How To Make Trini Stewed Red Beans | Foodie Nation

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I know it's not really strong all right papa easy papaya spinach chicken but close enough - fam you're watching how to foodie nation where we show you all the how-tos about Trend Lego neon cooking today we're saving up training stewed red beans so let's get cooking you know we always doing meat son desserts and snacks being served the faithful sides that we need to go along with you right son and the macaroni pie and all those things I think it's important because we put tend to go to supermarkets and they just go and buy a can of red beans a kind of pigeon peas matter we wanted to make sure that we showcase how easy it is to yeah healthier it is mm-hmm any steps in doing this from scratch from scratch yes okay see red kidney beans the proper name for it kidney beans propĆ³sito macaroni corn pie let's see it's always shine what does things we've done already yeah so this falls in line and all creative of showing you how to make some good Trinidadian Caribbean cuisine going on right so what I did earlier on is that we have these red beans as they are they are dry and hard by no means that is supermarket or markets you get them in a little clear plastic bags so cheap and they feed you no caffeine a big family with them do yes so what you need to do is this I have about a cup of this and I - what she cups of water mm-hmm and I love just the coverage the coverage okay and they start to soften up this was done overnight on the counter well no but I'm any pressure I just left them as they were no salt so you're not saying nothing like that Oh cause you could see the skins are starting to burst yeah the peanut surface a little softer this is very important ladies and gents you have to soak red beans overnight for you to cook them properly so pretty much that's there about 15 hours overnight right okay so after we do that we need to cook them or okay all right so soften them up even more let's get started with this same water I'm gonna put it in medium to high heat so my pan was hot easy stuff here's the stuff you want to get a little stir for me sure so that Cassie what we're gonna do is I'm gonna add some additional water well it does take water to cook because you need to soak that up right so I'm averaging maybe about four cups of water here mm-hmm we need to spice it up so we going in with some salt right we are going in with brown sugar to sweeten it up okay so that's we are adding some thyme sprigs mm-hmm you need to also make it very floral and tasty so this is a great time to put flavorant it right also some whole garlic cloves I just give them a slight little crush why hold pretty much I want them to just it's gonna be cooking for an hour so they break down break it on it it's nice and slow process and you get that nice soft flavor because I haven't you all right so what you want to do is bring this up to a boil when it comes to a boil ADEs and gents bring it to a simmer okay keep the lid a job that'll cover it on it's 100 a floor new so leave some room for the air to come out why the house stirred ever so often let this go for about an hour hour in ten minutes as it cooks ladies and gents it's going to vibrate you may need actually we'll have to add a little more water inside there but maybe another four 1/2 cups so in total I got 1/4 1/2 of maybe another four a half later on as it cooks okay you know an always time it's gonna get soft it's gonna get nice hello Yvonne a city red bean stick one that color gravy's gonna get ready cuz you wanna check on it yes so what an all has gone by as you can see I did introduce mention but here we go okay so I feel it's a little bit soft but still kind of prove its brute and you can see that they break it up you smush it like that and that's goodness it's still firm but and at some point okay so pretty pour it all the time inside and see the garlic cloves so it has kept its you know its shape yeah Anya she was nice kidney beans looking it still it's all about it's all about the appearance of course all right all in all in so what I need to do now is take a spot I'm going to watch show the spot I'm you're gonna use the same pot to stew I guess it's all part is back on the stove yes it's about to actually make our stew beams no two times do time with little red beans obviously so there's such a good source of protein it's like people call it be poor man's meats because you don't need meat when you have something hearty like red beans you when you really think about it it is protein real means protein they hung carbs inside of its starch fibers as well so healthy food and I heard that it also lowers it likes to make an X so it balances blood sugar that on sweet potatoes so and that is a beautiful combination of sweet potato on right jeans young so let's get started okay medium to high heat oil goes in please cuz we are going to start to see you so we need to develop that sugar and we're familiar with this process huh there you go so let's break listen inside it for me brown sugar I guess you can use white sugar I love the molasses content in the brown sugar yeah and it really does grown-up evenly so you start to stir it up for me and we've done this numerous times me stew chicken stew beef oh my lord I think you should be asking horse but see when is not new toss it was funny viruses to be stupid means and some people actually went every evil meetings to fish yeah they may not even use wrong sugar they may use ketchup really what the whole aspect of getting us to waste you aspect source yeah but I think like a really good or fashions to red beans need some brown sugar inside a little bit so we stir it up I we have other pits and maybe like I mean it's not it's gonna come in Cassie we getting those nice bubbling lava bubbles instantaneously as you turn it it's developed this sort of darker color yes and that's very important when doing your red beans or you can induce to chicken you want to ensure that it should or develops takes practice ladies and gents I'm Cassie is there with us oh yeah onions we are going in with garlic so all these are masked except me any gravy was to curry yes good luck inside here pimento peppers these are all minced onion garlic peppers sort it up nicely allow it to walk about a minute okay number these ingredients have a lot of sugar in it so it will also become complex on buland create an underlining flavor in our red beets and that good smells good stuff talking about some underlying flavor the genome could put the possess a lot of sugar carrots carrots celery sweet and we have time will we always have time for time always have time but time time is coming back again in this recipe ladies and gents even if you have frozen pumpkin user this idea I always have fallen in my freezer I think that my poverty is a pumpkin I cut it up and put a piece to freeze I put a link below that is best way to still pumpkin like you've got so much she'd never use it all at once let me go inside there so we have that going on carrots don't wait so what's going on here we are developing the sugars as mentioned it's caramelizing it's breaking down and this is going to form the base for our perhaps you read beans or kidney beans and such want to bring it on us additionally our that inside a we have a little bit of ketchup ketchup is going to create that bold flavor also and also it can be sauce later on so you can see what's going on there right now from dark Cassie we have tomatoes so we have a fresh element red beans are very healthy as mentioned yes so adding some fresh tomatoes do you know tomatoes actually a fruit yes who does not add people mix it up sometimes I think it's a vegetable business it fruits even avocados or a fruit hmmm that's seed inside so Cassie what's going on right now is that you I'm going to allow this to just cook about two to three minutes uncovered uncovered as it is yeah well even uncovered it intensifies at flavor so Cassie about two and a half three minutes has gone as it could tell it's actually starting to caramelize the carrots are softening of the tomatoes are breaking down mm-hmm and smells good right sounds good smells good it's it you want to help me pour these red beans inside they're going back in now yeah right how many you didn't need me no you all good to say eat your beans you get strong all right buh-bye easy is potential but close enough all right so next step as you mix that up screamy bottom yeah that's what I'm doing I'm gonna add some water inside here I'm gonna take some coconut powder okay coconut girl instant instant put it inside there also I'm gonna start to whisk it up okay I realize that when I add this to my beans would I get a nice velvety smooth creamy consistency which works well ready final flavor and of course beans I do some good Trini students need to have that coconut profile and cider yes my friend to that we gotta season it up some paprika obviously these are dried at Street peppers new smoke so you have that nice smoky 18 yes go inside yeah because we have that ketchup looking closer any booze tomatoes are you gonna take a bit of salted butter just a crater well-rounded flavor inside iam use this inside it so babies are you don't use it everyday but it really does bother you know sick one a little bit when it hurts right there we go no not to just mouth I do mmm-hmm we also gonna add the last ingredient that this try not to big was DNA what in season is seasoning this is the stuff they're in season means with fish chicken anything of that nature we're gonna add it inside there also I realize in every recipe we have a salt black pepper garlic onion and green seasoning but look at it it's beautiful already it's starting to take on the color of that sorted but inside here so ladies and gents we are winter then cover this slightly ajar yes we don't want to cover it tightly hail baba bring it to a boil then reduce Tassimo it simmers like and you let it cook for 15 to 20 minutes just like that stirring Amazon so you see how nice it has reduced and thickened up all the time the garlic all those flavors just amalgamated and came together everything is studied in there man it's the beans I mean some of them a little broker little crushed glass good that adds texture because it does thicken it up and add to the body makes it so sleek your analysis yes please great so 20 22 minutes this has been going on sauce far when I got bean in there you won't get a yeah remember as we cooking this hot sauce and what's inside the phase and all the flavors the ketchup so at this point we want to make sure that the flavors on par this will be an assault and black pepper you could add cayenne chili parsley is up to you at this point of time some fresh shot on Benny let me know I feel like we could take a little bit of black pepper on it this is the bottle of mousse because you season to taste it yeah because the other aromatics and flavors do come together and converge mm-hm so let them do their stuff naturally yeah there's our what you need at the end of course sometimes you put too much in the beginning yeah and you can take it out yes process so I think we're good looking sexy mmm beans looking sexy I mean are you Cassie mm-hmm can't say that I've never showed you how to make red kidney beans thank you very much and I mean we're we have this year I can't just have this alone you know you have to make something else with a pittance I was about to ask you what you bring in for me to eat with it you know I thought Cassie how to make all my macaroni pie write all these different things okay she got surprised me one day and see what chef very I'm a pretty place I can surprise you one day I know but it's nothing looks good doing every less mm-hmm healthy yep wasn't that hard I think a little time an effort a little time spent and doing it obviously you wanna do something healthy for your family in addition to not talking about you that is much cheaper in terms of when you buy the yes so hit you boil it yeah well your money you're gonna get more free money if you can be able to feed solely red beans down we need to tackle some more like you need to get some more peas and beans to the people let us know tell us any comments what else would you like us to try I mean we have Dow that we could try we are pigeon peas what else lentils peas pigeon peas let us know guys any comments you know what I want to try it what do you want try this learn to get nothing all right so because of the protein inside of this obviously you know it does gel up after a while yeah it's just mix it up like that so we go inside there and you could get the chunks of tomatoes and they're deep I have some key and all unless spoon look at that and I just put them first drags on top scallions whatever the cases are we waiting below what you could handle that's got some handle important every day my life got I dunno why is mmm nice it's pretty I wasn't no gonna talk about a coconut milk that coconut milk set it off for me it was there try to coconut milk inside of here near your red beans it really does add a velvety rich texture to it and a little bit of beans that mashed up inside here yeah ends it up nice it gives it that nice hot seat feeling you know your sock filling feeling and I know you in a dress that was similar to be sorted in the Sienna color I think it is a must so over the sorted but anyway it means lets us know I mean that's just our Pena's my secrets of course you can leave it out if you don't want say it's no problem so I think one done we got to go yeah don't forget to let us know what other peas and beans you want us to do and of course subscribe be a possible foodie nation family we love you guys so much so we're gonna eat we're gonna eat I'm gonna see if I can make our mockery pie real quick because kiss me some rice now that's tricky link for macaroni pie video please because cuz it clearly doesn't know that didn't remember anyway guys I'm till next time [Music]
Channel: Foodie Nation
Views: 71,305
Rating: 4.8624206 out of 5
Keywords: foodie nation, trinidad and tobago, trinidad, tobago, caribbean, food, foodie, trini, tobago beyond, visit trinidad, trinidadian, tobagonian, trinbagonian, west indian, west indies, t&t, 868, how to, make, cook, classic, traditional, old school, recipe, step by step, instructions, easy, cooking, chef jason peru, kezzianne, red, beans, peas, kidney, rice, sunday lunch, macaroni pie, callaloo, stew chicken
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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