How To Manage Your Cash Buyers & Dispositions w/ Quentin Flores

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all right i know we're going to be getting some people in here kind of as as as we progress and all of this stuff so it's all good guys so what i wanted to go over with y'all with daniel here because daniel you probably know more about smarter contact than i do but we use it in a very specific way and what this whole conversation is going to be about is going to be about a lot of using an sms platform to do disposition but at the very same time how you can marry that right with with the way that you find buyers because we use smarter contact to not only just go out and and and meet with uh investors and talk with investors and create those conversations we use smarter contact to build a buyer's list and i feel like a lot of people don't fully do this so i'm going to be kind of outlining some resources that i use to help you guys amplify that part of your business because i truly believe that there's so many things that that are missing in disposition that not a lot of people fully recognize and i'm gonna simplify the crap out of it for y'all how much time do we got daniel dude all the time you need man all the time you need okay sweet sweet so do you mind if i share my screen with everybody yeah go for it i think you oh here let me switch it real quick and boom you're good to go by the way guys none of this was really planned other than the meeting i wing i literally wing everything that i do so be ready because i'm about to drop some crazy nuggets on y'all okay if y'all want the nuggets i want to see y'all drop a fire emoji into the uh into the chat box all right if you're watching from your phone you're going to be able to do that okay so i want to go over a couple of things with you guys and what we have here is our disposition workflow so this is for my company i want to go over this from a to z for people that are watching this that are completely brand new you're using smarter contact to build your sellers up your pipeline up that's great too this is going to create the workflow for you so you can understand what our templates look like how we send these things out and and and how we separate these buyers into different buckets so for those that don't have a buyer's list you can easily pull a list of properties that were bought by llc's using prop stream that's 97 a month or you could do it using there's a million different list source for a list providers out there that'll give you a list of llc's and or individuals that are currently buying properties you can find out who's been buying properties in your area over the last 12 months and those are going to be who you're going to target now because i know adam loves me i'm going to just you know quick the shameless plug if you're trying to skip trace your llc's skip fleet and the go to and you can go ahead and skip trace your buyers list and you will get the phone numbers that you're needing for reaching out to your buyers list i'm gonna show you guys a little bit of everything that we do right now so we're just gonna jump into this now what is disposition for all of my people that don't fully know this dispositions a lot of things i'm gonna be real with y'all right now this position's like it's a lot of things and if you have somebody that's working this position it's not only their job to sell the properties that are on contract it's also partly their their responsibility to create and maintain what we call investor to company relationships so if you have investors that are working hand in hand with your company it is freaking imperative that you as someone who is trying to put their mark in your market network with as many people that have this type of money to buy real estate because there will come a time when the person that has been buying all of your properties wants a different property okay or or isn't isn't happy with the property that you sent them so then you have to branch out when you're creating a buyer's list this is tip number one that i'm going to give you before i go over this workflow so i have an entire system this is my sop for my company and as you can see we have smarter contact in here because we use it too okay so when it comes to disposition when you're building a buyer's list you're basically finding a massive amount of private money private money is everything you can use buyers money not to just buy you out of your deals but to help you keep your deals help you double close on deals lend you the money to do more deals to flip to find more properties we got people that park our park their money with our company all of the time and this is something that i've done solely off of building these relationships that's why we call it investor to company relationships when you marry the two it becomes an actual department of your organization where you can keep building up that wealth the larger the amount of money that the company has access to the easier that it is for you to take on those types of deals so with that being said keep that in mind because disposition is a lot of things but what we're going to go over today is how you can sell some of your deals to and buyers and i'm going to show you guys the workflow that we've created for our company which is infinity cash offer uh guys so you know everybody that kind of knows i am the owner and founder of wholesaling houses ground zero i built this platform a long time ago to help newbies get involved with the real estate investing and and and people that really don't have the money to make this stuff happen if you're watching this you're probably a smarter contact user or somebody who is in the facebook group or anybody that's affiliated or associated with daniel or i because i know he's live on his facebook right now so this position is the act of selling our equitable interest vested into a contract to an end buyer commonly known as a real estate investor in which that investor basically buys the company out of that contract which is amazing what are your number one resources to use so i use mailchimp i'm gonna go over some of the cool templates that i use not only that i use the smarter contact and i use facebook groups to market my deals this is something that you got to do all of the time i'm like a constant funnel of building buyer buyer levels okay not only that i have a list of buyers that can be accessed on our shared google drive folder for our company don't email me please i may not respond that's my that's my va's email so yeah i have what's called a buyer prioritization okay so i separate my investors by priority we have our priority buyers these are the guys that have done business with you multiple times they need to be number one on your sms okay they need to be number one on your email campaigns you send everything to these priority guys before you send it to anybody else and there's a reason why it's because they built up that rapport with your company already they have sweat in the game when it comes to dealing with your business it's good to honor those relationships remember i'll say this again investor to company relationships okay number one i want to see this dropped in the comments okay i want you guys to say this after me investor to company relationships what is a relationship right have you guys ever had a girlfriend before you ever been married before those are relationships relationships need to be nurtured okay i have to say this over and over again because a lot of people build a buyer's list like it's this piece of paper that's stuck to the wall that they can look at every day and try to get a buyer involved it's so much more than that okay so i separate them in three categories number one is priority buyers these are the people that get my deals first number two are your niche buyers when you find a random deal let me give you guys some gold for example i've put a property on contract that's in a very weird place it's actually in an alleyway that's in between two properties it was just a small little plot of land who buys plots of land with no address right that is a niche buyer right there so we reach out to bell bondsmen bell bondsmans buy land like that all the time because they like to borrow against it to get people who are in jail out of jail and they borrow against that land and then they keep flipping that profit over and over and over again that is what you call a niche buyer that is somebody who's buying weird-ass property so have you ever had like that's what i call a that's what you can call a whop by the way for everybody that's watching this weird ass property a whop can you guys say in the comment section real quick weird ass properties are in the middle of nowhere and a lot of people may not purchase them right away so it's imperative that you my friend have a group of people who buy weird property like that whether they're bondsmen or their land buyers or their developers or their people who buy mobile homes you have to have a list for these types of people and as you build your brand and your business and you create those what is it company to investor relationships it's imperative that you maintain those relationships because you're going to have weird properties like that all the time we move mobile homes we move random plots of land here in my company niche buyers is basically that then you have your window buyers i call the window buyers list and this is the thing and i'll go over this at the end but the window buyers list is like the buyers that you find on facebook the ones that reply to your messages they try to get back to you they're like a million different things basically they have no credibility with your company they've never bought a deal from you before they want you to send them over all of the deals they you send them the deals and they never reply to your messages but they say that they'll buy and they reply to the ones that they feel are good deals i call those window buyers i mean come on it's black friday this week this week right i'm a window buyer as right now i'm not gonna make a commitment to go ahead and buy five ps5s if they're on sale i'm window shopping to get the best deal and that's what your window buyers are it's kind of a last resort to me so the thing about this guys when you create these buckets of buyer levels they have the opportunity to graduate from window buyers to niche buyers to priority buyers and when you separate them in buckets like this then you'll know who you can reach out to so that's what we did for our company we separated them into buckets now the disposition steps is to gather the information below prior to sending out properties okay so number one you need a complete property address number two you need the subdivision in the neighborhood this is going to help them do their own comps we do our comps as well we give them an estimate of what we think the property is valued at the second one is the year that it was built bed bathroom count the living space square footage if it's recorded or not sometimes you run into those houses where they did additions to it i'm in san antonio you know what i'm saying i'm part of like a huge mexican family i'm telling you i'd be chilling with my uncle watching the cowboys game and then i turn around for a minute and boom my 2-2 house turns into a four-bedroom three-bath with a backyard kitchen you get what i'm saying like so it's important for you to understand the repairs that are being done to a property and what's recorded and what's not meaning did they get permits to add on what is the square footage of the lot that it's sitting on and what are the dimensions of that lot as well and can you add on to it the repairs that are needed there's five things that matter in a house guys it's the foundation the plumbing the roof the electrical the ac unit those are majority of the times the things that you're always going to need to know those are the things that matter so you ask for those five big ticket items first and then you move on to see if it needs anything cosmetically the contract price what do you have it on contract for that normally gets sent to the disposition person because they're gonna sell it for more then you need an estimate on what the arv of the property is as well as a report for one to three comps to support the arv so one of the things that i love to do with prop stream is prop stream can help you pull a report very easily then you need occupancy and access also there's one thing i did forget to put here well no i think i went over it just make sure you put it in your notes if there's a damn dog or some giant animal whether it be like a lion or a gazelle that's chilling in front of this person's yard that you put notes for that because the last thing that you want i i my brother you know he was gonna go and show one of our investors a property that he put on contract which we're working it right now but there's this big ass dog that's out front man and this dog apparently is like half wolf half half half husky i didn't even know that existed first of all i'm not even sure how legal that is but make sure you put notes for that because you don't want your buyer to get mauled by a lion when they're trying to see a property now after this you want to know what the occupancy is and what the access is so either it's occupied and the sellers need the money to move out or you have to put a lock box on it or there's tenants inside of it there's so many different things so make sure you have detailed notes on what the occupancy is then you need seller slash tenant notes root speak spanish business pets can i disclose a tenant about property being for sale these are things that you're going to need to know because when you send your leads out your your deals out you're already going to identify what type of individual lives there so that the buyer can know what they're going to deal with when they look at the property then you need photos and videos links to all five big ticket items the more pictures the more videos the merrier and this is a quick little idea of kind of what all of this looks like here so this is including our fee estimated arv 120 that's how we send out some of our properties so we you can do this in the smarter contact in so many different types of ways okay so if there's any additional notes we need to disclose to buyers ie access information or things that they shouldn't be saying make sure that we reach out to the contract holder and the acquisition team for assistance with the bonus information so the way that we do this the way that we do this now that we've gathered all of that information is everybody still with me i'm gonna assume that everybody's with me daniel are you with me too bro i'm still with you come on everybody if you're still with them put a one in the chat box let's hear you guys all right cool man so number one we create an email template with all the information gathered within mailchimp so i'm gonna show you guys a little bit about what we do in our mailchimp campaigns so uh mailchimp's a dope little platform that we use i'm not promoting this there's no affiliate link it's just more or less wanting to show you guys some of the templates that we send out when we're pushing out some of our properties so i'll go ahead and i'll show you guys a little bit about what we have let's see where is the template that we got where is the template ideal alert this is one we're sending them one by one as new investors come in for the deals that are kind of hard to move so this is the first template that we use when we're sending out properties is for a property that we had on cordelia so we have a front picture of the house little image right here property details and then questions you have both myself and my business partners phone numbers so that's one let's go back and then look at a few other ones a deal repriced with photos this is another one so we have two houses here for forty thousand these are properties that are in kingsville which we're currently working on is we're asking 40 000 for both properties and then you get to click on this link right here and it'll take you to see photos of the house these are the only nudes i like to see i'm kidding anyways so as we're building our buyers list we get their email information we get a little bit about them now as you see this is just one avenue this is email marketing email marketing is great a lot of times it goes to spam and spam unless somebody opts in so just make sure that you're getting those opt-in emails as you're gathering them okay now what information do you gather on on a a buyer a potential buyer so you find a buyer whether it be through sms or mail or facebook or wherever you find them what are the questions that you ask so i created a photo a podio web form you guys can go ahead and copy this when you find a buyer this is going to be one of the things that you sent to them okay so check this out this is your podio web form that i use for buyers these are all the information that we like to gather number one what's the buyer's name or company name their phone number their email address this is them opting in by the way which is great what is your buying criteria so what do they like to buy what type of properties do they normally invest in and then they can put in any type of notes that they want here if there's anything specific that they want to talk about primary investing strategies i don't send buy and hold deals to flippers you get what i'm saying so there's fix and flip there's buy and hold there's whole selling and then we want to know what they're priced at what's their target price point doing this man it's like going to a restaurant right how many guys here go to denny's or any major breakfast restaurant can i get some answers in the comments on this real quick oh damn daddy is his bomb danny's i love any grand slam man danny's is good on a saturday night when you're completely ripped you know and it's just like it's there it's that thing you drive by on the way home you know i i truly believe denny sucks right but we all have that one thing that's at a restaurant that we like to eat right if somebody came in and served you let's say ham and eggs right and that's not what you wanted you wanted sausage and an omelet you know what i'm saying then you know exactly what it was that you wanted why am i going to show you something that you're not interested in buying and especially if you're a regular at my at my establishment i'm not even gonna hand you the menu bro because i see you all the time i know what you want that same concept applies to your level of disposition so moving into this i'll share the screen one more time knowing what your price is and what their investment strategy is is the same thing as knowing what somebody wants on the menu i fully agree by the way denny's is trash only time i've ever gotten food poisoning was from denny's moving on what type of properties do you want single family multi-family commercial do you invest in land lots whatever right their criteria is normally highlighted here so when i get a buyer that's interested in finding property to buy for their own investment like their own investment strategies then i'm able to identify who i need to send this deal to so once they fill out this podio web form they click submit and boom it sends this off to our podio database where we keep track of all of our investors so i'll go ahead and i'll showcase some of that here in a minute but i really want to get back to this real quick on the on the on the disposition workflow so that's our template and we separate all of them in priority niche and then window so we make our email short and sweet and straight to the point i'm not trying to sell you on a property that i know that you're gonna want you know what i'm saying if i send you something it's because i know that's what you want and that's what's gonna help you weed out the tire kickers from the ones that are actually interested the only time i ever send deals out to my window buyers are if for whatever reason i could not sell it to a niche buyer or a priority buyer so the second step here is where smarter contact comes in and this is the most fun part i love doing this so we create an sms template on the smart of contact and we make the message short and sweet we add the property information and details in the message and we title the message as well new property to property alert etc something that catches the buyer's eye so that they look at the message and they can get back to us accordingly we do it the same way send it to priority then to niche then to window buyers step three i will literally shop around on the areas of when we have properties like right now we have two in kingsville that have been struggling to move but we're shopping them all over all the kingsville websites and what's close to kingsville we're looking at different facebook groups that ria's that are around there so kingsville is close to corpus christi corpus christi is here in texas so it's close to the ocean i think it is actually attached to the ocean so you have your facebook shopping deals are they're crucial to building a buyers list so we join all the real estate investment groups we post all of our deals on those facebook groups and anyone who's interested in buying a property we gather their information we store it into our podio and or to a spreadsheet these are all the information that we gather so while we're we're marketing properties into these areas guys we're marketing our properties we're getting a lot of people that are hitting us back up saying yo disposition right the guy's like hey man i'm not interested in the property that you saw that you that you that you showcased but i am interested in property so if you can go ahead and put me on your buyers list so while we're marketing we're building a buyer's list simultaneously so we create graphics that appeal to the eye we'll bring engagement to facebook posts inside of the group post example got a smoking hot deal in 78228 who's buying rental flips or in this area some of the times we only do the zip code because i've had problems in the past of posting the property information where somebody in that group actually skipped traced the owner themselves and went around our back to hit up the the seller and let them know what we were doing now i disclose to all of my sellers what's going on they all know what's up it's best to be truthful man the truth shall set you free okay so i mean we let all of our people know it's either us or we're bringing in investment partners that are buying this property investment properties we find them all over they're going to partner up with us in this deal so i only post the zip code because of those specific reasons that's a that is a player tip for everybody that's watching this right now okay just be careful doing this on facebook because there's a huge chance there's some snake ass people out there that are gonna try to go around your back and get the deal i promise you it's happened to me more times than i can count not disclosing any names so scheduling your buyer to view the property once we've gathered interest in the property we have the buyer call the sales manager directly which is my guy leon for you guys that don't know i have a business partner friend of mine his name is leon he runs the entire sales floor here at infinity cash offer and he coordinates with the sales manager through group me facebook messenger to link the buyer with the acquisition partner to schedule showings of the property so then our buyer and acquisition members can confirm a viewing time if the tenant is in the property will need a 24-hour notice for the seller prior to entering the home when a buyer is ready to sign a contract we send them over an assignment of contract agreement our agreement outlines the amount of money that is brought to the company and the time frame of which the property will close once a contract is executed between the company and the buyer all of this documentation and paperwork is sent off to the title company but first and foremost we pick up a non-refundable deposit directly paid to our company not to the title company people think that this is different so there's a difference between earnest money and a non-refundable deposit we call it non-refundable earnest money deposit it's outlined in our agreement as so and i'll showcase the assignment of contract do you mind if i if i bust that out by the way yeah go for it all right cool i'm trying to stay on smarter contact topic no no you can go off topic it's all good man all right cool man because this is gonna swing around i'm gonna show y'all how i do this in smarter contact as well okay so i'm gonna go ahead and bust out the company contracts and docs so we have here what we call the assignment of contract agreement so this is our assignment here it's branded our company this is the date property address legal description assigner and assignee and this shows the terms and conditions of which we're going to sell our property to the investor we also put in our contact information in regards to where they can find us and how they can reach out to us on their email this is part of your product by the way i love sending this out to our investors because they always compliment it they say wow i've never received such a professional contract like this before so make sure that everything that you do is branded by your company because that's company and investor relationships right they want to know that they're dealing with a reputable company not your standoff wholesaler that doesn't know what the hell he's doing everybody starts somewhere okay just grow this in time is what i'm saying now going back to the disposition again let's see i will share the screen again man are y'all getting value from this because this is crazy bro i can't believe y'all convinced me to give this away we're very convincing we're very convincing over here at the sc family [Laughter] so now that we get the the non-refundable deposit it's paid to our company we hold on to that if the buyer whatever reason we cannot perform it says this in our assignment agreement if we cannot perform what happens we reimburse that money to the buyer okay so our minimal is 2500 depending on the size of the deal that amount of money could go up it's deposited with our company not the title company because if the buyer falls through and it was turned into the title company guess what a title company or closing attorney holds on to it until the buyer signs a release form you can try to get the earnest money back but most of the time the earnest money will literally just sit in a company account and it'll stay there for years until i guess the company liquidates itself and then the buyer gets their earnest money back so you never know so an example a buyer's buying at a hundred thousand dollars after submitting a 2500 deposit final sales price is 97 500 due at the time of close so it's credited to the purchase of the entire sale of the property okay if my assignment fee was ten thousand dollars and i had the contract the ninety thousand dollars i collect the twenty five hundred dollar deposit up front they are only obligated to pay the difference which is ninety thousand plus seventy five hundred ninety seven thousand five hundred dollars simple math now if the buyer's a new buyer window buyer they are moved up to the priority list after buying three or more properties from the company within a 60-day period of time so i give them the ability to level up you know what i'm saying we create levels for anybody that's inside of our company it's a standard that we have okay and when you create levels like that it makes somebody want to do more business with you because you've already set the standard now this position is to ensure all documentation has been completed correctly all podio tasks have been updated accordingly or whatever assignment tasks that you have and we have what's called an sda deal tracker sheet all this other stuff i'm not going to go into detail on that but we're signing our rights to the purchase agreement attached to said property property is an assignment of contract transaction that is what we put in all of our marketing pieces okay so let's go into the smarter contact and how we use this because i wanted to go over the flow of dyspo for you guys and kind of showcase some of the things that we use remember just to recap if you're trying to skip trace a buyer's list use you only get charge for when we pull a record so you save a crap ton of money use promo code ground zero you're not 20 off we use mailchimp to send out our properties these are some of the email templates that we use and on top of that we have all of our company stuff branded for our business okay then you have the the workflow of everything which is hold on real fast the damn thing keeps getting in the way at the top how do i move this oh okay there we go boom our disposition workflow no matter what it is guys in your business if you're watching this right now create an sop for this because the way i'm showing this to you right now i didn't plan any of this this is literally part of my company this is what we do in this position i got none to front as a matter of fact i wanted to show you all around the office real quick let's go ahead and take a tour and then i'm going to see a tour man i want to see this awesome office of yours it's it's fun bro i love this place man this is my place here uh you know obviously i'm a huge nerd this is my business partner's office over here that's my business partner right there we have a kangen water machine now whenever we're filling frisky you know we have this little uh gaming systems because we like to play video games this is my podcast room slash conference room we've sound proof the entire thing did my voice just get clear out of nowhere i don't know so moving on it's a little hallway we call this a hallway of championships this is the sales floor that's where all the money happens right here man that's where all the money happens so this is exciting it's my little brother-in-law joey by the way joey killing it right now he's doing a driving for dollars campaign which we're planning on using smarter contact to reach out to them so yeah man i love this place this is my dj screw mural you have the coolest office ever man i might do you have a spare desk yeah maybe [Laughter] yeah bro so you know we've been operating here in san antonio for the last like seven to eight years we're running up on eight i think in like february march somewhere around there so it's been amazing you know it's been amazing all of these things this is what you call an sop this is a standard operating procedure for how your company operates as a business and it's important guys that you all have something like this so like i said this wasn't planned at all this is just an actual sop that we hand off to anybody that comes into the disposition uh workspace so moving into this real fast let me go ahead and pull up the smarter contact account that i use for dyspo and now we're going to get into how we can build a buyer's list using the smarter contact this is super awesome and how we send out our properties to our buyers i need to make sure i have the wrong or the right account though so let me make a phone call but yeah man let me know what kind of value you guys are getting if you all have questions or something man go ahead and and drop them here yo yeah we got a question from jamie why would someone agree to give them 2500 and not the title company doesn't that make investors nervous not when you set the standard you have to set the standard it's like like why would somebody come and work at your office with no promise to make money when you're just offering somebody a sales position do they question that you see what i'm saying you set the standard that this is a possible opportunity for them to make money with you so for me jamie and it's an awesome question that you would say that i have them leave it with my company we're able to show our these investors our proof of funds the same way that they show us their proof of funds so i mean in the end of the day it's part of the business and an assignment of contract transaction legitimately this is the actual way that this is done i'll be honest with you okay most people when it comes to an assignment of contract transaction they think that everything's supposed to get paid out when you close the deal the verbiage inside of an assignment says that you're supposed to be bought out of the contract and that's then and done it's just common business practice and ethics to let everything close first before you receive the money up front but the truth of the matter is if you were to take it to court with your assignment of contract um the judge is going to look at you and laugh they're going to they're going to ask you why didn't you why why you didn't why didn't you just receive the info the entire amount up front it says here the dotted line that you're getting out of your contract didn't say anything about the deal haven't had to close so we do a non-refundable earnest money deposit it's not earnest money it's a non-affordable deposit to our company because i've had too many buyers back out of deals in the past and i'm not in the business of wasting anybody's time or allowing anybody to waste my time so that's why we do what we do on that part if i didn't know you were into real estate i say this was a game development office yes sir that's how we do it can i see step two i'm sure that we'll distribute the uh replay to this or something how are you managing disposition for multiple deals under contract i'll go over that amanda you know what's crazy i have people in the philippines that do all of my disposition for me our company is fully automated the majority of it's automated i'm still here because i love being here obviously but uh with our with our va's in in the philippines they're really good at selling deals and they're really good at finding buyers i'll go over all of this stuff on a whole other level guys if y'all wanting more information on this just join my facebook group we had a topic that we got to stay on here okay so give me one second gotta make a quick phone call yeah no problem greg let's see just to give you guys a while he takes that call a couple tips so like before he kind of showed you that he uses podio and has a form to intake his buyers list for those of you who don't use podio a good alternative is typeform i believe it's it's actually free for like the first two type forms and you can easily create the same kind of form and then actually use zapier and be able to zap that information to mailchimp into different lists or into your excel spreadsheet so that way if you're not using podio there's still ways to create a simple form like typeform is probably the easiest it's free you can easily embed it on a website if you need to or it just has a url so if everybody ever asks to be on your buyers list you can easily send them a link they fill out the form have that information you can download or you know through zapier integrate that to your spreadsheet or to the crm that you're actually using as well too i love typeform i actually use it so it's a great alternative if you want to create a form for your buyers um great man thanks very useful and for the info we're gonna experience being there but not being part of giving money like there's so many campaigns in here bro you know when it comes to being a new wholesaler you know have a business behave like you are experienced and that you're not a first-time wholesaler i'm guessing and you know it definitely chances and then another quick tip for everyone as well too i know he kind of quickly went over mailchimp and then as a email provider i would also look into cengrid as sangrit as a provider as well um let's see here let me go to gallery sengrin is another great email please oh it was deleted from my comments is what it is and um let's see here so campaigns here i'll meet you for a second so yeah mailchimp is a great email platform i would also check out sangrid if you guys want to build a buyer's list to be able to email the reason i bring up cengrid i've used a lot of different email platforms in the past mailchimp is definitely the easiest the most popular one thing i would be aware of is your deliverability rate i actually know people in the past they'll kind of just use any type of email or even their own gmail they have a huge buyers list they'll continuously to blast but yet the deliverability rate kind of decreases i don't know if you ever notice when it comes to email there's in gmail like a promotions tab spam tab you know some other tabs to where it kind of filters your different emails what i've noticed with sendgrid is the deliverability is a lot higher so your email is going to hit the inbox and it's going to be less chances of actually going to spam that way majority of your buyers list is actually going to see your email and open up your email so definitely have that and i'm curious how many people actually have a buyers list and then if you do have a buyer's list go ahead and comment below which email platform you're actually using to blast your buyers with go ahead and hit that in the comment section guys i want to hear that from you let's see here and dave david rainey how do you use a number and smart contact only for buyers um you can use you pretty much use a static number i would create like a few stack numbers but remember your stack number only do up to 500 so i would create a few different stack numbers and then basically maybe split up your buyers list or again just use your regular phone numbers just maybe buy extra phone numbers again for the amount of text you're sending depending on the size of your buyers list but yes you can basically save your buyers on a list or any folder so that way every time i get a deal you can then text blast them um i'm david again i'm using smart contact to generate seller leads and don't want it to get mixed with finding buyers under smart contact yeah again it would go back to how you organize it remember as long as you keep your list and then i have your folder i think you can easily stay organized between your seller leads and then of course your buyer leads you guys ready yeah back to you quinn okay all right real fast i'm going to go over some of this stuff it's a lot i'm also going to show you all some of the buyers that we actually have on this thing so that's a lot you know what i'm saying i've been building a buyers list for years and we organize the crap out of everything so let me go ahead and share my screen real quick this is how i organize the majority of the buyers that i currently have here in san antonio you're more than welcome to screenshot this or whatever i really don't care so these are this is our master for san antonio these are our buyers that we send sms properties to for sms only these are the buyers that come from facebook groups also when they post which is kind of cool then we have our priority our niche and our window so practice what we preach you know number one now the second thing that we do here is once we get a deal everything's separated in buckets like i showed you guys below so i have a specific smarter contact account that i use for disposition so this is going to be the layout that we use to send deals out once we get a property on contract or we're building a buyer's list we do this in multiple different types of ways so my va her name is kai she's really awesome uh this is one of the lists that she sent out to a buyer's list that we skip trace hello my name is kai i saw you bought a house recently i find investment deals all over san antonio are you still buying properties question mark reason why we know that they bought a house recently is because we went back an entire year 12 months back to find out that they bought a property recently so if we get a hold of the right person you're gonna get a lot of fus and who the hell are you and how do you get my number but you get the right number and that's what's important so we get the message back and then we archive that information now whenever we're sending a deal out it's very simple hot rental property 239 cantrell drive two houses on one lot we just closed on this one recently this bed bath the first unit's three two the back unit is three one front house is one thousand one hundred and sixty six square feet lot is seven thousand square feet both tenants in total is two k monthly and we're asking for a hundred thousand dollars you see that so this outlines basically what we're sending out when we decide to send it now when we go into our campaigns and in regards to how we run them we have the buyers list tests that i did for a new buyer's list that we pulled for for dallas we also have all of the campaigns that we have here we're able to kind of open them up and see what the stats are on this campaign so 105 leads 56 phone numbers so 105 phone numbers 56 campaign ran from 8 30 to 2 p.m ended because then we we sent them all out at once and out of 105 phone numbers from our buyers list it got sent to 55. so let me give you guys some of the messages that we get on these campaigns let me click on dispo here this is a deal that we recently sold uh we were on the phone with them already so just kind of going over this this is a basic conversation that we had so we have four hot properties and then i listed the zip codes as well as the price points that we're asking for those properties and then boom i get a message their messaging is me by the way which is great hi this is quinton is this quentin question mark if these are some of the ones you emailed i'm interested in the 78210 property unfortunately my properties my partner is out this week so i can't make it hi daniel yes it's me it's really my va but it ups the sale of the property because everybody knows me you know what i mean so hi daniel good morning 7821 is still free have you talked to your partner about it i haven't spoken with them yet you just got back right now i appreciate the update welcome if you want to watch the property let me know so we can schedule it is it this is later than i expected is it still available this was the address for the property that we're currently working on i said hey daniel it's already sold bro sent another property yesterday did you see it figured it took some time for steven to get back to it i did we aren't looking in that area but heads up redfin and zillow have different information on it they have it listed as a three one etc and i couldn't access pictures so i'd have a few questions if i were interested so then we're just kind of like sending them out deals that we have see what i'm saying we're carrying the conversation and letting it unfold as it goes now let's go back to the the messages that we had here yes have a doctor appointment but we'll call after and look where you're able to receive them then we have these buyers that are sending us their emails so this is another one right here just kind of giving you an idea for hot properties this guy said please keep sending and i asked can you provide an email address where i can send you the details email.romiro so at this point now they get this email boom and we send it over through mailchimp so they get a template with all the information it's very simple process you know it's the same thing that you would do for sellers you're just gearing it toward what you would send to buyers so a lot of you guys are doing this on your cell phone right you're doing this on your your mobile device or whatever it is that you're using and and it could be time consuming doing it one at a time you see what i'm saying but if you're wanting people to be interested in some of the deals that you have it's imperative that you create these templates so let me go over some of the message templates that we have too just so you guys can kind of get an idea of how we work these leads when we work them so let's go over the message templates here so do do this one here is this is another one that we sent out hello my name is kai this is tour buyers list that i got in kingsville so guys this is important i don't have a buyer's list in kingsville i just created one when we found a deal in kingsville so we market all throughout texas this is the property that's outside of the territory and it was actually a lead that we found from a seller who owned a property in san antonio they weren't interested in selling the one they had in san antonio they had two houses that were sitting next to each other in kingsville so i'm not going to say no especially when he tells me two houses for 20 grand right so how do i go about finding the investors for that lead i went and did the buyers list hack you can look this up on youtube i have a whole video on it it's literally called buyers list hack on youtube i think it's called like buyers list hack 2.0 i'll go ahead and i'll show you guys the video buyers list hack quentin max is another one max has one too mine's a little bit more updated but this is the video that i'm going to recommend for all of you guys that are wanting to pull buyers lists for your area as a matter of fact i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna drop this link in the chat box so you guys can all get this information so let me see where the messages are let's see let me unshare and then go back to the chat give me a second i see you guys here all right i'm dropping the link for this this buyers list hack in the in the email and then i'm going back to share the screen now uh all i did guys was find the buyers list from kingsville which was very small mind you it's very small and i skip traced it using which was great and with the results i got back we went and we started building out the buyers list using smartercontact so i said hello my name is kai this is karen by the way reaching out to them i have two properties in kingsville near a m and i'm looking for an investor who's willing to buy them please get back to me when you can now let's go over those campaigns real fast because i believe that campaign was called kingsville let's look at this so we'll go back to messenger we'll look at campaigns and then we'll go to kingsville here and i sent that list out to everybody that i saw that i pulled that is from that buyers list so check this one out this person gave me their email so the message was straightforward hello my name is karen i have two properties hi kai can you give me a little more info we have several investors that may be interested in depending on the properties tamara was her name so this is a buyer in kingsville you guys can jot our information down i really don't care would love to work with you on this i can email you details what's your email then she gave us her email address at which we went back to mailchimp and center the campaign that we had in mailchimp so guys it's very straightforward you're just gearing this to not only create a conversation and create that customer to investor relationship where you can nurture it but also you're building a buyer's list at the same time we use smarter contact for everything in regards to reaching out to investors so guys this is pretty much it it's so simple to use smarter contact that's why i love this platform so much it doesn't like it it doesn't over complicate something that should be very easy and the way that i was able to access all of these campaigns because they're all here and everything's labeled and everything's tracked so you know what i'm saying use this platform and maximize the crap out of it it's so easy to use and use these templates and as a matter of fact for everybody that's watching this right now i got a gift for you guys okay and for everybody that's watching this on facebook want you guys to go ahead and join the ground zero group in the ground zero group you're asked a couple of questions before you join if you're wanting if you're wanting to oh yeah i'm gonna send this to everybody give me a second if you're wanting to um get the templates that i use to send out properties and also a copy of my web form you join the facebook group today and i'll literally send you guys a copy right when you're joining the group so yeah you know thank you look daniel i hope i provided enough value man that was tons of value i'm gonna go join the group i actually already think i'm i'm in the group i'm gonna jump out of the group and then join it to get all those freebies [Laughter] everyone else does it as well too i actually have a couple questions one question for you as well too because obviously you kind of going back to building your buyers list you use facebook i guess going back to that facebook strategy do you just kind of get your buyers list through your own facebook group or do you i guess the word infiltrate other facebook groups to get your buyers list as well too because i know you guys there's over 100 like i've actually counted because i have a list but there's literally over hundreds of facebook groups around wholesaling and real estate investing and there's a lot of groups that people have created in their city county or state like there's you know i'm in san diego there's several san diego wholesaling real estate investing groups there's a several california ones oh yeah it's very easy to make a post in that group and be like hey i'm looking for some buyers and people will just give away their email and see that as well keep it your group and kind of keep it a little exclusive i guess we go into other groups to find buyers because you never know most of the time what we do is we type in the face like the the the name of the city or state or county that the the how the house is in and then we type in ria right after which stands for real estate investor association which every major city every every major state every small county small city small state whatever it is um they they the majority of them have uh frias so we we go into the rios and we we talk with the people we let them know what we're doing and uh we we go like the owners of the group always want you to make sure like you before you guys start posting and advertising connect with the owner of the group because if the guy created the group for that city he probably has more connections than everybody that's in the group and you can always see it it says the facebook group then it says created by so you can reach out to the facebook group owner to get permission to post your deals first of all but also to create that that relationship it's important man like this business is all relationships my boy my buddy greg said that he couldn't see the link can you guys confirm that y'all see the youtube link i dropped it in the in the comment section i just want to make sure that everybody got that video because that's how i build my buyers list for any city that i'm in right now okay and it's imperative too because as you build a buyer's list i mean you you get into all these different groups it only builds traction and what it is that you already got going on more relationships that you have guys the more money that you're gonna make be honest with you and that that's what it's all about you nurture those relationships you take them uh to levels that you never even thought next thing you know you have developers in your corner lending you money to build neighborhoods and it happens like that i promise what about craigslist do you use craigslist to build your buyers list or promote i don't use craigslist i feel like craigslist is like meh you know what i mean not a lot of people go to craigslist these days everybody's doing facebook groups i go to what's popular and this is my argument too that there's over two billion people that are that are signed up for facebook right now i choose facebook over craigslist any day if somebody told me that i all i had to do was convince two billion people to buy a dollar product and facebook then that's probably where my attention is going to go because there's that many people and who doesn't got a book you know what i'm saying yeah yeah i asked about craigslist because i well you know i haven't i've been active for a while i remember it was like three four years ago craigslist i know back then was kind of popping especially here in california and to build a buyer's list what we would actually do is we would create a you know i'm not recommending but if you want to do this go for it we would create a ghost post so we would you know use old pictures of a property make typical type of description be very vague then say email me and of course people would email and then we'd be like okay these are our you know what you call our windows shoppers type of yeah yes or craigslist they came to a ghost a ghost post it's not a real property but uh yeah allowed us to build those window shoppers i got a question from daniel here i like this there's two it's a three-part question but i'm going to answer it all together david david what's up man my son's name is david powerful name i was there when you killed goliath bro i'm kidding so david how do you use a number and smarter contact only for buyers so we rotate phone numbers the same way but our buyers marketing is nowhere near what we push out to sellers my company probably does about 100 000 text messages a month i'm not expecting you to do that you don't have to do that to be successful i promise you but when you're doing a buyer's sms campaign the number that you purchase for that sms campaign is going to be very good i doubt you're going to have to rotate it because most of your buyers opted in for you to send them deals anyway so your your number when you're reaching out to them is less likely to get reported because you're you're reaching out to somebody to to buy something that you have it's different and then you're reaching out to a cold lead and you're trying to convince them to sell you see what i'm saying so that's number one and then in using smarter contact to generate he says i'm using smarter contact to generate seller leads and don't want it to get mixed up with finding buyers with smarter contact so guys i get that too check this out you can use one contact uh one for both i have different campaigns so as to not get them mixed up in both areas if you go to messenger here you're looking at all seller leads right these are people reaching out to stellars2 using this one okay but if you go to campaigns i can separate what i want to see per campaign that i'm currently running so that way i'm not clogging up the news feed this is like your news feed you can consider your campaigns like a filter for you to filter out what you see on your news feed so let's say i only want to see my buyer's list campaign we'll check it out boom click on this once and these are all of my people that messaged me in september for the kingsville campaign that i had now let's say i wanted to see only the the leads that i was looking at when i was reaching out to sellers well look at this one campaign 1019 2020. boom these are all seller leads so now you don't have to mix them up now per campaign you can filter out the phone number if you'd like but you can use the same phone number altogether now one thing i think that uh would be awesome is that if you could run two campaigns off of two phone numbers you can right you can do it off of two phone numbers okay well then there you go then when you send out your disposition campaign you switch the phone number to the disposition phone number when you send out your seller leads campaign then you switch the phone number to your seller leads phone number and then the last question that you had was um here do you have new do you have smarter contacts account one for sellers one for buyers i do i do because we do a lot of volume we do a crap ton of volume guys and my company's not a small company we've been doing this for a long time so we have about eight smarter contact accounts one for each individual because each one of my sales floors is working a different campaign and then we have one that's for different that's for disposition that we use solely but you can operate off of the same one i'm not trying to get you guys to spend more money than you have to i'm very frugal to be honest my business partner's jewish first of all i'm not racist but i'll be honest with you this guy is the main reason why i haven't spent millions of dollars on marketing and it's a great feeling to have a partner that looks and has your back like that so yeah greg says you can get another account if you want as well for an extra 100 and your life would be even easier thank you greg alex here you can also pull buyers from your sellers marketing campaigns become exactly alex exactly so that's normally when we reach out to sellers some of them just bought the property so when you skip trace an address and the house was recently bought well guess what happens you also pull the information for the new owner right and and when you do that you're also reaching out to a potential buyer you have that buyer you copy and paste the web form or you can create a macro for the web form and send that web form off to the investor that you found when you were marketing for sellers so i hope that was value for you guys i have another meeting that i gotta hop into that was fireman i hope so bro i hope so did i drop some value guys can i get some value comments in the comments section because this was lit man that was crazy yup yup everybody post a one if you got some value from that that was amazing dude that was valley after valley after value don't forget everybody with this let me see the value comments regarding it can you spam the value comments real quick bro like i feel like i just gave away a map right there seriously you gave away you give away too much but we love it we love it man that was amazing hey man adam's a good friend of mine bro you know uh i i i i i go to battle with that dude any day bro and what i love about smarter contact guys is anytime i reach out yo it's like they always fix any problem that i have with the software which it's rare when i do but the service is impeccable what other sms platform do you guys know that bring on the cats that use it hey yo man like i do this i've been in this business that that and showcase how you guys can use this platform better like bro who does that not launch control that's for sure thank you i did not pay him to say that so now i got love for adam adam cares about my business that's why i'm with smarter contact so you know if you're signing up for this maximize the resources that they give you especially these freebie classes because that's what this thing's all about man it's about relationships all right thank you all so much for having me daniel yeah thanks man i really appreciate it man y'all take care if y'all have any questions join the ground zero group today i'll see you guys on the other side do it all right later man all right everybody thank you so much for joining this one don't forget you know we always record these so the replay will go in the facebook group and the replay will also be on the youtube channel as well too so if you had some questions that you weren't able to get to clinton so look out for the replay in the facebook group and then what you can do is just comment your questions below you're myself adam or quentin we'll get to your questions as well too so thank you so much hopefully you got tons of value from that don't forget to join quentin's facebook group to get some of those bonuses and freebies and we will see you next time oh have a great thanksgiving weekend and then i believe the next training we will have will be second week of december so we got some more value to give to you a few more trainings to get to uh before we head into the christmas and end of the year so we'll see everybody next time
Channel: Smarter Contact
Views: 441
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: real estate investing software, wholesaling real estate, house flipping software, real estate investing crm, best real estate investing apps, real estate wholesaling software, wholesaling real estate software, real estate investing marketing, real estate wholesaling marketing, how to generate leads in real estate, sms marketing software, text messaging for real estate investors, finding motivated sellers, quentin flores, wholesaling houses ground zero, quentin flores propstream
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 12sec (3372 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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