How To Make Trini Stew Fish | Foodie Nation

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and the sauce is gonna help us build our base for soup well evidently before talking to you sir something's happening to all our home cooks out there welcome back to how to food anisha so today we're gonna be showing you all about stupid also known as fried fish in tomato sauce so let's get frying so we need top quality fish obviously to do this dish can't be done with basic fish we gotta get the best very best that's why we went to the pioneers see you wouldn't surprise is limited they have a range of different seafoods I mean Jacques squid king fish basically I mean you have fresh and frozen and they have five locations where you could get every single suit pretty much any what from them today using king fish today okay and it's a beautiful beautiful place as you could see they're huge and perfectly especially for Lent period mm-hmm so I pretty much give them out that's like washer ready yeah so you got that nice little shine on top of them mm-hm and you dried them off right iPad them with napkins just remove any excess water or fresh water from inside there okay so you pretty much have a society freezer you put it on at any time mm-hmm I'm a good great for baking fillets but in this case we are frying today so you ready to do this yes they're in it up so we going in with some black pepper is always important when dealing with seafood especially king fish okay that's the quail some of the freshness inside there right and forms the basis for any seasoning anything here in Caribbean and yellow meats or any type of a seafood do so black pepper salt goes inside here mm-hmm I'm putting some time flicks okay and so paprika so you got to get a bit of color and some smokiness from the paprika inside they're coming true right all right right so I'm gonna start to gently mix this up myself up and make sure it's all over get inside there I need some green seasoning inside there fittingly all right meanwhile we're doing got green seasoning as you know we made out on the shore ready and the link below to check it out to see how to make some good old Caribbean green seasoning that quells any or flavor that you may get from freshness in terms of seafood yeah it really does help and it has garlic onions all that great seasoning inside the punch we're gonna be also using the lemon juice lemon juice now we also wallet seafood Enterprises Limited actions lime juice so it's the lime juice cocktail right excellent for drinks also important when we put it in fish for fish you think about it is that this is also distributed by them it works well in a myriad of dishes and I use it a lot in Asian cuisine okay here obviously in seasoning fish a little bit goes a long way about two tablespoons inside there you just eyeball it and eyeballed it exactly all right well well do now is to get my hands inside there and you want to be very gentle when you fish you want to rub all those seasonings all over it okay because fish tends to be very tender you don't want to damage the integrity of fish on equal because it would break apart on you yeah especially when you're using something like limes the acidity in lines breaks down it does it does bring a shot it does break it on you know like when you do ceviches yes it actually helps the cook it's a little bit gotta be Chancellor so you want to season it up nicely like that so pretty much you've got a nice color I'll check that out you know the flavors coming through inside there you right right I'm gonna saw the pop record of time and of course that green seasoning it smells beautiful so can see what I want to do is allow us to marinate for about 15 to 20 minutes great and then we gonna start to fry these up look one wash your hands no all right okay Fischer Donna right time to fry up you wanna do the batter into them I mean as well are you an ass batter up okay yeah so pretty much I have the oil on the stove right now right bringing it to a high temperature I'm looking at about 350 degrees Fahrenheit okay there's nobody better so we have some flour inside of a bag sure you can virtually traditional week I'm going to show you a little tip and trick here right now easy business so flour goes into the bottom right I'm gonna add some paprika and time flicks inside there because he doing that pretty much any spice you're passionate about sick about chilly inside there parsley whatever the case may be shake it up to distribute it salt black pepper anything cinnamon it's up to you however you like it but it's in there see that up nicely right when I got really adventurous put a little bit of water flow inside there too really great to get a few tips and tricks take your season piece of fish okay I can pick any piece happy any piece that you like boy I'm you're gonna put it into the bag ladies and gents this is a very easy approach in terms of battering fish as you can see Kensie puts it into the bag and she's going to this put a lot of air inside the fence case they're gonna hold a t-top she's gonna to knit this and then she's going to shake it up if you tip or this clean hands you get an even coat already fish a mess and you have to like bring out even simpler opener ease on you use less flour you know and you get a nice coating I think we're good over here all right so okay that's okay at this point when we open it out let me see the dive inside iya just bring it through with feet closer to me I take my hand no and at this point I just disaster to dust it lolly my embossing buddy man like he come for fish check out out piece beautifully and then we want to put it into the oil like this Oh easy peasy now this point when you do that gently want to just make sure it doesn't stick to the bottom of the ground and immediately it starts to develop across as you could see mm-hmm alright so people you want to let this go for about four minutes okay maybe two minutes on each side yellow it to give out that great crust and of course fryer okay let's count okay so let me continue bathroom so the sequential process obviously you know seasonably fish batter the fish fry-day fishing are we gonna do the moves of the response sure we're gonna make the sauce yeah put on medium to high heat okay so you wanna play with the oil inside there okay so you want to get that and swirl it around a little bit ensure that the surface area of the pan is coated beautifully with that and then we're gonna add a little bit of local flavor inside there you know what that is so that's gonna give em yeah buy true local flavor by but what but you could leave it out if you don't want to use it yeah well yeah well our health-conscious you thing about it is that when you're making this I spoke to a lady especially breakfast sure and she's like you need to put a little pieces all but the inside in so it's up to you guys we've been with aromatics we have ginger garlic cream entró peppers and what is going on in here will be a Spanish time guys that's this green leaf that we see now they are a lot mean it's also known as pudina yes it's excellent with fish it's amazing so I minced it up I added inside there you can use fine time also but there's something beautiful about using Spanish time so this is the leaf and what it looks like so we had it inside there yeah beautiful so you want to mix that up all right let me add server julienned onions when I say Julian onions that's a specific type of cut of the onion was long strands check out our cuts video you will see all these cuts and these different measures and you know how we fabricated all these vegetables so we go in onions inside there mix it up nicely that's it smelling go right yeah your aromatics are doing their job ladies and gents you want to let this go for about two minutes allow the garlic to be complex the onions to get sweet her mentors this is how we got our local flavor going on inside their garlic onion ginger ginger is beautiful with fish I mean Gann excited excited you just want to sweat Rudy onions for about two minutes you don't want to cook them down too much you still want them to have some integrity okay crunch in addition a little bit about going on little bit of bites so can see where that goes on there for a second there let's talk about these kind of tomatoes yes what are these oh we got these Tomatoes as well from seafoods and surprises then a laugh from it'sa Italian eel tomato is gonna make it an easy path it's peeled already there in the Cana mm-hmm there's a beautiful little clump then wrong little clumps yeah so they break apart very easily very and they're actually neat tomato sauce or sauce you're getting whole Tomatoes and in the sauce and it makes it a brilliant pairing for this dish and the sauce is gonna help us build our base for soup well evidently before talking to you so something's happening there that's too sauce as you could see ladies and gents those nice big large Tomatoes inside any break down so you get those chunks going on in there right mm-hmm no to reinforce that and to bring another bit of bold flavor inside there right you're gonna add some ketchup side up there we go why not I guess it's all over now well you know hopefully one day I'll catch up to you must be to us alright okay okay all right I don't know why you wanna zoom lens are trying to be about good boy please okay I realize my decorum is only let's get back to okay we have some water outside you okay to that what I want to do is add some soy sauce okay so we're starting to build our sauce together mm-hmm okay to that we have oyster sauce also you it is optional I like oyster sauce with a little bit make fish particularly I mean it makes sense right you get the oyster has those seafood profiles I find so it brings a lot of nice fresh earthiness to dish makes it rich exactly so I'm gonna put that inside here beautiful no to that I'm gonna take a little bit of brown sugar mm-hmm this is gonna sweeten up today all right at this point we're gonna mix it together like that when you mix it and like together take this now right and I want to pour it inside here so immediately our sauce is starting to build now got it Tomatoes the complexity of tomatoes the ball flip of the ketchup inside there the oyster sauce the sweetness of the sugar the saltiness from the soy sauce are crunchy onions agreed aromatics the ginger the garlic so ladies and gents tomatoes to sauce quintessential favorite when it comes to like freestyle stew fish going on and to be honest with you apart from just doing fish you could fry other aspects of maybe a shrimp you put it inside here you could try a the calamari that seafood enterprises have also well just different types of fish we kingfish but you could use other different type shop works well also inside so I mean get creative we used kingfish today's seafood Enterprise has a wide variety seafood it's available throughout the course of the year Cassie at this point you want to let this come to a boil okay we leave in the Sun cover leave it uncovered it okay and you're gonna let it simmer for about three minutes resources want to come together and then we're going to put in our fish another way so in about three minutes so you can see the sources start to tighten up a little bit yes it's beautiful Eocene what aspects of the ginger and garlic in there we're gonna add some Colleen's idea we have some green sweet peppers and some red bell peppers I'm adding em close at the end because I want them again to keep their crunch right I'm not soft and mushy now but I'm in the beginning they would have cooked down too much right at this point no our beautifully fried fish that we did earlier on we take them and generally not Dodge Intrepid but a minute see them Nestle Nestle them inside there yeah see that right beautiful but that means I just beautiful that looks right I know what you just start to like you know move them around a little bit I'm all space in here give them more hey you want to let them cook for about three minutes on each side three and a half is it is cooked already and then she's gonna flip them move on allow them to cook on the other side by that time the sauce will thicken up together we're gonna have this nice rich gravy the sauces - sauce whatever you want to call it so ladies and gents we looking at about three to five minutes flipping once along the way and then we could eat of course so you see how the peppers are looking right it's still a bit crunch on them I see that you're basting it that's very important it's absorbed some of that rich sauce inside it's sticking up nicely nice crust on the fish still and that's crusted it was important because that's what's gonna love of this sauce and create it was nice edge and it smells amazing just gonna add a little bit of salt on top just to finish it off a little touch a black pepper so you get some final seasoning and then we go with our fresh chives or scallions always perfect at the end that's it there cuz take it off the heat yep if it's cooked already pretty much efficient so it's just more or less than that it'll of a pretty sauce and then we had to eat you know what I love about our Caribbean food apart from it just tasting so good it's definitely beautiful according to you visually arresting visually arresting this is our stuff well is he dish in my book it's very simple to make I mean you have your fish dish locally here seafoods Enterprises Limited we fry to make this beautiful sauce yeah tomatoes from them yeah peppers a soy sauce idea with sugar it's not hard it's not even very costly to execute mhm and it still looks like a dynamite dish in terms of you know you appear top-notch quality price for this in a restaurant of course my question for you is what sheets in this which boy it is what not interpret probationer definitely is a favorite it's not it's a must machine young cassava I even say baby breadfruit nice roast breadfruit that's source when they see not just rub off on a qp8 I like a baby okay five I mean tell us what else would you like to eat this with yeah tell us any comments below pretty much um maybe homemade bread I don't know I just think he'll who may bring me baby oops you regular rice but you know what if you're not adventurous I mean I fantasize about let's not decide about what we have in front of us let's actually taste okay so I'm gonna take what a beautiful piece here right now you're sharing with men sharing which I guess he'd be sharing yes sweet beautiful that is that beep I just I mean I must say the kingfish from Cebu limited they have that pretty well that's so good okay thank you just eat that out good so I'm still getting some nice crust in there mm-hmm is it what's not hmm no Ally flavor one time off the bat is like out in your face so guys I've dimension so you already twice the sauce is optional mm-hmm but it really does bring some peace I think 31 I think so tomato sauce tonight right if you can't have it if you have a shelf food allergy don't do it but if you don't please the tomato is from syncwords enterprise was really good too yeah as you can see they're still in chunks they still stand up pretty well and of course we've seen all the rest of our veggies they're all in colors like guys this so we know Good Friday I'm impressed a good Friday mingle that's right Amy right try for the Friday fighters coming up coming up in a couple weeks definitely try it cassava YUM it was dumb it's you'll be a star on Good Friday trust me and if you do try be sure to tell us we love hearing from you guys yeah for sure so I mean tell us is there anything else you guys want us to make I know this was a heavily demanded dish we are always listening don't worry we're gonna finish this on don't forget to subscribe you shady video like it tell everybody about how to talk with us yeah and we'll see you next time bye bye [Music]
Channel: Foodie Nation
Views: 166,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foodie nation, trinidad and tobago, trinidad, tobago, caribbean, food, foodie, trini, tobago beyond, visit trinidad, trinidadian, tobagonian, trinbagonian, west indian, west indies, t&t, 868, how to, make, cook, classic, traditional, old school, recipe, step by step, instructions, easy, cooking, chef jason peru, kezzianne, king fish, seafoods enterprises limited, fish, stewed, stew, tomato, sauce, seafood, lent, easter, ground provision
Id: TQWWrDqHc10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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