Can you FILTER Homebrew for less than $20?

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can you filter your home brew for less than 20 bucks okay recently a viewer told me about a product that he got from Amazon that was a one micron filter and he said well yester three three to five microns so it should filter out yeast and he also said that he doesn't have to Rack more than once it gets rid of leaves it does everything but the biggest thing was he doesn't pasteurize anymore and he doesn't need any chemical stabilization because of that so I thought well that sounds a little too good to be true so let me order these things and find out so I went on Amazon there's actually quite a bit but I found some and we got two of these for I think it was like fourteen dollars okay they are reusable it's made of a poly material so it doesn't even stain you can sanitize them but here's the thing they're a little odd shaped so they're kind of a weird thing you probably have to do it into a picture or something but if this works this is kind of amazing you know because it would solve a lot of steps so we solve a lot of problems I'm dubious but I want to think it'll work my biggest fear with anything like this is that when we put a liquid in there it's going to take forever to come out that's the problem with coffee filters and things like that even though they don't actually get small enough to filter the things out they can't actually let the liquid pass through quickly so we have here turbos which is also known as I got Jazz handy um and that is literally a bucket filled with sanitization liquid which today is a brew day for us it's first video of the day so this is just a clean bucket with sanitization fluid in there what I got I got handed jazz so the first test is I want to just scoop up water and see how quickly water goes through it okay so here we go are we ready do we need a drum roll or anything I'm just going to drop it in and pick it up that's fairly quick um there's still liquid in there so let me see just on a second pass here that's pretty good like I can see the level going down here I'll move my finger as it goes yeah it's going down pretty quick I would say that is a usable speed okay it might not be the fastest but it is certainly usable now my concern with that is that once it gets clogged with all the stuff it's filtering out that speed is going to diminish and it's going to significantly so you may end up having to do it a few times now my question is does doing that like cleaning it out and all that does that negate the benefit and is that better than pasteurizing still only one way to find out let me just bring this out a little bit okay so now we have a half gallon fermenter that we just sanitized I'm not sure why we sanitize it because we're probably not going to be keeping anything that we do with this test anyway well you never know but it's habit and it's a good habit to have so what we're going to do is we're going to take the filter that has been now it's been sanitized it was in turbos and I'm just going to kind of put it in here and normally we would be siphoning a liquid from something to this today we're going to pour it because it's just so much faster and as I said we're either going to consume this quite quickly or we're not keeping it so what do we have as our contestant today today's contestant Brian is tea wine this was brewed back in nine eleven twenty twenty so it is three years old and it's 11.3 ABV and it's cloudy as all get out I was thinking that but I didn't say it see there's also some goop on the bottom and you know what let's let's just you know get it moving around in there oh yeah that is that is that is not attractive looking at all but that's part of the test because the idea is you should be able to rack off and Lease yeast cake everything does not go through right okay so so I'm dubious if we were in a larger vessel we would have to prop this up but we have this little yeah like trap put it in our picture we could just put a dowel or oh grab the picture and let's let's show them or do it so you put it in the picture right and then we can just grab like the paddle and go like that ta-da yeah it'll work trust me that's why I got the one that had the handle okay but in this I'll I'll just be holding it in place more or less okay a lot of talk about nothing here but whoops it still came off that happens let's see it was working but it was it was holding yeah okay so as you can see this is very cloudy there's goop floating in it let's see how this thing does now we know the way we're doing it right now we're going to completely oxygenate this brew and we're fully aware of that so this is just a theory we're just testing it to see if it works at all right and so if you were doing this for real you would not want to do it this way and I'm lifting this up a bit so you can actually see see how slow that's going that's the problem as it actually hits the sides and gets fully Gunk you don't want to lift it up too much no because it'll pour right out on me um it's working it's a little slower than I really want oops see I'm filling it up here it's slower than I want like I cannot imagine doing a whole gallon this way it's still cloudy I said not as cloudy but it's still funny I said I was dubious all right I'm going to hold this because you're making me lose the way you keep pulling it up okay so you see what I have to do I can only pour it so fast because it's just not coming out as fast as I would like um and this is only one bottle I I'm I'm thinking this might not be all that great of an idea I mean it comes out okay so that's the whole bottle first thing as Derica said it's still cloudy I don't think it took care of that at all there's a lot of goop on the sides inside the filter it's a little disappointing I really wanted this to work even though I was very dubious about it I I really wanted this to work maybe I've done something wrong it's not exactly a definitive test here but I would say that's done can you let's just get the here I'll hold this you grab the picture notice it's still dripping out that that's a little Troublesome but there is a whole bunch of sediment in the bottom here so here's what I'm thinking I'm going to take this over the sink I'm going to turn inside out I'm going to clean it all out and we're going to re you know restart it in sanitizer fluid I want to filter this again just to see can we make it cleaner the second time around so just to get it to the sink I'm going to do this okay so I washed this out um just briefly in the sink I have to say it does come pretty clean there's a little bit of discoloration but I'm sure with a little bit more scrubbing I probably could have got it to come totally clean it doesn't turn inside out super easily but it does actually turn inside out okay so we're demonstrating the um technique here yeah you might have to like hold it up until it gets gone like just hold it in place here just do this again we would normally not pour we would normally fill you know uh use a siphon but for this it's also to show you how fast it comes through see when there's no sediment it goes through a lot faster so it really does run like water which doesn't you'd expect there's less things for it to uh have to worry about but it is still taking a little bit to run all the way through what's that like 20 seconds 30 seconds for one bottle that was no big deal so that's probably not as big of a deal my thing is it did not clear it at all this is this is so not clear let me just pour this back in here I don't need this thing let me just pour it back into here just so you can see it it didn't clear it at all now we don't there's one big thing that we don't know and that's did it remove yeast and we just wanted to get this done real fast and show you guys but we are actually going to test this on a recipe where we're going to take an active fermentation and remove some through the filter and see if it removes yeast because if it does that that at least stops you from having to pasteurize or to add you know stabilizers at all but as a clarifying agent or method of clearing no it doesn't work I mean you saw it right there it well at least it doesn't work for this particular broom maybe that's true maybe there are smaller than one micron particulates in our tea wine we don't know I can't measure them yeah true but one micron is really really small um and I'm afraid if we win a smaller Micron size that now the water won't just flow through so it has its caveats I I cannot recommend it at this time that's the best thing that I can say further research will be necessary but as always guys thanks so much for watching and have a great day bye [Music]
Channel: City Steading Brews
Views: 23,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filter homebrew, filter wine, filter mead, filter cider, 1 micron filter mead, 1 micron filter homebrew, 1 micron filter wine, filtering beer, sediment free beer, beer filtering system
Id: E537irm3sWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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