Ponchatoula Strawberry Pie | Made with fresh strawberries whipped cream in pre-baked pie shell.

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[Music] [Music] hey what's up y'all this Charlie on today's episode I'm going to be showing youall how to make my delicious homemade strawberry pie from scratch now all this is it consists of a homemade strawberry filling added into a pre-baked pie shell and once the filling has set and cooled we're going to top it with a delicious whipped cream right on top and chill it just before serving this recipe you can get about 8 to 10 slices of homemade strawberry pie it's a great recipe to try especially around strawberry season when strawberries are plentiful it's absolutely delicious so without further Ado let's get started all right here's all you'll need to make your homemade strawberry pie let's get started with our ingredients you'll need 2 lbs of frozen strawberries thawed you will also need some all-purpose flour sugar salt cornstarch gelatin unsalted butter cold butter flavored vegetable shortening cold vanilla extract and some heavy whipping cream cold and for your tools you will need a food processor now if you don't have this you can use a pastry cutter you will also need a rolling pen you're also going to need some parchment paper and some dried beans and to bake Your Pie you will need a 9.5 in that's 25 cm deep dish pie pan and there we have it all right let's get straight to it we're going to get started with our P crust so in this food processor add 1 and 1/3 cups of allpurpose flour 3 tbspoon of sugar and 1/8 of a teaspoon of salt I'm going to post this two times just to get that incorporated here I have 4 tablespoons of unsalted butter cold and 4 tbspoon of butter flavored vegetable shortening cold I'm going to add that in there pulse this 10 times or until that butter and the shortening is cut into the flour all right that looks good I'm going to transfer the flow mixture into this mediumsized bowl add 1/4 cup of cold water take a large sturdy spoon and stir this until the dough starts to come together when the mixture starts to come together take your hands and form the mixture into a dough form it into a ball place this into your refrigerator for about 15 minutes lightly flour the surface of your table add the dough on top of the table put press the dough down with your hands I'm going to add a little bit more flour on top of the dough I'm going to take my rolling pin and I'm going to roll this out into a 12 in in diameter circle I'm going to take the rolling pen and place it on one side of the dough proceed to roll the dough onto the rolling pin now as you're rolling the dough onto the rolling pin you want want to make sure that you add flour onto the dough so that way the dough won't stick onto itself okay that looks good we're going to take the dough and roll it onto your pie pan I'm going to take my hand and I'm going to press the dough down into the baking pan make sure you lift up the edge of the pie crust as you're pressing the dough down into the pie pan so that way some of the air can escape here I have some kitchen scissors I'm going to take them and I'm going to trim off the excess dough from the pie pan leave about 1 to 1 and 1/2 in of pie dough left hanging on the sides of the pie pan next you're going to take your fingers and you're going to roll the edge of the pie dough onto the edge of the pie pan like how you see here once done make sure you take your hand and and make sure that the dough is nice and even on the edge of the pie pan let's crimp the pie crust I'm going to take my index and my middle finger and push outward while pushing in with my opposite index finger go all around the pie crust with this and there we go here I have a fork I'm going to take the fork and I'm going to poke holes into the bottom of the pie crust this is going to prevent the crust from bubbling up during the baking process place this into your freezer for about 2 hours or until the pie crust is completely Frozen Okay I pie crust is nice and Frozen take a sheet of parchment paper and place it into the pie pan all right now I'm going to go ahead and Prat my oven to 375° all right here I have some red beans I don't know why I'm using this one I have a whole thing of penil beans up there I could use I'm just going to add that in there okay I went ahead and decided to add my pen beans I getet I had totally forgot about it and I'm just going to add a little bit of that in there too the beans act as weight to prevent the Crush from bubbling up during the baking process now it is ready to be baked place this into a preheated 375° oven on the middle rack bake this for 35 minutes all right it's been about 35 minutes now for our pie crust let's remove this out of the oven now I'm going to remove the parchment paper with the beans inside of it and I'm going to place this into a bowl over here here is the bottom of the pie crust after it's baked it's a nice golden brown that lets us know that the pie crust has been baked thoroughly let the pie crust cool completely all right let's get started with the thickening agent for our strawberry pie so in this measuring cup I've added two and 1/2 cups of cool water and to that I'm going to add 5 tablespoon of corn starch and 1 tspoon of gelatin I'm going to take my whisk and stir this really well until combined preheat your fire to medium heat all right let's get started with making our strawberry f filling so in this medium siiz 4q pot add your 2 lb of frozen strawberries Tha and to that I'm going to add 34 cup of sugar and 1/8 of a teaspoon of salt stir all your ingredients together I'm going to let this get hot for about 3 to 4 minutes okay it's been about 3 to 4 minutes now Strawberry mix should be nice and hot add your gelatin and cornstarch mixture make sure you mix that with a whisk before you pour it into the strawberry filling give this a quick stir let this come to a simmer first then you're going to let it simmer for 10 to 12 minutes stirring occasionally all right it's been about 10 to 12 minutes now as you can see our strawberry filling has thicken it is ready now I'm going to go ahead and turn my fire off let this cool for 40 minutes okay let's assemble our pie here we have our pre-baked pie crust add your homemade strawberry filling into the pie [Music] pan mix and spread the filling around the pie pan as evenly as possible I'm using a spoon you can use that if you want to make sure all the strawberries are nice and [Music] even place this into your refrigerator or if you want a quick result place it into your freezer for about 4 hours and of course you're going to let it sit in your refer refrigerator overnight you can also cover this by placing a pie Shield followed by aluminum fall right on top all right let's get started with making our homemade whipped cream before we begin make sure that you place your mixing bowl and your whisk attachment in your refrigerator so that way it can get nice and cold add 1 and 1/2 cups of heavy withing cream cold 1/3 cup of confection sugar 1 and 1/2 tpoon of vanilla extract and 1/8 of a teaspoon of salt I'm going to start my mixer on a medium low speed just to get the ingredients Incorporated turn your mixer up to the highest setting mix this on high speed for about 3 to 4 minutes or until the mixture reaches stiff peaks and from there our whipped cream is ready place this into your refrigerator for about 30 minutes to an hour okay I let my pie set in the refrigerator overnight now I to tell if the filling is set if you tap it on the um top and it Springs back and it's jiggly that lets you know that the filling is set add your whipped cream on top of the filling spread the whipped cream around the filling using an offset spatula as evenly as possible and from there our homemade strawberry pie is done place this into your refrigerator for about 30 minutes till to an hour before serving and make sure you keep this in your refrigerator at all times and there you have it ladies and gentlemen homemade strawberry pie made by in rans Native you can check out this recipe along with all of my other recipes go to www.ch cook andrews.com I'm also on Facebook Instagram and on Twitter under the name Charlie the cook Andrews now I'm going go ahead and try this oh [Music] yeah it's a real delicate pie it has a nice strawberry flavor combined with that whipped cream and that crust it's nice buttery but it has just a right amount of sweetness not overly sweet at all absolutely delicious so give the recipe a try anyways I hope you all enjoyed the video thank you so much for watching and until next time have a good one peace [Music]
Channel: Charlie Andrews
Views: 39,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ponchatoula Strawberry Pie, Homemade Strawberry Pie, Strawberry pie
Id: VOqjs_U1mDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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