How To Make Scary Voices In Adobe Audition

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(theme music) - Okay. In this video, we are going to have a little look at spooky voiceovers and how to very quickly make yourself sound really scary just in time for Halloween really quickly. So I'm going into Adobe Audition. I'm starting fresh with a brand new voiceover. I'll call this spooky as a file name. (deep voice) Hello there. I'm a rather scary demon and I'm going to get you. (whispered) I'm a ghost. Okay. So I'm gonna show you three things that you can do really, really quickly. And the first thing I'll do now, I've recorded that. Of course, I always like to maximize the volume by using normalize either to minus 0.1 or minus three dB doesn't really matter. Adobe Audition is so good now that it just doesn't really make much of a difference. Okay, let's call this the spooky multi-track that I'm going into now with no template whatsoever. And we'll bring this in. So the first thing is really, really simple to do. I'm actually gonna chop this in half and take the "I'm a ghost" bit. Put that off to the side for the moment. And I'm just gonna simply double up my voice like that onto a second track by holding down alt or option for you Mac users and dragging to the next track. So we got me speaking twice on two tracks. - (deep voice) Hello, there. I'm a rather scary demon. - Okay. It doesn't sound too scary now, but we're gonna do this really simply. We're gonna go into the effects rack and on the first track we are going to go to time and pitch, and we're gonna go to pitch shifter, and we're gonna take it down by five semitones. - (deep voice) Hello, there. I'm a rather scary demon. - Starting to sound a little scary, but now we'll go over to the second track. And again, we'll put the same effect in, we'll go to pitch shifter, but instead of taking it down five semitones, we'll put it up five semitones; we'll play back. - (high voice) Hello, there. I'm a rather scary demon. - And you can mess about with this. So we can maybe go by three to bring those pictures a bit closer, so plus three, and over on the first track, we'll make that minus three and try again. - (scary voice) Hello, there. I'm a rather scary demon. - And if you wanted to, kind of, make it even more, kind of, you know, imaged and sounding great you can pan a little bit to the left, pan a bit to the right. - (scary voice) Hello, there. I'm a rather scary demon. - And so that's the first vocal effect in time for Halloween. Second one, I'm gonna mute out track two. I'm gonna put track one into the center. - (deep voice) Hello, there. - And we'll take the pitch shifter down quite a bit more. - (deep voice) Hello, there. - And then we'll go in and we'll add in something from modulation, maybe a chorus. We can go through some of the presets. - (scary voice) Hello, there. I'm a rather scary demon. - So Project Nightmare works quite well as a preset. You might want to remember that one if you're in chorus. We've also got Chaos Pits, (rumbling) but that's a, that's a bit alien-like. - (gravelly voice) Hello, there. - Broken stereo-based chorus. - (gravelly voice) Hello, there. - That's quite good. So we're pitch shifting down. We're using the base chorus, and also we could go into special, and maybe add in a little bit, sorry, not special, reverb. And we can add a little bit of studio reverb. Usually starting off with vocal reverb. Small is quite good. Putting the dry up to 100, wet up. - (scary voice) Hello, there. I'm a rather scary demon. - If you wanna make it even more scary you can just increase the decay. - (scary voice) Hello, there. I'm a rather s- - And the more you increase the decay, the bigger that reverb becomes. So, those are your first two tips. Final one, I'm gonna do really quickly with this spooky ghost. So I kind of whispered it. - (whispered) I'm a ghost. - Okay, I've still got some of those effects on there. Now I can actually maybe take them up or take them down. I might just take the reverb down a bit there. - (whispered) I'm a ghost. - And we're gonna do something, I like to call it, reverse reverb, others call, other producers call it all kinds of things. Copy new audio file, paste effects. Reverse it. Put in a bit of silence afterwards, edit, insert, silence back 10 seconds is more than enough. Then we go into effects. We go to reverb. We use studio reverb, lots of decay required on this, lots of wet, not very much dry. And we get, (whispering) okay, so there you can see the the reverse reverb coming in. We then reverse it back around, zip, like that. We bring that untitled to reverse reverb in and we try to match these up. Now if I was being super efficient and I'm sure I've done this in other tutorials, I usually place a marker but because I've done this so many times, I know roughly where this should go and we unmute that track. In fact, we'll put it on a track without effects. - (scary voice) I'm a ghost. - Okay. So you hear how that- let's cut off that. Let's do a little fade in there. Let's turn that volume up. Let's fade down a bit when the ghostly voice comes in so the reverse reverb isn't going on underneath the voice and we get: - (scary voice) I'm a ghost. - So we get that very ghostly kind of thing that you might hear in Sixth Sense the movie, or you know, any movies that have ghosts in. So very, very simple, very, very easy for you. That is how it's done. First of all, you got pitch up and pitch down, two separate tracks, left and right separation. You've got a demonic kind of scary clown voice. You can work with just the pitch shifter, bit of chorus, bit of reverb, and you've got a super dark demon voice. And then of course you can do reverse reverb, and put it onto a kind of whisper to get that kind of (whispered) ghostly effect. Happy Halloween. Enjoy using these effects in your productions. 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Channel: Mike Russell
Views: 30,614
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Id: G67LtSYxLMs
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Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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