HOW to make Traditional Refried Beans | Authentic Mexican Food | Villa Cocina

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[Music] hi everyone and welcome to my kitchen my name is rosana i just finished cooking some beans because we're gonna be making refried beans these are creamy delicious and super easy to make so let's go over how to cook the beans for this recipe we're gonna need one pound of pinto beans go ahead and sort through them to remove any debris stones broken beans whatever you find in there that does not belong for the most part here in the united states they're pretty clean but you may want to do it just in case because in mexico it was a must we would even find pieces of dirt and maybe a couple of bugs okay okay okay okay i have something to add there i don't know if you know but i'm not an agricultural expert but i remember why they used to have pieces of dirt like little crumbs you know that's because the plants will have to be unrooted and then be placed under the sun to actually dry out and then they will come come with a huge stick and basically like just like hit it so they can get the beans out so basically like some of the dirt goes with the beans as well that's why sometimes you find little crumbs i'm not an agricultural expert but that's what he said just saying that is pretty interesting i never saw that part of agriculture thank you so much for sharing that now what you want to do is go ahead and rinse the beans and make sure you drain them well transfer the beans to a large pot add half of a medium white onion seven peeled garlic cloves enough water to cook and cover the beans about 10 to 12 cups as you can tell i did not add salt now on a recent short video i did for cherry beans there was a split of opinions because some people believed you should add it at the beginning of the cooking process and some people said you should add it at the end i've done in both ways and all i can say is do whatever makes you comfortable i'm gonna add it at the end place the pod over medium high heat and allow it to boil then lower to medium low heat and let them cook on a gentle simmer for about one and a half hours or until soft and tender when the beans are ready stir in salt to taste i'm doing two teaspoons of kosher salt we will be cooking the beans again so let's not over salt them to know the beans are ready i simply take one out of the pot let it cool down and smash it if it smashes easily they're ready and that is the story on how you cook beans all right let's do some prep before we start refrying the beans we're going to need half of a medium white onion and we need to dice it fun fact yellow onions are best for caramelizing but we're going to be using white onions because it's what's commonly used in mexican cuisine and they do the job just fine by the way i did not shed a tear today so excited about that we can not forget the garlic we're gonna need to mince three garlic cloves [Music] in addition to the onion and the garlic we're gonna need two serrano peppers by the way if you translate the name to english they are called mountain peppers they have a really clean and sharp flavor we are also going to need six chiles the edible by the way these if you translate their name to english they would be called tree chili isn't that awesome now you know all right now don't be intimidated by the amount of peppers that we have here because this is not going to come out too spicy we're just using them for fragrance and flavor but i'll explain that later on the recipe let's head to the stove come on to make things easier i'm just going to go ahead and separate the beans from the broth set both to the side because we're going to need them go ahead and place a large pan over medium to medium-low heat and we're going to add about 3 tablespoons of avocado oil or a generous amount now what's typically used is lard but it is up to you this is my preference i'm actually going to turn down the heat to medium low pretty hot at this point what we're gonna do is blister and fry the serrano peppers now the term for this would be chiles toriados just so you know [Music] by the way you want to make sure these are nice and dry when you add them to the hot oil as mentioned these peppers are not going to really add a ton of spiciness to the dish because we're not going to actually open them so we're only going to be getting their fragrance and their smoky flavor so but if you still feel unsure about them you don't want to add them you can omit them it's up to you beautiful and you want to be able to see a little bit of those brown spots all right we're still on medium low heat go ahead and add the chilis the adobo now you want to make this fast okay because you don't want them to burn it'll make everything really bitter you just want to release those beautiful aromas what you want to do is stir them constantly you can hear the crying yes you'll be able to hear that too these are ready nice and toasty and i can smell the beautiful aroma [Music] all right let's go ahead and add the white onions we do not want to cook the onions on a high heat because we want them to reach a beautiful golden brown color without burning them what's happening here is onions are naturally sweet and when you cook them slowly over a period of time they caramelize beautifully adding so much flavor to the end result just make sure you stir as needed these smell amazing and they are beautiful and golden brown already at this point we're going to add the minced garlic [Music] right in there everything are you ready well i guess you can't smell it but i can what i'm doing here is stirring constantly because i don't want the garlic to burn all right one minute that the garlic has been cooking we're gonna add all of the beans by the way i removed the garlic and the onion as well so it's just the beans in the pot [Applause] yes that's sizzle now we're gonna mash them i'm using a potato masher and i'm gonna link to it and the notes look at how creamy these look they smash effortless they're pretty much broken down at this point i'm gonna add two cups of the bean broth to loosen them up a bit all right carefully mix everything in i'm just using the potato masher by the way two cups of the bean broth was perfect for me but if you feel it's too thick you can add a little bit more until you get to the right consistency this is looking ready they are smooth and creamy by the way you may get a little bit of chunks in there but that's fine because we're not blending the beans we're mashing them so it's completely normal all right at this point we're going to add the peppers back into the pot and we're talking about the serrano and chiles de agul [Music] mix them in with the beans we want the flavors to penetrate we're going to let these cook on a gentle simmer for about 5 minutes because we want to let the flavor of the peppers infuse into the beans while they're cooking you want to stir as needed by the way [Music] this is almost ready we just have to adjust the seasoning by adding salt this one actually is going to need salt i'm adding half a teaspoon of kosher salt we were almost there mix everything in and then remove it from the heat beans are a staple when it comes to mexican cuisine their creamy texture and layers of flavor makes them the perfect side for an entree you can top them with crumbled queso fresco while you're at it fry a couple more serranos in chile's de arbol the perfect touch of color i am ready to taste these look amazing i already made myself a bean taco let's do this why wait right [Music] my goodness i love the creaminess love the texture love the flavor the onions are really coming through i love it [Music] i'm in love i'm sorry nelson i'm in love with the beans they're so good they're amazing you know they have a touch of spicy flavor but it's not really like a burning spicy it's subtle it's so good obviously if you bite into a pepper you are gonna get a kick of it but if you just set them aside or even remove them from the pod you should be fine in addition i just want to say when you make these at home enjoy that creamy buttery flavor these are amazing i really hope you try them at home and well just don't forget you can follow me on all of my social media platforms also go ahead and subscribe if you enjoy all of our videos our content don't forget to click the notification bell and also give us a huge thumbs up alright until the next one [Music] you
Channel: Villa Cocina
Views: 119,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: refried beans, villa cocina, mexican food
Id: VwS8-VAiQC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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