How to Find Big Cash Buyers: Hedge Funds and Institutional Buyers

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hi everyone my name is kim i've gotten a lot of requests for how i find larger buyers in my market so this could include hedge funds and institutional buyers i currently right now i'm keeping more properties than wholesaling so the deals that i don't want i typically wholesale those to some pretty specific buyers if the property meets their requirements and if it does i tend to get a pretty larger check so i will show you really quick how i find these types of buyers in prop streams so let's get started okay so we are now in prop stream and we are going to do a quick search to find larger buyers in kansas city missouri so we will go ahead and type in the city right here okay and right now there are no filters on anything so we're gonna get gonna go and add some filters on here to get things kind of narrowed down so the first thing would be owner occupied we're going to click no we want landlords property characteristics you can tailor this to you if you're doing commercial you would choose commercial property class if you want to do single families you would just kind of tailor it to what you want to find a large buyer for and yeah just again you don't you want to kind of narrow it down because you don't want to export like a gigantic list okay so we're going to go down to ownership info what i like to do here um owner type i am going to click corporate because we want to find those corporate llc companies as far as the number of properties at minimum let's try to find them to own like 30 at minimum you can go up or down depending on how big you want your list to be and actually i'm going to change that to 50 so we can again get the list a little bit more narrow okay and again i'm going to go ahead and change this to my property characteristic criteria so i'll choose residential single family and as you can see that big number went down with the size of uh the list so now we have a little bit better to work data set to work with okay so i'm going to select all of these properties and add it to a list in prop streams okay so i'm gonna create a new list and just call it um kansas city big buyers and save alright so we're gonna go over to my properties and we're gonna export this list so i'm gonna find it really quick there it is okay and i'm gonna select all and then export this as an excel file and then from here um after it downloads i'm gonna show you guys how to start cleaning this up in google sheets and how to import it and everything else so let's start doing that part [Music] okay so we are now in google sheets i'm going to import the excel file that i just exported from um prop streams so let's go ahead and import this really quick import upload all right so i'm going to go over to my downloads okay i'm gonna just replace the current spreadsheet okay and here's where it gets a little a little crazy as you can see so this is what we're gonna do first i'm gonna name this so bb means um big buyers so okay there's a lot of information we don't need um one of the first things i do is color code this so i can see this a little bit better and not have a headache dealing with all this because there's a lot of info so i'll go ahead and just put a one of the default color things on here all right let's change that okay and then i also like to freeze the top column sorry the top row up here so whenever you scroll down it just stays up there okay so what information do we need we need the owner info here and like i said there's a lot of columns we do not need so i like to keep the address there the city in the state the zip codes are okay um county can be you know can be helpful so the first thing i'm going to do is start hiding the columns i don't need all right this one we need to get rid of all this stuff so we're not oh the one thing we are going to keep around is the mailing address because that will also kind of highlight who's doing what okay okay and all that extra stuff um we don't really need this but we will keep it there for right now because i'm trying to make this a short video for you guys okay i'm going to go to i'm going to click here to select everything then i will go to sort range and then we're going to select data has header row we're gonna select the mailing address so it's gonna sort everything by the same mailing address and we will definitely start to see a pattern okay i like to spread out the owner last name and then the mailing address because again you'll start to see a huge huge pattern so look at like just right here all these are the same mailing address that looks like it's probably an apartment or something like that i'm not completely sure but it looks like they own that whole area it might be a developer so what i like to do um oh look it's university duh there it is so that may not be a buyer but um you can kind of see like who owns what okay so let's see a lot of these are universities why don't we look at what this is national real estate solution michigan nav let's see what this is do a quick search national real estate solutions hmm so let's search by their mailing address okay well that one i'll just do a little bit of looking into um they might be an auction house i'm not sure what they are what i like to do is just look them on google and give them a call and just pretty much act like i don't know who they are and just go from there really so contact okay so these guys seem in are they international where are they at oh look at that they're in australia there's well we can probably email them at least so that's kind of interesting anyways let's go to the next one but they look to own a lot of property here and these are single families um that's very interesting so anyways why don't we go to the next one so as you can see there's a lot of different company names but what unifies them are the mailing address so i'm gonna just do a quick search on this mailing address and see what comes up okay missouri registered agent llc i guess we could give him a call just see who it who it is hmm foreign corporations so i'm starting to have a hunch these people might not the clients they have might be outside of the us which is a good thing that's still fine um you might be able to contact these guys and just say hey um i have an off market property what can we you know do you know of anyone who'd be interested in buying here's the criteria or what are your clients usually what is their buy box so that's one way to kind of reach out to them and just make sure to keep it professional don't just say hey i got this what do you you know you want to create a good relationship with them okay so here's another one there's a bunch of different single families in here and a whole lot of the same mailing address so let's see what's going on home partners let's see who they are okay so this looks like a big institutional buyer so why don't we find a home actually they're already in my buyers list so um as you can see they already have like look at all the markets they have i don't know how many properties they have in general but i'm guarantee you it's a lot so these would probably be a cool guy to a cool institution to reach out to and you can probably just call them call or email i already have a contact number with them let's see oh okay yeah so you would probably just give them a call and just say hey i'm looking to sell a property it's off market what's your process what type of homes do you typically buy aka buy box so that would be one way to reach out to them and some are going to want to work with you some are not it's really just just like with anything it's really a numbers game so um yeah there i mean this i'm not even halfway down the list i'm way way up here at the beginning so you'll start to see a pattern um i like to do this just kind of in the evening put some music on and just do this and it's just kind of a fun activity to find them like find these larger buyers and then i add them to podio and then just put them on in an outreach campaign so that's pretty much what i do i look up corporate entities in prop stream that have at least 30 properties or more and you're it's pretty easy to find them after that um again i don't i don't know who this is but they look huge look let's at least look them up really quick oh conrex yep they are on my buyers list already okay so again this is how you find pretty big institutional buyers um there are other ones kind of like equity groups again you you want to just reach out to them and just ask hey what are your what's your buy box looking like and things like that and kind of go from there again a lot of them want the title to be in your name so you will have to most likely partner up with someone who has the capital to double close or anything along those lines because the house has to be in your name for them to buy it from you okay so hopefully that gave you a good starting point to find big buyers like institutional buyers and hedge funds in your market if you have any questions feel free to leave it in the comments below and until then good luck and find those big buyers
Channel: thekimsharpe
Views: 2,783
Rating: 4.9753084 out of 5
Id: -XR6ZVq9olY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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