How to make Wine part 3 - Clarifying - PoorMansGourmet

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[Music] welcome to the poor man's gourmet kitchen where we share gourmet recipes and a little budget wonder now check this out several weeks ago I showed you how to transfer your wine from the primary stage to the secondary stage so the last time you saw it it looks something like this well believe it or not this is how it looks now it's just been resting in a cool dark place for the last three weeks and it's time to get it racked again so the first thing we want to do is remove our stopper and our airlock and once again we're just gonna transfer our wine to a clean sanitized empty carboy and the empty bottle should be placed lower than the full bottle using a siphon will extract the wine place the hose in the empty bottle first and very gently pump the siphon inside the full bottle now we're officially racking our wine to another secondary and I'll do this about once a week for the next three weeks and each time I do it gets clearer and clearer leaving the sediment behind it isn't harmful and it is safe to drink but removing it does clarify the wine for example here's a peach wine that I started about the same time I began this wine series when I RAC this wine from primary to secondary it was very murky and cloudy but each time I've racked since it's gotten clearer and clearer one thing I like to do is prop the opposite side of the siphon inside that bottle it helps me to get every last drop of wine I can when I'm siphoning into the other carboy and because I've racked this wine before you can see that there's a lot less sediment now let's take a look at that fermenter we were making wine in last time - I mentioned that the bottom of that jar would collect the sediment as you can see it did just close the valve twist out the Union not the jar the Union as you can see here we have trapped the sediment right in this mason jar here and if you want you can save that pitch that into another wine or you can just throw it out or compost it for all I care but just another quick attachment and a turn of this valve we can siphon that wine into another secondary so just racking your wine several times back and forth is pretty much the easiest way to clarify your wine but let me show you something else you can do this has been tonight this stuff is cheap and it's magical all you have to do is follow the directions on the package and add it to boiling water and you want to stir this and make a slurry it gets sticky slimy and a little bit pasty and add in just a couple tablespoons of this mixture to each gallon of wine will help it bond to the suspended particles in the wine and it'll drag them down to the bottom as it settles but you really need to get this stirred well so I purchased a wine whip really cheap and connects to my drill I'll help me get this mixed up these wine whips also help you D cast your wine if you're needing to get rid of co2 now just top them both off with a stopper and an airlock and wait another week again in a cool dark place preferably 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit and just look at the difference only one week later so if we take a look at the bottom of these carboys you can see the bentonite sediment you can see it in the peach wine as well so once again we're back to racking and it only takes a few minutes to rack each bottle but I want to emphasize the importance once again of using sanitized equipment and the sediment you're left with this time does absolutely need to be thrown out it's just gray clay but you don't want to be drinking it let's do the old flashlight test and see how we're looking on clarity how do you think it's looking so far tell me in the comments below personally I think it's looking pretty good same with this one really vibrant but it doesn't really matter what it looks like if it doesn't taste good and it's time for another gravity test the moment of truth drop in the hydrometer and our second reading is 0.99 zero so using an ABV calculator we'll type in our first measurement at one point zero nine zero our second we just read is zero point nine nine zero that equals thirteen point one two percent alcohol by a volume the peach wine is reading almost exactly the same maybe a point off this wine also started at one point zero nine zero but this one I'm going to go ahead and add 0.99 one equals twelve point nine nine percent alcohol by volume so we're pretty much both a 13% so now to prevent spoilage and preserve the wine we need some potassium sorbate and you'll probably remember these Camden tablets from the first wine video the goal here is to put the yeast to sleep back sweetening these wines is real common but before you do that the yeast needs to be put in a dormant state so it doesn't reactivate the fermentation generally you can use one or the other but I like to add both then just give a meat a quick stir and that'll take care of adding the Campton tablet I like to add the potassium sorbate a little bit differently however this is a brandy bottle but all the tenant is simple syrup I add the potassium sorbate in the mixture simple syrup is just two parts sugar to one part boiled water and the potassium sorbate dissolves in it better and you can sweeten your wine as much as you want or not at all if you prefer but I usually start out with about a quarter cup of this mixture for each gallon of wine this peach wine I actually end up doubling because I believe a peach wine should be sweet but again that's just my personal preference so you should do it to your specific taste as well and what do you know more stirring and after this we're pretty much done with our wines the only thing that's left now is to give them both a taste test now remember each gallon produces about 5 750 milliliter bottles of wine so don't taste test too much if you're planning on bottling of course it isn't aged yet but let's go ahead and throw back a gulp and give her a taste it isn't bad in fact I really like it and it's only gonna get better with time but let's give this peach wine a try and remember either one of these wines has been filtered only racked into secondaries well let's go ahead and give this one a try definitely sweet enough well let's take a look at a whole glass of that red you tell me is that clear enough without filtering if you think so then it's ready to be bottled now but I'm going to show you how to do that in another video and there you have it clarifying your wine right here in the poor man's gourmet kitchen thank you for watching and be sure to stop by poor man's gourmet kitchen com for more recipes and exact ingredients [Music]
Channel: Poor Man's Gourmet Kitchen
Views: 190,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wine, wine making, making wine, how to, how to make wine, part 3, clarifying, how to clarify wine, homemade wine, how to make homemade wine, red wine, wine recipe, red wine recipe, how to make red wine, recipe, drink, alcohol, beverage, drinks, drinking, brew, brewing, homemade brew, beer, whiskey, wine tasting, poormansgourmet, poor man's gourmet kitchen, fruit wine, how to make beer, beer recipes, party, club, bar, bartending, drunk, diy, dinner, vacation
Id: SC3FR1Iwpik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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