How to Make Your Bedroom Look Expensive

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hi everyone it's Nick welcome and welcome back to my channel okay in today's video we are going to be talking about how to make your bedroom look expensive so I did a video recently on how to make your living room more expensive and people really like that one I'm going to link that to the end of this video but as I said in that one remember that expensive isn't a design style so like obviously we're just trying to find something that's really custom for you something really memorable something that means something to you and looks a little bit more expensive even if you're on a bit of a budget that's what this video is about but it's not a substitute for finding your own unique personal style because that's going to be extremely important when designing a space that is uniquely your own just some little tricks that sort of make your space feel a little bit more premium a little bit more custom and special for you okay so my first tip for you on how to make your bedroom look expensive is to upsize your duvet cover and some of your pillows so this is something I recently did because I downsized from a king size bed to a queen size bed because it fit the bedroom a little bit better and I heard about this for years but I never actually really did it and that is buying the duvet and the duvet cover or a comforter if you have one but I recommended eBay or your pillows as well usually those as well to get one size bigger than the actual mattress that you have so the main one for most people is going to be getting a queen and getting a cake doesn't really work for a king that is getting a king-size duvet and duvet cover and putting it on a queen bed so I really wanted to experiment with this myself because I thought well since I have the king stuff already because I just had one then I would try it with the queen and honestly it really does make a big difference because it gives you that sort of luxurious pillowy sort of kind of draping down almost to the ground sort of effect and it kind of makes it just feel a lot more luxurious and oversized in a good way like it doesn't feel like it's drowning it just feels like you're getting that little bit of extra space it just feels a little bit more comfortable you got this kind of like Luxe sort of Hotel sort of look I don't know I really really love it I think just having that king size on top of a queen just really kind of gives you that little bit of a more plush sort of elegant sort of feel to it okay I will say though this is very style specific so if you're a person that wants that really sort of oversized look that really kind of Hotel feel of a bed that you can just get lost in then I think that this idea could really work for you however I think if you're a person who isn't going for that look and you want something a little bit more tighter a little bit more formal I would stick to the queen duvet over a queen bed but this is an interesting idea I think that really does create a luxurious look if that's something that you're wanting to go for okay next way to make your bedroom look expensive is to add texture texture is if you don't know it's sort of the visual representation of how something feels right so when you look at something like a worn piece of wood or you look at something like a Plush Blanket even if you don't feel it you can still see that it has texture and that's really really important in design because it just makes a place look a lot more interesting it provides more visual interest and oftentimes looks more cozy something that's really really important when looking at something like a bedroom there's also a lot of fabrics that are happening in the bedroom right oftentimes you're going to have a rug which I'll talk about later but you're also going to have your pillows you're going to have your blanket you're are going to have throws you're going to have maybe curtains so you've got lots of different opportunities to have some sort of textural play in there especially those like warm sort of cozy Fabrics that you see so often in a bedroom but also you've got other texture opportunities in terms of nightstands as well as your headboard those can be upholstered it can be wood lots of different ways to make a space really really feel a little bit more textured and more interesting and inviting so when building a bedroom I think it's really important to remember that this is primarily going to be used for rest it's going to be used for sleeping so you want something that sort of feels really cozy and relaxing and comfortable when you're there so I would personally stay away from Plastics or rhinestone things or sort of cheap materials and instead I would go for natural materials like wood Stone and lots and lots of fabrics again you know things like linen things like cotton things like wool sheepskin if you're vegan there's Alternatives of course that are out there but these sorts of materials are really Luxe they're really cozy and I think they work really really well in a bedroom I would say that if you love say a you know plastic things or man-made materials those might be better suited for other rooms like an office perhaps but in a bedroom I really think going for those Luxe cozy materials is the way to go okay next up on my list and this one's gonna be controversial but I'm just gonna say it this is my own feeling sorry guys okay that is a desaturated color palette so I'm not oh I so was close to seeing a neutral color palette but I didn't I didn't say neutral because I don't think you necessarily need to not have color color is great color is awesome but the reason I said desaturated is because sometimes I see that people opt for really bright bold saturated color in the bedroom and I get it if you love that if you love big pops of orange hot pink green blue whatever in other rooms that may make a ton of sense it could work in a bedroom ultimately listen just you don't have to listen to me do what you want obviously I say that a thousand times these videos you don't have to listen to me it's your bedroom I'm probably not going to be there that's a whole other thing um I'm probably not going to be there so you know do what you want but a desaturated color palette what I mean by that is we're sort of honing down some of those color choices so instead of like a really hot pink you might see something in a much paler sort of heavily tinted so we're adding a lot more white pink so it might be really really pale or it could go the darker root but it's maybe got a hint of pink in the background or something like a gray or brown or something like that going for those desaturated colors I think it really just tones down some of those color choices and it's going to fit better in a bedroom which again is primarily a space for rest so Active colors bright colors bold saturated colors can be awesome they make an absolute cool statement and they work in so many different areas of the home and yes if you want to carry some of them into the bedroom you just go have at it but I do think that since you're trying to create something amazing and expensive and glorious and fabulous and hopefully a place that is restful for you consider toning down some of those color choices a little bit in this room just to give your eye a space to sort of relax and rest because I think that's ultimately what makes for an expensive and luxurious bedroom for me so I think that's really important here and again you don't have to go neutral although yes you can stick to the classic black white gray maybe even some beiges sort of neutrals if you want if that's your look go for it I reject this idea I think which is a very modern sort of Kim Kardashian aesthetic that neutral is expensive because I think we really do have that in 2023 that if you're neutral it's like expensive and color is almost too juvenile I don't think that that's necessarily true I sort of do reject that notion but I do think that taking some of those colors that you love green blue pink whatever just maybe consider toning them down just in the bedroom I think might you know just just gives you a little bit more of a restful space that you might enjoy sort of going to sleep in is what I'm saying okay so next tip on how to make your bedroom look expensive is to add a rug so I just said we talked about texture and a rug is really important and I see so many people send me emails I think by the way when you send me an email and say hey can you check this out whatever thank you all I received so many emails they're awesome I can't always respond to all of them but I will say when people say what do you think of my space the number one thing is always the people forget rugs and people forget rugs in the living room which I just love a rug I'm sorry if you have hardwood if you have stone or cement get a rug I love rugs I think they're great because it adds texture it's cushy and Squishy and fabulous and wonderful underfoot and it also just gives a space to sort of anchor the rest of the room so I love rugs I love them in a living room but in a bedroom I also really love them and people so often forget them now if you have carpet you don't necessarily need a rug could work for you you don't necessarily you can do a rug on carpet I know some people say you can't I think you can just kind of keep the piles a little bit low so it's not like a bouncy castle but if you're gonna go with hardwood or something like that I would say yes throw in a rug if you would like and consider it because going with a nice little five by eight that just goes in sort of on the last two thirds of the of the bed right there I think can really anchor the space give you an opportunity to have a little bit of a different texture maybe even a different color that you can sort of play with and again it just sort of anchors the bed a little bit rather than just sort of floating in space so I think that a rug always takes a good room into a great one so always consider adding a rug underneath that bed it really does make a world of difference to a space okay next up is going to be have seating if you have the room this is so important the if you have room okay bold okay if you have room if you don't skip this tip you do not overcrowd your space with a bench or a chair because you saw Gwyneth Paltrow have one or something in her bedroom and you're like I need that and then you realize you live in a one bedroom apartment and you're like wait actually Gwyneth Paltrow lives in a mansion in LA I'm not her okay we just have to accept that okay we're just not we're not all Gwyneth okay that's just the reality but if you do have space if you are in maybe a larger single family home or you're just blessed with a giant bedroom consider putting in some seating I do think that it's sometimes like I think this is seats that you think you're going to use a lot more than you will I mean I don't know who's really are we really putting a ton of shoes on in there I don't know whatever maybe you do I don't know you're getting ready routine but I would consider seeding it is expensive and Luxe if you have the room for it if you are blessed I am not I do not have a bedroom that is that size as I said I downsize with a king to a queen I do not have a large bedroom but if you do putting a bench at the foot is beautiful putting a nice little cute chair on the side maybe a little reading Nook or something where you got a little cute little lamp and a little side table with a plant or something over there I mean that's adorable like if you have room for it go for it if you don't have room skip it you do not need it it's just a nice to have if you have the room so I would say larger room you want to make your place look a little bit more expensive make that bedroom a little bit more Luxe consider some seating you know is it super practical I don't know maybe you need a seat to put your socks on and you can't just put your socks on on the bed I don't know who you are maybe that's you if so put in the seat if you have the room if not don't worry about it so this tip I think it's a good one that's why I put in my own video of course I think it's a good one but it's not for everybody it's not so I'm saying okay next up on my list is going to be keep it organized I don't even do I need to do I even just say this one do I need to tell you this like who do you need to hear this apparently you do because the acrylic organizers that I see that people have in their bedrooms that are overwhelming I get it people got a lot of makeup people got a lot of jewelry people got a lot of things they need to hide them well they should hide them don't go with acrylic organizers by the way because it just we want to hide that stuff why why is it acrylic so that we can now see it all anyway I guess maybe it's more practical for some people why am I talking about acrylic organizers anyway point is keep it organized pull your stuff away don't overcrowd the nightstands why do you got 40 things on there why do you have like books and you got magazines and maybe you've got like makeup and you've got like I don't know maybe you've got some other I don't I don't want to speculate but let's say you got some bunch of stuff on there like just hide that stuff like just hide it put it away what do you need you maybe need a book you need to place your glasses you need water maybe put a coaster there I think that's classy you've seen a little water place there for yourself what else do you need a lamp cute little lamp that'd be nice place to put your phone maybe a little charging stone I have a little charging Stone on mine where I put my phone every evening that's nice but like that's all you need you don't need a whole lot else keep your room organized and put your clothes away I'm not your mother I don't need to tell you this but apparently I do put your clothes away any sort of open racks with like lots and lots of like dresses and suits and whatever dress shirts no no we don't need that put that in the closet put those things away keep your space organized I can give you all the tips in the world I can I can I can tell you all the seating and beautiful Lux blankets you can throw on that bed but if you have your clothes all stored on the floor Nothing's Gonna Save you you know what I mean and by the way bonus tip clean your place I didn't put that on here because we're not animals but clean your place that's what I'm saying that's a tip you want your space to feel more expensive clean okay next tip how to make your bedroom look expensive is framed personal art especially about that bad I think it's really a beautiful spot to put above that headboard if your room allows for it to put a beautiful piece of art framed if you've got a large scale piece of art above that bed that's a good space to be right you could also Incorporated moldings which you know me I don't let a video go by without talking about moldings because I love them so much go ahead put some panel moldings on there ugh just really gonna upgrade that room love it love it don't forget your wall treatments so often in bedrooms I feel like it's a little bit of an afterthought people just paint the walls white you know and then they they're done if you want to go with um you know some posters or some simple art that you find on Society6 or Etsy or whatever maybe it's not super personalized to you that's cool just consider framing it you know we're not just putting posters on the wall with thumbtacks okay we're not 14. that's not what we're doing we're not putting those on there this isn't I was going to say depending on your era are you like were you a Backstreet Boys on the poster on the wall person a New Kids on the Block or a One Direction I feel like that sort of tells you what sort of era you grew up in but we're not doing that okay we're not doing the posters with thumbtacks on the wall we are moving beyond that we are framing these things this is not that expensive go to IKEA go to wherever you get your frames there's cheap frames online so easy to get so yes you can get some cheap posters yes you can get some like art or whatever nice if it's beautiful and personalized and you pay a fabulous artist to create something gorgeous for you but if not and you just want to take some cute little art pieces you know get some frame them touch upon your walls you're good to go but don't forget about those walls personalized art ideal mirrors ideal wall treatments panel moldings whatever wallpaper if you want to go so bold then those are all really fun ways to sort of make your space feel a lot more expensive don't forget about those walls everybody always forgets about those walls okay and then next up on my list of how to make your bedroom look expensive is going to be a well lit organized closet so I'm guilty of this one you guys I have a walk-in closet but the light is situated such that it really doesn't get a lot of light in there and it is so dark and recently I just upgraded I got some little Amazon ones just some simple battery operated lights that as soon as I walk in it lights the whole place up get a well organized closet organize your stuff put your stuff away kind of like I said before remember we're not throwing it on the bed anymore we're not chucking it on the floor we're putting it in the closet but when we put it in the closet you know especially if you don't have doors on it that thing there's gonna that message is gonna spell out into the rest of the room and we do not want that so put doors on it if you don't have them if you don't have doors it just means you have a bigger responsibility to actually put some of those things away and make sure it does have proper lighting get those little track lights above there get like I did the little ones that you know you can put in you can just get some ones from Amazon they're really easy to install like literally the like stickers on the wall basically so get a well organized well-lit closet uh no matter what the closet you have just make sure that it is actually serving you because if it doesn't actually serve you that's when you get so much of that spillover of all the rest of that clothing getting out into the rest of the room which is going to completely kill your expensive vibe that you have worked so hard to curate upgrade your closet so that is it for today you guys I hope you really enjoyed this video I'm going to link here to how to make your living room more expensive because I had some tips in there and yeah maybe some of the tips in the living room also apply to the bedroom as well so go check out that video I will see you on the next one thanks a lot bye
Channel: Nick Lewis
Views: 208,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ACd_on-b7Ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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