How to make Smothered Pork Chops

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hello everyone welcome to my channel today I am either using one of my old recipes or I'm trying a new one so feel free to sit back and enjoy this video love y'all we are at home cooking with Miss Brenda Dee so welcome from this Brandi how y'all doing on this nice beautiful day today we are making some smothered pork chop yes this is a quick and easy smothered pork chops okay go and your eye ingredients [Music] okay as y'all can see I have my pork chops I have some flour I have some chicken broth I helped some black pepper garlic powder and some seasoning salt and some onions yes y'all I think those are our only ingredients if not how the child oh okay y'all let's get to making our smothered pork chops okay in this bowl what I'm in rich to do is generate the season of my pork chops I'm going to add some of my seasoning okay I'm adding my seasoning salt it's up to you on how much seasoning that you want to use my garlic powder [Music] in my black pepper okay okay make sure your pork chops are seasoned make sure they're covered with the seasons okay [Music] let me say it like that make sure they are well covered I also have my all heating up so I can fry these okay here I have floured up go to our and up my pork chops in this bowl make sure your all is well heated before any reporter maybe put one more kill it [Music] okay we gonna let these fry for about five minutes one on this side and then I'm gonna turn them over I'm gonna be right there okay y'all them back okay it didn't like like I say it all the Pens on too much shopping have to get your eyebrows or you know they call it pork chops other white meat and so porkchop doesn't take very long the jealousy have a pork chop now I'm adding the rest of my pork chops we don't follow the same steps [Music] attraction for this trouble and I don't think you're gonna make it okay if this is a pretty big thing so it's not gonna make it so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna finish frying these up and I'm on me right back okay as I can see I have drained my all and so I'm adding some flour to the all [Music] sound-up some of the whole the flower and all that baggage about let's watch that color a little bit flour cuz I wouldn't make quite a bit though oh my [Music] okay now I'm adding my onions you get you can do it either way you can add your onion in your own or you can add it before you add your flour it's up to you [Music] more [Music] you like I said I'm making quite a bit already so yeah some more if I add it quite a bit of flour I think I add maybe like a half a cup of flour [Music] [Music] more you need some black pepper like I said this is a more of a simple a gravy that I'm making then a one that I did with my original slow their pork chops [Music] [Music] [Music] and you also add salt juice it's the time where you taste your gravy to make sure it see if his hands any salt in it which I hadn't put it in there but you remember the chicken broth has salt so what I'm gonna do on the taste is and see how much I need to put in there oh this is chicken broth egg salt in it I don't need to add but just a little bit because you got to remember your pork chop has salt on them so that's why you have to be very careful with salt okay now we're ready to add our pork chops back in [Music] [Music] you get my swatch out so I got some more pork chops to put in here and we'll let these simmer [Music] [Music] okay [Music] well that these similar well c-can I find me a lead or something it's a lady um when I did find my video she says yeah here's a piece of pan she has told me to use a piece of pizza pan but I think I may have won a lead that can fit this I'm gonna cover this my pork chops would only get okay maybe about 10 to 15 minutes with the lid on it and I'm gonna be back and let me tell you this time to time go back and check them and make sure they're not sticking or anything you can slip them over and just go from there okay and so what I'm going to do now like I say I'm gonna let these simmer for like 10 to 15 minutes and I'm gonna be back but the power is up okay I've got to take out make sure you turn your heat down I just trap my heat down and I'm gonna turn it on simmer gonna let this simmer and for those 10 to 15 minutes okay I forgot to let y'all know that did I die I do let it simmer do not let it cook on high okay well okay I'm gonna be right there okay y'all I am back your play because you can see I have some green beans and mashed potatoes these workshops I'm here [Music] it's crazy out here okay there you have it my smothered pork chops okay I hope y'all enjoy this recipe and I'm gonna say y'all have a blessed day and bye bye for now [Music] we are at home cooking with misbranded be so welcome from his granddaddy my family yes sir hey
Channel: Ms Brenda Dee
Views: 31,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PORK, CHOPS, smothered pork chops, delicious smothered pork chops, southern smothered pork chops, soul food recipe, fried pork chops, how to cook smothered pork chops, how to cook fried pork chops, how to make smothered pork chops, smothered pork chop recipe, simple smothered pork chops, smothered pork chops and gravy, delicious smothered pork chops and gravy, how to make the best smothered pork chops, pork chop recipe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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