Anime Stylized Trees and Leaves | Blender Tutorial

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you guys want it so here it [Music] is your name or kiminonawa is one of my favorite movies in the anime if you pause on any frame in the movie it looks just like an illustration the lightning the scenes and even the character looks super detailed so a long time ago I was so motivated to recreate some scenes from the movie in 3D and so I did but I was quickly faced with an unexpected obstacle three one of the hardest most challenging parts of a background is even harder when my procedural clouds it was so hard that it took me more than one year since my first attempt to figure this out so in this video I will show you how to create a tree like this for free so that you don't have to go through the pain and Tears like I did back then so smash that subscribe button now you know just don't smash a subscribe button twice okay also go and download the do it with me project file in my gumroad so that you can easily follow me in this tutorial when you open the file you will see a familiar looking figure and I think you know what to do next press shift a mesh and select the cube and we want to turn this Cube into a bush so how do we do that so we have the cube and we simply put some some geometry note magic and uh we got a bush and it sounds like a great plan no um let's plan this once again we want to replicate the look from an anime movie which means that the things should look painted so in this case I will place many PLS with leaves textures on my Cube and make them face the camera so it looked like an artist painted it with their paint brush hm now that sound like a good initial plan but wait this sounds familiar all right this is just like my previous tutorial where I instance brush Strokes on top of some geometry to make them look painted all right I'm feeling very good about this so let's just make the tree create a new Geo node and when you press shift a and go to the group you will see that I have pre-made no groups named simple instancer and rotate instances to camera ready for you to use now drag both of them out and plug them together like this and you notice that our precious Cube has disappeared it's because we haven't plugged any geometry to instance on the cube yet so I'm going to create an additional plane and this will be our geometry back to the cube in Geon node add a node called object info this will grab the data from an object in the scene select that plane and plug it to the instance and be sure to select the camera here too and there it is doesn't look like a bush yet but I would just casually do some magic and there we go almost too [Music] easy yeah that's it what do you expect now that was almost too easy and now we successfully have a bush but you know there is no color yet so to add color select the plane and change the window to share the editor view add add an attribute and change the name to normal why is because hidden in the node group I add a store name attribute with the name normal that stores the normal of the surface on which the instance are instance [Music] on now we pluck the normal to a diffused Shader and plug the output of the Shader into the Shader RGB node then plug that to a color ramp and change the color to your likings and at the very end we'll get a bush like this I told you it's almost too easy [Music] yes well it's because I haven't used my secret technique yet yes it's a technique that would revolutionize the industry it's a technique that's so secret that I've been protecting in for a long time it's a technique that will destroy how to tree trunk [Music] blender and just like that I stumbled upon a project called geot trees it has so many no groups that can create non-destructive adjustable beautiful trees and furthermore is free so thank you to the awesome people who collaborated and help create this amazing tool so go in the description and download the blend file from Z tree now let's print the trunk branch and leav not groups from the file and back into notee of the cube we can plug them like this and play with their parameters and for the leaves input we can put any shape we want it can be a cube seere the mon [Music] anything we have success Yul distributed leaves on a cube and now there are cubes on a tree H yes all we need to do is to incense the leaves on those cube with the same setup I can use the separate components note to separate between the trunk and the cubes and we can just put our realized incense node here and our PRI setup after the cube and join them together like this and the final result is and from now on everyone can make trees I mean that was almost too easy right H but there is something still missing wait right [Music] animation oh yes what are way to finish this tree other than to make it flow with the wind let's add a noise texture in our geometry node this node will generate a noise pattern for our wind so I add this setup connect it to the vector input of the noise Shader and then this setup after consists of a set position node which will displace the leaves according to the noise texture be sure to turn off the normalized option and turn down the scale and this should be the final final result well now all you need to do is to put this in a scene and with that we finished our beautiful [Music] tree and before I go I want to say that all I do is to give you the techniques that I have acquired throughout the years I've never opened a commission nor If I Ever Wanted much from art uh I do what I do because I simply like making art and I can't really explain it in worse but I really enjoy other people around me uh learning something from my tutorials or even making incredible art that I'm sure that I will never be able to make and I learned from them too by the way if you do create beautiful scenes from the stuff in my tutorial you can tag me in the comment on Twitter or send me a DM of your creations and click subscribe like or dislike is up to you comment what you think down below stay positive and I will see you next time bye-bye
Channel: Tawan Sunflower
Views: 105,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d vegetation, artistic foliage, blender animation, blender geometry nodes, blender tree tutorial, blender tutorial, botanical textures, digital foliage, flora creation, foliage creation, foliage modeling, greenery creation, leaf textures, stylized leaves, tawan sunflower, vegetation art
Id: OAQMveiNQdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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