill up put a cap on it comes from the Latin e2 code meaning to do so they developer to drive within the learners will inherit the earth because they never stop learning they continually expand their marvelous mind okay now he qualified that because he said to learn you need a certain degree of confidence not too much not too little if you have too little confidence you'll think you can't learn if you have too much just think you don't have to learn and you know I think we all fall into both of those categories all too often any girl I couldn't learn that oh I don't need to know that let's make up her mind we're going to stay with that certain degree of confidence that fine line that's gonna give us everything we want now quit trying to fight change Buckminster Fuller brilliant guy created the geodesic dome he said never change things by fighting the existing reality don't fight what's going on he said to change something build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete build a new model you can because you can dream download Nat King Cole song pretend he said pretend you're happy when you're blue it isn't very hard to do and you'll find happiness without it and whenever you pretend it's a beautiful song but using your imagination to create the life you want and that King Cole pretend okay now look here's the ABC of goals ABC of goals most people they get locked in they they don't even dare go upstairs because that's a fantasy and fantasies supposed to be left for children so we stick here we say I'm gonna I'm gonna do what I know will happen well that's sort of dumb because you're gonna get the same results over and over again but then you come to something like this and you say I ain't gonna go up here I'm gonna do what I think I can do that's not going where you want to go that's not what you want that's what you think you can do you know what you're doing you're measuring your your present resources with the money you've got the help I got this is what I could do so that's where all is that my goal there's no inspiration in that then so pretty soon you're back down here and then somebody says something positive if you go back up there but you get hit and come back down here I'm pretty soon you're stuck right there why look at there's the three stages of creation fantasy theory affective you're going to get what you want you gotta fantasize now this how it's done you build a fantasy of what you want you do that in your own mind you never ask how you're gonna get there you just know you are and then you have to turn that fantasy into a theory this is where you go from using your imagination to using your reasoning factor and you really start to think about it now before you can turn the theory into a goal in your mind because that's where it is in your conscious mind you gotta ask yourself two questions am i able to do this well listen I've studied the Bible the back Paquita the Quran the Torah all the original religious books the Book of Mormon and I've studied all kinds of psychology books my library is loaded and it's all in the same subject on the marvelous mind and what we can do every one of them clearly indicate you and I have infinite potential no one knows what we're capable of doing so even though though in 1961 I was a dead loser just a slug doing nothing in one year bang like that get all changed know why I started to think am I able yeah I'm able but I had somebody convincing me I was able I had a good mentor Dan am I willing that's it are you willing to pay the price there's no free lunch when you say yes to those two things you get a goal and then you take that goal and you impress it upon your subconscious mind universal intelligence it will take it and begin to move it into form and that's how goals are reached so you go from the fantasy to theory of the fact then you're in the position to build bigger and better fantasies now that my friend is a great process let me show you how that works what do you need all you need is the will to do it John Kennedy the president the United States way back in the early sixties he asked dr. Wernher von Braun what it would take to build a rocket that would carry a man to the moon he said the will to do it it's all it takes for you to reach your goal and let's look at it from a different perspective here we are down here with the a tide calls we don't want this we don't want to repeat performance and then we go up here and we do what we think we can do I don't think that's who we want other we've got to go we've got to start stretching we got to stretch our mind we've got to ask ourselves what are we really capable of doing and we're going to go up with the airs a little thin into that high-octane energy we get up to a C type go this is where we're creating this is what we really want to do you don't have to know how but you do have to know you're gonna do it it's a beautiful world and you know something through inspiration is being introduced to you right now make certain you use it the men who started with spiration he understands all this that's why I started this you're not you're not getting any money out of this he's putting money into this he wants you to win because he really believes everybody is capable and he's right now look let's talk about money for a minute money is an interesting subject and when spiration likes talking about money because money builds more money more inspiration more cities more countries more places and if you want to take it to your city you make sure that you let wolfgang know because you can now let's look at this there is a law of compensation and the law of compensation is very clear it states in no uncertain terms that the amount of money you earn is always going to be an exact ratio to the need for what you do your ability to do it and the difficulty there isn't replacing you three points the need for what you do your ability to do it and the difficulty there is in replacing you the need for what you do see I know there's a tremendous need for what I do people have to wake up all over the world no one's getting the results they want that need is there whatever you're doing the need is there the need is there you didn't create it you don't have to create it the second your ability how good are you at fill in the need now I've become very good at filling it but you know something I'm not as good as I can be so I study every day every day I study I want to get better at it develop your ability to fill the need and then you're gonna be very difficult to replace so where should the focus go well focus should go exactly where it belongs your ability to do it become a master at whatever you do and you do that your stocks gonna go up it's the way it works okay there's only three strategies for any money m1 m2 m3 now if you have children you better teach them how to earn money because school is not gonna do it the teachers don't know and if you're gonna teach your children lock in to number three that's the strategy that makes the difference the other two they're just not very good m1 is used by ninety six out of every 100 people it doesn't work very well for a very good reason your trading time for money and it's got an inherent problem you run out of time see what I'm saying 96 out of every 100 people use it trading time for money so it's only natural that we would follow them there's such a large group how could they all be wrong well they always have been the people on number 2 is only 3% there for a very good reason they'd invest money turned money number one I stumbled on the way back in the 60s didn't know what I was doing it took me a long time to understand what I was doing it's only used by 1% how do you think I went from 4175 to a million i changed strategies well I didn't know what I would then so ID couldn't even share it with anybody so one day I just said I'm gonna figure out what I've done and ever since then that's all the one to do is share it with people see this 1% group are 96% of all the money well it's sudden the other end of the scale 96% of the people share the other 4 or 5 percent of the money look at 1% multiply their time by setting up multiple sources of income do you know you're gonna make connections through win spiration where you could set up joint ventures or set up multiple source of income you can have them all over the world I know when I go to sleep tonight I will have money coming in I don't know how much I don't know where it's coming from but I know there's a lot of it coming in I have money coming to me 24 hours a day not by accident I set up a system and you can set it up we can show you how to turn your annual income into a monthly income so our matrix program is all about we just finished one a week-long program that's right this can be accomplished by setting up multiple sources of income now look here for a moment wealthy people have always had multiple sources of now right here in the center is the world and our world is changing there's no question about that you know that and I know that it's changing at a very rapid clip and the world is not getting bigger it's getting smaller it's shrinking the world's getting smaller we're only hours away from anywhere you're gonna have business all over the world now in the class I was teaching which is matrix I could take that and put wind spiration and because you're mixing with a lot of people all over the world and you can set up MSI's msi is a multiple source of income you see it's from different parts of the world you can do this I know Wolfgang Sonnenberg has all the kinds of he probably is a few thousand see you a few thousand yeah you can yeah yeah I think you're in about fifteen or twenty million in a relatively short period of time now listen it's always setting up sources of income and you say well I'll do all the sources are they all the same size income no no they're not all the same some are bigger some are small but they have one thing in common they all flow into your bank and then nice I like that Napoleon Hill said when money starts coming it'll come so fast and furious it'll make your head spin you're gonna wonder where I was hiding through all those lean years and it just keeps adding up nice thing to know really nice thing to know now that's an overview of all the slides the keep in mind has taken me 57 years to put it all together you don't have to take 57 years to execute it you can take the ideas that you just got bang like that put him to work that's what Wolfgang did he got the idea of when spiration and he thought I'm gonna figure out how I can put this all over the world and you know today when spiration is being talked about but it's going to cover the world better next year they did this year to know why you have the opportunity to take and start when spiration meeting wherever you want you make a commitment today that you're going to start an inspiration meeting on the 7th of May next year send them a letter and say listen this is really a cool concept I want to help and I guarantee you you do that and you will I want to thank you very much for your attention I want to thank Wolfgang I sincerely want to thank him because you know givers gain I love the opportunity of giving whenever I can he's given me that opportunity in a few occasions with inspiration he and our good friends we don't see each other that much we're like thieves in the night you know he's busy I'm busy we're going in different directions we're both very busy business people you've got him to thank for this I want to thank you
Channel: Winspiration Day Association
Views: 390,666
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Id: 20bShdWq29I
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Length: 34min 3sec (2043 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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