How to make Stylized Fire - Blender Stylized VFX Tutorial

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how to create a stylized fire and blender start by adding a shape this works with any shape but I did it with a sphere Begin by shaping the sphere into a flame with proportional editing turned on as such this is optional but I deleted the top faces to keep the mesh Open begin by adding a new material change the render engine to EV and enable the ambient inclusion to bloom and Screen space reflection boxes bring up a new viewport and open up the Shader editor in it delete the default node and add an emission node we'll begin with adding flames and a voronoi node connect the color amp node to its distance socket add a textured coordinate and mapping nodes with Ctrl T then add a mix Shader node and connect it between the emission Shader and Shader output nodes now add a transparent node and connect it to the bottom socket of the mix Shader node and connect the color ramp node to the factory socket of the mixed Shader node shiftless click on the Node to isolate its view and see what it does on its own now change the color ramp nodes interpolation type to constant this is important for the stylized look it reverts its black and white values in the end the white part will end up transparent to the black part Will Be Your Flames then connect the mix Shader back to the material output to enable transparency click on the options tab to see it you must be in Eevee and change the transparency blending mode to Alpha blend change the texture coordinate node from generated to object the texture will start from the origin point now it's time to color our fire but first begin by adding a gradient node connect it to a color amp node and with shift plus T add a texture coordinate and mapping nodes rotate the gradient texture to 90 degrees on the y-axis for it to be vertical add colors on the color ramp node set the extremities with dark red on top and bright orange at the bottom add the in-between colors with bright red and orange in between change the color ramp node's blending mode the Beast plan for the smoothest blending results adjust the position of the gradient by adjusting the X location of the mapping node to avoid a full transparency I modified the white value on the color ramp node by turning it into a very light gray value before continuing shading the fire I want to create a procedural animation on the mesh for it to move like fire I begin by adding a subdivision modifier this way I increase the mesh's resolution for a smooth animation then add a displace modifier it'll be the basis of the animation add a new texture name it fire and open up the texture by clicking here and set the texture type to voronoi then back on the modifier lower the strength a little the mesh will soon begin to take shape make sure to shade smooth the mesh for a better view go back to the displace modifiers texture settings to increase its size then scroll down and enable the color wrap option and adjust the slider to your liking for the animation we begin to change the space modifiers coordinates to object then add an empty any empty I went with the single Arrow one right click it and adjust its display size so it's easier to view then go to its object properties and enable in front so you can see it on the top of any object in your viewport give it a name like EMP Dash displays then select it under object in a displays modifier and as you can see the displays texture follows the movement of the empty as I move the empty up the z-axis so will the texture creating a procedural animation to make the arrow empty move on its own I'll type the command hashtag frame forward slash 24 on its z-axis under the item Tab and as soon as I press play it'll move on its own to have the Shaded Flames move along with the display's animation I need to go back to the Shader editor I'll select the arrow empty under object in the texture coordinate node make sure to have the object node connected for this to work make sure to adjust the Flames with the color ramp node Pro tip to have a better view of the bloom darken the viewport's background color to do this change the Shader editor's view from object to world and adjust the background's color in the editor now it's time to add another layer of transparency on the fire Begin by adding another mix Shader node and add another transparent node by duplicating the first one we already have and connect it to the bottom socket but before we move forward I want to organize my nodes a little as it's getting packed for example I'll select the vorinoid node group that makes the flames and I'll press control plus G to join them into one frame then click on the Note Tab on the sidebar and name it in the label field and color coded by enabling color and choosing whichever color you prefer select all of the nodes that make the color and do the same Control Plus J to join them name the label and color code it now back to the second layer of transparency add a greeting texture control plus 2 to add a texture coordinate and mapping node and connect the gradient node to a new color amp node and now to set up the gradients transparent levels shift plus click on the color ramp node and in the mapping node rotate y to 90 degrees to have it vertical connect the color ramp node to the mix Shader and then the mix Shader to the material output adjust the transparency levels with the color amp don't forget that wipe equals transparent and black equals opaque in the end what we want is to cover the Tipping Point of the fire on top just like that now it's time to add details starting with the Embers coming out of the fire we'll Begin by duplicating the fire mesh and scaling it up to look bigger than the fire and then positioning it accordingly then we'll jump into the Shader Editor to create the Embers first off we need to duplicate a copy of the Shader as we work on the Embers we don't want to mess up the fire Shader next add a third slider to the color ramp note that was added as a second layer of transparency the one connected to the gradient node then adjust the slider so that you're sandwiching a black slider between two wide sliders keeping the blending mode to ease then create the Embers by scaling up the voronoid texture and adjusting its color ramp node to increasing transparency this way you create tiny Sparks that'll act as Embers also remember earlier when we made the white sliders value light green not to have full transparency on the fire well now we want full transparency on the Embers so change the light gray slider back to a pure white I want the Embers to move slower than the Flames so I'll create a new empty for the Embers that will drive their animation separately name the Mt I named it Emperors now select the empty under object in the texture coordinate node move the empty and test it to make sure it works in the Embers MTZ axis location field pipe hashtag frame forward slash 48. I don't want the Embers to have the exact same color as the fire so disconnect ingredients color amps node and the emission node and copy the dark red color from the color ramp node and paste it into the emission notes color option now we'll create the smoke add a cube to the scene in An edit mode delete the top and bottom faces give it a subdivision modifier to smooth it out and then apply the modifier and in edit mode scale it up and then move it accordingly as such then add a new subdivision modifier followed by a displace modifier add a cloud type texture and then increase its size go back to the subdivision modifier and increase the levels to have more details then add another subdivision modifier placed after the displace modifier to smooth out the deformations to animate the smoke mesh add a new empty change the displace modifiers coordinates to object and select the new Mt for the smoke then animated c-axis Channel by typing frame forward slash 48 create a new material for the smoke delete the principled bsdf Shader and add an emission Shader followed by a transparent node add a mixed Shader node and plug them in as per usual emission on top transparent at the bottoms set the smoke color in the emission Shader I went for a dark red color next up to design the smoke adding noise texture Control Plus T to add a texture coordinate and mapping notes and connect the noise texture to a color amp node Chef let's click on the color ramp node to isolate the view connect the object option for the texture coordinate node and start scaling up the texture to get a smoke Trail effect reconnect the mix Shader node in the output and change the blend mode to Alpha blend this way you can adjust the smoke effect in real time with transparency on also adjust the smoke smash shape and edit mode to make sure the shape isn't too uniform even with the displaced modifier turned on and like before we want to add a second layer of transparency add a greenate node control plus d for the textural coordinated mapping nodes and connect it to a tolerant node shiftless click to isolate the color ramp node and rotate its y-axis by 90 degrees to make the gradient vertical and adjust the wide slider to determine your transparency level in the end I decided to change the Smoke's noise blending to constant it looks more stylized that way and change the noise's color amp notes black value to Mid trace the smoke Trails have more transparency finally I want to show you how I created the black outlines start by adding a solidify modifier to your mesh and scroll down to the normal section and enable flip then go to the materials Tab and add a new material and make it a black emission Shader only I named mine outline also make sure that back face coding is enabled or else the effect won't work now go back to your solidify modifier and scroll down to the materials section under offset change the value to 1 because the black and Mission Shader is the second material on the list the count starts at zero so one follows second then adjust the thickness slider depending on how thick you want the outline to be and that is how you create a stylized firing blender if you have any further questions leave a comment down below and I'll get to it as fast as I can peace thanks [Music]
Channel: SamBam Productions
Views: 20,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender Fire Tutorial, 3D Fire Animation, Blender Stylized Effects, Blender 3D Modeling, Fire Art Techniques, Blender Animation Tips, Stylized Flames, Fire Simulation, Blender Artistry, 3D Visual Effects, Blender Creative Process, Blender Fire Shader, Fire Animation Tutorial, Blender Graphics, Stylized 3D Art, Blender Particle System, Fire Rendering, Blender Artistic Techniques, 3D Fire Rendering, Blender Visual Effects
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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