How to make Salvadoran Family Pupusas Recipe With Curtido | Views on the road Viewer Recipe

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hello and welcome today I'm gonna be showing you how to make pupusas salsa and a delicious cookie dough this lovely recipe was shared with us from one of our viewers Brenda and her mother Margaret patty Anna from San Miguel El Salvador share this wonderful recipe with us so let's go ahead and give up a nice warm use clip welcome down below in the comments and let's get started on some authentic delicious who pulls us what you want to do first is you want to get started on your potato because you're gonna need to have this brewing with all the spices and ingredients for at least three hours okay so let's go ahead and get started you want to make sure that you chop your cabbage very fine nice and thin and you shred your carrot to this we're gonna add our salt oregano apple cider vinegar and your water give that a good mix friends if you like a spicy cookie dough you can add some serranos but i don't think the kids are up for it today so i'm keeping them out but for your for you if you like the spice go ahead and have some Serrano's or a jalapeno okay so I'm just gonna switch this to one of my mason jars I'm gonna go ahead and put it in the refrigerator just so it's nice and cold and just ready for me and next I'm gonna show you how to make the salsa I place my cookie dough in my mason jars but if you guys notice I have to because cloud started crying because she wanted she wanted to chill in her she's like are you know gonna put she'll in it so chilly no chilly it's gonna be up to you to make it comfortable for your home now back to our salsa thank you so much we need to blend our socks off so add your tomatoes okay your onion and you're set on OHS the recipe calls for the four but these are hot five right now so we're gonna do that add your salt your garlic powder and your cumin now we're just gonna blend until it's purified pick sounds good to me get the army [Music] okay friends all our ingredients have been purified in there we have a delicious outside going now it's time to take it over to our burner because we have to cook this salsa we don't have to but we want to yeah I have my pan on a medium heat we're adding a little bit of oil and now we're gonna go ahead and add our sunset we gotta cook it a little bit okay you guys see what my couch huddled up yeah I know I can smell that heat in the air oh yeah nice the combinations amazing yeah we're all smiles I can't wait to get the hiccup oh yeah if it's super spicy for me I immediately get the hiccups but it takes like two serve animals or one kind of venue in well the thing is that I'm too happy you didn't touch these serranos because your hands like for some reason make everything it's just spicy and probably one bite about when they're all getting a cup okay so I'm just gonna cook this here for about two three minutes and I'll show you what we're looking for we're back our salsa is nice and ready all you wanted to reduce and cook just a little bit and then you're set set it to the side for serving on your fukusa why don't some liquidity yeah all right brother that's how you make your son son okay let's move it along cuz Claude and I apparently got the gate coaster I currently have my pan on a medium heat and I'm gonna start adding my pork pieces it's gonna get really loud so we're gonna be here until it's cooked okay [Music] I'm gonna continue to cook this pork on a medium heat and I'll see you guys on the side it's been exactly 23 minutes for me so it's gonna take you about 20 to 25 to get our pork to the consistency that we need okay and you neither kind of like the chitchat one in a way get that good flavor and a good cook in your pork so I'm just taking out all the pork I need to set it to the side just so that it's cool enough so that we're able to blend it into bits okay you're gonna be able to use your food processor or your blender and my blender does a pretty good job so that's what I'm gonna stick with today the less I have in my kitchen the better my family's you guys know I get distracted I'm working on it our pork that looks kind of like a cheese head one has cooled enough for us to begin blending so that we can get those little tidbits now let's get started ready I'm ready okay your apron looks a little bit like overalls today thank you okay I'll put my overalls for our next recipe I'm gonna need it that's how much you guys are gonna watch me for the next recipe I told you I lost some weight so that I could eat we're and it's not over no the overalls that I have are very like loose or like um tinsel oh nice oh they're so okay friends don't be shocked okay I'm just gonna continue making my sunset in this blender I don't need to rinse it cuz it's all gonna go into the same place okay so those of you that so those of you that have perfection issues bear with me okay we're all gonna get through it together make it comfortable for your that's right baby nothing more bad kids but hey okay kids [Music] Lady gaga what so that's a bad kid I have to see the P anyways profanity in it oh no we can't talk about the rain efference let's go ahead and add all the little ingredients that we need for our sunset and if you guys are having a difficult time just click that little arrow next to the title and it'll allow you to expand for the recipe ingredients okay for the description area yep in the description area I'm gonna add my cumin and we're gonna blend now it's time to prepare our filling so to our shredded pork we're gonna add our tomato chicken bouillon bouillon yeah you're gonna add the Sun so we blend it okay and the cheese I'm gonna start little by little guys know how I am with these bowls I just begin mixing and combining don't ask me how I did it but I combined everything well together I always think the smallest Bowl for the things I suggest you guys at home pick a bigger bowl and now that we have our filling set let's work on our masa to my moussaka I've added a little bit of salt for seasoning and flavor it's gonna be up to you if you want to do that okay I'm gonna start adding our water no we're looking to do is hydrate or Maseca so I'm gonna give you my recommendations for water and the portion of my CEQA but you're gonna have to make sure that depending on where you're at that you hydrate it properly okay you don't want a dry dry my second fourth the pupusas and you also don't want it like overly wet has to be just right my family [Laughter] kind of have throw me my nickel mostly says my little habit every little tricks yeah to make sure that I have it to where I need it yep well we're not sure that trick well I just I'm just used to working with my Sega so I know like what I need for what recipe in year four and the consistence it should form a ball not a volleyball it's not the size it's the the weight that you kind of feel you feel the moisture like when you press your hands in there it's like not sticking and nothing sticking to your hand it's spongy it's nice and soft once you are with it work with it a little bit you don't know what I'm talking about I know I'm finding you a little bit but if you come in here I can show you like what it should look like okay and then you can kind of hear it like when you're here see you're able to pull a little piece and you can form it without it sticking to your hands or falling apart okay so another way to do it is grab your portion and if you can form your little ball and it's not sticking to you you're set now if it's sticking to you that means that you added too much water and if it's like all powder then that means that you don't have enough water it has to be right okay so now that we have this set let me bring the star of the show you can get some water let me set up our area so that you guys can see it closed okay good before I begin I want to let you guys know that instead of oil I'm using a little bit of the fat from the pork that we have so I'm just repurposing the oil part okay okay let's grab some of our masa Mima le no I'm just excited so mine so what you're gonna do is you're gonna toss it back and forth in your hand like this just so that we achieve a good nice smoothness you can press it in a bit just to make sure that you're smoothing it out properly you see we don't want any other cracks in here cracks are good but not in this recipe no not in this recipe you want them nice and smooth so once you have the smoothness that you want from you know tossing it back and forth and I know I'm going fast but that's what you have to do at home because if you're like right here like you're never gonna be done you're gonna gotta own it okay you're gonna start pressing it down into a little disc like that okay and for me it helps me with the palms of my hands to achieve that circle of authority and also to kind of make it even for the whole boosah okay so once you've spread it out enough you can kind of come to the sides and start making that little cubby where we're gonna put our filling you use your Chow little finger yeah so I saw just like if you're Masai feels dry in your hands you can keep a little bit of water next to you to kind of hydrate it so once you've established that it's alittle lames you can kind of come in and smooth them out with the palms of your hands right here like that Dorothy that's my mama Thor Dita's papa don't go too thin in the middle with the filling you want to make it smooth all the way out okay cuz then everything's gonna come out from the center and you don't want that we go we're here with you all right now we're gonna add our filling and don't get all you know wild with your feelings get a good portion but just don't overdo it either okay don't act like me no you guys know how I get okay so now we're gonna make a little bag kind of like a pot of gold little bag and all the excess money you have here I'm gonna pinch it off right there see okay now I'm going to dip my hands and some of if you're using oil or you're using some of the the fat from the pork that we made I can do that Pat it around and then you're gonna begin okay and I'm just back and forth like that but really fast and gentle you see something like that you can just help yourself like this okay just to make sure nothin of the feeling comes out and then continue now when you're pressing down you're pressing gently so once you have that circle right here that you had more with your fingers you want to start pushing it back a bit to where your palms are and give it a play a little bit more pressure that making sense yes ma'am okay the pressure of not making a wavy thought all right okay all right friends there's one so I'm going to continue to do that with all of them enjoy the music and let's get started [Music] I'm in the zone so cloud might be able to chat with you tell us about your experience inside of our little Club oh my gosh I had an amazing time I went there a few years back I went to go help some people with some technology stuff but I met some really good people and I had amazing food just really like overall it felt like when you go to Mexico and you feel like the love the love and you know the moms and the grandmas making the food and the street vendors and all of that so I I felt at home in a way that's yeah I felt really good good happy and bugging the crap out of you to me I mean growing up in our neighborhood we had you know families from every word through Latin America yeah we had neighbors that were for what that my dad survived on and there's a lot of similarities in our in our dishes it's just kind of cool to get to it exchange recipes uh-huh yeah techniques I know you're like I ate so much and you know our foodies guys I did when I travel I always pack a pair of leggings like those stretchy ones with this good spandex and then as I know that I'm gonna gain five to seven pounds from wherever I go like where I travel I don't hold back you wanna make out your booty yes I am way to do this we need to know people by being on the market and what the street vendor you just you know you want to get to Ellie's for me I want to get to know like the culture and how people are living yeah I like the simplicity of cooking not like the bougie aspect of it or how people want to make it perfect I don't like that like to me it's like you come to my house you're gonna eat and there is not gonna be any perfection but the food's gonna be delicious you know well to some people's perfection is different things than yours like when I eat your food items perfect oh thanks sis yeah you gotta make it comfortable for your at home so I'm gonna finish up here but what you want to do on urine is you want to assemble put it on the on the pan or whatever you're using to cook your book book sauce and you should be right next to your stove doing this you don't want to align it like I'm doing right here but I have a lot to go okay friends I'm gonna add a little bit of oil to my griddle if you're doing on the pan you just need a little bit of oil okay and we're gonna cook them it's gonna be about five to six minutes on on each side so just bear with me as I guide you to what you're looking for okay you're gonna notice that you want a good crisp and also that it's gonna pop up on its own so don't stress out don't come in here picking at it just be very very patient and I'm telling you this book cool that's gonna be epic all right friends I went to flip this one already it was about five minutes or so and you're gonna see when it's time for these to be done they tend to puff up and they're they feel really really really soft okay it's kind of like a little air pocket you'll see in just a moment as we get through these friends are full-size ready and you're gonna see right here look at little bubble yes everything's all nice cook and fluff it time to come out it's like a little jumping castle that's when you know you're ready if it's still stuck almost ready this one's aren't ready yet they're all ball mean these are you just depending on how thick you made them you're gonna have to wait for that little process right there and you want to make sure that you have a crisp on the outside I think I have my riddle too I'm gonna fill my book will set just so it's easier for my tasting okay you guys but usually I just put it on my plate and I go to town on it I think this is gonna be like the Dominus how many imagining so instead margarita amazing amazing recipe see surah Zetas a spectacular muchas gracias por Ville in d'arnot's amistad y tambien surah septic a es muy importante seguir tradición si nuestra familias vida y lara dez-mo su su tiempo con nosotros especialmente so rosetta when provecho we appreciate you well girl I know I'm watching over here you get old you get the perfect amount of pork and cheese and every single bite this technique has it go all the way up to the corners it's evenly spread and the coat either was just perfect I know I'm gonna eat always today mm-hmm yeah you deserve it they're so good yeah I really do this is amazing I'm gonna leave Brenda's information in this description area in case you guys want to contact her maybe her mom can hook you up with some sauce I'm already dripping I just want to know big my hands but not in front of you guys right all right all right we'll go mm so he wants her to come in though okay how's that for a delicious recipe friends I'm so excited to have been able to achieve a delicious authentic pulse a because I've made them before but not like this one this is just one of those recipes that is gonna go in the vault for those of you that want to share your family with us your traditional recipes you can email us at use on the road at title it family recipe please include as many details as you can so that we can achieve that recipe if you want to share here with our friends because that's what it's about right sharing recipes and showing the world what our what our countries have to offer right because every country has just their particular dishes that are just done so well at least for me being a foodie I'm excited for this one so on that one I'll see you guys tomorrow bye
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 1,303,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pupusas, how to make pupusas, authentic salvadorian pupusas, how to make pupusas salsa, how to make pupusas salvadorenas, how to make pupusas in english, how to make pupusas salvadorenas recipe, views pupusas recipe, how to make curtido for pupusas, how to make pork and cheese pupusas, pupusas recipe, cook with me dinner, SALVADORIAN PUPUSAS, views on the road pupusas, el salvador, views on the road, pupusas salvadoreñas, pupusas de el salvador
Id: 43WRUL6LeMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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