How to Make Realistic PBR Materials in Lumion

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hey what's up guys Nuno here in this video I'll show you how to create realistic materials in moment I will explain the different texture maps and when they are necessary to get realistic results and also how to add extra detail with displacement maps so let's get started so correct PBR materials you need the right textures for it so I usually get my textures from quick Sol or polygon and here you have the bridge and if you don't know that then you'll be able to have this software where you can see all the types of 3d assets surfaces decals imperfections displacements all of this the surface that I use in the beginning of the video it's this one and you can see it here looks very similar to what I did inside women and in the download settings you have the texture resolution and all the maps you can use so I select the albedo displacement normal and gloss so this whole video it's basically the same as diffuse but it doesn't have any shadows and highlights inside the texture itself and this is nice because for PBR materials when you have the displacement map for example this is placement creates some geometry and this geometry will create some shadows as well and so it's better to have a albedo like this without any shadows inside the texture itself so and this is the displacement so you can see that in the displacement you have all of the dark area so will be lower and the white parts will be higher and you can even see that you have some of the wood veins as well here in this displacement now also have the normal map so the normal map will be basically the bumpiness of the texture and then we have the lost map and the gloss map is basically how shininess how shiny the the texture is so the lighter part will be more shiny and this part really really dark will be almost with any shininess and we need to put this texture in the normal map and to do this for example here in Photoshop you can just press ctrl-a and we'll have this marching ants and then we press ctrl-v go to the normal map and here let me just remove this here we have the texture like this with the layers and then here on the side we have channels so here we'll create on this button to create a offer channel and then we'll just press control V okay now we need to save this either as a Targa file or TIFF or DDS so it saves our alpha channel I'll leave it as target and just save as 32-bit because if you don't save as 32 bits it will not have this alpha channel to not save this alpha Channel so just pay attention to this just press ok by the way I have a video where I speak a little bit more about quick soul mega scans and I'll give a link to it in the top right corner and in the description below this video as well now here inside lumen I'll just select the material and now I'll create a standard one and I'll choose a color map and for color I'll choose the albedo and I will remove this color is Asian because lumen by default puts this gray color so just remember to always remove it I'll increase the scale a little bit but here it's fine so if you notice you already have here some bumpiness right and why is this because Lybian creates the by default when you import a obvious already fuse it creates automatically a normal map from that but it's not the most the most accurate so let's just remove it because we have our normal map and now i want to show you how this texture looks if we just live like this exactly so let's just read it out so you can see that this texture looks almost like a mirror doesn't look anything like wood texture right so what we need here we need a normal map and the gloss map so let's do this let's go here back and let's select the normal map with the gloss map on the Alpha Channel and now we can see that this texture looks much better we don't have any of these glass-like reflections just leave this at one because it already has the correct gloss gloss innocent reflection in the texture so just leave it as it is and the relief as well and now let's render again so we can see the difference ok let's first have a look at the before and after and as you can see we now have all of this bumpiness in the texture we can see the wood veins all of the boards you can see clearly and even the nails you can see that they have a lot more glossiness than the the wood itself and we can even have some dirt here some some surface imperfections so it looks much more realistic this one but we can even add one extra detail here and let's see with lumen 10.3 now we have the possibility of adding our own displacement Maps and to do this we'll go here choose this placement map and select the displacement and so this displacement will create the geometry will raise a little bit the geometry and to create this effect that you will see now so here in the displacement I increase if I go all the way up you can see the difference especially around here in this areas so you see if I don't have any displacement and if I increase it looks much better now so let's take a render with this and see the difference so now if I show this a normal map and now with the displacement you see how all of this boards you can see clearly the difference in height between them so it gives it really this extra realism by the way I have a lumen R and of course there I'm showing all the techniques I use to achieve high quality renders with lumia I'll leave a link to it in the description below this video now let me show you another material here so if you go here outside we have this wall and we can select here exactly the same process can go here and materials we have this plaster we have the albedo the displacement and put this part so we have the albedo the displacement gloss a normal so I already did the same here I put the gloss in the Alpha channel of the normal map and I inverted the green channel of the normal map so if I import is so let's remove the colorization and increase the scale here now if we add the normal map okay you can see the details of this bumpiness if I remove it's completely flat but if we increase it back you can see all of these details on the texture so let's put it back and now let's add the displacement so I'm going to increase and you can clearly see this illusion here when the starts creating this geometry see so if you leave it about here okay now let's go to render so now you can see here in the render already preview how it looks and if I render out so you can see how nice this material looks we have all of these detail little details from the plaster so it's really nice to have these displacement maps really give this extra realism to the to the textures now one more thing let me just show you if I decrease here the light but here and now let me add some light me this one let's make it about here and let's move it put it on high move it about here and target here would be okay now so if I now move this slide you can see all the shadows of the texture see remember that this is basically a plane nothing else but you can still see all of these small details and it all comes from the normal map and the displacement map if I go back here now structure and if I remove so you see that even with this this displacement map if I remove it this area here doesn't have any shadow right but if I increase okay you can see that all of this area is in shadow so this displacement markets even creating some shadows and this is why it's important to use the albedo map instead of the diffuse and that's it for today thank you for watching I'll leave the links to get the textures in the description below this video if you liked this video don't forget to give me a thumb up subscribe and click the back button to get notified when my new videos go live see the next one you
Channel: Nuno Silva
Views: 254,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lumion Tutorial, 3D Rendering, Lumion walkthrough tutorial, rendering, 3d, 3d rendering, video tutorial, 3d visualization, lumion, 3d render, lumion 3d, lumion 9, how to add diffuse map, how to add bump map, how to add normal map, how to add displacement map, material lumion, lumion 10, using quixel materials, using poliigon materials, how to create realistic materials, vray materials, shading, realism, pbr materials, lumion 10 pro, megascans, nuno silva, lumion pbr
Id: acfxBjeDIMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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