The Most Painful Tattoos #2 | Tattoo Artists Answer

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what is the most painful part of your genitals I don't have mine tattooed but it sounds reasonable well you know nobody should get that to use because they suck they hurt and nobody should get him I got my head all blasted that didn't feel too good yeah hey tap rose it's a bris all right no brain no pain right it's not spot it's the artist yeah it also depends on how long how long you're in you know if you're seven hours deep anywhere on the body it's gonna start to get sore and her any tattoo he does on me the general rules of thumb are the but the stomach the ribs it's oh man the older you get the worse it is as I mean some people say the elbow hurts really bad but like some people say it doesn't hurt at all I guess a little personal preference honestly for what I have tattooed on me my stomach and my neck were probably the most insane spots to get tattooed the spots that definitely made me like you know question my existence and my career path and doing this to other people roof of the mouth many words for that's a good character name growing weeds bill for me my kneecaps and behind my kneecaps are part of the worst the back of my knee ditch though that was like like I had PTSD after that the side of the neck nothing comes close to the side of the neck just for me personally nothing else nothing else compared and almost ruined tattoos for me for a little while yeah I didn't get tattoos for a while after that I will say having my butt tattooed like nothing nothing everything pales in comparison to most I want take him in the face like where you bought cheap meat your thigh was real [ __ ] man like my always pretty bad I don't like it it's weird spots of these new we're here but she meets your thighs will [ __ ] another level of sadness so that's the most out like tell big area about junk sucks dude I did anywhere near your nipples to me sucks color in a nipple not come upon my 40s I'm like I got three years to finish all this body suit when I'm done I'm never getting tattooed again from personal experience my least favorite spot getting tattooed was the knuckles of my toes it felt like I was having lightning like tattooed into my body and like just electricity going through my whole body I got tattooed by Josh Duffy and like he did like one little line that comes like onto my shoulder and I was like [ __ ] [ __ ] like I don't even wanted to my chest like it hurts so bad the armpits I I'm doing a full body on this guy he never even twitched in any place when I touch when I finished out doing his armpit he cried like a baby for 10 minutes like the things I thought were gonna hurt like my hands they were a piece of cake my angle was a nightmare in my experience because I'm a wimp I think that ankle looks like lame like sternum yeah back of the ear whatever but ribs I don't know the back of the ankle I can't see it I don't know what's going on I want to punch you but you're too far away it's not like when they're tattooing your elbow or like your armpit or something and you're like okay cool I can actually punch you definitely around the ribcage area sternum stomach I thought that was my worst I've seen people just have a bad time on their heads personally was back in my head the only tattoo that I live I couldn't sit there for I mean every time the guy would pull a line I would stand up nope I'm out but when I tattoo people it seems to be like lower fingers like the blower knuckles the pinkie lower like pinky when I started my teacher told me you know wherever it can feel really nice is where it's gonna feel the worst everything I hate being tattooed it's a love-hate relationship for me like I love having tattoos but I hate getting them done probably I'm gonna pick two places because they both suck just under the bum and on the ribs both ones nerve one like it was I'd say fingers suck like real bad and I made dudes cry like tattoo and they're like like this area here like the like the size the love handles I know that like armpit can be really hard it's different for everybody - so like sternums can be worse for watford dudes than it is for women sometimes but like armpits are notoriously bad anywhere like on the stomach is just a hot fire so I'm a [ __ ] [ __ ] and went from my belly button to the tops of my thighs all the way the [ __ ] across and got 6-inch giant gangster letters that say unholy because I have an endless need to piss off my mother apparently it's like you're Italian Nana was really into black metal that's like the kind of fondants in my back when that driscoll oh and i'm like acid it off his nails for kelly Donita tattooed to his fingertips fingernails removes okay like a dead - all the tips doctors conversation is over changes the changes in the pockets of ebony just say breakfast that we're about to see it the worst thing I ever experienced was being burned on 30% of my body so every time I get tattooed regardless of how much it hurts I just think I've already been through the worst pain possible and I was fine so even though it may hurt a lot I know I can take it in comparison okay so I I always tell you you know deciding how what hurts the most is like deciding who's got the best pizza who's got the best food everybody you know some people like keeps some people like tacos but like for me this specific poem it's a single past poem I cried when I got this time I've only cried once and I've only passed out once and I cried when I got this one done and the video went on YouTube a couple years later it's on world's dumbest right they make this song that every time I'm like they go cuz you're a [ __ ] and it was a really meaningful tattoo so like I was like emotionally vulnerable and [ __ ] and this hurt like somebody was carving it into my soul so that wasn't the only TV then a couple years later after I had done ink master and all that ridiculousness or MTV calls and they're like we want to use your thing on ridiculousness and I was like [ __ ] you people I know your production [ __ ] work I'm not taking less than X amount of dollars so like we had I had to negotiate because the world's dumbest hurt my feelings they called me a [ __ ] so much I didn't want people hurt my feelings again man so that one was kind of funny so I'll get texts randomly or like Facebook messages hey were you on ridiculousness were you on world's dumbest because all the [ __ ] reruns and [ __ ] so yeah taken out of context it's just some idiot guy crying his dick off getting his bombs if you give me a good enough high-five and you see me wince it's because it's so much scar tissue in there because it stayed so well one shot that like if I slap it too hard against a wall or hand it hurt still yeah like this so this was tattooed on my soul and it was a meaningful one so I guess it was supposed to be anybody that says they've really been tattooed I've been to tattooed and but just look at their palms that their problems are tattooed they haven't been tattoo me I'm gonna [ __ ] you're not really trying to get a nice tattoo in your balls you're just like trying to get tattoo you to go I'm a tattooer like I always say like when people ask that like you know what's the worst it's person to person like some people have gotten chess pieces done and like you know it's the worst I've ever experienced let people get chess pieces done they're like that was a cakewalk to me though I say there's like the golden three the three that like kind of across the spectrum most people agree is probably the back of the kneecap you're like you know armpit in the armpit is really terrible and usually somewhere around like the center or somewhat the sides of the throat tend to be that most people agree that's like pretty up there as far as like threshold pain I see them at all sternum yeah little armpit flap yeah this is person person but yeah it's like there's like basically like when you do it enough if someone says like if they're coming into an outline of a sleeve you can be like they be like a will is gonna hurt I go it's probably gonna hurt a little around the wrist probably the ditch in the elbow on the top of the shoulder everything and yeah right underneath everything in between people have brought this up a lot and what I've realized is that every tattoo that you get is gonna have a dime-sized spot in it that's the worst spot of that part of the body as far as whether the tip of the ankle bone or the tip of the knuckle is worse you can't really say they're both ten you know what I mean and there's probably about 15 locations like that throughout the body and you're usually experienced from the context of a larger tattoo where most if it's okay and then you get to that spot where you're like wow we got a bunch of those yeah and they're mostly bony and a lot of them are right down the middle here or right down the middle of the lower back a couple of them there you got your toes your knuckles your ankle bones your wrist bones that little guy there that whole guy there you got these guys and then you got a couple just downright tender spots that aren't bony you know your ditches your knee ditches in that place where you go around the horizon into the ass-crack place where the cheek ends and the leg begins you've got some extremely high dense nerve areas that just suck so there's a lot of them in it but I can't say there's a single one [Music]
Channel: Inked
Views: 3,589,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inked, inked magazine, ink master, dj tambe, anthony michaels, kelly doty, paul booth, painful, painful tattoo, painful tattoo placement, funny, funniest, comedy, face tattoo, crazy tattoo, crazy tattoo story, storytime, story time, tattoo artist, tattoo artists answer, tattoo
Id: 9XLueSKyN7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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