How To Make Refried Beans From Scratch - Plus A Secret To Get Great Flavor | Bloopers!

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hi I'm Robin from cooking Mexican recipes calm now today I'm going to show you how to make refried beans now this recipe is very simple it has four ingredients and we're going to use one pot and the flavor is going to be way better than anything you can buy in a can so in this video I'm going to go over all the ingredients with you then I'm going to take you step by step through the whole process and at the end of the video I'm going to give you a little tip on how to get some extra flavor into your beans let's go over our ingredients for the recipe we're going to need 3 cups of pinto beans now pinto beans do have a best buy date stamped on the bottom somewhere on the package and the reason they do that is because the older they are the longer they take to cook so you don't ever want to combine some old beans with some some fresh ones when you're cooking them because they won't cook up evenly our next ingredient and what gives our beans flavor is some kind of fat now I have found through my experience that corn oil works the best olive oil is probably not a good choice because the flavor is just a little bit too strong now also we're going to need some garlic powder this is just powder there's no salt in this at all and I'm going to be using probably about 2 teaspoons of that and then we have some salt and I'll probably use about 3 teaspoons of that and we're going to taste them and possibly add another teaspoon first thing we want to do is pour our beans out onto a flat surface so that we can sort through them okay so I'm going to keep them over to one side and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to pull them towards me pull a handful towards me and drop them into my bowl what we're doing is we're looking for beans that don't look edible and we're looking for rocks so you can do this rather quickly by just taking a glance you see how I'm spreading out and I'm just pulling them into my bowls so here here's here's a rock here we want to get rid of that here's another Rock just toss those aside that's what we're looking for here's a bean that doesn't look quite like a regular beans I'm going to take that out and just go through this until you're done pour your beans into a pan and fill it with some cold water so what we're going to do here is we're going to rinse the beans because they're not exactly clean we're gonna swirl them around and if you see if you notice any beans that are floating just take those out because they're not they're not behaving like the other beans so we're gonna take those out of there rinse them out a little bit see if we got any floaters there's one here too many this time okay and we're gonna drain this out and then we're going to refill this with some more water and we're going to put it on the stove now you'll want to fill your water up because it's going to boil for like two hours so we're going to fill it up probably more than double the beans so I'm going to fill that pot up probably two-thirds of the way place your beans on the stove I'm going to put a lid on it that will help it reach a boil a lot quicker and we're gonna put it on high now again we're gonna let once it gets to hide that starts bubbling I'm going to take the lid off but we're gonna get it up and we're going to bubble it we're going to boil it for about two hours so we'll come back then all right I've got the beans up to a full boil as you can see here and I'm going to turn the heat down because I don't want them to boil too hard as they're cooking for two hours so I'll just start once what we want to make sure is we keep the water level up with a boil like this the water can pretty much evaporated of it so you want to make sure you just add more water as you go don't worry about adding too much water because that's going to cook out so let's keep the level up to about words add just keep the volume up and we'll just continue to monitor it and let this go for two hours and then we'll add all of our spices our beans have been cooking now for two hours I want you to have a look and see on how they look this is kind of important here now you can see that the liquid is turned to dark brown which is what we want and then look they might look a little bit soupy to you but this is fine this is still going to cook down and thicken up so don't worry about that at this point you can see the beans have also turned a darker Brown and now I'm going to add some salt and this is what we're going to we're going to taste it to make sure that we get the right amount of salt now I'm going to go ahead and add three teaspoons of salt and I'm going to add the garlic powder and that will be a couple of couple of teaspoons and we're going to just sprinkle it lightly want to keep those beans nice simmering just like they're doing and I want to spread this around so it doesn't clump up add one more of those let's get that in there and then I'm going to stir it with my spoon okay now is when I would like I want you to taste it at this point so that's what I'm going to do here and be sure not to burn yourself let this cool off blow on it do whatever it takes okay that's pretty darn good I'm going to add just a little bit more a little bit more salt make another half a teaspoon or so and now I'm going to add my oil so I'm going to add about a quarter of a cup of the corn oil that's not too much that's just enough to give it some really good flavor now I'm going to let this simmer just like it is for another hour and a half or until it starts to stick so you want to come come in occasionally and stir it and I'm going to let this cook down it'll thicken up and then when we're ready to mash them we'll turn off the heat and then we'll mash them so we will be back in in a little bit my beings have been simmering now for about an hour in ten minutes and I want you to have a look at the simmer that's going on I want to talk about this again and have you look and see what's going on see we want it to simmer like that a low bubble but we don't want it to burn now these beans are starting to want to stick so I'm going to go ahead and mash them I think they're done notice the dark dark color that's what we want these are going to be very very good so when we go to mash them I'm going to turn the heat off first and then we will just mash them until you don't really see any whole beans or you know you can mash them as much as you want to have a mash so that's how you make refried beans now I do want to mention that let's say you store these you know for the next day they're going to get thick on you and there's no problem with fitting them down a little bit with some water so you can add a little bit of water stir it up heat them up and they're good to go and they'll be just like new I mentioned earlier in the video that I was going to give you a little flavor tip at the end of the video so I'm going to give that to you now what I want you to do is to go to my video to how to make corn tortilla chips and cinnamon chips so go to that video make yourself some chips and follow along save the oil like the video says and use that oil in these beans that's going to that's a little thing to do but it's going to take the flavor level of your beans up up a notch alright I'm going to taste my beans and see how they are mmm mmm these are really really good just wish I had some chips to go with them alright well thanks for stopping by my kitchen today and spending some time with me if you enjoyed the video be sure and click the like button and subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any of my new videos coming out and as my father used to say remember now it's got to be hot to be good thanks for watching we'll see you next time hi everyone I'm rockin Robin from cooking Mexican recipes calm and today I'm going to show you how to make some corn tortilla chips I'm also going to show you remember it's gotta be got it's got to be hot to be good good here on ready go Oh like what
Channel: Rockin Robin Cooks
Views: 727,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: refried beans, homemade refried beans, how to make refried beans, scratch, cookingmexicanrecipe, Rockin Robin, pinto beans, refried, beans, Frijoles Refritos, garlic, oil, salt, secret, Mexican, food, best, Cooking (Interest), Recipe, Flavor, recipes, diy, Rockin Robin Cooks, homemade, how to make, how to cook, cuisine, best refried beans, spanish rice, restaurant, cooking, cook, dinner, how to
Id: 5slGn7jgbDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Tue May 29 2012
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