How To Make Video Ads For Dropshipping/FB Ads!

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what's up econ accelerators it's your boy Jordan back again with another ecommerce video and it's really good to have you guys here in this video we're gonna talk about a topic that I'm really passionate about and know tons about its video editing and creating video advertisements for your dropshipping store products that you can use in your facebook ad campaigns so there's multiple ways to go about doing this some ways better than others some ways quicker than others but the method that I use is one that I've been using since my beginning with this ecommerce business and it's one that I continue to use for a long time because it's simple and I enjoy doing it so without further ado let's go into my computer and see the exact processes that I'm talking about and how you guys can replicate those processes yourself so before I get into the tutorial and show you guys exactly what I'm doing to create video ads I just want you to know one thing and it's that while doing this please proceed with caution and be smart about the content that you choose unfortunately none of the content that you choose is 100% safe to use because we are working with other people's content and this is not legal which is why I recommend that as you scale your campaigns you pull back on using these videos with other people's content and focusing on getting the product on hand yourself and filming your own video advertisement that is yours and something that you can feel comfortable and safe with scaling because the truth of the matter is when using other people's content and that comes down to photos and videos look at what happened to Dan de Silva you can get sued and lose a lot of money and this is a real issue to think about a lot of people within this drop shipping game they're trying to just take this take this take this take this take this and don't even consider the legalities of it especially because we're marketing these assets so sorry have to get preachy and rant with you guys just so you understand that there is a chance that your ad account may get a strike on it for using content like this there is a chance that you may get in trouble by the original content creators but many people use this strategy and I do still believe it is a valid valid strategy for testing new products and validating them to see if they work and see if it's worth while for you to get the product in hand and film a commercial yourself got that disclaimer out of the way I don't want anybody commenting saying oh you got my ad account banned because I didn't that would all be on you so don't let that scare you I've been using this method for six seven months to test products I've gotten one copyright strike my ad account still and get standings you really shouldn't have anything to worry about so the first step in creating these type of videos is finding good quality content to work with so with every product you should be able to find a few YouTube videos of the product being reviewed or demonstrated or showing off in one way or another and even if you can't find this look for high quality images of the product as the editing practices that I'm about to show you can be applied with video or photo so for finding good video content obviously the first place that you should think to look is YouTube and if not YouTube your Aliexpress supplier themselves may have some video of the product on the page and this is ideal if you can find this this is good because a lot of times the suppliers will be okay with you using this video because they they do nothing but gain from that by getting in more sales but in this case I like to work with YouTube videos because I couldn't find anything on Aliexpress page so as you can see here to save time I've already picked three good videos for the product that we're gonna be making this advertisement for and then we're very easy to find I just came up to the search bar hit up snorkel mask and check this out we've got we've got two three pages of people just showing off this mask and you could take any of these clips and and edit them in a way that is your own so I've taken these three clips and I've downloaded them using a website called it's very simple to use you just take the link you hit that and you hit download and you're good to go so I've got all three of the clips right here and a folder on my desktop and we're going to jump into premiere shortly but I just want to let you guys know that it doesn't matter if you're using Mac or Windows this will still apply to you because premier is the same program on both operating systems so the footage is really just people demonstrating the product you can see this guy he's comparing it to another mask and swimming with it we're really just looking for Clips like like five-second Clips like like stuff like this like him using the product I'm showing it off because we're gonna take those tiny clips and put them together into one joint finished project that we can use in our advertising campaigns so now that you've got your footage usually I like to get like three to five clips so once you get those three to five Clips that's when we get to the fun part that's when we start editing and we really start chopping these clips up and making them our own so let's jump right into premiere and let me show you guys how I'm doing that alright so we are now in Adobe Premiere and maybe some of you have never seen this software before so I'm not going to go through each individual detail and explain how every little thing works but I'll give you a quick rundown and I think as you see me editing and going through the process you'll be able to take what I do and apply it to your own practices yourself so just real quickly this is your bin right here and this is where you can import all your media you'll find all of your clips there once you get them imported this is your timeline this is where all the editing happens and if you're not seeing yours in this layout just simply go to window workspace and make sure it's on the editing workspace so this is your timeline and what you'll see what I mean once we get into this but this your timeline is where all editing happens and this is your programming tab where you can watch the video live and make adjustments there this a lot of stuff happens here your key frames have been here you can watch your source Clips you can chop them you can edit audio etc so enough explaining we'll get into it and I feel like you guys to be able to better understand that way so simply the first thing you should do above all is import your Clips so just with a click right-click in this bin we can click import and we'll go ahead and go to the editing tutorial and we're going to import all three of these clips so once the clips get imported then it's just a matter of figuring out what order we want to put them in which ones we want to do first so I haven't figured this out yet I'm just taking these clips fresh now and it may take me a little while to chop them up but I don't think so so we'll take this guy's first cuz we've already been working with it and we can take this clip as the opening clip the clip that we were showing before here and excuse the audio let me change the output into my headphones so you guys don't have to hear that overlap all right that's much better so here's that initial clip that I was talking about and we'll start with this clip here so really in the first keep this in mind in the first three to five seconds is when you're going to get your customers attention if you're not able to get their attention in the first three to five seconds then unfortunately you're going to lose them they're gonna keep scrolling and they could care less of bear advertisement so you want to look for a clip with stuff going on something like boom in your face or something that pulls on them in some type of pain point so for example you see a lot of these like pharmaceutical ads have you ever had a lower back pain have you ever somebody hears that and they're like oh yeah I have had lower back pain let me listen so that's one way you can do it another way he do it is with something boom loud in your face and that's what I'm gonna try to achieve here try my best and hopefully at the end of this tutorial we'll come out with a solid video ad so right here we've got something that looks good enough to be an opening clip you see he goes underwater he just starts swimming boom something simple straight to the point so then once you've got that and I didn't explain this I'm gonna try to be better at explaining things but what I did with these two Clips here you can mark in and mark out so initially we had this whole entire clip right but there's only one part of the clip that I wanted so I marked it right at the start point that I wanted it and then I marked it at the right at the end point where I wanted it so that way when I drag it to the timeline you'll see that I just have that part of the clip and it's not the whole clip so it starts out just like that so now we have our first clip in and it looks pretty good so usually once I get the first clip imported I like to go in and change the sequence settings to a square format I find that square videos perform better I don't this isn't proven but just in my case they perform better the best videos you could get are the ones that are the the phone length like if you film it vertically those are really cool and if you get a product on hand you should do that that way but for this we're gonna do square so for square I just go up here and I change the frame size to 1000 by 1000 and you can see right away that changes the aspect ratio of the video so we're gonna scale the video all the way up and you can see we'll go out a little bit you can see he swims through pretty simple pretty straight to the point and yeah that's our first clip so also usually when I make these videos I do them about 30 to 45 seconds and you should do the same but in this case we're gonna just do a 15 second video because I don't want you guys watching this for an hour and 30 minutes I know you guys don't want to watch this for an hour in 30 minutes so I'm gonna try to get it done in the most efficient way that I can so we're gonna do a shorter video and this will be the first clip so next I'm gonna look at the other footage that I have and see if I can find any other quality footage and this this is a really good video to take from but it's somebodies commercial that they've gone out actually filmed so in a lot of cases I wouldn't use something like this in a video ad because these are people who have made this this video specifically to sell this product so therefore they're more likely to come and really try to crush the guy who is trying to steal their content to sell a similar product and for all the right reasons as they should but in this case we're just going to work with it because it's high-quality footage hopefully you guys will be able to have an eye for this stuff I've developed it in no time you just you should be looking for clips that are commercials that people film to sell the products and then you should be looking to not use those because I most of the time those people are a lot more serious about their content it means a lot more to them and they're much more likely to seek action against you if you use it but in like a case like this first video this is just a guy reviewing the product I'm sure he's not gonna be too upset if he sees a video of him on his newsfeed so no promises on that but that's just the way I feel about it so you can see we'll go from this first clip and in the next clip it's a nice transition to to this right here and I think that second part it's kind of going a little too slow for me she's kind of just like crawling through the water and like I said we're trying to have something upbeat that gets our person our customer really interested in seeing the rest of this advertisement so to change the speed of something you just simply right-click the clip in the timeline and you go to speed duration and we're gonna go up 200% because that's gonna cut the time in half and you'll see what the result is here sorry it's pretty laggy because I'm doing screen recording and editing at the same time let's drop this changes the quality of the preview so you see then she swims through or he then he swims through and that's that so boom now you've got one clip guy dives in the water with the mask next clip swims through and I think this is a good opener it shows the product right away it shows it being used and then it shows it in a nice environment I guess the customer hooked it maybe makes them think about a trip or a vacation they went on and think about how they could use the product themselves so let's keep going and this is just the first part usually like I said I like to take the clips and put them in order and once they're in order then we can go back and we can add some fancy effects and logos and and all that other stuff so let's see what's what's in this clip I haven't even checked this clip out really okay so we got this guy here he's showing off the product and also sometimes I like to show people just handling the product or putting the product on or not necessarily use the product so in this case we'll we'll see if we can find a clip here the guy just kind of what's this clip right here is it just him handling it yeah perfect so we'll rewind it a little bit right about here and then we'll let it play and you can see I'm using the mark end tool to crop that and let's see we'll go back a little bit sorry guys it's laggy so I don't have that instant reaction of trying to guess where to go go back a little bit more okay and this should be good so we'll drag us in here and see what we get should just be a clip of him holding the mask man keeps freezing up on sorry about this okay there it goes so it's just him holding the mask and it's perfect exactly what I'm looking for I'm trying to cut it right before it it shows that next frame of him using it yep right there so some shortcuts before I start doing stuff and you guys start wondering how I do that so by default your mouse is on the selection tool there is another tool called the razor tool and you can use that to clip to cut Clips to get to the razor tool just simply press C on your keyboard and this will bring up the razor tool once you hit the clip you're gonna see it's going to cut it into two individual parts so then simply hit V on your keyboard to go back to the tool and you could also use the tool bar here by your shortcuts it's much quicker and then you can delete so now if we run the video from the start we've got three parts we've got the intro of the guy jumping in a nice cinematic shot of the person swimming and then a demonstration of the product now the guy's logo is in here so we're going to just go over a little bit and kind of cut it right there so there you go now it's just showing the product off and it looks quite good so just like that we've got um got about ten seconds of footage and I'm really having trouble playing it back for you here but okay there it goes so we've got ten seconds of footage looks quite nice and it's sort of coming together now you see what I'm saying by taking other clips and turning it into your own advertisement that that that is ideally what we're gonna be doing and if you struggle with using the software just keep practicing just make a video ad and if it sucks then make another one and if that sucks make another one I'm telling you by the fifth one you're gonna get the hang of it they're gonna start looking better but just saying you don't want to do it or resist doing it it's just gonna hold you back significantly so definitely give it a try but let's keep going so we've got clips from all three videos now so now it's a matter of going back to the clips and seeing if there's anything else we can take now like I said this video is super dope whoever made this did a really good job and I sort of feel bad not knowing the original owner so I can't credit them but there's really good clips in here so I'm gonna take another clip from this video I like this one it's a girl swimming it's nice and bright it'll capture the the viewers eye and we're gonna open it up here we'll see where she swims to cut it about right here and we'll drag that in so now we're gonna go from that clip of him holding it in to the next part let me close that a Google Chrome maybe this will assist with the lag slightly okay cool so now we've got this next part right here and it's there and it's working it's just when I try to record while editing it it doesn't like that very much so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to save the project and I'm going to just close out of some apps and clean out some things and try to make it go a little faster so I can make this video better for you guys but the advertisement is coming along and we're actually getting to the point where it may almost be presentable so beer alright guys sorry about that I shut some stuff down I got the computer back up and running I do have the new MacBook but it doesn't do well with handling a lot of tasks at once and screen recording and video editing are too heavily intensive test so my baby is under a lot of pressure right now but no need to worry this video ad is coming together and I can give you guys a little teaser of what we got so far so you got the crazy Russian hacker diving in the water some nice dude just swimming through the water looking clean we've got some guys showing off the mask and then right after that we have another clip of a girl swimming so look this is simply just four Clips I've only taken four clips and we've already got something that you could really take to an advertisement because it's showing off the product of showing how it works and yeah so I'll add one more clip in here I'll add two more and then we'll go ahead and we'll add the text we'll add the other elements and we'll wrap it all up so like I said I usually like to work with three to five Clips right now I'm only working with three usually at this time is when I would take another clip but since I'm limited I'm just gonna go ahead and take another clip from one of these other videos and like I said this video is really good this is a amazing advertisement so I'm gonna go ahead and take another clip from me from this one and see if there is anything that looks unique I like that shot we can follow up the shot of our swimming with the shot of this guy with the sun rays in the background it's a good shot he swims he does a little 360 action and there it is and then we'll end on another clip of footage so put that in there and then we'll see if there's anything good in here there should be I think there's some footage of this guy swimming in these murky murky waters let me turn on Do Not Disturb so we don't have to deal with those notifications how does one do that oh there it goes okay so we turn on do nicer but um yeah here's another good clip of this guy using the mask really guys like I said I'm just showing you the guideline so you can go back and do this you're not gonna take this videoing and copy it but you could you could you go ahead and test this video if you please but I just want you guys to watch this and get a understanding of like the process that people are using with Adobe Premiere and yeah so here's another clip this guy similar to the Russian hacker he just jumps in the water and shows off the mess and these are good clips because they're action shots and we'll cut it off right here and drag that in there so cool to be honest may be able to say that we've got a finished product here I can add one more clip as the outro and usually for the outro I like to take an image of the product so I'll show you guys what I'm doing for that let me just pull up Google real quick and we'll go snorkel mask full face so go on Google and see if we can find a high quality image and when you'll see what I mean why I use the image and why it makes sense to use the image we'll go in here and just try to find the best image that I can [Music] sort of a personal preference thing I'm not gonna be too picky here I like this picture yeah not really [Laughter] [Music] see now I'm treating this like an actual advertisement like it doesn't really matter what photo I use okay we'll go ahead and use this picture this is a good picture oh I like this one even better all right cool so we'll save this one even though it has a watermark on it this one doesn't have a watermark on it well save this one and okay we're not gonna save this one this one is only 300 by 300 we're gonna look for a better size there we go 640 640 let it load full quality save image as yeah sorry guys what this is not a straight forward process usually when editing videos you'll mess up a bunch and you'll find stuff that doesn't work and you have to tweak it this is usually not how editing goes but in this case I've been able to put it together pretty quickly but uh we'll take this image here and now I'll show you guys some some effects I haven't used any effects but give you a basic rundown on key framing and how you can use key framing so what we're gonna do is we'll put the clip in here or the video in here and we'll drag it right above the other footage and the reason that we want to do this is because this software works in layers so if you put something above something in the timeline it's going to be above it in the video and that's the case with this so first I want to add black bars so to add black bars it's a little trick you can go into file new and legacy title and just hit OK here and where your screen is black and your screen doesn't have to be black for you to do this but it helps when it is because you can just use it as a guideline all you do is you make a rectangle and you make the rectangle black and that achieves the effect of black bars so it gives it that cinematic looking kind of boxes in the subject so you can see and then all I did was hit control and control-v to copy and paste that and now you have black bars so you're gonna want to put the black bars above everything else because think about it we're using layers and we wanted to be on top and just an example of what the black bars do I don't know if I have to demonstrate this but I will anyways so now that the black bars are there if i zoom this clip the black bars stay consistent and the footage doesn't go anywhere if I turn those black bars off so you see I'm saying so yeah well drop this back to 100 and we'll continue what we were doing so the reason why I put the black bars here is just for cleanliness and once we go here and do this little cool effect one second okay so then we're gonna take our clip drag it out to right at the end here and we're gonna use what's called keyframes so click on your clip and go over to the effect controls tab and this way you can get pretty fancy so we're gonna start and you can do this reverse or you can do it the way that I'm about to do you can do it this way to this way or this way to this way so starting at zero get keyframe and then drag it to the end of the clip and then zoom it in so there you go so watch what's gonna happen here the clip zooms in and the reason that happens is because we put the scale which is the the z axis I think of the footage we put it at zero and then we put it at a higher number and then it comes in and the closer you put this the faster it's gonna be the further you put it the slower it's gonna be so in this case we're gonna drag it right at the end of the clip and then it's going to come in and then we're gonna go to the end of the footage right here and we're gonna put the scale on like 115 or we'll do 125 and watch happens here it's gonna come in and then it's gonna zoom man and that's gonna I don't think it really does anything to the customers I just think it looks nice it looks professional it looks clean and you can do this what effects but I like doing it manually because then you can really control it and also to add some more fanciness to it will put the rotation at three and watch what happens here now it's going to come in out of rotation and we can go to the end of the footage and put the rotation at zero so it'll gradually go and these aren't things that you have to do this is just this is just how I like to do them and to make it even cleaner what you can do is instead of having this black background you can copy this and you can come here and you can duplicate it so I just hit ctrl-c and ctrl-v and once it's in here get rid of all the keyframes by clicking on the stopwatch and zoom it in so just take it and zoom it in like this and then go to effects which is right here and type in blur and use the Gaussian blur tool the Gaussian blur tool is very convenient and it adds a nice looking blur so look then you can blur this out and watch this it'll look much better so it comes in and the background comes in the product zooms in and it's right up in your face so then we're gonna hit C hit V and delete that so now front to back we have something that is presentable as a video advertisement but check this out the video ad is pretty much almost done we've got all the clips in a nice order that flows very cleanly goes from footage to footage showing off the product demonstrating it it's a good ad and we've only just taken three clips and put it together to put this ad together the way that it is and I like it I think it's something that you could take and market yourself and yeah so just like that the ad itself is created so now we can go back in and add the little details like the text and our logo and such and doing these things is not difficult at all so to do text we're gonna go to a new and we're gonna go to legacy title and across the bottom here you can fill this in with whatever you want so I have already typed them out just to save us some time so for the first text we're gonna just put you have to see this door cling mess something to sort of get our viewers attention and hook them in and you can use whatever font you want so real quick before I click this I want to show you this button right here is gonna Center your text for you so when you click that's gonna put a dead center so then you can adjust the font size a little bit we'll go up to 85 and put that dead center and then right now I'm just hitting the down arrow to get it to the center point and there you go now you have your opening text so we can take that text and you're gonna want to put your text over the black bars layer cuz logically you know you want to takes to be on top so now you have that first layer of text you have to see the snorkeling masts you've got your buyer a little bit hooked now and in the next clip simply go to your title press ctrl-c and ctrl-v if you're on Mac use command C command V and in the second text simply in my case just copy but simply just come up with another type of headline and this is when you have to get created so there's no real guide for this part the only advice that I can give you is to just point the products main benefits point how the customer can gain something from it or point how it can help the customer in some type of way that's your chance that this is your chance to sell the product to the customer because you're not doing a voiceover you don't have a live actor saying oh I love this product you have to use this text to achieve that effect so we're straighten it out a little bit and now you have text you have to see this mask dot dot dot it has full face panoramic view design and we'll do some more I'm actually gonna drag out the full face thing to the next lip as well because all the next clip is is showing the full face panoramic design or we'll do it just like this we'll go here we'll go here and there we go so now it's gonna say you have to see this mask and that's gonna continue saying that it's gonna show the other clip and then it's gonna say it has a full face design and we'll just keep going and add the rest of the text here it's incredibly easy to breathe through and you should definitely put more thought into your text then than I did in the case of this video but like I said I just wanted to give you guys a guideline or something that you could have referred to when creating video ads so you would know how to do it yourself so we'll drag in this next one it's incredibly easy to breathe through take out the - I don't know where that came from right here space it out hit Center and we're just about done we've got to drag that out to here and then we've just got two more things of text actually I think we're good we'll just copy and then we can open up this again copy here and usually if there's something really important that I want to highlight especially in the last slide I'll use a bright color that stands out to the customer so usually yellow or blue and in this case we're gonna use yellow so and they get yours today we'll highlight the whole thing you can come over the side here and click on color and you can just mess with the color picker and there you go so there's your final text element drag this out and cool now we should have a finished video add apologies for the lag I'm going to render a final image and I'll put it out after this video so you can see but yeah what that took us 20-30 minutes I'm going to show you haven't been keeping time but it's really not hard guys once you once you figure out this system and you figure out how to make the ads yourself you can you can pump these ads out pretty quickly I can do them now in 15-20 minutes if I'm really focused and really in the zone so this allows me to test more products this allows me to be prepared for product tests like for example I can set aside a day and I can make three to four creatives and then I'm good for the next couple of days and all I have to do is focus on ads so download Adobe premier if you're looking for a highly customizable way to edit your videos and allowing you to have total control over your productions like this is this is if you could compare like crawling walking or running this is crawling with Adobe Premiere this is the very basics of this software you can do awesome stuff awesome effects and once you get comfortable from here you can even go up to After Effects and do crazy stuff there this is a valuable skill to have with internet marketing because it allows you to take your own footage take other people's footage whatever and create commercials with them and I think it's about or it's a skill that everybody should really try to develop themselves so now I'm going to render this video out and oh one more thing for the music be careful with the music go on YouTube or go on the YouTube audio library and look for stuff that is not copyrighted everything on the YouTube audio library is not copyrighted so not everything most of the stuff isn't and that's why I like to get a lot of my songs from even for my youtube video so I definitely recommend checking there but also you can go to youtube and just type in non copyrighted music and you should be able to find a ton of options and I'm not going to show music now because that's subjective that's whatever you want to put and whatnot and yeah let me also show you guys how to import a logo I'm gonna try my best not to give away any sensitive information here okay here we go I'll take my Jordan Welsh logo so we'll go right here to the logo itself and we're gonna want to put the logo above everything because like I said we're working with layers here and to add your logo just simply drag it on to your clip of choice and you can use the effect panel right here to drag and adjust it in any way and we're gonna use the scale to make it a little bit smaller so there you go now I got my logo nice in the corner of the video looks good there you go so that's pretty much it for making a video ad that's the process that I use I do this over and over and over again I've been making these video ads daily and it's something that you guys should definitely learn how to do and this isn't the only software to do this but I highly recommend learning premier because it's so powerful and there's so many things that you can do with it not to mention it's pretty cool software in my opinion but if you're not interested in working with premier if you join my facebook group which I'm going to leave a link to down below a good friend of mine Morris has put together a guide for creating video ads with another software that is a little bit more user friendly to those who don't want to pick up the learning curve of Adobe Premiere but I highly recommend you do pick up Adobe premier because it is valuable software so thanks a ton for watching this video if you stuck to the end it means a lot to me because this stuff takes a while to make and I appreciate every each and every one of you that is sticking around and watching my content over and over and over again I'm not planning on stopping anytime soon because I genuinely enjoy making this content if you can't tell I like making videos I enjoy editing videos I love the whole process and more than anything it makes me happy to help you guys and give back to this amazing ecommerce community so thank you guys for watching this video if you have any questions about my editing process or want to know more about Adobe premier ask below in the comments and I read every single comment so I'm gonna get back to any questions and I'll be happy to help so I will see you guys in the next video which will be dropping next week I'm gonna be dropping 2 videos each week if you like this one subscribe give me a like if you hated it thumbs down give me a dislike and let me know why in the comments but for now I'm out of here peace [Music]
Channel: Jordan Welch
Views: 240,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dropshipping, Shopify, Facebook, Facebook Ads, Make Money Online, Adobe Premiere, Video Editing, eCommerce, Internet Marketing, Marketing, Videos, Video Ads, Advertisements, Paid Ads
Id: GXUuaeSrxg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 39sec (2199 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2017
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