How to make your session INTERACTIVE

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[Music] hi everybody I'm Anton I'm an Internet April and today I'm gonna give you a short webinar about how you can make your session interactive if you like this webinar you can definitely find more of us on Facebook so be sure to leave a like a couple of weeks ago I went to a conference in Brussels and however the content was really really interesting I do miss some interaction only during the last ten minutes of each session we got the opportunity to ask questions on the other hand everybody that ever gave a session knows that it's pretty difficult to create interaction you do not know what kind of audience it is and some people do not even know how they can make your session interactive that's why I made this webinar why would you make your session interactive and how can you actually do it in this webinar I'm quickly going to tell you all some tips and tricks how to make your session interactive many of these tips will seem very logical but unfortunately in practice not a lot of them are actually being implemented so let's get started with tip number one [Music] tip number one getting attention it is really boring and confusing for an audience if the speaker's directly starts talking about concepts where the audience actually has little knowledge of just like in movies you have to have a short introduction and get the attention of the audience engage the audience ask a question this relatively short phase has to address the topic you are going to talk about by doing this the audience will be able to bring up their prior knowledge regarding the topic and will therefore create conceptual hooks that they can use for the run for example you can do a thesis game you just project a daring thesis like 9/11 attacks for conspiracy and then the audience has to agree or not agree here after you can have a short discussion about these thesis and continue to the next phase tip number two ask questions and use their ideas after your amazing introduction and attention phase the audience will probably be awake enough to start listening to you and at this moment you can go into more detail about your topic there is nothing wrong with just saying what you have to say and it can even be good to just talk to the participants but then you have to ask yourself the following question did the audience really learn and did the audience enjoy your session you have to see your audience as individuals whose brain is constantly working they are asking silently questions and therefore you have to leave some space for them to ask these questions do not speak false or insecure and leave some room for questions and answer rounds during your session and not only at the end to create interaction it is also important for you to ask questions your audience will not always be enthusiastic enough to ask questions and therefore you should prepare some yourself depending on the audience you can ask easy questions or difficult questions you can also take it a step further use their ideas you can use different approaches in a way that they have to write down or express their ideas the transformational app format for example is a format that pushes people to express their ideas and collaboratively come up with solutions to a given problem if you would like to know more or if you are just interested in this format please check out the link below and without further ado we continue to tip number three tip number three variation there are speakers that are so charismatic that you can listen to them for hours and hours but even then the brain is not capable of keeping full attention all the time just like you have to bring variation regarding what you eat like vegetables meat or meat replacing products fruit and so on you also have to bring variation to the participants show a movie do a brainstorm ask questions use objects do a poll it can even be an online poll and so on this does not mean that you cannot just tell what you have to say it means that you can step outside your comfort zone and try something new some approaches do work with certain audience but some approaches unfortunately do not you have to try it out yourself otherwise you will never know what the effect of certain approaches are [Music] tip number for alignment now that we talked about getting attention asking questions use their ideas and bring variation it is time to talk about alignment let's say you have to teach someone how to swim you first do all the moves on dry lands and then you give the pupils an exam in the water it speaks for itself that the chances are pretty high that the person will drown for this reason you as a speaker have to make sure that your goals what do you want to teach our aligned with how you are going to teach them for example you want to show the participants the differences between using iPads in lessons and using regular textbooks in lessons you can then give them an iPad and a regular textbook to them and let them solve exercises in this way they will hands-on experience the differences themself or let's say you want to teach them more about distributed leadership then you just give them a task where they have to use their own individual experience as a group to solve the given problem one last example if you want your participants to know how school leaders can improve their relationship with teachers you can prepare a roleplay [Music] tip number five deliberate practice as I already said you have to experiment with interactive approaches but you also have to deliberately practice for example you want to become bulkier you can then go to the fitness everyday and it is very likely that you will become bulkier every day but you can also go to the fitness and note down your progression find new exercises see what kind of schedule is best for you and so on by doing this you will definitely make more progression maybe you do not have the chance to give many sessions can you deliberately practice if this is the case yes of course you can even with a small amount of possibilities the liberty practicing is possible prepare your session well and evaluate yourself afterwards maybe the participants can help you with your evaluation tip number six authenticity an audience can really feel it if you try too hard and if your way of speaking is just not natural if you are standing in a shop and you are hesitating to buy something the last thing you need is a shop owner that does not know its own product and cannot help you any further this is also the case for giving a session especially an interactive session prepare yourself well and tell a story not just random facts try to bring the story as if you were sitting with your best friends in a bar do not use difficult words and just be yourself I hope you all enjoyed this video and that you can use these tips for the next time you are giving a presentation if you like this video be sure to give us a like and see you next time [Music]
Channel: EAPRIL vzw
Views: 56,602
Rating: 4.8266253 out of 5
Keywords: how, to, make, your, session, interactive, how to make your session interactive, eapril, webinar, education, interactivity, online, earli
Id: rA3c3AKOF1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2016
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