How to make Relaxing Waves in Blender 3.1! (Geometrynodes)

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hello everyone and welcome to today's episode of geometry notes in 3.1 where today i'll be showing you how to make this relaxing pointy wave effect so without further ado let's get started first of all let's go and clear the scene except for our pointy object in this case it is a lego piece so let's separate that into another collection and hide everything else so this is just a simple lego piece as you can see it's a bit pointy and stuff like that this could be anything it could just be a cone with a point on the end or anything like that but in this case i'm using a lego piece so with this let's move it over to the side that'll be our instanced object so now let's add in a plane to be our geometry nodes object so now that we have this let's add in a new geometry node what we're going to do first is add in a mesh primitive grid and then an instance on points node let's hook that up into there that into the points let's drag and drop our object into our scene and hook that up into the instance tab and as we can see as we do this we now have more of these little pieces right here so now that we have this let's go and make it so that all this empty space is filled so all we need to do is keep turning up the amount of vertices until it kind of matches right here that seems good enough now let's make it the same for the y-axis so let's do that and i think yeah that fits pretty well just fiddle with this until your grid is all filled up all right now that we have this we could start to manipulate the rotation so to do that let's use the position input right here always keep your nodes organized we only have four right now but just keep that in mind for later so now that we have this i'm going to go and add in a separate xyz node right here so now in this case what i'm going to do is use the x axis because as we could see these lego pieces will rotate best on the y-axis so we're going to use the x-axis and if we go and use a vector math multiply node and hook that up into the rotation apply that to the y axis we can see that as we go along the x axis these rotate on the y axis and we are already getting some stuff happening but we don't want uh it to happen quite like this we want it to be in a wave pattern so to do that what we need to use is a math node set to sine now what a sine does is it takes a value and then it makes it a wave that goes from positive 1 to negative 1. so in this case the curves will the lego pieces will rotate one way to negative one which i think this is negative one and this is positive one but what if we want more waves to occur uh more frequently well to do that what we want to do is add in a multiply node and multiply before the sine wave as we could see more of this is happening but as we could see the uh it's affecting it a bit too much so what we need to do is just turn this down to maybe until these don't clip into each other so i'm going to set the multiply to like six and then the vector math multiply to something like that i think that's pretty good and now let's animate this i'm gonna hide the camera because that's that's actually been in our way this whole time okay so now that we have this let's go and animate this so let's add in an add node after here and what we want to do switch that tab is input hashtag frame divided by 24 and what this will do if you watched my other tutorials as the timeline goes by i'll add more to this value so we do that and if we play the animation we can see it's happening a bit fast so let's go and change that to 100 i think yeah i think that's pretty good we do have some clipping going on but it's not too noticeable especially if we view it from this side okay now that we have this going let's go and uh vary add some variation to the wave right here because right now the whole thing is going at once we don't want that so to change that up a little bit what we're going to do is add in a noise texture noise and let's set this to one dimensional noise so what we're going to do now is hook up the y-axis into this noise texture and then we're going to add the noise texture to our uh our gradient right here so just hook that up into there and as we can see we're getting some variation but we'll manipulate that a bit more in a second let's just do a general overview for the time being we take the position take the x-axis we add a bit to it to animate it multiply uh changes how often the waves occur occur the sine function makes it all wavy the multiply vector math multiply makes it so that it only affects one axis of rotation if we were to put it on the x-axis as well as we can see we get this happening which could be cool uh if we were using different objects but in this case we will only want one axis of rotation again instance on points all that we went over that so yeah now that we have this let's go over and change up the noise texture a little bit to give a more interesting result all right so let's change the detail down to zero and maybe increase the scale of the noise texture yeah something like that but we could also multiply the noise texture after the fact to change the basically the strength of the offset so if we set this to like point one we can see that there's just a little bit of variation to our wave right here let's go into the render view real quick there we go not the prettiest because the lighting's not set up correctly but oh yeah that's better so now that we have this let's increase the multiply to i don't know something pretty high now this makes it so that every wave is happening at a different time but if we decrease the scale we can get something more like that yeah it's all up to personal preference i think the more different waves looks a bit better but feel free to experiment with this and come up with your own uh patterns and such i think that's basically the entire tutorial let's add in a little bit right here at least for the motion but i'm gonna touch on this shading in just a second let's add in a few frames just to organize everything a little bit and yeah we could bundle into some frames here doesn't have to make too much sense it just needs to make it easy for the eye so let's group those parts together there we go and if you want to increase the bounds of this effect well i'll just increase the size a bit and then increase the vertices until everything meshes there we go okay now for shading for shading if you want a random color per uh piece right here uh you go and select your object right here and i'll just remake the shader from scratch just for the tutorial so new material new material right here input object info as we could see we have a random input right here as we can see that gives us a random gradient for each one so we could use a color ramp to choose a color in this case orange we hooked that up into the principled node maybe turn down the roughness a little bit something like that and for the lighting i'll just touch up on the lighting a little bit i just used a sun lamp it's a little strong at the moment because i think this is the wrong orientation for the plane if i set it to 30 camera angle really zoom in on that yeah let's rotate this to make it more like the original piece do that then what i did was just copy this a few times just to fill up the screen space and let's move that over a little bit more there we go and then boom you have this scene which looks pretty cool but yeah thank you for watching be sure to put a like on this tutorial subscribe if you haven't already check out my twitter account my gumroad account it has plenty of free and paid stuff on there and yeah i hope you enjoyed and i will see you next time
Channel: Cartesian Caramel
Views: 23,221
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Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2022
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