How to make your own gtag fan game

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hey everyone welcome back to another video in today's video I'm going to be teaching you how to make your own gorilla T fan game uh this was suggested in my Discord or I guess I did a poll and yeah it seems like uh a lot of people want a tutorial [Music] so uh first you need to get Unity Hub the link is in the description um then click new project 3D and you're you're going to need to install a version of unity before you do this doesn't matter which one you install I'm using 2021 3.3 up1 but it really doesn't matter which one you use it's up to you don't use the VR core use the 3D core and name it whatever you want in my case tutorial [Music] game uh you shouldn't have the select organization if you're not using Unity cloud or Unity Version Control then click create [Music] project now while that loads I know I should have done this earlier but here's how to install a version of unity click install editor then install whichever one you want does not matter and you want to make sure you have Android build support if you don't have this then it won't work unless you're only building to computers but I'm guessing you guys want to put this on like side quest or just be able to play with your friend by side loing or doing [Music] whatever anyway once you have your immunity project open you're just going to do some [Music] stuff I usually what I would do delete the main camera and you will not need it so once you do that go to the link in my description there will be a page for the gorilla tag movement um it will be a GitHub link so and once you have it you can either go right click import package custom package and that will open up your files it should be in your [Music] downloads or you can do what I do when I actually decide to install it [Music] once you're here just click the three dots download you can either drag it into un or you know import package custom package just import then reload if that pops up delete the main camera again if it shows up keep the directional [Music] light now go to your project setting Edit Pro project settings XR plug-in management install XR plugin management this will probably take a while I just have mine got down for time then when you're on the monitor click open XR Unity will probably ask you to restart it just click save once un is back up put the little exclamation mark fix change single pass to multi pass add plus Oculus touch control profile and Val index touch control profile or control um Android single pass multipass Oculus touch controller [Music] profile start plugin management go to the Android then click Oculus once that's done go to Oculus change multiv view to multi pass single pass to multi pass and that's all for [Music] that anyway then go to your window package manager click the plus and then type in Comm and then add package from get URL then type in C . Unity uh. XR do interaction. toolkit it will also be in the description if you just want to copy it once that's done click samples starter assets import now I don't really know which one to install so just in install okay well I messed up in editing so you saw all those things there you have to go to um your start assets so samples whatever numbers it are is and then it should bring you go to presets then just install over there and then click go to your project settings preset manager and then default left controller set that to left and default right controller set that to right as you see just excited that [Music] then now here's just like a little tutorial this is your move tool move objects every direction rotate tool click control to do the snap grid and then scale tool different scale tool all the tools and then just drag in your gorilla rig [Music] and then once you load in you see real take movement all right now multiplayer time so what you want to do go to the link in the description and that will take you to a Unity asset store Page and it's going to be Photon voice 2 just click [Music] click uh add to my assets but you're going to have to sign in first so just sign in with your Unity whatever you use to sign in with unity then just click open in unity now you're going to have to download it and then after it's downloaded click import [Music] all right then go to the second link and this is pun to free download import same as the photon [Music] [Music] voice [Music] all right then go to the next link this will be another GitHub link for the photon VR [Music] package just click that one drag that into Unity or right click import package custom package once you've done that just click yes [Music] all right now go to your resources Photon VR freebs then drag all three of those in once turn go to your Photon VR manager and then change that to us if you're living in the US if you're living in like Europe or around that area to EU just whatever region you are and then change the default roof liit the limit is 20 uh for free I'm setting mine to 10 for another thing that's later next you want to go to the next Link in the description which is for the photon website once you're there um create a pun application and aoid application but first you're have to create account um dashboard create app and then create to copy the app ID right there I just can't show mine and then just paste them into that spot sorry it's blurred but I have to blur it for obvious [Music] reasons I hope they're obvious it's um don't want anyone copying my app then do the same for the voice and paste it into the [Music] Voice once that done that's done you can test it by clicking [Music] play and now after a while as you can see our player loads in and everything is working so now you have multiplayer and next I'm going to be showing you how to um face with the ad drone player model I do not have one like I do not have the one I'm [Music] using for people to just take because you know I'll put one that you guys can use in the description and it'll work the same but it won't be the one I'm using because I don't want people using this one it's been very long making me so hope you guys understand but you have to find one make one or use the one I have in the description uh also make sure your player model is rigged if it is not rigged then it won't work so click on your VR hand VR body and just disable them [Music] keep your VR head enabled and then click click the little Globe to disable all the [Music] UI and then once you have your player model create a folder name it prefabs or models or whatever you want this is just going to be a place where you can like store all your models import new asset and then import your for me I'm just going to drag mine [Music] in this is the player same player model used for my new game the N void so I don't really want people using it and creating clones of it if it gets popular make sure it's rotating the same way as your VR head or the name scale it appropriately so it's not Trin like [Music] miners what I usually do is make it so it barely fits in the head as you can [Music] see this is about a good size and a little bigger just so you barely see [Music] it [Music] now disable it the VR head now put your model Under head not VR head just head and then go to my next link it'll be uh for a Google drive folder which will have fast ik Fabric in just download it and drag it into [Music] Unity [Music] [Music] make sure to like And subscribe if this helped you or just like or subscribe doesn't [Music] matter why is it taking me this long why didn't I edit this out can't can't edit it out now cuz I'm doing a voice over I'm sorry I'm sorry guys this is taking forever I'm guessing you guys are just fast forward in trueing off I I hope you guys are having a great [Music] day okay seriously why is this taking me so it's okay I'm must see if I can figure this out and what am I doing what am I doing that is taking this [Music] long like the past 2 minutes I think I have done nothing okay finally now I'm importing it put in your scripts [Music] folder or it doesn't matter where you put it I just like to keep my organized anyway once you have it go to your model again drag it under head not VR head go under your model preap unpack completely by right clicking on it Armature or bones or [Music] whatever then go under your Armature or bones or whatever it [Music] is now just find your armb bone so for me it's that one and then drop it down until you get to your wrist and you can tell if it's your rist by moving it and it does this then add the fast ik fabric to it now you want to put the pole to its forearm so the one before it as you can tell forearm and then for the Target so I'm doing my left one the player model's left not your left like so then I'm going to put left hand as the Target and then do the same for your right hand and then click the UI button and then boom if it's green you did it properly and it's like that and then do the same for your right [Music] hand fast fabric right hand is Target and then the one for it as p and then you can check with the UI button again or you can play [Music] test now if we go if I go to scene view as you can see my player model now works [Music] as you can see the arms follow it and move my hand uh this only applies If your player model has fingers if I don't know what I'm going to put as the player model on the description definitely not making one but make it so the hands Face Forward pretty much perfectly [Music] 90Ā° anyways once you've done that for both hands that's uh pretty much it hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial and if you want to see more leave a like if this video gets five likes I'll make another tutorial so hope this gu this helps you guys and I'll see you in the next one which will probably be another de so bye
Channel: Vectorvr
Views: 79
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mjjXzwMKgck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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