How to Make Your Parents Happy - Mufti Menk - Light Upon Light 12

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[Music] SMIL r-rahmani r-rahim al-hamdu lillah wa salatu wa salam o allah rasool allah he wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'in we always praise Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala no matter what condition we are in and we send blessings and salutations upon muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his household his companions we ask Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala to bless them to bless every one of us to grant us all goodness and to grant us happiness in this world and the next my brothers and sisters it's not easy to be the last speaker at an event where everyone has become so uneasy mashallah may Allah make it easy for everyone of us I mean this evening I will be speaking about parents and I'm sure you would appreciate that every single one of us in order to have brought us into this existence Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala has chosen for us parents and we had no say as to who they would be where we would be given birth - we didn't have the choice and this is part of the plan of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala and this is what Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala willed and Allah says you must learn to be respectful to those whom we have chosen to bring you into existence no matter who they are no matter what religion they follow no matter whether they are sinful or not you still have to be respectful and show kindness to them it is only when they ask you to do something in the disobedience of allah subhanahu wata'ala that you politely excuse yourself these teachings are absolutely beautiful Allah says in the Quran what am bunka allah to do in LA Yahoo my need a nice an mi urban open-air indical Kiba I had human killer whom allah allahumma [Music] of wallet and her humor : Karim what field now mangina has only me Norma walk-on Rob um Houma chimera barrier nice over here in that beautiful verse allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala has summarized your duty and mine unto our parents some of us our parents may have passed away it is important for us to make dua for them it is important for us to ask Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala to have mercy on them as believers and to deal with them justly in the most beautiful way knowing that Allah is the most compassionate the most merciful just like I would love for Allah to have mercy on me I should love that Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala has mercy on my parents hence the prayer Allah says if you were to witness any one of your parents in your old age alive you pray to Allah for them you ask Allah for them saying o Allah have mercy on them because they brought me up when I was little that dua is amazing if you were to pray for your parents when they're alive you ask Allah saying Robert Hamme Huma chimera by Anissa Veera o our up have mercy on them just like Oh because they have brought me up when I was little if they didn't bring me up if they didn't take care of me perhaps I wouldn't be here today so we ask Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala to have mercy on our parents but Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala starts off by saying fanatical Lahoma off you shouldn't even make a sound from your mouth that is hurtful against them that's the meaning of the term off hoof is a sound from your mouth that would be hurtful to your parents even if you disagree with them even if they happen to be parents who are calling you to what's that which is forbidden it does not justify you making a sound from your mouth that would be hurtful or abusive against your own parents if they were to ask you to do something wrong like I said you politely excuse yourself you don't obey them in the disobedience of Allah but if they're asking you something that is not in the disobedience of Allah then part of being a good child would be to listen to what they have to say may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala make it easy this covers those parents who are good and those who are not perhaps so good in their attitude in their character sometimes in their belief and so on but Allah teaches us he has indeed decreed that none shall be worshipped besides him that's the first I just read he has indeed decreed that none shall be worshipped besides him and that you shall be kind to your parents that's what Allah says now my brothers and sisters kindness to parents what we need to bear in mind when we were born our mothers have gone through difficulty hardship when we were in the wombs of our mothers they went through great hardship great difficulty they became happier as we became heavier the burden was greater but they knew we were growing and as we began to kick the pain was there but they were happy while they were in pain because we were growing correctly the same applies after we were born they were happy seeing us grow even though they spent sleepless nights and even though they gave up their own sleep for us to sleep they fed us and they ensured that we were doing okay do you think that mother of yours deserves that you forget about her sacrifice from the time prior to your birth just because now you're a grown up and that's it if she says something wrong if she's interfering even in your marriage after you have your on children it does not justify that you be unkind to her but you politely with great kindness and respect can correct her people mistaken this issue many people say you know what that's your mother Jenna lies at her service or some say at her feet to be honest yes indeed if you were to respect her and be kind to her it will be a door of paradise for you like one narration says at a loss are those this is a narration of the prophets of allah salaam known as the narration where he was ascending the minbar and he said I mean thrice and he was asked why were you saying I mean and he says that there are three difference applications were made and I was saying I mean at those supplications and one of them was at a loss are those or will be to those who witness one or both of their parents at old age in their lives and yet do not in Paradise by serving them Wow which means if I want paradise I need to serve my old elderly parents why it is reported that a man once came to America poverty allahu and with his mother on his back and he says o amirul mumineen this is my mother I help her do everything I take her across I sit with her I carry her I help her use the bathroom I feed her I clothe her everything I do have I fulfilled her rights did you hear that you and I would say I think you're doing a lot Masha Allah Masha Allah may Allah bless you Allah strengthen you right amirul mumineen says what's the big deal meaning in his own words he says you know what she did the same for you she clothed you she fed you she took you to the bathroom she cleansed you she did everything else she carried you around everywhere just like you're carrying her but there's one massive difference what is it when she did it for you she kept praying that you have a long and healthy life and when you're doing it for her you're home ping that perhaps this might end one day soon raka but did you see the difference you're doing the same thing but subhanAllah you are thinking in your mind when is this going to end and when she did the same thing she was making the opposite to her saying o Allah grant my child goodness let let him grow let her grow etc etc so it goes to show Allah allows the circle to close because he wants to test you will you be as good to those who were good to you in the past the day they needed Subhan Allah will you be good to those who were good to you in the past the day they need that goodness from you even if it is your mother or your father the difficulty is many of us don't understand I was saying sometimes our parents happen to do things that are wrong they make mistakes they say that which is wrong sometimes you want to marry a person that belongs to a different race and very unfortunately your mother or your father will follow tradition or culture which is far from Islam they may say I don't want this to happen and give you any excuse because they're guilty of sinning against Allah it doesn't mean that they can use against you the cheap blackmail of saying generalize at my feet so you'd better obey what I am saying but rather you need to correct them very politely to say my mum my dad you know racism is not Islamic it's not something that Islam allows subhanAllah so it doesn't mean they should use the statement that Allah has made in the Quran to blackmail you and I to believe something on Islamic or to do something that is not from Islam but rather we will correct them very politely and remind them and this is why those of us who are parents here and those who may hear this later on please understand your duty and your responsibility unto Allah never use these statements to force your children to do things that are ridiculous that are unacceptable that are fulfilling your own whims and fancies because trust me you need Jenna as a parent as much as your children would meet Jenna just like your children serving you would be their entry into paradise you being kind to them and having mercy on them and obeying the instruction of Allah will also bring about that paradise for you may allah subhanahu wata'ala guide us so it's important to strike a balance yes we as children are taught to look after our folks to actually be kind to them to pray for them how many of us pray for our parents as we're young how many of us listen to what they have to say how many of us sit with them and just spend a little bit of time talking to them as they get older and older sometimes when they become a little bit more old because we get married and perhaps we have our own families and so on we tend to forget that all your mother one's or all your father ones is that once in a while you ask about them you contact them you visit them you sit with them don't burden them and my beloved parents don't burden your children either Subhan Allah Subhan Allah may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala help us strike the balance it's become so difficult to speak about topics from only one side because the others would cry foul to say I have a situation my father has molested me sexually as a child what do I do I've heard this very often in that case what type of parent are you my beloved father we are supposed to be protecting your child from your own evil what type of paradise is there going to be serving a person like that who has abused the very trust that Allah has placed upon their shoulders may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala protect our children may Allah grant us ease these things are brushed under the carpet a lot of the times they are swept under the carpet and no one wants to speak about them if fathers or mothers are going to abuse their children be it physically or any other way they are guilty of not being exemplary parents just like you would like your children to respect you you need to know they desperately won to respect you but you need to be respectful yourself may allah subhanahu wata'ala grant us that respect how much time have we as parents spent with our children when they were young and then when they grow older we expect them to spend time with us Allahu Akbar so things are going wrong things are circling but still how to make your parents happy you spend time with them you pray for them without them knowing that you're praying for them and this is why allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala tells us what was so near Sanibel a leader Sanna what was so near and everyone didn't look at the two words Allah says we have written for you we have advised you we have left for you a piece of advice and injunction an obligation that you do what is known as sand to your parents as men what is a son kindness goodness be humble speak to them with a low volume don't raise your voice in front of your mother no matter how bad she may be it does not justify for you and I to raise our voices may Allah forgive me where I have faltered as a son and may Allah forgive all of us where we have faulted as children but drop your tone your volume be humble be humble in such a way that when you speak to your parents even in disagreement it does not look like a battle and the war because then you would be earning the wrath of Allah even if you are right simply because of the way you were portraying that correct statement of yours you can say it in a polite way you didn't need to scream you didn't need to yell that is all part of the correction that you and I need similarly when you address them use respectful words no matter how disrespectful they may have been trust me myself being a parent and almost a grandparent inshallah I promise you my brothers and sisters we feel at times that we need help with our own character and conduct and here we are talking about our children's character and conduct Subhan Allah how many of us as parents we know we need help to refine our own character the way we speak do you use loving words with your children even when you want to discipline them or have you been mr sztyc or mrs. Witt subhanAllah that's what people do they want to whip their children the other day someone sent me a clip of a chef who was busy teaching Quran to two children in the Masjid and someone was videoing from the side the Sheikh was beating up these children as though the Quran can only enter your heart if you whack someone that's what some people believe the minute you say you becoming a half is all they see are sticks and and you know they they see the palm of the sheikh ayob Allah I want to tell you the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the greatest teacher not a single narration permits the beating of a child to teach the child never has Islam condoned the beating of a child to teach the child not ever the prophet sallallaahu salaam at his hands graduated the most knowledgeable of all those who had knowledge on earth he did not beat a single person he did not whack even one person he didn't even raise his hands on one person subhanAllah he was sent as a mercy we want to teach the book of the most merciful by being merciless on those children where is the Deen of Allah it shows our weakness the same applies to parents you want to instill and inculcate goodness in your children by walloping them that is unacceptable even from an Islamic perspective there is nowhere in Islam that you're allowed to wallop and abuse your children physically in order to teach them something no you need to lead by example communicate with them engage them use different means of discipline subhanAllah yes you may have a means that would be effective based on the time tomorrow what will be effective may not be what was effective yesterday today you try and beat a child trust me they may beat you back may Allah forgive us you see your son you look at him say ok because now he's big 16 nowadays by the time they're 13 or 14 they're already bigger than us I'm sure you would agree with all the GMO and everything that's going on mashallah fertilizer in the night airs by the way and they're tall and suddenly ah ha ha ha this is the child I used to wallop some time back and he looks at you says dad what did you say subhanAllah look at how the world changes because son is now muscular we can't say anything to him trust me Allah has more power over you than the most masculine of your children that you fear may allah subhanahu wa ta ala grant Aziz sometimes your parents grow a little bit old they go into their 60s and 70s and 80s they begin to fear us because of the way we speak because of what we say subhanallah but my brothers and sisters we always need to know lead by example develop a good communication with your parents from a young age if your parents have been a little bit hard on you talk to them tell them you know my mom I really can't stomach this I'm feeling so suicidal talk to your mom talk to your dad may allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala give us a good connection people come to us as scholars as counselors and tell us I'm feeling this way and that way when in actual fact they were supposed to confide in you as a parent but because you are the problem they have to confide in someone else outside of the home and a lot of the times it's got to do with the fact that we're not following Islam but rather we're worried about people around us and we want the culture to prevail over the religious teaching and that's where we're going wrong subhanAllah sometimes culturally it might not be normal to marry a person from across the river but trust me from a religious perspective if there is nothing wrong with that then you are wrong to deny your child that people say you cannot come up with your own suggestion to get married that's got to come from us where did you get that from your own culture subhanAllah there was nothing wrong in suggesting who you want to marry let's go back and look at hadisha bent away lead ravi allahu and her number one she married someone who worked for her she married someone who was much younger than her she was the one who actually or her side had actually put forward that whole idea or we call it a proposal and it came from the girls side so to speak but with us we don't even want to entertain how could you even suggest you want to marry this person don't you know in our culture you have to marry your cousin and love forgive us the cousin wants to marry someone else and you want to marry someone else and your parents have forced you to marry together so you are busy thinking about another while you're intimate with your spouse and he is thinking of another being intimate with you and everyone is doomed and the parents the curse on them will only perhaps be delivered on the day of qiyama may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala forgive our parents it is forbidden to think that way that is a dirty culture that we need to get rid of and don't talk about it trust me you won't be able to respect your own parents that's where it comes in tonight we want our parents to be happy we will make them happy but when they ask you to do something ridiculous don't you think it's our right to defend you and I where they are going totally wrong there is nothing in Islam to say you must marry your cousin no you could or you couldn't there's nothing to say yes or no there it's okay but it's also okay to marry someone else in fact perhaps the further you go the better it will be from the genes perspective may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala grant us ease so if your child comes up with a suggestion to marry and it is permissible in Islam to let that happen and you don't let it happen you make our topic so difficult to say making your parents happy when you are not making Allah happy as a parent so we have to talk about it today how can I make my parents happy when they haven't even pleased Allah regarding me it's a challenge we're facing and it's happening every day if I were to tell you almost a hundred emails a day on this topic that I receive I wonder about the others on this particular topic to say parents have denied and you know what's happening increase in adultery sometimes the parents are to blame I'm not saying those who are perpetrating the sin are not to blame but the parents are to blame for facilitating it they could have facilitated halal but they're facilitating Haram because my ego what's my family going to say what's this person going to say how can you marry someone of a different caste of a different race of a different nationality someone who doesn't have a house or a car or a proper job etc etc no way I'm not going to let this happen and then you come and give us a topic to talk about how to make parents happy Allah a kebab you don't even want to make bet your own Lord happy so hon Allah I don't know if the dead silence is because we are parents or children but my brothers and sisters wouldn't you agree it's about time we entered into submission holistically we don't need to just follow where it suits us I've kept my beard I'm done I've worn my hijab I'm done now I can swear my child I can sue anyone I can treat them as badly as ever I can take my daughter-in-law son-in-law as a little slave in the home and I can just go out and galavant and do whatever I want and this person needs to do X Y & Z if that's the case how do you want yourself to be happy as a parent may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala help us to protect our own selves from that I mean now I'm sure if we definitely allowed our children at times to do what Allah has permitted even though it may not go down too well with us and yes we have every right to advise our children we are parents we have a right to advise when your mother speaks to you when your father speaks to you they engage you when they address you take what they say seriously consider it think about it deep deeply because Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala is going to ask you not every time that they disagree with you are they wrong perhaps most of the time they are right you know the relationship you have if it's a toxic relationship then indeed perhaps you might have some bad blood there that you need to sort out communication and lack of it determines that level of that subhanAllah you need to make sure you communicate well between parent and child if your father's been hard in the past don't hold it for 20 years you know 20 years ago my father beat me up come on let it go I'll have the lights gone if it was something serious and major like I spoke about abuse sexually etc in that case you can even report your own father to the police there's no harm in that in order to protect yourself and your siblings and others from that type of misbehavior it's not wrong you must in fact you should if the if it persists and if that's what actually happened we cannot tell you that because you have to respect your father and be kind to your father you cannot protect yourself and anyone else from the evil of that man no no my beloved fathers there is a duty on your shoulder to protect your own children and if you are the criminal unfortunately you will have to be dealt with also with the full wrath of the law may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala protect us all so this is why we say this communication and this beautiful relationship if you feel protected as a child as you're growing up I'm sure it would make it so much easier for you to respect your parents to make do a for them to actually cry when you're away from them to call them whenever you're away from them to find out where you are or to give them news of where you are and to tell them to make dua for you as well that you are do not underestimate it when it comes from your parents which means the supplication when your parents pray for you when they supplicate for you it is a powerful powerful supplication because if they were to pray against you in a justified manner it is also powerfully against you when a father prays for the destruction of his or her of his child when the mother prays for the destruction of her child if it is justified it is powerful if it is not justified trust me it may rebound back to that particular person Wailea Hipple Macross IE o allah allah the quran says the one who plots evil the evil plot does not be deserved except by those who in fact the evil plot is not deserved except by those who are on that level of evil if you are an evil person perhaps if someone makes it do against you or curses you yes it may affect you but if you're not evil we have parents who sometimes unfortunately every small thing that happens they curse their own children they call them donkey and they call them dog and they call them everything else I've even heard people call their children baboons and I think to myself well they look just like you I wonder what that makes you Subhan Allah and by the way when you call someone baboon don't come and lie to me that it means a door in Arabic we know what you're saying Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala help us how could you call your own children the names of animals how could you cast your own child you'll never see happiness in your life I'll show you you'll see Allah will not show you my beloved children if you don't deserve that prayer it's not going to affect you so don't let it depress you or stress you it's not going to affect you because you don't deserve it who was wrong they were wrong mashallah my beloved parents learn to make a good dua for your children even at times of disagreement Oh soften their hearts oh allah bring them back oh allah grunting goodness keep on making durant the prophet sallallaahu salem made dua for the enemies of islam and the hearts were suffering look at charlie didn't very deeply moving out of the allahu anhu MA look at horrible her poverty allahu and look at the others they weren't even the children of the prophets and I seldom they were members of the Ummah they were just members of the opposition actually and the Prophet SAW Salim prayed for them and that prayer was accepted by Allah they came forth with the softest of hearts I'm sure Allah would soften the hearts of our children if we didn't give up those of our children who might be having bad habits keep praying for them keep trying with them try to spend time with your children subhanAllah just like we say to the children spend time with your parents you will make them happy my beloved parents may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala protect all of us if you want goodness if you want your children to respect you and to obey you and to be kind to you you need to learn to obey Allah you need to learn to please Allah and your children insha Allah will please you by the will of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala we also ask every child who is here today to take a moment we ask every child who is here today whose parents are alive to take a moment to either visit them later today or to make a phone call to make a phone call as soon as we're done here to your mother and father or one of them or both of them and just tell them I love you I really really miss you and I want to appreciate the fact that you brought me up when I was little and you really sacrificed for me may Allah have mercy on you will we do that mashallah that was quite a good yes hamdulillah trust me it will change your life do you know why the mercy of Allah automatically descends upon a person who tries to make his or her parents happy when the Ranma of Allah you are asking that Allah has mercy on your parents the angels are saying oh Allah have a double mercy on this particular person and the dua of the Angels is much more powerful than your do I remember that my beloved brothers and sisters so today don't forget even if you're listening to this lecture later on today the day that you are listening to it make a phone call to your parents right now send them a message right now tell them how much you love them tell them you appreciate the fact that they brought you up make dua for their mercy may Allah have mercy on you my beloved parents and may Allah open your doors that's all what did it cost you nothing even if you have a disagreement with your parents you still do that see the wonders that it works and then get into the habit of sending that message every single week at least if not every day subhanAllah your life will change because when Allah instructed you to do something and you did it you are not only obeying the instruction of Allah that would actually bring about His mercy but you are making someone happy you make someone happy Allah will make you happy you make your parents happy Allah will make you even more happy subhanAllah if the hadith says r-rahimin ya arhamu r-rahimin your Hammerman fil ardi our human fish salmon those who have mercy the most merciful will have mercy on them Wow those who have mercy on each other the most merciful will have mercy on them have mercy upon those on earth the one in the heavens will have mercy on you that's the statement of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him it's so broad if I were to have mercy on a random person Allah will have mercy on me what if that random person was not just a random person but was my own parent or sibling or child etc or relative do you not think that the almighty will grant you an even bigger portion of his mercy I am searching for the mercy of Allah and so are you it doesn't cost you but there is an effort a little effort what is it make to half of them let them know bring a smile to their faces Allah will bring a thousand smiles to yours I can word it in another way bring a smile to their faces Allah will bring a smile to your heart akbar mashallah learn to be kind to your parents and watch how your children will be kind to you let them watch I always tell spouses you know when your children watch you hug each other perhaps sometimes kiss each other you know I'm not talking of those kisses that belong to foreign languages but I'm talking to I'm talking about something like a peck etc if your children see you do that it's a good thing they would know how to treat their own spouses one day they would know how to say words of love just today someone told me you know I hear my my dad tell me I really really love your mom subhanAllah amazing have we told that to our children I really love your mother come on have you thought of that you know how it empowers the child it strengthens it gives security to the child it makes them feel so full and so good I really love your dad Subhan Allah and it comes from both and you we always go to our children and complain to them about the other party people make their children counselors when your children are not counselors will go you know your dad he's done this and he's very bad and he's ugly and he's doing this and I caught him doing that and that and that and so on and the father comes you know your mother she's not even worried about her weight and she's not worried about this and why did you make your child a counsellor and for what you're the one who gave your wife subhanAllah all that burden that she's carrying Allahu Akbar she had the children whose children were they yours and now you're complaining to the same children about a little millimeter this way and that way some cultures look at it differently they say well there's more to love here mashallah may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant us ease these type of things are not meant to be a point of distress they are not meant to be something to discuss the children not at all you need to make sure that those children come in with a good word and when they hear it they will learn to respect you they'll smile at you they'll blush when they see you they've learned something good but sadly we only scream and yell in their presence and that's what they learn they say when you want to marry someone take a step into their home and look at the relationship between the mother and father of the person you want to marry if it is filled with screaming yelling shouting swearing etc that's probably bound to happen in your own home at one stage because they haven't seen any better we need to have mercy on our own parents and we ask our parents to be good role models to us as children may Allah make it easy for everyone of us my brothers and sisters like I say when you make a dua for your children it will be a means of their goodness inshallah so don't use the supplication you have to destroy your kids rather use it to build them and then you get the supplication from your own children for you subhanAllah I would love it if my children made dua for me on a daily basis and then we have those parents who've passed on if you have a mother or a father who's passed away number one I want to give you some good news for those of you who are orphans or who grew up as orphans I want to tell you the chances of Allah loving you are greater than those who are not orphans based on the fact that the most beloved unto Allah Himself was an orphan Allah chose for the one he loves the most that his father would die prior to his birth and Allah chose for the one whom he loves the most that his mother would actually pass away in his infancy so if you've lost your mother and your father perhaps it's the love of Allah giving you an opportunity to succeed far beyond those who have both parents somehow Allah subhanAllah you thought of that and thereafter as you grow subhanAllah as you grow and you see perhaps you may have lost your parents like I say it is your duty to pray for them the most powerful gift you can give a deceased parent is the simplest thing not complicated not complicated when people say my father passed away what's the best thing I could do to help him the answer is the simplest thing but shape man comes to you and says no that's too simple I don't think it's gonna work why if I were to ask you what do you think is the best thing that would help your father or your mother who's passed away you probably would come up with a list of very very difficult things but the hadith says the best that you could do for those parents of yours under normal circumstances is to pray for them to pray for their forgiveness that's it you pray for their forgiveness imagine I just say oh Allah forgive my father he's passed away o Allah grant him genital fear those and you can repeat that again and again and again no fixed number no number of days that you need to do that for it's just loose ended and it's up to you how much you want to say the more you repeat it the more your father's benefiting in the hereafter what to do just to pray for them just to ask Allah forgiveness for them to ask Allah to have mercy on them to grant them general etcetera etc that is the best thing you could ever do for those folks of yours who have passed on but people say are you sure just that yes the problem with us we're not used to supplicate in calling out to Allah Allah makes it simple for us the easiest thing is the most beneficial thing but we want to think of complicated things I remember a certain brother tell me you know I heard that there's a certain type of grass in Brazil if I were to get it and put it on my father's grave perhaps Allah will give him Jenna I said my brother you'd rather have taken him and put him in Brazil if that was true but I wonder where people come up with all this thing may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala grant us is perhaps that father was into football Allah knows but my brothers and sisters getting more serious look at it you want your parents to be happy after death you should try to visit some of their friends and try perhaps once in a while to inquire about some of the friends that they had when they were alive the Prophet SAW said lon has taught us this perhaps visit the old man your dad used to visit before he had passed away and if you visit the old man what will happen you remember your father you pray for your father and you're actually doing a good deed that your dad had started off and he taught you and then you will have your children do the same one day spending time with your parents is as important as your parents spending time with you many of us as parents need help we need a lot of help we don't even spend time with our children and we blackmail them into believing that because the Quran has said this and because you are supposed to be good to your parents Here I am I can disobey Allah I can do everything against Allah but you still need to obey me where did you get that from Subhan Allah may allah subhanahu wata'ala grant us ease and goodness may Allah open our doors and may allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala have mercy on all of us as you notice this is a very very serious topic it's a very very important topic I've just about started it and I've just mentioned a few pointers and I've tried to keep it balanced as much as we're speaking about making parents happy but trust me it's two-way traffic it's not one-way traffic and therefore I've chosen to say what I've said today I pray that it helps us become more conscious of our relationship with Allah and you made a promise what was it you forgot it already it's only been three minutes to phone to contact to communicate or to visit your parents today after this event in Charlotte or right now there's no harm in sending that message and tell them how much you love them and see how your life will change by the will of Allah a Kulak only has our Salah lahu wa sallim wa barik ala nabina muhammad subhanAllah who ham the ironical arm of the hum dick shadow Allah Allah I learned in a Stavro Kawana to Balak [Music]
Channel: Eman Channel
Views: 258,609
Rating: 4.8607335 out of 5
Keywords: mufti menk, light upon light, islam, Quran, Mishary, Sudais
Id: XhnRppPOI2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 38sec (2438 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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