How To Make The Best Homemade BEEF STEW: Easy Hearty Tender Beef Stew Recipe

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today I'm going to be showing you guys how to make beef stew my way what you're going to need is two pounds of beef stew meat and we're going to remove the fat from the cubes of beef now fat does generate flavor so you can leave the fat on one beef cube but you want to make sure that you remove the fat from all of the other cubes of beef the vegetables that we're going to be using our celery carrots and onion and potatoes I personally only use one rib stalk of celery one carrot half an onion and three potatoes but if you like a lot of vegetables and your beef stew you can use all of that the seasonings that we're going to be putting in our beef stew our salt garlic powder our herbs thyme leaves we're going to be using some black pepper you're going to use one bay leaf and you know that we do everything different on a Philly boy Jake cooking show you know that my recipes are always unique so yes we're going to be using brown sugar even though you might not see brown sugar and a lot of beef stew recipes another ingredient that you might not find imbues through recipes is ketchup we're going to be using that too we're going to be using the flour that's going to be our thickening agent we're going to be using four cups of water one cup of broth and W sauce I'm not gonna try to pronounce that what we're going to do first is we're going to place a big pot of stew size pot over high heat and we're going to add two to three tablespoons of oil and we're going to be browning our beef cubes that's what gives these two lots of flavor when you brown it you bring out the flavor and it also gives the stew color it darkens your broth now back in a day to create a broth for stew they would only use water and you see the seasoning and the residue left at the bottom of the pot there they would use that to darken that broth and to create that broth we're going to deglaze that seasoning and residue at the bottom of the pot but you want sure beacuse to be nice and dark brown like that right there you don't want to burn them but you want to be nice and brown like that there we're going to do now is we're going to add the one cup of beef broth to the four cups of water now if you just want to use bluff I recommend that you use vegetable or chicken broth beef broth is extremely strong if that's all you're using your beef stew is probably going to have a very strong taste and it's not going to taste good that's why I cut my beef broth by using four cups of water and just one cup a beef broth we're going to add four big tablespoons of flour to the broth water mixture and we're going to create a slurry we want to give it a nice stir and so it's nice and smooth and all of the flour is dissolved and that's the way your slurry should look like milky coffee now make sure the fire under the pot is off when adding the ingredients we're going to be adding a half a cup a catch I've not personally use a whole cup of ketchup in my beef stew but for those of you who are just trying this recipe start off with a half a cup of ketchup we're going to be adding two tablespoons of brown sugar if you don't have brown sugar you can use white sugar but the brown sugar adds a slightly different flavor to the beets - more like a molasses flavor to me we're going to add two tablespoons of w sauce just going to get these through a really nice flavor we're going to be using one teaspoon of garlic powder I don't use minced garlic or a whole garlic cloves I use garlic powder and salt to taste I can't tell you guys how much salt to use you can add the salt at the very end add however much you feel you need and we're going to be adding one teaspoon of black pepper and a half a teaspoon of thyme and with the salt you want to follow my recipe to a tea I use 2 teaspoons of salt you want to then add your 1 bay leaf and then we're going to deglaze the seasoning in the residue at the bottom of the pot with our water blob slurry see all that seasoning coming up from the bottom and you're going to stir it and scrape the bottom with your plastic spoon to bring all that seasoning up into the liquid and see how it darkened our broth that's why you don't need B broth you can just simply use water because it's seasoning in the residue at the bottom that was created from the beef cubes darken your water and creates its own broth ok so we're going to allow this to simmer on low heat for one hour and we're going to cover it with a lid so that our beef cubes get nice and tender so make sure it's covered would live now an hour later at an hour has gone by you're gonna dice your celery in to really really really really really small pieces I ended up using a carrot and a half and a half of onion I like a lot of onions in my booster so I'm gonna use half onion okay um I also only use three potatoes but like I said if you are like a lot of vegetables in your beet soup you can use all four potatoes two stalks of celery two carrots and whole onion is up to you some people like a lot of vegetables in their stew I don't so you're going to peel your potatoes and you're going to dice them up into shapes that size like medium sized shapes not really big not really small now look at how tender the meat is after an hour but we're going to continue cooking it for another 45 minutes to an hour so that it can get even more tender and see how dark our stew is now from all of that residue with seasoning that was at the bottom of the pot it darkened our liquid in our broth you're going to add your potatoes after the first hour and all of your vegetables after the first hour and you're going to give it a nice stir and then you're going to cover it with the lid again so that the carrots and the potatoes get nice and tender and you're going to cut the fire off once the potatoes are tender or once the broth deserves and becomes a nice thick gravy okay I using that miles cook until the broth thicken and one hour later this is the way our beef stew is ah ah look at that beast ooh ah God let me tell you something please try this beef stew recipe out now me I don't like my gravy extremely thick because once you cut the fire off is gonna thicken up a little bit anyway so I suggest you cut your fire off before the gravy gets really really really thick we're gonna add a half a cup of frozen peas the reason why add that last is because if you add it earlier the peas are going to get really really soggy and they're gonna just disappear I'm not going to see them they won't disintegrate okay so that's our beef stew I know that this recipe is different it's not like other beef stew recipes that you saw before um it may not be even similar to the beef stew that your mama cooked when you were little or your grandmother cook when you were little but it's absolutely delicious you're also going to remove the bay leaf at the end of the cooking process but this is some real good beef stew try this recipe out you guys are going to absolutely love it and you're never going to go back to making beef stew the way you used to because I make the best I said the best this is truly the best beast the recipe in the whole wide world nobody make beef stew like silly boy obody don't nobody make it quite like him I said I'll pay you to find somebody that make beef stew like Philly boy Jay I said I'll pay you I'll pay you I'll pay you I'll pay you look at that you sir guys give it a shot I know some time it's a little frightening and scary to think outside the box and do things different from the way that you're used to doing them but give this beef stew recipe a try I know that you are going to love it give it a shot it's absolutely delicious you guys have been requesting this beef stew recipe all along can I understand because you want a nice hearty warm dish for the colder months and I finally made it for you guys so I hope you guys enjoy it peace you
Channel: PhillyBoyJayCooKingShow
Views: 323,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to make beef stew, beef stew recipe, the best beef stew, hearty beef stew recipe, easy simple beef stew
Id: pp91ZqiZoEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2015
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