WHAT I EAT IN A WEEK 🥑 (easy + homemade vegan meals!)

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[Music] thank you [Music] hey y'all so it has been an absolutely busy morning I'm finally now if you can see here it's 11 30. I'm finally about to have my first meal of the day and I'm starving and I'm hoping that this meal is good because I'm going to try something that I've never tried before found a recipe online for like a vegan version of smoked salmon bagels and they use carrots and I was like oh that seems really interesting I want to try it so I'm going to try that now so let's go ahead and get started making that I'm a little nervous not gonna lie but we're gonna make it do what it do all right so I have a carrot just gonna peel it into this pan I'm gonna add some soy sauce by the way I'm not measuring this I'm just adding a little bit Shake of smoked paprika onion powder crumple up a piece of seaweed [Music] then I'm going to add some water [Music] I turned the heat up high to bring this to a boil now that it's boiling I'm going to turn the heat down low and put on the top let it simmer for 10 minutes until all the liquid is evaporated then we'll take it out all right now let's put this Bagel together have this plant-based cream cheese gonna spread that on I'm gonna top it with those carrots I just made got some red onion [Music] and then the last thing I'm going to sprinkle on some dill weed but I'm also going to make a chia seed pudding fruit cup to go along with my Bagels so I have my chia pudding that I made here with this all I did was blend up some chia seeds some almond milk some maple syrup and a pinch of salt left it in the fridge overnight and it gets thick I had this for breakfast yesterday so that's why it's almost gone and I'm gonna put in some strawberries granola I'm gonna put in there peaches then I'm gonna put the rest of the chia pudding on strawberries granola then I'm gonna put some sliced almonds and finish it off with unsweetened coconut flakes and that's my fruit cup Today's Breakfast okay let's see how these bagels are they actually looks so good hmm these are very tasty y'all I would definitely make them again [Music] for lunch today I'm making bang bang cauliflower street tacos and I've already chopped up and cleaned fresh cauliflower I'm going to take some organic sprouted garbanzo bean flour to bread them add a little water add these seasonings I'm just doing a few shakes again I'm not measuring toss in the cauliflower and mix to Coke a lot of cauliflower is in the oven I'm going to go ahead and make the sauce cauliflower is nice and crisp gonna dump these all in just gonna have some grapes on the side and that's about it and I just have some unsweetened hot lemon and ginger tea with this for dinner tonight I'm just having roasted mixed vegetables over quinoa I'm gonna put a tahini sauce on top [Music] [Music] thank you and I can always get at least two or three meals out of this one tray so it's really good for like meal prepping one of my go-to dinners I love it so much it's just so fulfilling and it tastes really really good [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] lunch today is going to be pretty lights I have my walnuts here about to make some walnuts Taco Meats I've made this before on my channel but this is like one of my go-to lunches it's very quick and easy to whip up and my Walnut meat tastes so so delicious yeah I'm gonna just have these in a lettuce wrap I might make a chai latte we'll see how I'm feeling when I'm done but let's go ahead and get started [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] because I want something sweet so this is the creamer that I'm using today I always use like different ones I usually do with my lattes half creamer half unsweetened almond milk because I don't like it super sweet thank you bone appetites I am so excited for dinner tonight because I'm about to be making my roasted barbecue my Taki mushrooms and they are an absolute smash so this is what the Mitaki mushrooms look like these are actually not the ones I'm about to use I have the ones that I'm about to cook right here in this pot soaking in a vinegar and salt bath because I don't play about washing my produce so um I'm about to drain that rinse that off but yeah y'all my my Taki mushrooms with the barbecue glaze I put on them they come out so crispy but they're still tender they just have the absolute perfect flavor it's just oh I just love making these if y'all can't tell but um let me show you how to do it it's very very easy mushrooms all nice and clean I'm gonna drizzle in some olive oil then I'm gonna add some steak seasoning some garlic powder some salt and pepper then I'm gonna take this mango jalapeno barbecue sauce and this is the star of the show I mixed it in and I always cook this on cast iron because it just comes out the best this way I'm actually going to split this in half because they cook a little better when they're not in like super big clumps like the whole one together and now I'm going to pop them in the oven for about 15 minutes I already have my oven preheated at 400 degrees foreign [Applause] and then once they're out of the oven you can see these crispy edges they're nice and charred then I just take a little more of the mango jalapeno barbecue sauce drizzle that on look at that sizzle oh my goodness so good so today for my vegan mac and cheese I use this gluten-free red lentil pasta they're pretty good they just taste a little tougher like a little more gritty than regular wheat noodles but um I do have the recipe for my vegan mac and cheese and my cookbook I'll link that down below but yeah I'm gonna go ahead and finish my dinner these mataki mushrooms y'all so crispy and charred I like my food to be almost burnt sometimes just brings out the flavor it's almost like you grilled it foreign good afternoon y'all do y'all hey when your ears pop and your voice sounds distorted to yourself ah it drives me nuts anyway it's like 12 30. I'm finally taking a break to eat my first meal of the day because this morning I've been working working and sometimes I get in the flow and I don't want to stop until I come to like a good stopping point so this is a good seven point I'm starving let's eat so right now I'm about to make a vegan version of a BLT I make it with mushrooms it's so delicious I'm gonna make some sweet potato fries to go with that and yeah I'll make a protein smoothie as well so I can cover all my bases take my mushrooms add some olive oil salt and pepper garlic powder steak seasoning and then a little bit of maple syrup just a light drizzle transfer to my cast iron pan put this in the oven at 400 degrees for about 15 minutes throw these into the same Bowl I just used for the mushrooms add a little olive oil garlic powder salt and pepper I'm gonna add a little cornstarch [Music] for my protein smoothie I'm just going to take this fruit here peaches blueberries strawberries throw in some organic wheatgrass some of this vegan protein powder and sweet normal milk and a few ice cubes blend it up that's it thank you [Music] so for dinner I'm going to be making vegetable tempura this recipe is in my cookbook and yes I use my own cookbook to cook with I'm going to first make the batter so I have some vegan mayonnaise here I'm gonna add some ice cold water then I'm going to add some flour my recipe calls for pastry flour for this but today I'm going to be using this organic sprouted garbanzo bean flour gluten free it only has one ingredient then I'm gonna add some garlic powder some paprika and a little bit of salt mix that together you want to make a pretty thick batter now I'm going to throw my veggies I have carrots asparagus and I have some broccoli make sure everything is coated I already have my oil heating up on the stove I'm just using vegetable oil oh [Music] sauteing up some spinach as well and then I'm also going to have some of this leftover mac and cheese from last night and this is how it all turned out I'm so excited and ready to dig in these are super crispy and delicious on their own but I also made a dipping sauce form I just mixed equal parts soy sauce and Thai sweet chili sauce I put a little parsley on there for garnish got my greens got my mac and cheese and that is dinner guys foreign y'all it is a little while later I just wanted to show you the snack I'm having this is frozen strawberries oh strawberries Frozen grapes and blueberries and y'all if you haven't tried Frozen grapes especially please try it they are so delicious they're so refreshing and they taste even better in my opinion Frozen so try it so this is my snack [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] hey y'all for lunch today I'm having this doesn't look very appetizing but I'm having these veggie rolls it's avocado and cucumber I kind of wanted Sushi today but this is all that was available at the time so we're gonna make that work and then I also just made a chai tea latte so this is what I am planning to have I don't know I might eat something else after this depending on if I still feel hungry but we'll see I'm about to cook dinner y'all I'm making spaghetti I'm using these angel hair pots of palm pasta noodles for my spaghetti I'm gonna grind up some walnuts use that to make it like a meaty sauce got this organic portobello mushroom pasta sauce that I'm gonna use lunch was very lackluster not gonna lie it's I only ate like half of them and then I ate some peanuts that's how it goes sometimes y'all but yeah I'm about to whip this up this is a dish that I've made a million times and I love it and I know it's going to turn out amazing all right I got my noodles boiling over there I'm gonna pour some of that in I'm gonna add my walnuts then I'm gonna add seasoning salt Italian seasoning a little salt and pepper mix that all in then I'm gonna cover it and let this simmer for about five to ten minutes all right I added a little water to it to thin out the base so it wasn't so thick now I'm going to take some nutritional yeast I'm gonna have my pasta noodles then I just made a cheap version of garlic bread by slathering on some vegan butter spreading on a little minced garlic and sprinkling some Italian seasoning on bread then toasting it it's pretty that's pretty well I did first time doing this y'all and it is so delicious definitely try it if you haven't made garlic bread like this good morning happy Friday so this morning I'm just going to keep it simple I'm about to make some avocado toast and a almond butter chocolate protein smoothie for my shake I'm gonna use this raw almond butter cocoa powder my protein powder almond milk I always use unsweetened and a touch of vanilla extract thank you [Music] foreign [Music] mac and cheese from the other day that really needs to be eaten so what I'm about to do for lunch is turn this into kind of like a broccoli alfredo type of dish I'm just gonna add some broccoli to it thin it out a little bit with some almond milk add a few more seasonings and that'll be that [Music] thank you [Music] looks super delicious [Music] all right y'all so for dinner tonight I'm making kind of like a pizza but with the cauliflower as the crust so I just cut my cauliflower into steaks like this spread on some of that pasta sauce the remainder that I used from the other day then I have this organic cashew milk mozzarella put some of that on I'm gonna top it with some red onion kale I really like to load these up some chopped olives some mushrooms then I sprinkle on some seasonings I have garlic powder got some oregano seasoning salt pepper regular salt then I just put this in the oven at 400 degrees anywhere between 30 and 40 minutes this is what it looks like fresh out of the oven and I just fried up some potatoes to go along with it if you guys have never tried this before please give it a try mmm it's like a guilt-free pizza you can eat as much as you want and it's full of veggies and it's so delicious foreign [Music] [Music] so good [Music] hey y'all so for dinner tonight I'm just going to be having this red lentil doll with spinach soup I love this soup I get it from Whole Foods as you can see so I'm gonna have that but I'm gonna make something that I've never made before to go with it and that is this Miss Jones brand keto and paleo not cornbread bread breaded muffin mix I got this from Sprouts it's made with almond flour coconut flour baking powder and sea salt those are the only ingredients in this mix I am anxious to see how it tastes hopefully it turns out good it calls four eggs milk and butter I have vegan butter but y'all know I don't eat eggs so I'm gonna be using as a replacement just unsweetened applesauce and for the milk of course I'm gonna use almond milk [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] all right so I just took it out of the oven it looks promising and it actually smells really really good [Music] all right y'all so here's my dinner this quote-unquote cornbread is very crumbly but let's try this out uh spread a little vegan butter on top it's kind of mushy and gritty at the same time so the texture just isn't right but the taste isn't bad the taste is all right might not finish that whole pan but I'm definitely going to finish what I have on my plate right here so I'm gonna eat this anyway good morning guys it is a lovely day it's just sunny and bright and nice and yeah it's put me in a really good mood but anyway on to what I'm eating right so for breakfast this morning I'm just gonna make a chia seed fruit bowl I made this chia pudding yesterday and I just kind of eyeballed it I made it a little too thin I added too much liquid to it but it's all good we can make it work let's put this together [Music] oh it's actually not that bad it's actually a really good texture [Music] then I'm just going to sprinkle on some unsweetened coconut flakes I love fruit bowls they're so refreshing [Music] so for lunch today I'm making this vegetable fried rice I get it from Trader Joe's I've talked about this before but I really love this fried rice is so so tasty but usually when I make it I always Beef It Up and I add extra vegetables to it so that's what I'm gonna do today I'm gonna add some asparagus carrots mushrooms and broccolini to it and it just makes it way more hearty way more fulfilling and kind of like you know more of a complete meal I'm just gonna throw that all in the pan saute it up with a little olive oil add some seasonings so quick and easy which is another reason why I love it thank you foreign [Music] I'm also going to make one of these ginger peach turmeric teas to go with my meal I'm not going to put any sweetener in it I'm just gonna have plain tea everything [Music] boom boom boom that's a hearty plate I swear this tastes even better days later I just tasted a little bit so delicious all right guys so that is what I eat in a week I hope you enjoy got some new meal ideas thanks so much for watching and I will catch you on my next video bye
Channel: TheChicNatural
Views: 159,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vegan, plant based, meal, ideas, what i eat in a week, inspiration, simple, easy, quick, beginner, cook, thechicnatural, new, 2023, recipes, cookbook, step by step, diy, faux meat, no, healthy, organic, wash, produce, homemade, at home, variety, different, options, realistic, american, african american, seasoning, flavorful, basic, unique, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, menu, restaurant, sandwich, blta, gourmet
Id: jloGLGok1h4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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