How to Make Precropped Digital Sticker Sheets for GoodNotes

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one of the best things about digital planning is stickers using stickers in your digital planner is just like using stickers in a paper planner there are decorative ones so you can create a specific theme or functional ones that can be used for things like appointments tracking habits holidays and things like that digital stickers however are easily reusable and you can use them over and over again and you can even move the stickers around if you don't like the placement which you can't really do with paper planners digital stickers if you purchase them are typically delivered in three different ways first is as a transparent PNG typically they are all zipped together in a folder so you can split screen that folder and your digital planner to drag and drop the stickers over the second way which is probably the most popular way in the digital planning Community is with something called pre-cropped sticker sheets or sticker books this is a PDF file that was actually imported into goodnotes and then the sticker Creator added those stickers on top of that sheet or that sticker book and then they exported it as a good notes file for you to later add to your good notes app and then similarly to using the folder you can use this sheet to copy and paste the stickers over into your planner whenever the sticker Creator does her final export it turns into a doc good notes file and that's the file that you import into goodnotes and then the Third Way the least popular way I would assume at least for right now is an elements collection this is again using good notes specifically the sticker Creator adds their stickers to an elements collection and good notes and then they share it so you can add that later as the collection to your elements and good notes if you're not already familiar with elements and good notes I do have a video that goes in depth about elements what they are how to use them when it's best to use them and some tips and tricks I'll have that video Linked In the cards and in the description for you in this video I am sharing how to create a branded digital sticker sheet or a sticker book that you can add your digital stickers to to either sell or to give away to others that want to use your good notes digital stickers I'll be using my iPad my apple pencil and the app keynote but you can use apps like Affinity or procreate canva even there's a number of apps you can use to create a branded sheet so let's get started so I have my iPad and my apple pencil here and I'm going to start by opening up the keynote application on my iPad but again you can use canva or Affinity designer or whatever you're using today to create the template so I'm going to start with Keynote and so this is what keynote looks like on my iPad I'm just going to click create presentation and choose a theme and then I'm just going to select the blank White theme Here and then I can with my finger hold on one tap on the other to multi-select and then I can click delete since I don't need those blocks there and it doesn't necessarily really matter what size template that you go with because it will be used digitally and sizes and resolutions don't necessarily matter too too much when it comes to using things digitally as much as it does when it comes to printing things so you can actually just go with this template kind of the template size that it generates for you in the program that you select or you can go with the US letter or A4 or whatever sizes that you would like typically I like to size them pretty much about the same size as my digital planner so I'll do that for this but you can also do portrait or landscape it really just depends on how you want your digital sticker sheet to look when it's used and uploaded into goodnotes so I'm going to come over here to presentation and then come down to presentation options and then over here you'll see presentation setup I'm going to click this this allows us to change the theme again if we would like to and then here you'll see slide size here's where we can change it from four to three ratio to 16 by nine three by four square or we can select a custom size I'm just going to change the width to 1200 because that is typically the size that I do for digital planners on the iPad and I'm going to go with a landscape digital sticker sheet for this just because I tend to prefer landscape digital sticker sheets since that's how I tend to use my digital planners is in landscape but if you want to do portrait you would just swap these numbers or go with whatever size you feel is best for your sticker sheet so I'm going to go with 1200 by 768. I'm going to click done and you can see that it's increased the width of my page I'm going to click done again and then I can start designing my sticker sheet and this will really just come down to how you want your sticker sheet to look you do want to make sure that you're leaving a lot of white space for the actual stickers themselves but if you think back to paper planner sticker sheets you know they're very minimal they just feature maybe the business logo maybe a website maybe social media but the focus is really just to have a sheet to put the stickers on right so you can just design your sticker sheet how you prefer designing it what I'm going to do is just add kind of my business logo and things like that things that I tend to add to my sticker sheets and that's just how I'm going to approach this as well who might add a few decorative elements here and there just to show you different ways that you can design your sticker sheets and I will share what my past sticker sheets have looked like since I've gone through multiple rebrandings and trying to nail down kind of the mood and the feel that I want K digital Studio to elicit I've gone through different variations of sticker sheets so I'll share those so you can get some ideas but for this sticker sheet I'm just going to stick with simple minimal my focus is the stickers I'm going to click the images icon here and I'm going to click photo or video since they already have my Logos and different icons and things saved to my camera roll so here is the K drill Studio logo and I just need to crop this down I'm going to click here for crop and then I'm just going to crop it down to the logo and then click done and then I can just resize this how I would like I'm just going to go with a center logo for this one so I'm going to use my rulers my guides here to help me determine what the center is you'll see if I hold my pencil down while I'm moving this element you'll see rulers pop up here along the side and here you can see that I'm at the zero point which is the center of the page and I'm going to put my logo there to add just a little simple detail I'm going to come over here to my shapes tool and I'm going to come down here to the square to adjust the properties and the styling of the square I'm going to come over here to my paint brush icon I'm going to change the fill here I'm going to scroll all the way over and click no fill I'm going to toggle on a border and I'm just going to leave it at one point with the color black and I'm going to have a solid style for my line and then I'm just going to create kind of a little border here just to add a small little detail to my sticker sheet and then I'll tap this and arrange it back that way if I need to I can move my logo I might make it a bit smaller and there we have it I think this is a really good start for my sticker sheet but I'm also going to take it just a few more steps further and add my social media icons so these are icons that I already created in procreate so I can pull those in so here we have my Pinterest icon I'm just going to resize that down and I might put that in the bottom corner here and then I can just repeat that process with my other social icons so I can have my Instagram let's just go ahead and grab my icons here before we situate those and I'll go with Facebook here and then I do have a question mark sticker that will link to the help library on my website and then I have a shopping cart icon to link to my my shop but I will leave that out for this one just so I can have my social media and my help icons so what I'm going to do so I don't accidentally pick up this border here is I'm just going to tap this come over here to my properties and click arrange and then I'm going to come down here to lock to lock it in place so I don't accidentally move it and pick it up while I'm working down here so I'm going to zoom in down here and I'm just going to resize my icons and then space them appropriately so I'm coming up to my paintbrush and then going to arrange and then I'm going to align and distribute my icons evenly so I'm going to align them all to the top and then I'm going to distribute them horizontally click done to make sure they're all even and in a row and then those are my social media icons what I can do is I can click into these I can click link and then I can link these out to those pages so I can link this to my Pinterest I can link this to my help desk so if I go to link and then I change this to web page then I can type in the k-digital studio help desk it's going to do help done and then I can repeat this same process for my icons here linking them to a specific web page and then inserting my social media here but you can also link them to a different slide if you needed to a web page of course an email or a phone number if you needed to and so that is how I'm going to style my digital sticker sheet of course it's very minimal and very simple but for things like sticker sheets you really don't have to have super elaborate sticker sheets you can just have the focus be on the stickers themselves okay so now that we have completed our sticker sheet I'm going to come over here to my presentation I'm going to click export and then I'm going to click PDF so I'll just leave all of this the same I'll click export and then I'll save this to the files app on my iPad and then if I wanted to I could rename this and then save it to there now what I'm going to do is I'm going to hop over into good notes and then I'm going to click new and I'm going to click import and I'm going to go to my iCloud Drive where I saved that sticker sheet so I can import it into good notes okay so here is my sticker sheet so I'm going to click this and I'm going to click open and then here is my sticker sheet that I created for adding my digital stickers you'll see that the links will work if I go into reading mode so if I go here to my help Library click yes it'll pull up my help library that I linked from my sticker sheet which is really helpful I'm going to go back to my sticker sheet and now it's time to actually add the digital stickers that we created if you need help with learning how to create digital stickers on your iPad I will have tutorials linked below for you but for now I'm just going to pull up a folder of where my digital stickers are located and I'm going to split screen with my sticker sheet here okay so I pulled up an example of some stickers that I have already created so this is my Essential icons pack which I already have launched in the shop if you want to check those out and then I can just drag and drop these over the unfortunate thing right now about dragging and dropping stickers over into good notes for your pre-crop sticker sheets because unfortunately if I come up here and click select and select all unfortunately I can't add all of the stickers like this into good notes I have to go one by one good notes only allows you to drag and drop one sticker at a time unfortunately so this can be a time consuming process depending on how many digital stickers you created and want to add to your sticker sheet so I'm just going to drag and drop my stickers like this and I like dragging them on top of each other because I like my stickers to be roughly the same size so if I drag and drop my stickers over once I've dragged and dropped all of the stickers over that I need to from this sheet I can use my lasso tool lasso everything and then resize them all at once and then I can use my images tool to move them how I see fit on my sticker sheet if I ever run out of space on my sticker sheet I just come up here to my plus page icon and then click current template and make sure after is selected and then I have another template that I can use to add stickers as much as possible I try to minimize the number of pages with my digital stickers if I can't fit it all onto one page and it doesn't look as great if I'm trying to shove so many stickers on one page then I will add a second page of stickers to this so once you've added all of the digital stickers to your digital sticker sheet now it's time to export this for other goodnotes users and this is the most important step to making sure that you can lasso and copy stickers and move them around for your planners or other people are able to copy and paste and move these stickers around to add them to their planners so you can come over here and name your sticker sheet if you want you can name it your business name and then whatever the sticker set is called or whatever the sticker set is called however you want to name your file I'm just going to leave it as this I'm going to come up here to my export icon and click that I'm going to click export all so if you have multiple Pages you want to make sure that you click export all and then here you want to make sure that you have good notes selected you want to make sure that you're exporting this as a good notes file because this allows users to move the stickers around or copy and paste them to their planners if you export as a PDF you'll notice it gives you kind of a little note here that says flattened and that means it becomes all one file you won't be able to move the stickers because they will flatten down to the PDF making it uneditable essentially so you want to make sure that you click good notes and you're going to click export and then you'll just save this to your Google Drive Dropbox your iCloud drive I'm going to save it to my iCloud drive so save to files then I can select the folder or wherever I want this saved and then I can save this so now if I go back to my files and go to where I have it saved in my files you'll see that it saved it here and it's called sticker sheet tutorial dot goodknits it looks like a zip file but the file is actually a good notes file it ends in Dot goodnotes and so what they'll do is they'll click this and then they'll share this directly to their good notes app so I can save this and you'll see that it's pulled it up after I've imported it into good notes now I can use my lasso tool to copy and paste these stickers to my digital planner let's say you accidentally exported it as a PDF I want to show you what that looks like on the other side of things so let's go back to my sticker tutorial here I'm going to click export export all let's say I accidentally had this saved it also gives you a warning here that the content is saved as one layer and cannot be edited after the export so hopefully that gives you enough warning but let's say I didn't see that and I exported it anyway I'm going to save this to my files and let's save that to downloads as well now let me head back over into my files you'll see now that it actually shows a thumbnail of what the page looks like and it ends in dot PDF let's click this and send this to my good notes app so as you can see the sticker sheet looks the same nothing seems out of the ordinary here but if I go to my lasso tool I actually can't copy and paste or move around these stickers because everything is flattened down I also can't click the links in my file anymore because I flattened those links down in good notes so again you always want to make sure that you're exporting your pre-crop to drill sticker sheets as a DOT good notes file whenever you go to export and that is the simple way of just creating pre-crop digital sticker sheets on goodnotes they are very easy and simple to create and with this template you can use it over and over for your digital stickers you'll just import the same template that you created add your stickers to it and then export it as a good notes file for either yourself or others to use so now let's take a look at some of my past digital sticker sheets that I created so you can get an idea of how you can approach your design of the sticker sheet since that's really what it comes down to in creating these sticker sheets and then of course making sure you're exporting as the correct file type So currently my digital sticker sheets look like this as you can see I've added a bit more information for the digital sticker sheets just because I found that it's a lot easier to add the instructions directly on the digital sticker sheet so if at any point if someone has a question about how to use the digital stickers instead of navigating to a separate file with those instructions I found it helpful lately to include that here on the side so of course I still have my logo and my tagline but I also include instructions here that people can reference when they're using these digital sticker sheets and I also included a link to my help library on here is a look at my past sticker sheets again very simple I have my logo I have this border then I have this down here at the bottom with my website and all things like that this one I created hyperlinked so these are the planning widgets that I offer in the shop so I have it created to where people can click the color that they want to navigate to within this file found that really easy to manage with stickers that are offered in different colors or there's just a lot of kind of the same type of sticker so I have it to where they can tap to the specific colorway to get to that page so that's another example here's one of my past sticker sheets as well again very simple I just went with my logo here and the website and my email and this was again before some of the rebranding of K digital Studio I actually went with a colored background for this as well I do recommend sticking with white or dark just so it's easier to see the colors or if there's colors that are kind of similar to your background the blend in but this is another way that you can create and design digital sticker sheets and you'll notice that this sticker sheet and the last one I did in portrait whereas my current ones are landscape again that will all come down to personal preference on how you want your digital sticker sheets to look here's another example of digital stickers that I created for this one I went with a purple background and that is because the stickers themselves are white and so again I have my logo here I have a little design and I did add a button to submit a ticket if they needed help here is another digital sticker template design that I created again my logo so for this one I added the name of the digital sticker set itself as well as a few instructions for how to use the digital stickers with this sticker sheet however I would have to go into keynote every time to change the labeling of the sticker sheet itself so while this is really nice and helps the users know what sticker set this is I do recommend keeping it very simple by having a logo and a help button and stuff and not getting super specific with what the stickers are just so you can reuse the same template over and over again and save yourself a little bit of time and then here is one of the first sticker sheet templates that I created for good notes again you can see I went very simple I have the portrait style for the sticker sheet I have my old logo and I also have the social icons here that I showed in the tutorial and these will link out to things like my shop or my Instagram or my Facebook and things like that so hopefully that gave you some ideas of different ways that you can actually design these sticker sheets add your stickers to them and then share them or just make it easier for you to organize your own digital Sticker Collection in these sticker Sheets if you find that you prefer using pre-cropped sticker sheets I do already have multiple tutorials on creating different digital stickers on the iPad so if you're interested in learning more about creating digital stickers themselves I'll have those videos Linked In the description below for you if you enjoyed this tutorial please be sure to click the thumbs up button to let others know and if you haven't yet and would like to see more videos like this one also hit that subscribe button and the notification Bells so you'll never miss a future upload from me I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: KDigitalStudio
Views: 32,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digital stickers, digital planning, digital planner stickers, how to make precropped digital stickers, how to make pre crop digital stickers, goodnotes digital stickers, how to make pre crop digital stickers for goodnotes in canva, how o make pre crop digital stickers in canva, how to make pre crop digital stickers for goodnotes, how to make digital stickers, how to make digital stickers for goodnotes, goodnotes, goodnotes planner, ipad, ipad planner, kdigitalstudio, ipad stickers
Id: UeiOW50pKjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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