How To Make The Best Out Of Any Bad Situation | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Excerpt

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Listen carefully. When you are seated with Christ, you need to realize all your enemies are below. Now, in our experience on Earth below, we still experience things like reports of bad news or a prognosis from the doctor, telling you about issues in your body. You might wonder, "But I'm seated with Christ," "I'm far above all these things." Yes, that's why the Bible calls it the fight of faith. The fight of faith, alright? The devil is trying to suggest to you that it's not true based on your senses. The devil cannot deal with you—listen carefully, he cannot deal with you in the realm of faith. He cannot stay in the realm of faith. In the realm of faith, he's totally defeated. He needs to bring you back to the realm of senses. Listen carefully. "Look at your bank account," "look at what the psychiatrist says" "about your condition— you’re getting worse in" "your depression, right?" And look at what you just did—you watched "something you shouldn't have watched." "Call yourself a believer." "And Pastor Prince says you're born again, set on high." "Look at what you just did." It's all senses! You've got to step out of it and say, "That's not me." Are you listening? Get back in the realm of faith. Fight the good fight of faith. That means stay in faith, and it's called a good fight because when you stay in faith, a good fight means it ends in victory for you. The manifestation will come, are you listening? Whether it's victory over a sinful habit, or it's things to do with a curse of the law that's trying to manifest in your life or in your family, stay rested in the Father's bosom at His right hand. So the challenge will come: "What are you gonna do about this?" Well, I'm going to rest. It’s a new resting. If you would, every challenge becomes a new resting. The more you rest, the more you see the victory. See, what the Father said to the Son is this— and this must be our attitude. I call it the throne attitude. The Father said to the Son, "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool." Amen. Wow. Okay, so what are the enemies for all of us? I mean, we all know it’s sin for sure, right? But all these powers of darkness that bring depression, bad thoughts, evil thoughts, evil imaginations, sinful habits, sinful addictions— amen—all this kind of foolishness that's going on in the world because of the darkness in their hearts and minds, calling white black, black white, good evil, and evil good. They’re confused, and they want you to be confused with them. Don't be. You are out of the confused realm, amen. There was a time God's people went to Babylon; it’s a picture. Babylon is confusion. The word Babylon means confusion. So it's only in captivity you get into confusion because they broke the law. We are not under the law. Listen, we are in Christ under grace. Are you listening? So the Father said to the Son, "You can name any enemy right now." What the doctor said to you about your case is an enemy— not the doctor, your condition, amen. What your banker said to you, or whatever financial advice you got that looks very bleak for you— all that is your enemy. Are you listening?" What did the Father say to the Son? "Sit at my right hand. Keep on resting until" "I make your enemies your footstool." If you are in Christ, seated with Him— can I sit down? Whether you let me or not, I’m just being nice. So if I sit down, this is a good way to preach. In fact, Jesus sat on the mountain and preached the Sermon on the Mount. Read your Bible. He sat down. This is very scriptural. Amen. Jesus sat down and taught. Rabbis would sit down and teach. I'll tell you something. The Bible says in the Book of Acts, "When the day of Pentecost had fully come," "they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly," Say "suddenly." Your blessings can come suddenly, all right? It may happen this week. Suddenly the manifestation happened. There came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind— God can’t wait to bless you— and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Recently, I was reading this—not recently, quite some time back, but it’s a more recent revelation compared to the rest— I noticed that it filled the whole house "where they were sitting." Sounds very non-religious, not traditional. They were sitting down, waiting on God. No respect, right? We would say that. Or do they know something? They were sitting because it’s a posture of rest. Now, this is interesting because the same phrase— it filled the whole house where they were sitting. The Holy Spirit filled the whole house. If you look at a reference in the Old Testament, one time the whole Temple of Solomon was filled. In fact, the phrase is, "It filled the whole house." The glory of the Lord filled the whole house, but the priests were standing because, you know why? It’s not finished yet. They are standing because it’s not finished yet. So we are seated. It's a posture of rest when you sit down. So with every challenge, if you can tell yourself, "No, sit down." Amen. Now, that’s an amazing thing because doctors tell us naturally what they find is that people who are the very nervous type, those who are very anxious, those who are type A temperament— because they hurry, hurry because they’re very anxious, if we don’t hurry, we won’t get it. We rush, rush, rush, you know, the type A temperament, right? These are the ones prone to get strokes. They have hypertension and they have heart attacks and all that. And that’s a fact. That’s medically proven, all right? But what we are dealing with is symptoms here— anxiousness, busyness. There's a verse in the Bible that says, "As your servant was here and there," "busy busy here and there"— literally in the King James— "as your servant was busy here and there," "the enemy escaped." All right, right now you're wondering where the verse is from. Study your Bible. It's there, okay? He was supposed to guard the enemy, but he thought the enemy escaped. And you know what's his answer? "As your servant was busy here and there, the enemy escaped." And that's always true. When you are busy, your enemy wins. Some are just busy. Okay, but Pastor Prince, you know, we go to work, we have to go to work. Yes, you can do it like the priests of old. They were busy working outside the temple, slaying the animals, arranging for the pieces to be in the right place— the peace offering, the breast meat, the right thigh, and all that as an offering to God, a picture of Jesus Christ, amen. All that is true, but in the Holy of Holies, where God's presence dwells, is perfect peace. There's no rushing, there's no busyness. So today, know ye not, you are the temple of God and the Holy Spirit dwells in you. So we can be busy like the priests outside, but inside, we have to be at peace. The Bible says, "And all these blessings shall come upon you" "and overtake you." But only after it says, "The Lord your God will set you on high above all the nations" "of the earth, and then" "all these blessings will come on you and overtake you." Wow, amen. Which means, "overtake you" means what? It comes on you. You don't have to run after the blessings. It overtakes you. You are seated with Christ. Actually, you are blessed with every blessing in heaven. The Bible says spiritual blessing, which means the source is spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ. Amen. Introducing the new Joseph Prince app! We've designed the new app with one thought in mind: To make connecting with the Lord daily simple and easy for you. Through the guided daily experience, spend time in His presence and build a habit of starting your day right with the word of God. Let's pray this short prayer together. Heavenly Father, thank you for your deep love and detailed care for me. I'm grateful that you value me so much and that you know even before I ask what I really need. Help me to remember that no problem or need is too small for you to handle. I bring all my cares to you, knowing that you are attentive to every little detail of my life. In Jesus' name, amen. Today, everyone is looking to amuse themselves. They are engaged in social media because there's a constant craving to be amused. Musing is opposite from amusement. To amuse means you are silently contemplating, meditating, so shut down everything else that will distract you. Spend time, bring up the Word of Scripture. Meditate on it and the Word of God will release health, life, prosperity into your life. Thanks to the support of our Gospel Partners, the daily experience is now free for everyone! Try it now on the brand-new Joseph Prince App. Download the new app today! Hi, thanks for watching. If you are blessed by this video, let us know by liking it and leaving a comment below and if you know someone who will be encouraged by this message, please share it with them. Feel free to subscribe to get more inspirational content like this every week. I'll see you in the next video!
Channel: Gospel Partner By Joseph Prince
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Keywords: joseph prince, Pastor prince, Pastor joseph prince, Joseph prince live, Joseph prince sermons, new creation church, new creation church service, gospel partner, gospel partner excerpt, joseph prince gospel partner, gospel partners joseph prince, joseph prince 2024, 2024 new creation church, sermon 2024
Id: f2ySjxi3g6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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